Galaxy: 52-48 to Labor

The second post-budget poll supports the impression of the first in suggesting that nothing much has changed.

Galaxy has produced its first federal poll for the News Limited tabloids since the Liberal leadership spill vote in February, and what I guess will be one of its last given it will have the gig of conducting Newspoll for The Australian come the new financial year. The headline two-party figure is 52-48, which in a sense is down from 57-43 last time, but that doesn’t mean all that much given our distance from the starting point. The primary votes are 41% for the Coalition, 39% for Labor, 11% for the Greens and 2% for Palmer United. Questions concerning the budget, along with other details, will presumably be forthcoming. Hat tip to GhostWhoVotes.

UPDATE: The Daily Telegraph reports that the poll finds 24% saying the budget made them more likely to vote Coalition versus 29% for less likely, although 43% agree it will stimulate small business compared with 29% disagreed. We are also told that Joe Hockey rated higher than Chris Bowen as preferred Treasurer, though not by how much. The poll encompassed a sample of 1683, and I’m assuming was conducted on Wednesday and Thursday night.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

978 comments on “Galaxy: 52-48 to Labor”

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  1. vic

    [a bigger and better house would not make me any happier]

    Just means for more space to clean.

    A place that meets your basics and has a lock-up garage meets all my needs.

  2. vic

    [Btw here is report on our f wit of a PM.]

    I saw him on earlier – ‘mute’ went on fairly quickly after the subject the subject became obvious.

  3. [Oh God here we go.

    Can you tell us what tax rate someone who makes $20K a year is?]
    It’s interesting that last year the current government tried to increase the income tax that a person on $20K pays because they tried to stop the increase to the tax free threshold that will take effect on July 1st. The change was voted down in the Senate by Labor, the Greens and most of the cross bench.

  4. victoria

    Thanks for the link. A garden centre?
    But now he’s saying the money doesn’t have to go back. Consistency is an unknown quantity for our PM.

    [Speaking with local garden centre staff, Mr Abbott said it was clear that Melbourne residents needed the East West Link, but he would work with the state government to build a road of national significance.
    A large truck that bares the words “Stuck in traffic! Blame Labor”, which will be driven around Melbourne, was also unveiled by Mr Abbott as he toured the facility.]

  5. Why is Abbott still going on about the east-west link? I thought the matter was conclusively settled with the election of a new Vic govt and what has since been revealed about the project.

  6. CTar1

    The business case for east west link is so bad. The only sector that would benefit from destroying inner Melbourne are the bloody truckies. That is why i called it the trucking funnel 😀

  7. Victoria

    Abbott is busy. According to The West Austraiian is due in Perth tomorrow for some pork barrelling and a party fundraiser.

  8. [
    Posted Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 10:09 am | Permalink


    Yep one of the main reasons why I resisted a bigger home!

    Btw here is report on our f wit of a PM.
    The Federal Liberal’s giving up on getting Victoria to pay back the 1.5 billion added to the last Victorian Liberal budget to bring it into the black would indicate the focus groups are not fooled or at the very least not impressed.

    The rest is just fluff.

  9. lizzie

    Abbott is suring up the base in the east of Melbourne. Area that would not actually be carved up. It was the inner part of Melbourne (Labor/Green) heartland that was vehemently against the project. Also Abbott’s trucking friends and those at transurban want the road. What do they care that the business case does not stack up. The taxpayer would be paying for it for the next twenty years.

  10. TBA

    [Person 1 who makes $100K a year runs out and buys a new small vehicle.. lets say a nice shiny Renault Clio in the Mercury Grey colour. The car costs $16K but with extras it comes to $19K.

    Man 1′s taxable income for the year is now $81K. He pays tax as if he had only ever made $81K.

    I’m assuming from this rather silly example that Person 1 is the business owner.

    If the $100k is the salary he’s paying himself, then no write off – it’s a personal expense.

    If the $100k is the profit he makes from the business (that is, money left over after he’s paid all other expenses) then he can write off part of the value of the vehicle.

    If the business has made $100k full stop, before expenses are written off, he can write the cost of the car off as a business expense (which he can do right now, without waiting for Abbott’s changes).

    Abbott’s changes apply to the business which makes a taxable profit.

    It is true that most small businesses are unincorporated. This is because the ‘mum and dad’ or soletrader operation rarely makes enough for incorporation to be worthwhile. Many operate at a loss (which is why the closure rate is so high).

    However, businesses which are running at a loss, or near to it, aren’t going to be able to write off $20,000 worth of equipment, because they don’t pay the tax to justify it.

  11. I see truebluetraitors allergy to facts and reason has driven it back to menzies house for a booster shot of idiot juice.

  12. [A large truck that bares the words “Stuck in traffic! Blame Labor”, which will be driven around Melbourne, was also unveiled by Mr Abbott as he toured the facility.]

    Paid for, one hopes, by the Liberal party.

  13. Phil Vee from page 1

    [We can’t hand over the future of our economy to small business….]

    Thats an interesting post. I agree with a lot of it but, probably due to the medium, it is oversimplified.

    Many small business is far more innovative and progressive than big business. Some industries are more suited to small business being innovative than others of course. Also, big business can tend to focus on non-productive advantage… or as I call it, corruption of the market, through various devices rather than innovation. Most small business simply do not have the resources participate in this such dubious practice. What was Arthur Sinodinos’s fee?

    We are also dividing business up into ‘big’ and ‘small’, there is the medium sized business that, were it not for the anti competitive behaviour of many bih businesses, could be much more beneficial for the economy. Having said that, I have never seen a more stressed person that an executive of a medium sized business.

    Finally, cooperatives seem to be like the Dodo and I dont understand why. Surely small businesses could benefit from sharing certain resources, buying power, OHS cost sharing etc within a cooperative yet maintain their hard fought independence in what you rightly term the ‘wage slave escapee’.

  14. Some interesting comments from Lynton Crosby on the UK election. The first bits sound very familiar.

    [Mr Crosby accused political commentators of just wanting “entertainment” from politics and said that the “last time they met a punter was when they picked up their dry cleaning”…………. It was a failure for the Westminster-centric ‘Eddie the Expert’ and ‘Clarrie the Commentator’ who were tested and found wanting.

    Speaking to The Telegraph, Mr Crosby also:

    Called for public polls to be banned for the “two or three weeks” before a general election because of their potential impact on the result.

  15. I also love TBA’s cockiness about this poll … assuming that 47% have the Budget making no difference to their vote… 24% say it’ll make them more likely to vote for the Govt but then you have 29% saying less likely. So … the Govt is already behind and in the less likely/more likely scale you end up with -5 for the Government… How is that good news?

  16. Good Morning

    Still entrenched opinion according to the polls. News radio had a segment this morning on polling reliability in the wake of the Queensland and UK results published compared to the the election results.
    On AS I think Mr Rudd’s government stuffed up when they let the processing time blow out. This led to scenes in detention centres as they filled up around the country that enabled the LNP to spread their their fear of AS.

    It was at this stage the onshore became too hard politically to support.

    Mandatory detention is just wrong and Labor made a mistake introducing it. At the time however it was reasonable in the limit of time in detention was part of the policy.

    This all comes back to the department having an approach and advising government to adopt that approach.

  17. [The combined impact of pension and concession changes in the State and Federal budgets will leave some retirees more than $16,000 a year worse off, an analysis by The Weekend West reveals.

    The Abbott Government’s clampdown on who gets the age pension will result in some retired couples losing annual payments of between $1892 and $14,467. Some single pensioners will lose between $410 and $10,042 a year.

    The effect of the pension changes announced in Tuesday’s Federal Budget were exacerbated on Thursday when the WA Government’s Budget cut discounts seniors get on electricity bills and water and local government rates. Currently, West Australians aged over 60 on a Commonwealth concession get half-price water and council rates.]

  18. [Mr Crosby accused political commentators of just wanting “entertainment” from politics]


    But can the same be said for those in the public who follow politics?….dog/tail? Or is it chicken/egg.

  19. guytaur

    Explain how you can avoid some form of mandatory detention.

    The UNHCR has effective mandatory detention, with some asylum seekers living in camps for decades, unable to leave because of the hostility of the local community.

    Offshore processing also involves some kind of detention. The Vietnamese Fraser accepted were processed in camps.

    Mandatory onshore detention was introduced because an unacceptably high level of refugees were vanishing into the community. Given that in many cases their health status and their identities are uncertain, this obviously poses risks to the community.

  20. It used to be said that John Howard woild always take a call from Twiggy Forrest

    Looks like Abbott is of a similar mind

    [Tony Abbott as good as confirmed on Friday that the government will set up a parliamentary inquiry into Fortescue founder Andrew Forrest’s claim that BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto deliberately ramped up iron ore production, driving prices down, and damaging their competitors and the nation. We need to “know the facts,” the PM says.]

  21. zoomster

    Mandatory detention is a mistake, With technology we can use electronic tracking nowaday so the escape into the community would be less.

    However as I indicated in my post. That was a small mistake. The big mistake is the length of time spent in detention. That gave the LNP and the right wing media the ammunition to portray a horde of AS descending on the nation.

    Following the department advice is wrong here as their is an agenda. In Keating’s day the agenda had not set in there were just elements of it. Now that Howad and Abbott have stacked the department with their way of thinking all advice leads to what we see today

  22. [guytaur

    Explain how you can avoid some form of mandatory detention.]

    Accept and resettle every single refugee in the world in Australia.

  23. [WWP

    You are doing the LNP work for them with such ridiculous statements.]

    No, no i’m not, that is, as far as I can work it out the greens only plan. If you can explain / refine my understanding of how / when the greens draw a line and say ‘no more you can’t come here’ I’d be fascinated.

  24. [WWP

    Buzz Wrong. Greens suport regional processing like Labor. Its only the LNP that calls that letting the hordes in.]

    OK so we go to refugee camps and collect our agreed allotment of refugees for the year. Say 200,000. And then boats carrying 100,000 show up, what do you do with the 100000 under this regional solution?

    And what do you do between now and the full implementation of the regional solution with the 2,000,000 that show up?

  25. The whole world’s refugees settle in Australia is utter BS. With no controls not all AS would come to Australia and I and from what I see the Greens do not say no controls.

    So stop peddling the BS LNP line the Greens want every refugee in the world in Australis.

  26. The drowning at sea argument is cant. Lurking behind this argument is our preference that people die horribly in their own countries, out of our sight, than die horribly at sea on their way to our shores. It is not a moral position at all. It is nothing more than moral cowardice.

  27. [WWP

    What we do not do is turn back boats so 8000 or so AS can float staring to death in the ocean thats what we can do]

    I know what you don’t do, it is what you do do that you obviously can’t answer.

  28. Heard Lord Downer of the Stockings in an interview with Owen Bennett-Jones using his HC role to spout Libral party policy on boats.

    OBJ was asking as part of the Oz response to what is happening in the Mediterranean at the moment.

    LD of S told OBJ that the Oz government was able to differentiate between economic and “other” refugees and accepted that Oz would have to still process the others. Not in Oz though.

  29. [The drowning at sea argument is cant. Lurking behind this argument is our preference that people die horribly in their own countries, out of our sight, than die horribly at sea on their way to our shores. It is not a moral position at all. It is nothing more than moral cowardice.]

    I’ve been aware of this since the greens voted with the libs on that pathetic basis.

  30. WWP

    I now you are talking utter BS so why should I answer your utter BS.

    When you can show proof the Greens have done a media campaign telling AS around the world come to Australia when we are a government we welcome you all from all around the world. We encourage you to come.

    Then and only then is it not BS

  31. WWP

    Its also like I told zoomster that is not the big mistake. The big mistake was Rudd letting the processing times blow out so the LNP could portray hordes of AS coming and when the LNP started saying Labor does not stop the boats.

  32. [The whole world’s refugees settle in Australia is utter BS. With no controls not all AS would come to Australia and I and from what I see the Greens do not say no controls.

    So stop peddling the BS LNP line the Greens want every refugee in the world in Australis.]

    Um no having ‘no controls’ is absolute BS, and yes if we had an open door policy and resettled everyone who flew or floated here, and other countries didn’t we would get every single refugee in the world that can fly or float here, plus as zoom points out a whole bunch on fake refugees as well.

    What ever limit you set, be it one, or half of the refugees in the whole world you need a plan on how to stop them once you get to that limit. There clearly isn’t one, and if there is to be one it must involve detention and rendition.

  33. No party can solve the AS debate by putting them in detention centers, it’s why they haven’t been able to solve the people in prison debate yet.

  34. [Its also like I told zoomster that is not the big mistake. The big mistake was Rudd letting the processing times blow out so the LNP could portray hordes of AS coming and when the LNP started saying Labor does not stop the boats.]

    The problem was not the blow out in processing times, it was the hordes arriving in the first place.

  35. WWP

    You are asserting no controls. Prove it. Put up or shut up. Do not imply. You have to have facts to prove you are not saying BS.

    Prove your case do not assert because it suits your political belief.

  36. Andrew Elder seems very confident that Morrison will be PM.

    [There are no flies on Scott Morrison. You can’t even see where they’ve been. His run to the Prime Ministership will not be questioned. ]

  37. [WWP

    You are asserting no controls. Prove it. Put up or shut up. Do not imply. You have to have facts to prove you are not saying BS.

    Prove your case do not assert because it suits your political belief.]

    If there are controls you clown tell me what they are, I’ve been asking you directly for 20 minutes and you’ve been ducking and diving like a geelong centre looking for a soft free kick and hoping everyone doesn’t notice.

    So the greens set a cap, it will be a high cap no doubt, but there is a cap. What do the greens do with the first person the comes over the cap? Detain them? Render them to another country? Extend the cap?

    I’m just asserting there is no plan. No strategy to deal with the issue. And without a plan, a strategy, you can’t possibly help to sell it to sympathetic Australians, let alone indifferent and racist Australians.

    You need a holistic strategy that is going to work and be salable to the Australian public. If there is a greens policy document with such a plan do link it.

    If you have a personal idea what you’d do with refugee cap+1, do share.

    If there is no greens plan and you have no idea personally then abusing me is hilarious for us watching you make a fool of yourself but doesn’t really help advance the discussion.

  38. WWP

    Its not up to me to tell you what they are as I am not making the allegation based on conjecture and speculation.

    That is what you are doing.

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