Opinion poll and by-election developments:
• Roy Morgan has published another of its SMS polls from Victoria, which records little change on state voting intention from a fortnight ago: Labor leads 51.5-48.5 on two-party preferred, as they did last time, from primary votes of Labor 40% (up one), Coalition 36% (down one) and Greens 9% (down one). Daniel Andrews records a 59-41 approval/disapproval split, in from 61-39 last time. However, support for existing lockdown measures is fast dissipating: there is now a 73-27 split in favour of allowing visits to immediate family members (out from 59-41 last time and 55-45 three weeks previously); 62-38 in favour of allowing table service (56-44 in favour last time and 63-37 against the time before); and 72-28 in favour of relaxing the five kilometre rule (61-39 in favour last time, 50-50 the time before). The poll was conducted Monday and Tuesday from a sample of 899 for voting intention and 1163 for the lockdown questions.
• The Australian had results from a further question on the weekend’s Newspoll yesterday, which found 54% were more concerned about moving too quickly to relax lockdowns and restrictions, down two from mid-September, and 43% were more concerned about moving too slowly at the expense of the economy, jobs and mental wellbeing (up four).
• The date for the Groom by-election has been set at November 28.
No one takes Trump, Giuliani or Bannon, seriously any more.
I mean, what are they accusing Hunter Biden of? Arranging a meeting with his father with a business contact in the Ukraine-which Biden Sr. can prove never happened. Plus, Joe Biden as VP aiming to get a corrupt Ukrainian Public Prosecutor sacked. Which happened because the Ukrainian WAS corrupt and for no other reason.
And they expect the American electorate to think THAT is the greater crime, compared with all the self-dealing of the Trumps, from Donald Sr. on down through the family and their associates, accumulated over the last 4 years!?!
Yeah right.
Another important poll:
“ Live: National Cabinet postponed due to ‘technical problems’ with the PM’s plane in Cairns (ABC)”
Gee that is bad luck! Not a single high speed fibre internet connection in the whole of north Qld? Also the commander of the RAAF base at Townsville, only a half hour flight away, should be sacked for not getting alternative transport there when required.
Albanese should raise this in parliament next week and demand that a fibre internet connection be provided to north Qld immediately.
Have you also looked at the US Senate forecasts and polls? 538 now has the democrats at >70% to gain a majority in the Senate as well as 86% for Potus.
Despite his lies to the contrary (which only prove that he does look at polls) Trump is obsessed with his popularity and surely knows he is sinking, and taking 3-4 Republican Senators with him.
This site has an interactive map you can play with. On current states with >80% chance for Biden, he has 290 EC votes sewn up.
Link to the CHO letter here:
Sarah Elks
EXCLUSIVE: Clive Palmer’s massive spending on Qld election is in question after it emerged the billionaire is trying to get two huge property developments approved on the Gold Coast. Property developer donations are illegal in QLD #qldpol @australian
Oakeshott Countrysays:
Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 6:07 pm
The thing is journalism isn’t brain surgery.
The path to brain surgery is straight forward and takes 15 years after the HSC – then you get on a public register
Give someone a typewriter or a microphone and they can call themselves a journalist
There is a reason for this – brain surgery requires a very specific set of skills, in Australia being a journalist requires talking to people and then putting your, or more likely you boss’ spin on it.
I see where your coming from OK, but as a retired journalist I have to take issue with one of your implications.
Journalism is a skill, not just writing down or saying whatever comes into your head. For that reason, I would not call Alan Jones or Andrew Bolt and some others journalists either. They’re just opinionated talking heads with a bit of polish.
It took me years, even after collecting my degree, to become a good journalist. A journalist has to not only have a grasp of the English language, a journalist must write or speak in such a manner as to draw the public’s attention and then explain the article in sharp, easy-to-read sentences which details the who, what, where, how and why, in logical sequence.
It’s not as complicated as brain surgery, but such skills are not as easy to acquire as some think, even for some brain surgeons.
Sir Henry Parkes…good points..it is important to never underestimate other peoples skills in life. People who are good at their craft make it look easy.
My partner was Managing Editor of BRW…and a commentator at the AFR for 30 years, and he makes good journalism look like a piece of cake. I have a journalism and Masters degree, worked at the Bulletin, but couldnt hack it- it is a hard job.
He (Julian Gerner) does have friends, at least of the paid variety: he hosted them at a Chalet in Aspen, and several of them then returned to Australia carrying the virus with them…
meher baba @ #793 Thursday, October 15th, 2020 – 11:59 am
IF this is proof that a decision had already been made, what happened to the police?
E. G. Theodore:
The organiser of the Aspen Chalet Superspreader Event was in fact one Andrew Abercrombie, an associate of Mr Gerner, rather than Mr Gerner himself.
It is thus unclear whether Mr Gerner has friends.
Busy times. Elections in NZ, ACT, QLD, USA, and of course the Groom thing. Too much!
Good headline
Zerlo @ #1006 Thursday, October 15th, 2020 – 10:20 pm
YES! Got him by the short and curlies! This is how you kill Queensland Cane Toads of the Clivus Palmeris variety! 😀
Good morning Dawn Patrollers
David Crowe describes Morrison’s corruption watchdog as “tamed, toothless and lying doggo”. He says that only the shonks and crooks who thrive in the dark corners of politics will thank Morrison for the lousy proposal Porter is working on.
Euan Black writes that Greg Combet, who says “the Morrison government has left the stage of national leadership”, treads a fine line when assessing the Morrison government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Alexandra Smith and Lucy Cormack provide coverage of yesterday’s often private ICAC hearing. It didn’t help Gladys much.
Former NSW DPP, Nicholas Cowdery, soberly explains why he says that Berejiklian should stand aside while this cloud is hanging over her. He concludes by writing, “While the present proceedings may not encourage federal parliamentarians to move forward more speedily with a federal ICAC, they are certainly encouraging the electors to push for one.”
Aaron Patrick writes that ICAC is moving closer to exposing how much the NSW Premier knew.
Michelle Grattan says Gladys Berejiklian has governed well but failed an ethical test.
Phil Coorey says if people are unwilling to acknowledge error on their own side, politics collapses because there are no agreed norms.
Zoe Samios extensively examines the amount of reach and influence the Murdoch media have in Australia.
Young, healthy people should be prepared to wait more than a year to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, the World Health Organisation’s chief scientist has said.
Nick Bonyhady tells us that the national wages watchdog recovered more than $123 million for 25,583 workers last financial year, more than three times its total for the previous period.
The Australian reveals that Clive Palmer’s massive spending on the October 31 Queensland election is in question after it emerged the billionaire is trying to get two huge property developments approved on the Gold Coast.
Samantha Dick reports that Victorian contact tracers could be forced to pull mobile phone GPS data to zero-in on the movements of known coronavirus cases – the job the COVIDSafe app was supposed to do.
Dana McCauley writes that Greg Hunt has promised to fix the crisis facing regional hospitals after a woman bled to death at a regional NSW hospital without a doctor on site, as experts call for significant additional funding to boost the rural health workforce.
Lockdown has been an essential crisis intervention, but policies that actually respond to the “stubborn tail” and its specific causes are now key, explains surgeon, Dr Neela Janakiramanan.
The Age tells us that Victoria’s Department of Health has been asked to supply fresh documents to the hotel quarantine inquiry relating to questions over the accuracy of testimony provided by Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton.
Law professor, Simon Rice, who was arrested this week at a university protest, point out the current disproportionality of NSW law enforcement.
When the Coalition quietly changed the regulations to enable access to millions of unlisted mobile phone numbers for ‘political research’, the Liberal Party’s pollster Crosby Textor was quick out of the blocks with an application to access the database, writes Jommy Tee. Now, the lobby group closest to Scott Morrison has access to 27 million phone numbers heading into the next Federal election.
Kevin Rudd’s petition calling for a royal commission into Australia’s Murdoch media concentration and its effects on democracy has captured public sentiment. Michelle Pini and David Donovan discuss this development.
According to Dominic Powell, the parent company of hardware chain Bunnings has said it will carefully assess if it will participate in the government’s $4 billion JobMaker scheme. Yesterday we heard that Woolworths ruled itself out of the scheme, saying that it would not be right, given its record sales during the pandemic.
The International Monetary Fund this week delivered a somewhat surprising message. It warned Earth was on course for “potentially catastrophic” damage under climate change and called for green investment and carbon prices to put the global economy on a stronger, more sustainable footing. John Hawkins wonders if Scott Morrison is listening.
Anthony Galloway reports that the French company building Australia’s new $90 billion submarine fleet has committed to manufacturing a number of key parts locally, which it says will support hundreds of jobs. Based on what has previously transpired, this should come back to about half of the $0.9b locally sourced proportion IMHO.
Defence has underspent almost $6.7 billion on new weapons, vehicles, equipment and bases for servicemen and women since 2016, despite the Coalition government’s boasts about growing the local industry and providing budget certainty for the military.
John Warhurst opines that the born-again states’ house Senate has its dangers, and introduces an unpredictably random character to the passage of national legislation, but despite this, it is still better than party-dominated legislation.
The AFR says that Jayne Hrdlicka’s appointment to the top job at Virgin Australia has raised doubts about its future, with unions concerned it means the relaunched airline will become a low-cost carrier as chief executive Paul Scurrah exits.
Countries like Australia, whose economy is tightly coupled to fossil fuels should anticipate economic shocks ahead unless we move swiftly to diversify our economy, writes Cheryl Durrant. She is not impressed with Morrison’s Australia, and Trump’s America who have three-word slogans and a lot of misplaced optimism.
Australia’s domestic spy agency is reviewing the language it uses to refer to terrorism after some conservative government senators argued its warnings about the increasing threat posed by the “extreme right wing” caused “unnecessary anxiety”.
The announcement that the Chinese Government has ordered a number of State-owned enterprises to stop buying Australian coal should not have come as a surprise to anyone, says John Quiggin.
Eryk Bagshaw writes that Germany is watching Australia’s deteriorating relationship with China with “great concern”, warning that Beijing is seen as a threat in part of the Indo-Pacific as the superpower becomes more assertive.
Isabelle Lane writes that Woolworths plans to spend more than half a billion dollars on a food services company, but competitors fear the move will lead to reduced choice for consumers and put “thousands” of jobs at risk.
Anthony Galloway reports that ASIO has foiled a plot by foreign intelligence operatives to recruit senior government staffers to provide classified information about Australia’s counterespionage activities.
From less-dire global forecasts and earnings from banking giants, the corner appears to have been turned on a disastrous period of economic history. But the skid marks won’t easily be scrubbed away, says Bloomberg’s Daniel Moss.
The SMH editorial says that Jacinda Ardern’s leadership makes her deserving of another term.
Fears are rising that Europe is running out of time to control a resurgence of the coronavirus, as infections hit record daily highs in Germany, the Czech Republic, Italy and Poland.
As Congress remains deadlocked on a new coronavirus economic stimulus package, two new studies show at least 6 million more people in the US are in poverty due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Guardian tells us that the agriculture secretary is the latest of 14 political appointees to be cited by the government watchdog for violating the Hatch Act
The US electoral system is not a pretty sight and Australia should take heed warns Philip Citowicki, former Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop and a former political aide to Australia’s high commissioner to the United Kingdom.
Three Jewish congregations, based in Rockland County, are suing New York state and Governor Andrew Cuomo, saying he engaged in a “streak of anti-Semitic discrimination” with a recent crackdown on religious gatherings to reduce the state’s coronavirus infection rate.
The outcome of the upcoming U.S. Presidential Election rests largely on female voters standing up for their rights and a more equal future, writes Claire McMullen.
Francine Prose writes that Trump’s macho bravado is an embarrassment, yet it puts us all in danger.
Twitter temporarily restricted Trump’s election campaign account from tweeting yesterday saying a video from the account about Joe Biden’s son violated its rules.
Cartoon Corner
David Rowe

David Pope
Mark David
Jim Pavlidis
John Shakespeare
Matt Golding
John Spooner
Mark Knight
Alan Moir
Simon Letch
From the US
Cripes, Strewth and By Jingo BK you’ve been up and about since 4 A.M. I guess producting the always welcome Dawn Patrol.
Please don very dark glasses for the following ….which quite rightly comes under the heading “Amazing stories” courtesy of “The Daily Telegraph”.
I think Morrison lives by the maxim that if you make a lie big enough…
Morning all
Much thanks BK
ICAC continues today. Imagine the awkwardness of national cabinet meeting taking place, whilst GladysB is being further exposed at ICAC.
He knows the jig is up for Gladys
Once again Scotty has made the wrong call, backing Gladys before enough evidence had appeared. Now he’s trying to avoid the embarrassment of a National meeting. The man’s a coward.
Australian cotton the latest casualty in trade tensions with China
Australians on cashless welfare card express ‘hopelessness’ after Coalition’s plan to cement scheme
Welfare recipients on the cashless debit card say they feel a sense of “hopelessness” after the federal government announced plans to make the scheme permanent across four trial sites.
The decision in this month’s federal budget comes as the most recent figures show a provision to allow cardholders to exit the scheme has only approved one in four applications.
It means most of the 12,000 welfare recipients living in Ceduna, South Australia, the East Kimberley and the Goldfields areas of Western Australia, and Hervey Bay and Bundaberg in Queensland are likely to be stuck on the card until they move off benefits.
Absolutely disgraceful. Scamming vulnerable people and belittling them with this Indue card was wrong before COVID and it’s even worse now. Just another Coalition con to line their own pockets at the expense of people who are doing it tough.
A coward and an imposter
I don’t watch channel 7; But based on what I am seeing on social media, it is exponentially worse than anything channel nine dishes out on a daily basis.
lizzie @ #1022 Friday, October 16th, 2020 – 8:11 am
Drawing a very very long bow there.
Scrooter’s got more front than Myer.
Scrooter fears nothing and no one.
Not even Anthony ‘The Mauler’ Albanese.
lizzie @ #1019 Friday, October 16th, 2020 – 8:01 am
The punters will take it and ask for more?
Victoria @ #1021 Friday, October 16th, 2020 – 8:05 am
I suspect that is not just Berijiklian’s stench that Scummo from Marketing is avoiding this week – Dan Andrew’s is reasonably sick of Abbott’s Nanny chewing his ankle – and is quite capable of returning fire (particularly on the inconvenient fact that it was senior Vic Police who refused to do hotel quarantine security in that missing 6 minutes). Scummo can’t relay on “gold standards” to avoid scrutiny any more. The Murdorc’s are running out of time and money, and the inevitable result of Nov 3 ain’t gonna save ’em.
Such beautiful writing from Francine Prose in The Guardian about the subject of bombastic leaders like Donald Trump (and our own Scott Morrison, I might add):
It’s why I’m also not surprised at why Australian males like mundo are so enamoured of gross grunts like Scott Morrison.
Social media is starting (finally!) to wise up to the spread of fake news.
Michael Rowland is definitely going over to the dark side, and Phil Coory can’t stand criticism.
That reminds me of this recent article.
Coronavirus Victoria: 2 new cases, no deaths,
14-day average falls
Melbourne’s all-important 14-day average has fallen for the second straight day as the state recorded only two new cases and no deaths overnight.
Victoria has recorded only two new coronavirus cases and no deaths, as the city’s all important 14-day average fell for the second straight day.
But mystery cases in Melbourne have risen by two to 17 since Thursday, while the 14-day average has fallen slightly from 8.9 to 8.7.
It comes after six new cases and no deaths were recorded on Thursday.
Health authorities say the 14-day average must be about five for the state government to consider easing restrictions on October 19.
But Premier Daniel Andrews said only the restrictions that were safe to ease would be eased over the weekend.
Only 2 cases. Fantastic. But Brett Sutton has been saying that the mystery cases are a better indication of potential spread.
My express wish is for Morrison and co to be fully exposed as the charlatans they are.
They together with the msm have given us Melburnians in particular, the absolute shits.
Their conduct has been worse to take than the lockdown itself.
Yes the mystery cases are the main issue.
Im thinking hairdressers and nail salons may be able to open next week
lizzie says:
Friday, October 16, 2020 at 8:29 am
9News Australia
Prime Minister Scott Morrison is unable to hold a planned National Cabinet meeting from Cairns because he can’t access a secure internet link. #9News
Chris Coleman
Replying to
Any of your journalists asked why he can’t use the Naval base in Cairns? Or does the navy rely on messages in bottles from up there?
Where did all the millions of dollars in funding go ,which Morrison and cronies claim was spent on cyber security ?
mundo @ #1028 Friday, October 16th, 2020 – 8:19 am
See what I mean? Straight out of the Alpha Male Bootlickers Handbook.
1. Find a comment by a woman about the Macho Man’s government that he doesn’t like because it correctly pinpoints a fault of the manly man he dotes on.
2. Ritually attack the comment and pay sycophantic fealty to the Macho Man leader by fighting his battles for him.
3. Opine, more in sorrow than in anger, about how he wishes the leader of the Pussy Party, ie the party whose leader isn’t butch enough for his liking, should be more like his Bromance Bae.
Thank goodness no one takes any notice of this claptrap. There’s enough airborne testosterone in the political air as it is!
I will never ever understand the appeal of Trump. The only thing that works for me is that so many people must hate themselves so much, and find some warped solace supporting a despicable excuse for a human being.
… or Army in Townsville?
Find the nearest Telstra exchange?
May be he didn’t like the hotel’s lighting,
Plenty of privately owned yachts with sat comms.
Maybe $houty is looking for missing coral.
A PRC sub has taken him?
Victoria @ #1043 Friday, October 16th, 2020 – 8:43 am
It’s mainly White, Non College-Educated men and their wives who are turned on by bragadocious men.
As I said. Self loathing works for me. What else explains it.
Victoria @ #1040 Friday, October 16th, 2020 – 8:38 am
Hairdressers and Nail Salons in NSW have been open for a while and we haven’t had any outbreaks originating from them. They use masks and hand sanitiser and shop patron limits.
Just had a look at Miranda Devine’s twitter account and noticed she has retweeted Glenn Greenwald. The humanity!
I wonder how she feels that she has fallen victim to Russian disinformation being laundered through Murdoch media and badged with her name.
Victoria @ #1046 Friday, October 16th, 2020 – 8:48 am
Anyone who has observed domestic violence from near or afar knows the answer to the attraction of the bragadocious bully, to women AND men.