BludgerTrack: 53.7-46.3 to Labor

Two new poll results this week, including the first Ipsos poll in four months, have failed to budge the BludgerTrack poll aggregate.

Two new polls this week, from Ipsos and Essential Research, have wrought next to no change in voting intention, outside of an improvement for the Greens. However, their state breakdowns have caused Labor to make a net gain of two, having picked up two in Queensland and Victoria, while dropping one in New South Wales. Both pollsters produced leadership ratings this week, but I would caution against reading anything into the changes in the leadership ratings trends, as I don’t make any effort to correct for Ipsos’s consistent peculiarity in producing unusually strong approval ratings for both leaders. In other words, both leaders are up this week not because their ratings have improved – indeed, the opposite happened, particularly for Bill Shorten – but simply because there was an Ipsos result. This is not an issue with the preferred prime minister trend, on which Malcolm Turnbull increased his lead.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,282 comments on “BludgerTrack: 53.7-46.3 to Labor”

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  1. The first episode of Get Krackin was okay. The third was dreadful. Like I got the joke about morning shows having a big guest and all but the joke cant be sustained for 25 minutes.

  2. confessions


    On REal Time they discussed Pence, and that he is as much in with the Russians as Jared.


    I have tried my best to follow every twist and turn in this Trump imbroglio – but it is simply staggering in its links, its schemes, its manipulations, its digital complexity in voter exploitations, its use of social media like Facebook and Twitter to deliver positive Trump and anti Clinton subliminal messages ………. and use of outside agencies like Giles-Parscale and CambridgeAnaltica who boast that they have an INDIVIDUAL emotional profile on EVERY AMERICAN ADULT VOTER – to which they can feed a specific messages through Facebook and Twitter to sway their vote …. it is the digital crime of the century and unless US democracy can realise they have had their democracy hijacked then it will go on till they realise what has happened

  3. Zeh

    Jolyon, check your settings by clicking on the C+ icon, and also make sure you’ve refreshed PB after installing it

    Thanks for the suggestion. I have checked my C+ settings. The only option selected is “Recent Comments First”. Whenever I refresh the page I can only see posts from a couple of hours ago.

  4. PhoenixRed:

    The gist in relation to Pence is that he was front (very front in some instances) and centre in the Trump campaign in terms of the Russian influence. He knows details that may be germane to the Mueller investigation. I’m guessing it’s only a matter of time before the investigation gets to him, and it will be interesting to see what Trump does at that point.

    As for Putin, the Kremlin clearly has a whole team of trolls and bots who spam social media with messages that undermine democratic states. Why people like DTT think this is acceptable is a mystery to me. Maybe she was one of them which would explain it except I long ago formed the view that she is anti-woman political leader which would explain her Clinton and Gillard and Bligh hatred.

  5. Jolyon Wagg @ #154 Saturday, September 16th, 2017 – 5:49 pm


    Jolyon, check your settings by clicking on the C+ icon, and also make sure you’ve refreshed PB after installing it

    Thanks for the suggestion. I have checked my C+ settings. The only option selected is “Recent Comments First”. Whenever I refresh the page I can only see posts from a couple of hours ago.

    The only other item I have checked is “Override HTML Comments”, so try that.
    It may be worth re-starting your browser, not just refreshing Crikey.

  6. Diogenes @ #140 Saturday, September 16th, 2017 – 5:11 pm

    Is it even illegal to sell your plebiscite ballot paper to someone else? I can’t see why it is.

    “The Australian Bureau of Statistics is in discussion with Australian federal police after it emerged marriage equality postal votes were being put up for sale online.

    The concerns were raised in the past week as the ABS began sending ballots out to people for the upcoming marriage equality postal survey, and one appeared on eBay with a starting bid of $1,500. ”

    Under S 13 of the safeguards Act it is illegal to bribe a person, or accept a bribe, or attempt a bribe, that influences a person’s response to the survey or their decision to participate or not participate.

    In terms of simply buying a ballot paper rather than selling a vote as such, it could be argued under this that buying someone’s survey form caused (or intended to cause) that person not to participate in the survey.

    Alternatively it could be argued that someone still participates in the survey if they sell their paper to someone else who then fills it in, but in that case buying someone’s survey form and then filling it out is an action that determines (or is intended to determine) the content of their response.

    So, with the usual not-a-lawyer disclaimer, I believe it is illegal in the case of transactions commenced after that Act came into force.

  7. confessions @ #155 Saturday, September 16th, 2017 – 5:55 pm


    The gist in relation to Pence is that he was front (very front in some instances) and centre in the Trump campaign in terms of the Russian influence. He knows details that may be germane to the Mueller investigation. I’m guessing it’s only a matter of time before the investigation gets to him, and it will be interesting to see what Trump does at that point.

    As for Putin, the Kremlin clearly has a whole team of trolls and bots who spam social media with messages that undermine democratic states. Why people like DTT think this is acceptable is a mystery to me. Maybe she was one of them which would explain it except I long ago formed the view that she is an outright anti-woman political leader which would explain her Clinton and Gillard and Bligh hatred.

    Everything through the prism of gender! Nonsense.

    DTT is female and I can’t recall her having anything about Anna Bligh while she was Premier. Many are not critical of her in her new role.

    And I don’t recall her expressing ‘hatred’ of any of them. Certainly a poor opinion of Gillard in certain aspects and criticism of Hilary’s alleged policy positions.

  8. Confessions
    Just logged on after 24 hrs plus and I see i am being bad mouthed (what’s new?)

    Now I take serious issue with the anti woman comment, especially re Anna Bligh whom I thought was really really good (until her recent banking stuff in which I am sadly disappointed). You can go back over many posts and you will not find me critical of Anna, although hated her privatization policy.

    See I have enough understanding to be able to hate a policy and like a person.

    I do not hate Hilary Clinton, but believe she is a full on neocon USA exceptionalist and as such she is a danger to the world. it has NOTHING to do with here gender. I am not a fan of Biden either. I also think that Hillary was too outdated for this 2016 election. It is not that she is old, but rather that she was fixed in her ideas in the 1990s and nit really moving on. these are comments on her policies NOT her personality.

    Yes I do despise Julia Gillard. I make no secret of it. She was treacherous, a whinger, lacked policy depth and had extremely poor judgment about people. She was weak and easily manipulated. She had no obvious principles that I could see.

    I will comment about the US in a separate post

  9. daretotread @ #159 Saturday, September 16th, 2017 – 6:07 pm

    Just logged on after 24 hrs plus and I see i am being bad mouthed (what’s new?)

    Yes I do despise Julia Gillard. I make no secret of it. She was treacherous, a whinger, lacked policy depth and had extremely poor judgment about people. She was weak and easily manipulated. She had no obvious principles that I could see.

    There was also a negative side to her. 😛

  10. Confessions and Phoenix and all the rest

    What i find tragically hypocritical and naive and imperialist and US exceptionalist (bloody close to racist but not quite) is that you get all hot and bothered about something Russia may have done but are hey so good when the USA does exactly the same thing.

    Just because you afflicted from childhood with russiaphobia (that Boris!!) is no excuse for hypocrisy and stupidity.

    The thing is that EVERY country – even Australia will influence elections in other countries to their own advantage. EVERY country.The key is not to get caught. Mostly it is subtle- wine and dine emerging leaders, fund a campaign here and there, use proxy organisations to seem at arms length, infiltrate spies into organisations and sometimes actually bribe people.. Sometimes of course they arrange for assassinations and government overthrows.

    How anyone can with a straight face get all upset about Russia getting a few leaks and maybe funding an add or two when the USA has a track record of violent overthrow of governments is beyond me. You are either ignorant, stupid or hypocritical.

    When you come out passionately decrying the overthrow of Allende, the interference in the Russian election that saw Yeltsin installed or the deliberate incitement of the Ukrainian unrest less that 12 months before a general election or indeed at least consider the possibility of deliberate US involvement in the overthrow of Gough Whitlam then I will start to treat your comments with respect. Until then you are just mouth pieces for USA exceptionalism and the continuation of the cold war rhetoric.

    Now as to Russia and the USA I think it probable that Trump had some dealing with Russia or Russians before the election and there may have been some unwritten deals in place. This happens all the time and it is only because it is Russia that you have your knickers in a twist. If it was a deal with May, or Turnbull or Macron or Netanyahoo it would be OK probably – in your mind anyway. if you seriously do not believe that Presidential candidates do not discuss matters such as military alliance, trade, arms deals, even stuff like climate change with foreign governments or their representative in the years leading up to an election you have rocks in your heads. Clinton as an ex SoS and first lady would have thousands of such contacts and we know the Bushes did. Did not her chief of staff grow up in Saudi Arabia wand has close links there. Do you seriously think that oil politics and deals and arms deals and the Yemeni war were NOT discussed by Clinton in the months leading to the election.

    However where I think Phoenix is way off the reservation is the efforts to include Pence in the allegations. The whole wacky idea that somehow Mueller will impeach Trump and get pence too is fairyland stuff and dangerous in its stupidity. Just accept reality for once. Impeach Trump and you ger Pence. if that is what you want be honst and say so but for goodness sake stop dreaming that if Trump goes so will Pence.

    Indeed it is possible that he is the main player behind the who get Trump stuff,

  11. lizzie
    Spoofing excruciatingly banal morning shows should take a nanosecond. Stretching that out to 30 minutes is a crime against humanity.

  12. Boerwar:

    Me too. DTT is obviously deeply unhinged and making even less sense than her usual nonsensical.

    Such is the way of those who continue to defend Assange, Trump and Putin.

  13. What happened to our resident Putinista – the one who was prepared to ignore the Chechan genocide, the imperial annexation of the Crimea, the gay pogroms, sending pro democracy campaigners to the neo-gulag, etc, etc, etc…

  14. So, the Australian Guardian is going to miss out, the ABC is to be gutted, Murdoch increases his oligoply and people finally get to see the real Mr Xenophon.

    There’s movement at the station.

  15. What happened to our resident Putinista – the one who was prepared to ignore the Chechan genocide, the imperial annexation of the Crimea, the gay pogroms, sending pro democracy campaigners to the neo-gulag, etc, etc, etc…

    She was in the tank for Trump all along. 😀

  16. Boerwar
    Re Crimea. Blame the wally in Kiev at the time. Threatening the Russian’s lease to the base was a deliberate provocation and one he knew was a 3rd rail issue for Russia. Ya may have heard of the Crimean War and the Russian defence of it in WWII . They only ceded the territory because at the time the former USSR were knackered. Not to mention most of the people there are Russian.

  17. poroti @ #174 Saturday, September 16th, 2017 – 6:55 pm

    Re Crimea. Blame the wally in Kiev at the time. Threatening the Russian’s lease to the base was a deliberate provocation and one he knew was a 3rd rail issue for Russia. Ya may have heard of the Crimean War and the Russian defence of it in WWII . They only ceded the territory because at the time the former USSR were knackered. Not to mention most of the people there are Russian.

    Actually it was Kruschev who ‘gave’ it to Urkaine to administer when it was all part of the USSR and it didn’t really matter. After the dissolution of the USSR it started to matter for reasons such as you describe.

    BTW, Kruschev was a Ukranian. But I doubt that influenced his decision at the time.

  18. ItzaDream

    On a country road ~


    You can’t just paste a jpg from your hard drive, as far as I am aware – it has to be online somewhere.

    Nope, no go.
    This is a link:

  19. Steve777:

    DTT is clearly unhinged if she is sticking to her view that Trump represented the lesser of two evils vs Clinton.

    How anyone can hold to that viewpoint with Nth Korean missiles flying here and there and the US not knowing whether it will enter war with NK is beyond rational, intelligent thought. Therefore, unhinged.

  20. Rather than the usual fights, could we have some enthusiastic bidding for the next Newspol?. I’m going to stick my neck out and say 55% to Labor.

  21. There is plenty to admire about Russia. Putin represents everything corrupt about Russia.

    The main point about Russia is that if Hillary Clinton had done deals with them the republicans would have had conniptions. They’re the ones who have historically made the most noise about Russia.

  22. confessions @ #182 Saturday, September 16th, 2017 – 7:11 pm


    DTT is clearly unhinged if she is sticking to her view that Trump represented the lesser of two evils vs Clinton.

    How anyone can hold to that viewpoint with Nth Korean missiles flying here and there and the US not knowing whether it will enter war with NK is beyond rational, intelligent thought. Therefore, unhinged.

    Anyone who sees a connection between what Kim Jun Un does with missiles and who is President of the US is performing a leap of logic beyond comprehension.

  23. Question:

    Yes, which goes to a days ago debate about whether the Dems should harden up and do what Republicans would do in this instance. My view: yes. Even Labor should go hard on the coalition.

  24. Question @ #185 Saturday, September 16th, 2017 – 7:16 pm

    There is plenty to admire about Russia. Putin represents everything corrupt about Russia.

    The main point about Russia is that if Hillary Clinton has done deals with them the republicans would have had conniptions. They’re the ones who have historically made the most noise about Russia.

    And DTTs point about the US interfering in elections of other countries is also true.
    And it goes way beyond that. No other country has meddled in the affairs of other countries to the extent of invading or engineering coups.
    The list is long. Iran, Guatemala, Vietnam, Cambodia, Chile, to name a few.

  25. I think Newspoll will go out one point to Labor 54-46, because as we all know, the government has expertly managed the politics around energy.

  26. Fess,
    I think Turnbull saying “blackout Bill” makes him look incredibly stupid. I’m glad Shorten doesn’t engage with that bullshit.

  27. bemused
    I certainly agree with you about the US interfering in other countries polities, whether via elections, invasions and the like. It’s a very strange country, American exceptionalism being one of the silliest concepts around, given other countries, i.e., us in relation to WiFi, regularly out do them

  28. Yes Trump was always going to be the low risk candidate. Let’s ignore pissing off Japan, Mexico, France, the UN, Australia and now the UK.

    But Mr. Trump’s assertion that the assailants had been known to Scotland Yard angered Prime Minister Theresa May, who said it was not helpful for anyone to speculate while an investigation was underway. Mr. Trump was later briefed about the attack and called Mrs. May with condolences, according to a senior official, though he did not apologize.

    It was the latest episode in which Mr. Trump was at odds with Britain over sensitive security issues. In June, he criticized London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, over his response to another terrorist attack, misconstruing Mr. Khan’s words. In March, the White House press secretary at the time, Sean Spicer, repeated allegations that a British intelligence agency had wiretapped Trump Tower, which British authorities dismissed as “utterly ridiculous.”

    Not to mention encouraging a potential hot war with North Korea which Australia has waded into. But idiots like DTT and her boosters think this is all Hillary’s fault.

  29. Question:

    Engaging in infantile debate like blackout bill or electricity bill would be stupid, I agree. But meeting the coalition head on with their parliamentary games is totlally on and from all accounts Labor has shown it is willing to do so.

  30. All true re the USA manipulating elections to suit themselves, especially in Latin America.
    However the issue under discussion was the US election. Just because someone else does it, doesn’t address the issue.

    My issue with DTT, is that this is a politics blog, where Australian and even OS politics, polling and elections are discussed.
    Because the USA has the bomb, for her every election is an existential choice over who is less likely to push the button, nothing else is relevant.
    Despite the fact it has been 70 years since both the US and Russia/USSR have had nuclear weapons and we have avoided using them HRC was something else, a warmonger bent on a first strike.

  31. monica @ #195 Saturday, September 16th, 2017 – 7:31 pm

    I certainly agree with you about the US interfering in other countries polities, whether via elections, invasions and the like. It’s a very strange country, American exceptionalism being one of the silliest concepts around, given other countries, i.e., us in relation to WiFi, regularly out do them

    It is an arrogant and downright offensive assertion.
    The situation in Ukraine was caused by the US and NATO more than the Russians.

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