Further dispatches to keep the ball rolling until the glorious day when paged comments return:
Nicole Hasham of the Illawarra Mercury reports on possible successor to Liberal MP Joanna Gash in the southern NSW seat of Gilmore. The front-runner is said to be Shoalhaven deputy mayor Andrew Guile, a one-time staffer to Gash who is evidently not on good terms with his former employer. According to the report, the South Coast Register published a letter from Gash in August which criticised Guile for sharing a $1080 meal with other councillors at a Sydney restaurants at which various preselections were said to be discussed, including her own. Also named as a possible contender is Gash’s close Liberal associate Clive Brooks, who owns South Nowra business Great Southern Motorcycles.
The Daily Telegraph reports Craig Laundy, general manager of his father Arthur’s $500 million hotel empire, has Tony Abbott’s backing for preselection in the central western Sydney seat of Reid. According to the report, a senior Liberal source said Mr Laundy had been to see Mr Abbott, party president Arthur Sinodinos, state director Mark Neeham and moderate faction leader Michael Photios about his run for the seat. He may face opposition in the shape of Dai Le, ABC Radio National producer and two-time state candidate for Cabramatta.
Christian Kerr and Lauren Wilson of The Australian report that some in the Nationals camp hope the party might be able to poach the New South Wales seat of Hume from the Liberals if Alby Schultz retires as expected at the next election, by fielding Senator Fiona Nash as their candidate. One virtue of the plan is said to be that Nash is seen as a possible party leader, a more stable alternative to (Barnaby) Joyce.
Similarly, the WA Nationals are said to be hopeful of winning Durack if the current Liberal member Barry Haase does not contest the next election, as many predict.
QantasAirways Qantas Airways
by SpaceKidette
Qantas fleet remains grounded until at least midday tomorrow. A decision on afternoon flights will be made tomorrow morning.
[This cant happen can it?]
No it cannot. There is no motion on the notice paper. So Abbott would need to suspend SSO, to do this he needs an absolute majority 76 votes. He cannot get 76 votes.
Tomorrow morning decision – planes grounded until at least Midday Monday according to AFR.
They must be watching a different 60 Minutes:
[JayG_BullJay Bull
by channel9
Amazing interview on #60mins with Alan Joyce on @channel9. Better perspective on things…
4 minutes agoFavoriteRetweetReply]
[Virgin Australia
There are now another 3,000 extra seats avail to purchase btwn SYD,MEL,BNE,CBR,PER,ADL,MKY – visit the website -> http://bit.ly/uBpwmA%5D
Stooopid Joyce.
[ MattLoads Matthew Loads
Apparently Tony Abbott wants Alan Joyce to stop the boats, now he has stopped the planes #qantasfail #qantas
[With or without extreme prejudice?]
GG, with and if you dont like this prejudice, i have others
The expressions “amazing interview” and “60 Minutes” would not have crossed paths for 25 years
my say
have always Said this why we are mainly a labor state the convict past,
And N S, w liberal following on from the rum trade and red coats]
It was a fantastic “up yours” by the Tassie women.Pity there was not video at the time.
Now Joyce asked for termination rather than suspension.Well I know just the thing to go down to the QANTAS boardroom and give him what he wants.
I have just given myself 210% payrise and i am going to sack all Pollbludgers tomorrow
[Who is making the FWA decision? Anyone know?]
[here’s a conspiracy theory… MPs cant get to Parliament. Libs get there via their rich mates and their private aircraft…Motion of no confidence in Government passed. Libs ask GG to dissolve parliament. New election…
This cant happen can it?]
Well, as a conspiracy theory, it has happened. You made it happen.
The GG would reject the Lib request and insist that the House votes with everyone present.
[I have just given myself 210% payrise and i am going to sack all Pollbludgers tomorrow]
Unfair dismissal may result in definnistration. 😛
That’s a big sack. Will you also tow us out to sea?
Thank you. So, the future of our nation is in the hands of the legal industry through the personages of Watson, Drake & Smith.
[So, the future of our nation is in the hands of the legal industry through the personages of Watson, Drake & Smith.]
Its the Industrial Relations Commission renamed with balls on.
Too many people sitting on the FWA bench – a common problem with many tribunals.
One person would have made a decision by now if, for example, it was in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission.
Lizzie, i shall make all Pollbludgers my slaves except Horsey, she can be my slave driver.
I have just given myself 210% payrise and i am going to sack all Pollbludgers tomorrow]
Excellent. But is not 210% a bit on the low side, what with the COL going through the roof? Hardly fair to make yourself suffer like that.
BTW, I have taken the liberty of altering your sacking notices to ‘effective immediate’. Why should Mr Joyce have all the fun.
[I have just given myself 210% payrise and i am going to sack all Pollbludgers tomorrow]
You silly dolphin….you’re not meant to give us prior warning!
[Its the Industrial Relations Commission renamed with balls on.]
I had assumed they were gentlemen.
poroti – this is more recent – just lost in all the qantas excitement!
Royal Blush!
Could Tony Abbott have predicted
A time he’d ever be conflicted
Twixt loyalties rightly his Queen’s
Or Crown Casino’s poker machines?
Asked that question about a year ago
He would for sure have answered, “No!”
But then hurt pride and thwarted ambition
Hadn’t yet goaded him to near sedition.
Wondering how to please James Packer,
He dreamed up what he thought a cracker
Of a stunt. A promo for strip poker!
He’d be hailed an Ace! Our own Oz Joker!
Front page pix of Tony Abbott’s arrest
Reveal much more than his hairy chest.
Notorious now as the ‘CHOGM gate crasher’
He’s certified; the world’s most famous flasher.
[vanOnselenPPeter van Onselen
Perhaps but arbitration is what Qantas are after @NastyHarry “except the umpire is a bunch of lefties working under left wing legislation.”
28 seconds agoFavoriteRetweetReply]
Zoom, i am a dolphin and a gentleman
Actually, that may not be correct. I took it from a full bench decision of Fair Work Australia, but, upon checking, it’s a different industry sector from the current hearing.
Sorry, I don’t know who is presiding tonight.
Thefinnigans TheFinnigans天地有道人无道
Cry my beloved country, you no longer has a national airline called #QANTAS that you once proud of
2 minutes ago
You have reminded me. It was only the other day that I learned where the term ‘wage slaves’ came from.
They were slaves who were hired out by the owner for wages. Ante-bellum USofA.
Not that the slaves actually got the wages, of course.
albo has been called
u iz stufferated
No worries.
[poroti – this is more recent – just lost in all the qantas excitement!
Royal Blush!
Could Tony Abbott have predicted
A time he’d ever be conflicted
Ta for dat.
Gussie, maybe you can help Horsey as my slave driver, since you are on a nudge nudge wink wink say no more with her
[vanOnselenP Peter van Onselen
Bc I suspect they wanted to tactically blind side the unions RT @auspoltragic: Why didn’t they ask for the Government to intervene before?]
Well, if the Grand Plan was to take all the attention from CHOGM, they’ve done that in spades.
They’ve got a really smart (and evil) strategist in the Lib camp, and I don’t believe it’s Tone. I think there’s a puppet master behind him. That’s why he gapes likes a stranded fish when he gets unexpected quetions.
Hey the customs guys won’t need to strike any more. Mr Joyce has done it for them.
[“except the umpire is a bunch of lefties working under left wing legislation.”]
Thought I heard Graham Richardson say this arvo that Abbott can’t say much because the FWA is still working with some of Howard’s legislation.
quetions = questions, of course
Posted Sunday, October 30, 2011 at 8:57 pm | Permalink
Well, if the Grand Plan was to take all the attention from CHOGM, they’ve done that in spades.
They’ve got a really smart (and evil) strategist in the Lib camp, and I don’t believe it’s Tone. I think there’s a puppet master behind him. That’s why he gapes likes a stranded fish when he gets unexpected quetions.
Note they waited till AFTER the queen flew out of Aust – Qantas handle British Airways from memory.
[vanOnselenP Peter van Onselen
Interesting to know… RT @MattCowgill: the President of FWA was appointed by the Howard Govt as Pres of the AIRC, FWA’s predecessor]
[Thought I heard Graham Richardson say this arvo that Abbott can’t say much because the FWA is still working with some of Howard’s legislation.]
Mr Richardson appears to think that Mr Abbott is incapable of walking both sides of the fence. Hello? When has anything rational ever stopped Mr Abbott saying lots or irrational things?
Is PvO thick.
The Govt did not need to intervene, QANTAS could have applied for the industrial action to be terminated all by themselves. Why did they want to involve the Govt?
Yep. they got their little twisted heads together some weeks ago and planned it all.
I’m not usually a conspiracy theorist but on this occasion I’m persuaded.
I see that catcholics can now be the king or the queen.
How modernment.
[Latika Bourke
Okay, looks like Fair Work Australia’s hearing is about to get going again. #Qantas]
[“except the umpire is a bunch of lefties working under left wing legislation.”
Thought I heard Graham Richardson say this arvo that Abbott can’t say much because the FWA is still working with some of Howard’s legislation.]
Richo said that the part of the legislation being used was unchanged from Work Choices and so was Tony Abbott’s legislation.
*meanders off to bed*
[AhronYoungAhron Young
by MayneReport
Interesting dinner break. We all went to Collins St Maccas. One table – journos, one table – Qantas counsel, right next to them – the unions
6 minutes agoFavoriteRetweetReply]
Hearing restarted
[Latika Bourke
Final submissions time. Tom Howe, Counsel for the Minister first. #Qantas]
[I see that catcholics can now be the king or the queen.
How modernment.]
wRONg the can marry catchcholics. Not become one.
Apparently, the head of Fair work Australia retires in February. He was a Lib appointment. perhaps Qantas wants the dispute resolved before the new head is appointed.