BludgerTrack: 52.1-47.9 to Labor

Two new polls this week have made no difference to Labor’s modest lead in the BludgerTrack poll aggregate.

The arrival of the fortnightly Newspoll this week, together with the usual Essential Research, makes for two new additions to the poll aggregate, but they have had next to no impact on voting intention, outside of a modest bump for the Greens, and none at all on the seat projection. Both polls provided new leadership ratings, which took some of the edge off the net approval for both leaders, and slightly widened Malcolm Turnbull’s lead on preferred prime minister.


Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,330 comments on “BludgerTrack: 52.1-47.9 to Labor”

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  1. elaugaufein @ #1066 Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 3:16 am

    Having watched Q&A now (regarding the hipster looking guys):
    If you can’t tell Liberal from Greens from those questions and the way they were asked then I’d suggest you double check you’re members of the ALP and not PHON because your ability to identify political parties and their position is seriously lacking.
    I get that you loathe the Greens because you feel the ALP has divine right to that 10% of the vote but at least do your self-justification for you visceral loathing with something real (hell I’ll take the divine right to 10% of the vote argument (which is wrong but at least based on historical vote share) over a likely feigned inability to distinguish Greens from Liberals).

    Hahahaha … Come in spinner…
    Greens are always being accused of chasing the hipster vote. So I had a bit of fun with it. Thanks for your participation. 😀

  2. The support for One Nation at about 5-6% is pretty consistent with ON Senate vote plus add in the anti-islam Liberty Alliance and a couple of other minor groups. No real change despite the publicity. So for everyone who has enjoyed seeing ON in the media and registered support there seems to be another who has seen through their nonsense and deserted.

  3. markjs @ #1071 Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 5:53 am

    On the NBN Co website..
    “In December 2010 nbn released its first Corporate Plan which outlined its long-term business case and set rollout targets for the period from June 2011 to June 2013.”

    But Henry did have a point that there had to be something before the Govt got it started. And I am sure there was. Cabinet would not sign off on spending tens of billions without solid documentation of some sort. Call it a Business Case as Henry prefers or something else.
    Henry wants us to believe that Sen. Conroy, on his on volition, just went on a frolic to spend tens of billions with no solid case.
    I am not particularly a fan of Sen. Conroy, but such a suggestion is just nonsense.

  4. ‘I would never say something like that and yet I get castigated all the time for alleged sexism by people in faux outrage.’

    Yeah, we all know by now that it’s all about you, you poor little petal.

  5. Good Morning

    I expect Turnbull to oppose loosening gun laws to let the Adler in.

    Not because he has a spine. Due to the fact that the Senator in question is playing silly buggers because he is cranky with LNP behaviour in the past. He is just using it as a wedge to cause discord in the Liberal National Party Coalition as the city types want gun control but some Nationals don’t.

    Just the way the LeyohnJholm talked in the interview its clear its not a proposal he expects agreement on. Its actually bad news for the LNP as the Senator is indicating he is going to vote against the ABCC.

  6. In a nutshell

    Richard Tuffin
    Richard Tuffin – ‏@RichardTuffin

    Turnbull and his cohorts want to bring end to the alleged abuse & violence of the CMFEU, by softening gun laws.

    Lets think about that…

  7. On the Asylum Seekers who are actually refugees.

    In an argument between Amnesty Australia and the politicians the public will believe Amnesty every time.

    When Labor ran detention centres they took reports by human rights groups seriously. Thus Labor had no accusations of torture by groups with credibility to lose by falsely claiming it.

    So Turnbull saying the Amnesty report is totally false is a big mark against him Morrison and Dutton. Of course that is even without making the point if thats true why are the media denied coverage, and we had to have secret tapes and teacher eyewitness testimony, at risk of two year jail terms for outlining the abuse they allege they saw.

  8. lizzie

    I still found Jones habit of inserting himself into the debate really annoying but did cheer when he pulled Sloane up. As a result people got two sides of an argument.

    The highlight to me was when John Roskam of the IPA got laughed at for advancing ideology in the face of facts. 🙂

  9. adrian @ #1106 Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 9:04 am

    ‘I would never say something like that and yet I get castigated all the time for alleged sexism by people in faux outrage.’
    Yeah, we all know by now that it’s all about you, you poor little petal.

    While I appreciate your sympathy, it is not all about me.
    Have a nice day Adrian and stay away from the ABC, its bad for your blood pressure.

  10. Guytaur

    Always good to see the know-it-alls get laughed at, and I enjoyed the sulky look on Sloane’s face at the end when she was ignored.

  11. ‘Grace Collier is like Janet Albrechtson without the botox.

    Why is this sexist? It’s just an observation.’

    It’s not. Some troll made the accusation.

  12. Lizzie

    Its not sexist. However it is buying into the body shaming culture society uses. Its opinion that should count not looks.

    However we all do it and by most standards your comment is rather trivial in the scheme of things.

  13. guytaur @ #1114 Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 9:13 am

    I still found Jones habit of inserting himself into the debate really annoying but did cheer when he pulled Sloane up. As a result people got two sides of an argument.
    The highlight to me was when John Roskam of the IPA got laughed at for advancing ideology in the face of facts. 🙂

    Even better was the look on Roskam’s face. 😀

  14. ‘Have a nice day Adrian and stay away from the ABC, its bad for your blood pressure.’

    Almost as bad as reading the misuse of apostrophes.

  15. @Bemused
    I’m actually somewhat relieved you were trolling. The alternative was worse.

    Turnbull has thrown in with every right wing thing he’s encountered since the election so he might cave on the guns too, to get a win on the “ABCC”. I suspect the real reason for any spine shown on that will be if moderate Liberals threaten to do a Christensen over it .

    The Senate is 75 at the moment, so Turnbull needs 38. He’s got 30 (Coalition), he needs PHON and NXT to pass the ABCC at all (which gives 37), Hanson has already indicated willingness and Xenophon has flagged amendments (so could go either way). If he loses Xenophon this is an automatic failure (so the other 3 don’t matter).

    To get the other one he needs one of Leyonhjelm , Hinch or Lambie , of those 3 Leyonhjelm is by far the easiest to court for this in my estimation. I suspect Lambie is a pretty definite no, given the way she presents herself. And Hinch is really hard to get a read on because he seems to act purely on his own feelings which are a rather eclectic mix of left / right stuff on everything (he’s not like Lambie who show’s a distinctive Left lean on economics and Right lean socially).

    If it went to a joint sitting things would be much easier (I believe there’s 1 Labor and Bandt absent and I don’t know if pairs were granted), and he’s already got a 1 seat majority in the house which is worth 2 senate votes in a Joint Sitting. Given that he should be able to pass with just Coalition and 1 Nation votes in a Joint sitting if pairs aren’t granted, if pairs were granted he only needs 2 more votes over that.

  16. Mark Kenny, like many Aussie journos has a gossamer thin glass jaw. When confronted by an angry response on Twitter to their nonsense they either block at the slighted sign of criticism ..or as in the case of Uhlmann & Kenny attempt to attack the person ..or even the social media platform..

    I note that the SMH doesn’t allow any comments whenever the likes of Kenny pontificates ..says a lot about their true attitude towards freedom of speech..

  17. annajhenderson: Labor demands the PM rule out horsetrading on gun laws in the Senate. Follow developments live @abcnews

    Oh dear. Turnbull is truly wedged 😆

    Like marriage equality he will have to go with voters or the right wing of his party. If the latter watch the polls sink a few points.

  18. I was happy as a pig in mud when Ewen Jones went down.

    But damn if you Libs lost seats based on their obnoxiousness rather than their margin he’d be one of the last to go.

    Ewen Jones @EwenJonesNQ
    How about Andrew Hastie and others look for solutions to indigenous disadvantage rather than using Bill Leak as an 18C Trojan horse? #auspol
    8:23 AM – 18 Oct 2016 · Townsville, Queensland, Australia

    * and that’s not because Jones was particularly great, but you know relatively speaking…

  19. Elaugaufein

    I don’t think Xenophon would pass the ABCC legislation if it meant undoing John Howard’s gun laws.

    The Senator would know this and this is part of his mind games with the LNP as payback and yes as a stunt to raise his profile.

  20. re’ Leyonhjelm and guns for a vote on union regulation.

    This ‘sale’ / ‘swap’ of a vote is common practice in the US.

    I consider the ‘swap’ of a vote on one piece of legislation that is totally unconnected for a ‘favour’ on another is corrupt.

    If Leyonhjelm has no opinion on the Union legislation he should abstain.

  21. Seems all those observations about Abbott’s budgie smugglers ..died hair ..false tanned complexion ..and botoxed face ..were all sexist & I never realised..

    ..soss Tony..

  22. Leyonhjelm is as far as I can tell an earnest and ideological Lib Dem, smashing unions is generally right up their alley .

    Which is bizarre because from a strict Libertarian principles perspective workers pooling their ability to negotiate is actually A-ok. It’s possible Leyonhjelm actually falls on that side but it’s a pretty damn rare position for a Right-Libertarian (as in I’ve met all of one in my entire life, literally and he was more of an actual genuine classical liberal).

  23. Definitions.
    The definition of body shaming is the practice of making critical, potentially humiliating comments about a person’s body size or weight.

    An example of body shaming is telling a child that they are “too fat.”
    An example of body shaming is when thin women are told they are “too skinny.”

  24. Just been listening to Alan Jone in the car for 10 minutes. Normally I can’t stand him, but something possessed me not to switch off.

    He was raving about Climate Change to a caller. I think the caller was pro-Climate Change, and so Jones shouted him down in that pontificating way he does things.

    A couple of minutes later a lady phoned in to tell Jones that, although he was brilliant, he was speaking too fast for her, and so could he tell the listeners why Climate Change was a crock again, only this time more slowly.

    Jones obliged .

    1. It’s not carbon that is supposed to be the problem, it’s carbon dioxide. These scientists do themselves no credit by deliberately conflating carbon with carbon dioxide. But then again, they’re stupid, so it’s entirely understandable that they don’t even understand their own science properly, as Jones does.

    2. Tim Flannery is still being paid by the taxpayers to sit in his luxury house by the seaside that (according to Flannery) is going to be swamped by rising ocean levels. What a hypocrite! With people like this pushing Climate Change, no wonder nobody believes them.

    3. Humans only contribute 3% of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions, and carbon dioxide is only 0.04% of the Earth’s atmosphere. So how could that possibly cause any harm? Australian only contributes 1% of the 3%, so how could our contribution affect anything?

    3. If we reduce carbon dioxide emissions the plants won’t have anything to breathe. That means crops will fail and forests will die. Worldwide famine will be the result.

    4. I dunno, how can these nincompoops get away with their lies?

    5. Carbon dioxide is colorless and weightless, so ditto.

    6. All the lady really needed to remember was what One Nation says: the Earth has been cooling for 40 years, not warming. That is is an incontrovertible fact. Other experts like Andrew Bolt have produced conclusive proof of it, independently. Malcolm Roberts is a scientist, so why is he dismissed so arrogantly by so-called Climate Scientists? Eh? What?

    7. What we really need to worry about is an Ice Age, not Global Warming. If anything we need MORE carbon dioxide to keep the planet warm, which of course won’t do any good because carbon dioxide doesn’t warm the atmosphere anyway.

    Jones hoped the lady got it all down. She wanted the facts so that next time her son argued with her about Climate Change she’d be able to tell him something more than “Alan Jones said so” (which for some inexplicable reason, he son laughed at… after all Jones was right about greyhounds, wasn’t he?)


  25. Interesting that Packers myrmidons are being charged under Chinese law with promotion of gambling.
    We import a lot of stuff from China. Can we import that law? It sounds pretty good to me.

  26. Government Senator not liking Triggs saying she is accountable to Parliament. Reporting to parliament through the attorney general.

  27. Germain Greer’s crass comments about the size of Gillard’s bottom were not sexist. They were cruel to the many women who are sensitive to such comments ..they were a cheap & nasty attempt at humour ..they were crude & unnecessary & insensitive & boorish & down-right stupid..

    ..BUT they were NOT an expression of sexism..

    ..IN THIS CASE..

  28. Yesterday SA government minister Tom Kenyon was all over the radio waves warning against the passage of a voluntary euthanasia bill currently being considered. He used the usual “slippery slope”argument and said that he has implored all churches to get their constituents to pray for the demise of the bill (or WTTE).
    My brother couldn’t handle this and, being in Kenyon’s electorate, he called his office.
    The guy there told him that it was a very emotive issue to which my brother replied that it was not so – rather it was a religious matter . The guy asked it he could get Kenyon to call my brother direct but he was told not to bother because it would be impossible to reason with him!
    Incidentally I recently wrote to my Liberal State MP asking him to support the bill and gave my reasons. He did reply telling me that he would not be voting for the bill, citing the “slippery slope”and “long held beliefs”. Unsurprisingly he is an over churchgoer.

  29. AP: BREAKING: NBC News fires ‘Today’ show host Billy Bush, who was caught on tape in vulgar conversation with Donald Trump about women.

  30. I think the ABC atoned for a lot of its recent sins last night.
    The 4 corners on Nauru must have been excruciating to the government, and its concentration on individual children and what is happening to their dreams actually makes a powerful appeal to much of the coalition’s “base”, who value individualism over all.
    Even Media Watch, despite its continuing avoidance of the Uhlmann problem, had a real go at debunking a few conservative media myths.
    To top it off, I have to hand it to whoever selected three of the most unappealing conservative commenters available to go up against three attractive and articulate actual “practicioners” from “the left”. It really highlighted the intellectual poverty and sheer nastiness on “the right”.

  31. I can’t recall Greer commenting on the physiology of any of Australia’s male politician.
    My best guess is that she was trying to do OTT irony and she fell flat on her big fat arse.

  32. billshortenmp: Malcolm Turnbull is prepared to trade of John Howard’s gun laws to pursue Tony Abbott’s attack on workers.This is a disgrace. #auspol

  33. I love listening to Wong she has a wonderful deadpan delivery.
    From Senate estimates last night.

    They also get more relaxed towards the later stages of the evening, as revealed in this little exchange last night with and around Margaret Stone, inspector general of intelligence and security.


    You know, Justice Stone, it is sometimes difficult to explain to politicians how lawyers are very precise in their use of language.


    Um, so, putting that aside …


    Are you implying that I’m not a very good lawyer, attorney?


    I wasn’t thinking of you Senator Xenophon. I must confess I do not think of you as a politician.


    It’s alright, no one thinks of you as a lawyer either George.


    That’s not very nice.


    He’s been a bit mean lately. Keeps misleading parliament.

  34. Bill Shorten MP
    3 mins ·
    Malcolm Turnbull is prepared to trade off John Howard’s gun laws to pursue Tony Abbott’s attack on workers.This is a disgrace.

    My god how bad is this govt? A new low for MT.

  35. ‘I think the ABC atoned for a lot of its recent sins last night.’

    Yes, 4 Corners was quite devastating in its first had accounts from children, and the basic decency of the teachers shone through.

    How this pathetic excuse for a government can continue its usual tactics of lies and deceit in this particular case is difficult to fathom.

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