BludgerTrack: 53.1-46.9 to Labor

The one new poll for the week maintains the trend of incremental improvement for the Coalition.

First up, please note the threads below this one dealing with state politics in South Australia and New South Wales.

The BludgerTrack poll aggregate continues to inch in the Coalition’s direction with the addition of the Essential Research poll, the only one published this week. Whereas Labor finished 2018 with a lead of 54.4-45.6, the latest result has it at 53.1-46.9, which is a 0.4% shift compared with a week ago. However, this only makes one seat’s difference on the seat projection, with a projected gain for the Coalition in New South Wales. No new results for the leadership ratings this week.

Full results are available through the link below. There is a bit of bug here that often stops the state breakdowns from loading when you click on the tabs – I will get around to fixing this one day, but for the time being, it should work if you do a hard refresh.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,337 comments on “BludgerTrack: 53.1-46.9 to Labor”

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  1. I appreciate the point they made on Insiders about how stuffed Labor is on Asylum seekers.

    If they side with cross-benches achieve a historic vote against the government, they will be painted as “weak on security” right upto election day.

    If they dont side with the cross-benches, they lose the opertunity to make the government appear to be in chaos, and it will be a focus of attacks by the far left right upto election day, when its better for Labor if they are focused on the attacking Conservatives in safe but uniquely vulnerable seats.

    Labor caved in on encryption bill (and have set about the destruction of an industry) because they are afraid of how they would be perceived on security, so if they dont cave in on the medical bill as well it make it look like Labor is willing to give up Australia’s tech sector to protect upto 1000 asylum seekers. (tumbleweeds)

    If Labor could separate the medical and security issues of the bill in the eyes of the electorate it would disarm the issue, but i dont see that ever happening.

    This is the most vulnerable Labor has been for quite some time imo, it was a tragic mistake on the encryption bill.

  2. My overall impression of Insiders was that Cassidy was introducing anti-LNP themes and the panel was dismissing them as nothing to see here.

  3. Pegasus,

    What the f*uck have the greens achieved in the past eight years re AS except to ensure they have been stuck in terrible conditions on Nauru and Manus ?

    They had their chance to support the Malaysia legislation but they were too pure to do so.

    F*uck the greens and their quest for purity.

  4. Don’t know if this has been posted yet, but… woah, that’s bad.

    Before Jeremy Corbyn wrote to Theresa May outlining the changes he wants made to her Withdrawal Agreement, Ipsos MORI’s new Political Monitor shows that his satisfaction ratings have fallen to their lowest ever levels. Fewer than one in five (17%) say that they are satisfied with the way Jeremy Corbyn is doing his job as Leader of the Opposition (down from 27% in December), which is the lowest recorded for a Labour leader since Michael Foot, who dropped to 13% in August 1982. Meanwhile, nearly three in four (72%) say they are dissatisfied with his performance, putting his net-satisfaction at -55.

  5. sprocket @ 10.07

    Under the scenario I raised for discussion, I’m not sure there would be any need for the PM to give any advice to the GG. The Senate election dates would be fixed by the States, there are ample precedents for separate half-Senate elections, and therefore advice to the GG would only arise at the point when the PM was seeking to call the House election.

  6. lizzie
    Sunday, February 10, 2019 at 10:14 am
    Who’s huddling?
    The Parrot’s sexuality is well-known and gentle laughter can do no harm. It is quite different for Pyne.
    I thought those comments were directed at Pyne because he was on Insiders and he was being discussed on here at about the same time. Still, that kind of language was not necessary. I know there has been a lot written about Jones but I don’t think ‘feminine side’ and ‘likes pastels’ is either funny or relevant and just perpetuates attitudes that should be left in the past.

  7. @charliepick

    Does the LNP have some secret internal polling that says shouting is winning over the electorate? @InsidersABC #auspol #Insiders

  8. One needs say no more than, in their pathetic attempts to smear Labor supporters here, The Greens’ apologists on this blog are siding with Alan Jones.

  9. lizzie @ #755 Sunday, February 10th, 2019 – 7:19 am

    My overall impression of Insiders was that Cassidy was introducing anti-LNP themes and the panel was dismissing them as nothing to see here.

    It might have been the speakers on the computer, but a couple of times in the interview I thought Cassidy was laughing at things Pyne said. Same with Probyn laughing at Coorey.

  10. doyley @ #768 Sunday, February 10th, 2019 – 10:19 am


    What the f*uck have the greens achieved in the past eight years re AS except to ensure they have been stuck in terrible conditions on Nauru and Manus ?

    They had their chance to support the Malaysia legislation but they were too pure to do so.

    F*uck the greens and their quest for purity.

    Calm down doyley.

    It’s clearly a difficult issue to manage for Labor given the lack of competency in debating skills.

    Shorten knows his limitations… and Neumann is clearly not up to it either.

    The obvious person who should be Labors spokesperson is Ged.

    If Labor cave in without a fight, it would be a defining statement on their integrity, given the the concern of the public re the torture camps.

  11. Now, for their tiny minds’ information, wrt my comment about Jones’ lime green suit that maybe he was ‘letting his freak flag fly’, I meant in the sense that he was going against convention.

    Let me just point you to a definition from the Urban Dictionary:

    Top definition. freak flag … David Crosby refers to long hair as a freak flag in his song Almost Cut My Hair. “I feel … “Letting your freak flag fly” means acting wild.

    Therefore, for the nasty little idiots who wanted to read something about Alan Jones’ sexuality into my comment and to tut tut like nascent fuddy duddies about it, can I just say how wrong you are.

    But, hey, just can’t resist the urge to have a sanctimonious slap, can you, Pegasus, nath and Rex Douglas?

  12. KayJay @ #21389 Sunday, February 10th, 2019 – 9:54 am

    Thanks BK for the Dawn Patrol.

    You wisely left this item alone.

    ” rel=”nofollow”>

    But in testimony to the US house natural resources committee hearing on climate change this week, retired climate scientist Judith Curry said: “Based on current assessments of the science, man-made climate change is not an existential threat on the timescale of the 21st century, even in its most alarming incarnation. If we believe the climate models, any changes in extreme weather events would not be evident until late in the 21st century. The greatest impacts will be felt in the 22nd century and beyond.”

    Yep, fuggem, we’ll all be dead by then. Let someone else work it out. We’ll be safe in heaven with our money and reputation intact.

    Curry says extreme damage from recent hurricanes plus billion-dollar losses from floods, droughts and wildfires emphasise the vulnerability of the US to extreme events.

    “It’s easy to forget that US extreme weather events were actually worse in the 1930s and 1950s.’’

    So that’s AOK then.

    In rebuttal –

    ” rel=”nofollow”>

    Information concerning such luminaries as Ian Plimer, Tony Abbott, Malcolm Roberts and many more.

    S**t I’ ve forgotten the authors name – Graham Lloyd -spends some time quoting the redoubtable Ms. Judith Sloan who rates highly presents as simply a fibber

    Read it and weep.

    ” rel=”nofollow”>

    It goes down to item 197.

    Fascinating information.

    Why did Mr. LLoyd write the article ❓ Dunno. Is it mostly bullshit ❓ ✔Yep.
    Is it time for fresh coffee ❓ ✔Yep. ☕☕

    Lloyd is a Climate Criminal who’s attempt to flee to South America was an abject failure. He’s still skulking around the Rupertariat like a leper’s limb.

  13. Cat

    Unlike you, I didn’t whine for an apology, when you made a racist smear, couched as speculation, about the Greens being against Adani because of its link with those brown people in India.

    That racist smear was just one of countless instances you make against individual Greens posters and in general about all Greens.

    In this safe cyber space for Laborites not one of your fellow travellers called you out.

    You are the last person to call anyone out for smearing.

  14. Someone on Twitter claimed that Cassidy gives away his ‘allegiance’ because he wears blue.
    So do I, but it means nothing except that it suits me. I suppose we all grasp at straws to confirm our bias.

  15. C@tmomma
    Sunday, February 10, 2019 at 10:31 am
    Now, for their tiny minds’ information, wrt my comment about Jones’ lime green suit that maybe he was ‘letting his freak flag fly’, I meant in the sense that he was going against convention.
    Let me just point you to a definition from the Urban Dictionary:
    Top definition. freak flag … David Crosby refers to long hair as a freak flag in his song Almost Cut My Hair. “I feel … “Letting your freak flag fly” means acting wild.
    Oh really? How exactly was Jones, a noted conservative, ‘letting his freak flag fly’ and going against convention?

  16. Rex,

    I am calm as can be.

    I will put my position once again.

    If one or more of the cross bench support the government then labor should simply move on.

    One cross bencher folding means the bill is dead.

    Nothing to fight for unless you want to part of the charge of the light brigade.

    Never will I accept the preachings of the greens given their history on the complex issue of AS.

    I still remember Hanson Young and coming crying crocodile tears as they voted down the Malaysia legislation and ensured six years of misery for AS on Manus and Nauru.

    The greens and their supporters are hypocryts ripping into labor while completely airbrushing away their there own history.

  17. Millennial @ #771 Sunday, February 10th, 2019 – 10:21 am

    Don’t know if this has been posted yet, but… woah, that’s bad.

    Before Jeremy Corbyn wrote to Theresa May outlining the changes he wants made to her Withdrawal Agreement, Ipsos MORI’s new Political Monitor shows that his satisfaction ratings have fallen to their lowest ever levels. Fewer than one in five (17%) say that they are satisfied with the way Jeremy Corbyn is doing his job as Leader of the Opposition (down from 27% in December), which is the lowest recorded for a Labour leader since Michael Foot, who dropped to 13% in August 1982. Meanwhile, nearly three in four (72%) say they are dissatisfied with his performance, putting his net-satisfaction at -55.

    See my 7:47 comment for an alternative perspective!

  18. doyley @ #767 Sunday, February 10th, 2019 – 9:19 am


    What the f*uck have the greens achieved in the past eight years re AS except to ensure they have been stuck in terrible conditions on Nauru and Manus ?

    They had their chance to support the Malaysia legislation but they were too pure to do so.

    F*uck the greens and their quest for purity.


    Get over the malaysian solution.

    it was a terrible idea and doomed to embarrass labor in perpetuity if passed. Bow down and THANK the Greens.

    Now it was NOT the fault of the idea, or the policy that caused it to be a bat shit bonkers idea but the fact that MALAYSIA was not on board. it was stupid beyond measure because for that sort of a thing to work you need BOTH sides of parliament in MALAYSIA. Now what we NOW know is that in Malaysia you would bloody well want to have had Mahatir on board, not his corrupt predecessor.

    So enough of this oohh the pur greens.

    Just think of the RATIONAL people who saw the idea as thick.

    Now do not get me wrong. When first brought up I though it might have been a good idea BUT the fact that there was scarcely any enthusiasm or positive words from Malaysia, especially the Prime Minister, should have made it obvious to a blue a*sed fly, even the RW ALP hacks on here that it was a dangerous idea that would NOT fly.

    A weak as P*ss MOU signed by some minor minister is NOT government commitment.

    For such a policy you would need BOTH parties in Malaysia and probably key stakeholders such as the religious leaders AND the three ethnic communities – Malays, Chinese and Indians all on side. Perhaps they DID but if so it was not made clear here.

    So Doyley move on. Even if it had passed, how many of the Australian bound refugees could it have handled. How long before one of the exchanged refugees committed a crime and inflamed the Malaysians. How long before a father unable to work in Malaysia sold his daughter or a girl was simply duped and exploited.

    I repeat Doyley such an idea can work but ONLY if there is acceptance by the host nation. Frankly those who thought it a youbewt idea are exhibiting colonialist thinking ie Malaysia will do as its told by the White deputy sheriff. Jeepers Doyley, if WE here have PHON crazies stirring things up why in the name of sanity do you not think Malaysia will also have such people. Or is it because you cannot tell them apart and assume that like corrupt puppet governments they people will do as their ruler says and you pay him well.

    Given that the ALP government had form in their outrageous colonialist patronisng East Timor idea, I think you can probably guess what I think.

  19. Tone is still the favourite with the punters.

    Mumble is on a bit of a ‘these indies’ will fail push, lots of people (rightly) wanting to know the poll size and methodology. Would be quite interesting to know the size / age distribution of that gambling pool.

  20. doyley @ #791 Sunday, February 10th, 2019 – 10:41 am


    I am calm as can be.

    I will put my position once again.

    If one or more of the cross bench support the government then labor should simply move on.

    One cross bencher folding means the bill is dead.

    Nothing to fight for unless you want to part of the charge of the light brigade.

    Never will I accept the preachings of the greens given their history on the complex issue of AS.

    I still remember Hanson Young and coming crying crocodile tears as they voted down the Malaysia legislation and ensured six years of misery for AS on Manus and Nauru.

    The greens and their supporters are hypocryts ripping into labor while completely airbrushing away their there own history.

    The Greens’ position on asylum seekers isn’t ideal either, IMO.

    However, the Greens never argued for asylum seekers to be locked up and tortured in offshore internments.

    Labor have already voted FOR the Storer/Phelps bill in the senate. Not only will they be seen as inconsistent if the cave in, but they’ll be seen as cowardly and cruel if they capitulate.

  21. Cheryl Kernot

    They said “politicising of committees has happened before.” That doesn’t mean it should be blithely accepted or the details ignored. I’ve not seen one as blatant as this – & I’ve seen a lot. Fixing committees is to democracy fixing the window glass to reduce vandalism #Insiders

  22. However, the Greens never argued for asylum seekers to be locked up and tortured in offshore internments.

    Now I’m not a fan of the panel or their solution, but I think it needs to be borne in mind that the administration of two aspects could have massively reduced the impact on the refugees.

    Firstly you could run the camps with proper healthcare / education / training and facilities, so that the time wasn’t all just ‘dead time’. Secondly if the Govt had genuinely tried to find destination countries, like Canada and NZ, and had say a hard 4 year cap, you’d take away the mentally and emotionally ‘this never ends’ aspect to the torture.

    Not saying it is a good idea, but it didn’t and doesn’t have to be so evil.

    Obviously it would have been better and cheaper for us to give every single refugee a 4 x 2 new house in the suburbs with a $100k starter gift.

  23. on the Parrot’s suit, when has ni ever seen a Conservative wear a pastel green suit?

    Perhaps at the circus knees up at the YoungLib convention?

  24. WWP:

    Yes he thinks Oakeshott has the best chance of the lot of them, perhaps Steggall next with Banks unlikely and Yates a firm no.

    And he’s picked up on something we all noted at the time she said it:

    Steggall’s assertion on Sky News that she has never voted for Abbott was a clanger that will return to haunt her — it means, for example, that she never voted for the Howard government (assuming she was in Warringah that whole time), though she presumably preferenced Abbott ahead of Labor candidates.

    Unless she has lived in an electorate other than Warringah for the 20+ years Abbott has been in parliament, she has not voted Liberal in that same period.

  25. Rex Douglas says:
    Sunday, February 10, 2019 at 10:42 am
    Millennial @ #786 Sunday, February 10th, 2019 – 10:36 am

    Who is Ged?

    Sorry, Ged Kearney.

    She has the management qualifications, she is an engaging communicator and she was elected largely on the back of the asylum seeker issue which she prioritised.
    Ged Kearney was elected in a traditionally Labor seat on the back of the strong Labor support in the seat and her strong record in defending wages and working conditions. Do not rewrite history to suit your own agenda.

  26. Bill Scetrine
    2m2 minutes ago

    Stupid Pyne gives the game away: He lets slip that the IPA/LNP has created the possibility of a “boat” arriving and “it will be Labor’s fault”. They have slashed Border Force surveillance in order to let this happen. What absolutely devious bastardry. They’ll stop at nothing!

  27. Alan Jones, when standing for the Liberal Party in the State seat of Earlwood, showed a similar bad taste in clothing to his appearance on SkyFoxNews…

  28. WeWantPaul @ #798 Sunday, February 10th, 2019 – 10:53 am

    However, the Greens never argued for asylum seekers to be locked up and tortured in offshore internments.

    Now I’m not a fan of the panel or their solution, but I think it needs to be borne in mind that the administration of two aspects could have massively reduced the impact on the refugees.

    Firstly you could run the camps with proper healthcare / education / training and facilities, so that the time wasn’t all just ‘dead time’. Secondly if the Govt had genuinely tried to find destination countries, like Canada and NZ, and had say a hard 4 year cap, you’d take away the mentally and emotionally ‘this never ends’ aspect to the torture.

    Not saying it is a good idea, but it didn’t and doesn’t have to be so evil.

    Obviously it would have been better and cheaper for us to give every single refugee a 4 x 2 new house in the suburbs with a $100k starter gift.

    It galls me that an Australian Govt is so cruel. Equally so that the Labor Party ignored the cruelty out of fear of a debate. It’s just an appalling situation.

    Liberal and Labor are unfit for Govt.

  29. Peter Stanton @ #801 Sunday, February 10th, 2019 – 10:56 am

    Rex Douglas says:
    Sunday, February 10, 2019 at 10:42 am
    Millennial @ #786 Sunday, February 10th, 2019 – 10:36 am

    Who is Ged?

    Sorry, Ged Kearney.

    She has the management qualifications, she is an engaging communicator and she was elected largely on the back of the asylum seeker issue which she prioritised.
    Ged Kearney was elected in a traditionally Labor seat on the back of the strong Labor support in the seat and her strong record in defending wages and working conditions. Do not rewrite history to suit your own agenda.

    You’re projecting with that last sentence.

  30. It looks like Teh Greens have got their riding orders. Nip at the heels of Labor and their supporters in forums like this about the Medivac Bill. Get out the hyperbowl and load it up with tripe. Ladle generously.

  31. Liberal and Labor are unfit for Govt.

    Well it has been a long time since we had a Govt that was neither Liberal or Labor, and it seems unlikely in the near future.

  32. Greensborough Growler @ #780 Sunday, February 10th, 2019 – 9:43 am

    Millennial @ #771 Sunday, February 10th, 2019 – 10:21 am

    Don’t know if this has been posted yet, but… woah, that’s bad.

    Before Jeremy Corbyn wrote to Theresa May outlining the changes he wants made to her Withdrawal Agreement, Ipsos MORI’s new Political Monitor shows that his satisfaction ratings have fallen to their lowest ever levels. Fewer than one in five (17%) say that they are satisfied with the way Jeremy Corbyn is doing his job as Leader of the Opposition (down from 27% in December), which is the lowest recorded for a Labour leader since Michael Foot, who dropped to 13% in August 1982. Meanwhile, nearly three in four (72%) say they are dissatisfied with his performance, putting his net-satisfaction at -55.

    See my 7:47 comment for an alternative perspective!

    Wow, that’s impressive… Corbyn can be as popular as a fur coat in summer heat and somehow a Tory will find a way to fill a room with Corbyn fans.

  33. The policy purity of the Greens is a thing to behold. It must be very comforting to know that you will never be in power and be forced to deal with reality.

  34. Rex

    Ged Kearney won, in part, because the Greens wasted their energy on internal bickering and virtue signalling on Adani. The perpetuation of the ‘Labor’s Adani Mine’ trope will cost the Greens the few seats they have a chance in.

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