Federal election minus two months

No new federal poll, but preselection latest from Curtin, Moncrieff and Sturt in the House, and the Northern Territory in the Senate.

In an off week in the fortnightly cycle of Newspoll and Essential Research, and no Ipsos poll overnight in Nine Newspapers, it looks like poll junkies will have to make do with New South Wales this week. We do have a poll of Senate voting intention from The Australia Institute, encompassing by Dynata from 2019 voters through February and March, which has Labor on 33%, the Coalition on 28%, the Greens on 12% and One Nation on 8%, from which a post-election outcome is projected of 30 to 32 seats for the Coalition, 28 to 29 seats for Labor, eight to nine seats for the Greens, four to five seats for the One Nation, two to three for the Centre Alliance, one for Australian Conservatives, and possibly one for Derryn Hinch, Jacqui Lambie or Tasmanian independent Craig Garland. The poll was the subject of a paywalled report in the Financial Review, and a full report featuring detailed breakdowns will shortly be available on The Australia Institute’s website.

Other than that, some recent preselection developments to relate:

• Last week’s Liberal preselection to choose a successor to Julie Bishop in Curtin was won by Celia Hammond, former University of Notre Dame vice-chancellor, who secured victory in the first round with 51 votes out of 82. The only other competitive contender was Anna Dartnell, an executive for resources company Aurizon, who received 28 votes. Erin Watson-Lynn, who was said to have been favoured by Bishop, received only one vote, after receiving substantial unhelpful publicity for past social media comments critical of the Liberal Party. It has been widely suggested that Hammond’s socially conservative views make her an ill fit for the electorate, which recorded a 72% yes vote in the same-sex marriage referendum – hoping to take advantage of the situation is Louise Stewart, who established a chain of health care clinics, and identifies as a moderate and “independent Liberal”.

Andrew Potts of the Gold Coast Bulletin reports eight candidates have nominated for the preselection to succeed Steve Ciobo as the Liberal National Party candidate in Moncrieff, which is expected to be held in a few weeks. Gold Coast councillor Cameron Caldwell is reckoned to be the frontrunner, with other candidates including Karly Abbott, a staffer to Ciobo, and Fran Ward, a “local businesswoman”.

• Labor has preselected Cressida O’Hanlon, a family dispute resolution practitioner, as its candidate for the Adelaide seat of Sturt, which will be vacated with the retirement of Christopher Pyne. The Liberal preselection will be held on Saturday – the presumed front-runner, James Stevens, is backed by Pyne and other factional moderates, and faces opposition from two conservatives, Joanna Andrew and Deepa Mathew.

• The Country Liberal Party in the Northern Territory has preselected Sam McMahon, a Katherine-based veterinarian, out of a field of 12 to succeed the retiring Nigel Scullion as its Senate candidate.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

2,745 comments on “Federal election minus two months”

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  1. “What is your view about the Greens Plan to shut all of Australia’s airports because they are facilities that could enable the deployment of nuclear weapons?”
    It is amazing how many here make outlandish statements with providing evidence.

  2. Boerwar @ #88 Monday, March 18th, 2019 – 6:56 am

    What is your view about the Greens Plan to shut all of Australia’s airports because they are facilities that could enable the deployment of nuclear weapons?

    You need help pal.

    As if the military industrial complex is going to use airports to launch a nuclear attack. They have their own air strips. Likewise any nukes they need to bring in to the country will not go through customs. They’ll be delivered directly to the base, bypassing all air- and sea-ports. They won’t use rail either. Just straight to the base by air.

    While we’re at it they won’t use the NBN either. The thought that the military industrial complex signs up with an ISP and uses public infrastructure for all their top secret internet communications is the dumbest thing ever posted on this site.

    You truly need help.

  3. If we talk about people “normalising” hate speech it isn’t only politicians. I could not help thinking there has been a deafening silence from those two bastions of right wing, sometimes racist thought, the IPA (Instigators of Public Anger) and the CIS (Centre for an Intolerant Society).

    Remember some gems like these they produced:

    These guys have a lot to answer for. Behind the phony intellectualism is a justification for bigotry.

  4. John Reidy, I heard Dutton this morning describing the Green Senator (who is a Muslim) as extreme left who is as bad as Anning.

    It seems the new term for bogeyman is ‘extreme leftie’.

    It has a nice ring to it and I think I might start calling myself that.

  5. poroti@9:22am
    ‘Rush Limbaugh . Another hate monger. And people who follow him will believe what he said.
    So what he says is that Lefties are for open borders but at the same time they disguise themselves as ‘right wing extremist’ and go and kill people in places of worship to give bad name to right wingers.
    Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria anyone?

  6. @Quoll 9:50am

    You really are in danger of infarcting over the looming implosion of your vanity project. Think of your health. Go fishing. Or paint a landscape with a tree in it. Don’t worry so much about Australian politics. Labor has got this.

  7. Sohar and Dan
    Policy statements demand absolute clarity of language.
    In this case, the key Greens policy term is ‘all’.
    The Greens policy is quite clear: Close all facilities that enable the deployment of nuclear weapons.
    It does not say ‘some’ facilities.
    It does not say ‘most’ facilities.
    It says ‘all’ facilities.

    You have agreed that airports are facilities that enable the deployment of nuclear weapons. So we are making good progress in deconstructing this particular Greens policy.
    You both agree that the Greens policy is to close all airports. That is more good progress.

    But you seem to be unable to cope with the consequences of this particular Greens policy: that there is not going to be an Australian economy by the time the Greens close all facilities that enable the deployment of nuclear weapons. Insane!

    This leaves the serious questions:
    1. Why to the Greens have such insane policy statements?
    2. Why do Greens supporters blindly support such insane policy statements?
    3. Why would anyone take any Greens policy criticisms of Labor seriously when the Greens themselves have insane policy statements?

  8. SBS news:

    “’I give you my solemn pledge in blood on that one’: Michael Daley vows not to water down NSW gun laws after John Howard election ad”

  9. What is your view about the Greens Plan to shut all of Australia’s supermarkets because they are facilities that could enable the deployment of nuclear weapons? (those nuclear scientists shop don’t they?)

    Looooo-ney, loooney, loooo-ney………

    they’re coming to take me away

  10. Kon_Karapanagiotidis:

    Asylum seekers are

    – rapists
    – terrorists
    – pedophiles
    – illegals
    – who will take your public housing
    – kick you off emergency medical care in our hospitals
    – get citizenship through the backdoor

    This was the language of current political leaders in Australia just this past Feb

  11. It is so reassuring to know that once Morrison has backed a censure motion against Fraser Anning that all will be right with the world and he will have ‘done his bit’ against anti-muslim sentiment and terrorism.

  12. I am certain that this terrorist will plead not guilty in court. His defence will be that he is a soldier in a global war against Islam, and as such he cannot be convicted of murder.

  13. Kakuru says: Monday, March 18, 2019 at 10:17 am

    Is it okay to egg a Nazi?

    I say Yes.


    I think of Robert Kennedy , Gabby Giffords ………. and even back in history Abe Lincoln, JFK ……in Australia John Newman, Donald McKay ….. and less affected Arthur Calwell ……. politicians whose remarks or stances bring out the worst in some people ….. personally I don’t condone the egging, which could have been a knife in the back etc ….

  14. From the Nine news stable:

    “Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has urged voters to dump independent senator Fraser Anning who has been branded a disgrace for blaming the Christchurch mosque massacre on Muslim immigration.”


    That’s because Dutton wants his Senate seat – and he and Anning are competing for the votes of the same scum.

  15. Boerwar
    Monday, March 18, 2019 at 9:44 am
    I saw the egg footage this morning.
    The egg was still in the boy’s hand when he hit Anning.
    It was straight out political violence.
    That is a king hit from behind coward punch.
    If an egging is a king hit. A pie in the face must be attempted murder.

  16. Sub geometer, ‘That is such ridiculous hyperbole, does Anning actually have a bruise, except on his knuckles?’

    I think you had better look up the definition of what constitutes an assault.

    You don’t have to leave a bruise.


    The National Omelette Association has condemned calls for the abolition of the right to break eggs. “This is just a knee jerk reaction from the usual suspects following an isolated incident. Remember that eggs don’t make people feel wet and slimy – people make people feel wet and slimy.”

  18. PhoenixRed
    “personally I don’t condone the egging, which could have been a knife in the back etc ….”

    It wasn’t a knife, and it wasn’t aimed at a Kennedy. It was an egg, and it targeted a Nazi. I really don’t see the problem.

  19. One Nation leader Pauline Hanson will not support a censure motion against her former colleague Fraser Anning.

  20. Boerwar @ #99 Monday, March 18th, 2019 – 9:04 am

    The reason the hand was ‘open’ was because it was holding a weapon.

    An egg is not a weapon. At least not in the sense of being potentially lethal, dangerous, or even mildly effective at causing harm.

    I’d agree with you that it’s fair for everyone involved to face charges. The rest of the stuff about weapons and king-hits and so on is over-the-top imo.

    It was an assault. It did not involve a weapon or any likely prospect of inflicting any actual harm (aside from the intended embarrassment). Contrast that to Anning’s response, which was also an assault and which did involve weapons (clenched fists) capable of inflicting actual injuries.

  21. I think Anning delivered 2 open hand slaps. Which is probably reasonable as knee-jerk self defence measure. The people who should be charged are the thugs who physically restrained the boy and put him in a choke hold. They should have asked him to leave, maybe escorted him out, but they decided to use powers of detention they did not have. And the choke hold is a serious and illegal assault.

  22. PeeBee

    John Reidy, I heard Dutton this morning describing the Green Senator (who is a Muslim) as extreme left who is as bad as Anning.
    It seems the new term for bogeyman is ‘extreme leftie’.

    Mr Kartoffelkopfbesitzer has been watching Fox News. Lately 50% of their content consists of their talking heads saying “extreme left wing’ and “Democrat” . Turns out universal health care is an ‘extreme left wing’ idea. So it is Venezuela here we come for Australia according to the gospel of Fox 😆

  23. nath
    “Which is probably reasonable as knee-jerk self defence measure.”
    If you look at the footage taken from behind the egging Annings attack was premeditated.. it wasn’t an instant reaction he moved in the boys direction..

    Anning & his goons should be charged.

  24. Charge Eggboy with assault, sure, that’s justified, but it was not a murderous attack, an attempted ‘knife in the back’. How calling for his head helps restore civility in politics I don’t know

  25. Someone with resources should follow up on the identity & ties of Anning goons to see if they have right wing extremist form

  26. ABC Breakfast TV was beginning to pivot to the politics this morning. They had an expert talking about the loose language of Australian politics. Rowland was very keen to make it clear the problem is on “all sides” of politics.

    Maybe he wanted to keep his twitter feed from going RW nuts, but seriously?

    “Medevac will bring Paedophiles!”, “African gangs!” These are songs the Coalition have been whistling as recently as a week ago. It’s not just Anning. And let’s not forget the “mistake” when the government voted with Hanson on “It’s OK to be white.”

    The motion was opposed by the opposition Labor and Greens parties, and crossbench senators Derryn Hinch, Tim Storer, Stirling Griff and Rex Patrick

    The outgoing race discrimination commissioner Tim Soutphommasane has accused the Coalition of helping revive race politics as the party fears losing votes on its conservative flank to One Nation.
    In a speech in August he cited the home affairs minister Peter Dutton’s calls for “special attention” for white South African farmers, former citizenship minister Alan Tudge’s claim that Australia is veering towards a “European separatist multicultural model”, Dutton’s suggestion Melburnians are afraid to go out to dinner due to African youth crime, and Turnbull’s claim there is “real concern about Sudanese gangs” in Melbourne.

  27. Good Morning

    Watch the video. Before the fellow thugs got to Anning the response to the egg assault was disproportionate.

    Two hits to the head with force. Attempted kicking.

    So obvious Morrison commented that Anning should feel the full force of the law.

    I hope that clears that up and we stop seeing this stupid both sides are the same nonsense and leave that up to the likes of Trump

  28. Kakuru says: Monday, March 18, 2019 at 10:36 am

    “personally I don’t condone the egging, which could have been a knife in the back etc ….”

    It wasn’t a knife, and it wasn’t aimed at a Kennedy. It was an egg, and it targeted a Nazi. I really don’t see the problem.


    So Joe Blow says – He’s a Nazi so its OK …….. He’s a Muslim so its OK …… He’s a white supremacist so its OK …..He’s a Lefty so its ok …… He’s a Republican so its ok …..

    For 90% of the population it has no effect …… its the 10% who thinks its ok to target those that they hate/blame for their disinfrangment ……

  29. guytaur

    Anning will just say that with the heightened security fears he was in extreme fear of his personal safety. Once egg boy made his move egg boy opened himself up to all sorts of consequences, deserved and otherwise.

  30. Sceptic

    In the same way that the police often photograph and identify lots of people at gangster funerals in Victoria, I wonder whether this should also be done at these Neo-Nazi events, such as the anti-mosque building protests in Bendigo. It may provide a “window” into potential future threats and leads for our intelligence services to follow up.

  31. @Tony_Burke tweets

    Dutton says he has no regrets about describing immigration decisions by the Fraser Govt as a mistake based on people’s faith. Simple message: stop feeding hatred. Stop. Just stop. You know exactly what you are doing.
    #auspol #abcbreakfast @frankelly08 @RNBreakfast

  32. Is throwing one egg at an Australian politician a bigger or more important story than the murder of 50 New Zealanders by an Australian terrorist with a five assault rifles?

    Apparently, on PB it is. Weird.

  33. Anning doubles down – arsehole of the year.

    Lots and lots’ of people support me: Fraser Anning
    By Stuart Layt
    The senator said he was not worried about a parliamentary censure motion due to be brought against him when parliament sits again.

    “I understand Scott Morrison is going to give me a flogging with a limp doily,” he said.

    Senator Anning said ‘lots and lots” of people had told him they support his stance, but he was unable to give any numbers.

    “I don’t regret anything I do, I just stated some facts,” he said.


  34. PhoenixRed
    “So Joe Blow says – He’s a Nazi so its OK …….. He’s a Muslim so its OK …… He’s a white supremacist so its OK …..He’s a Lefty so its ok …… He’s a Republican so its ok ….. ”

    Nazis are a special case. I mean… seriously.

  35. Also one of the thugs present at the neo nazi presser Anning was making was the guy who vandalised Eurodyce Dixon’s memorial/headstone. The female comedian murdered in the park.

  36. Rocket Rocket
    Monday, March 18, 2019 at 10:58 am
    In the same way that the police often photograph and identify lots of people at gangster funerals in Victoria,
    The smart crooks know that. Don’t worry about those in leather jackets. Worry about the guy wearing glasses in a plain jacket: Introducing Graham Potter.

    Australia’s most wanted fugitive Graham Potter – the ‘head and fingers killer’ – is a master of disguise who uses his plain looks to blend into his surroundings

  37. Rocket

    I commented yesterday that my son has observed that at a few rallies he has attend the video cameras seem more focused on the ‘left’ than the ‘right.’

  38. poroti
    “Compromise , you can egg nazis but you must use Elephant Bird eggs.”

    Sadly, elephant birds are extinct. Nazis are not.

  39. Poroti, ‘owner licence and do we need to buy a secure storage safe/cabinet ?’

    As for secure storage safe/cabinet: Fridge will do.

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