Kentucky fried Clinton

Democratic primaries will be held Wednesday our time in Oregon and Kentucky, which will respectively choose 52 and 51 delegates. Below is another race associated with the latter state, which this year ended with runner-up Eight Belles having to be put down*. Does the knackers’ yard beckon for a certain second-placed Democratic nag? Discuss.

* Unfortunately for my metaphor, Clinton in fact holds a handy 30.5 per cent lead in Kentucky, according to Real Clear Politics. Obama however leads by 12.4 per cent in Oregon.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

2,133 comments on “Kentucky fried Clinton”

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  1. Flux like this potyy howler…

    The only bar effect is that it is obvious that you and arseanque are swallowing each others vital body fluids.


  2. 1897
    Edward StJohn

    I absolutely deny it.

    Yes, you had better provide proof, (which you cannot) and once again we’ll be able to see that you like to fantasize to bolster your silly petulant outrages.

    Proof, or shut up.

  3. 1889
    The Finnigans Says:
    May 25th, 2008 at 9:14 pm
    If this eventuates. You Obamabots here are totally responsible for this debacle…

    Finns, what are you smoking! “We” Obamaphiles are far-off observers, not in-the-thick participants. You might be skittish about an Obama campaign and easily rattled by unsourced mumbling from a republican operator, but most of us are made of firmer stuff.

  4. 1898
    Possum Comitatus

    Hardly any point explaining it Possum, they are as blind as a welder’s dog, but sadly not as smart as one.

  5. Finns


    my marsupial friend’s argument is undermined by what that strategist ALSO said. Any othe rRepug candidate wuld get slaughtered , because the Repugs are on the nose.

    So your comment is accurate , ‘If this eventuates. You Obamabots here are totally responsible for this debacle’ because Obama should be easily defeating McCain NOW and is not !

    Demonstrating what a risky course the NE elitist liberals have taken , rather the sensible Hillary selection who is by far more electable

  6. Time for an excerpt form Monty again, to see if there are any similarities to any of the interaction here, and whether some have come here perhaps for the same reason, thinking PB is an Argument Clinic:

    Man: I came here for a good argument.

    Mr Vibrating: No you didn’t, you came here for an argument.

    Man: Well, an argument’s not the same as contradiction.

    Mr Vibrating: It can be.

    Man: No it can’t. An argument is a connected series of statements to establish a definite proposition.

    Mr Vibrating: No it isn’t.

    Man: Yes it is. It isn’t just contradiction.

    Mr Vibrating: Look, if I argue with you, I must take up a contrary position.

    Man: But it isn’t just saying ‘No it isn’t’.

    Mr Vibrating: Yes it is.

    Man: No it isn’t, Argument is an intellectual process … contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of anything the other person says.

    Mr Vibrating: No it isn’t.

    Man: Yes it is.

    Mr Vibrating: Not at all.

    Man: Now look!

  7. Kirri 1903 –

    Here’s one of your old turds below:

    Kirribilli Removals Says:
    May 8th, 2008 at 8:59 pm
    Make that ‘neither speaks that way, nor acts that way’

    Harry, your point is being made in lots of articles about the general ie the Hillary crew will then be deciding between a bellicose cadaver and a thinking, vigourous statesman who’s proven he can connect with people.

    GG keep it up, (if you can), and you’ll feel an ‘edict’ coming on!

    I think that gives a flavour of your style of “comments” dont you?

    The silence in your defence old son is notable.

  8. Greeny – US betting markets are a lot thicker in the US than here, they have the edge on polls rather than the opposite that happens here any further than about 6 weeks out from the election. They’ve beaten pollsters in the US for every election and mid term that I’ve followed.

    Missisippi is interesting though – has Obama at over 75% probability for victory. And there’s a fair bit of trading so it’s not a thin market there.

    Finns – true – if they’re wrong then we’ll all be FARCED, but not as much as Iran.

  9. It’s from Petronius, via Eliot. In Greek mythology, the Sibyls were women of prophetic power, esp that of Cumae. She asked Apollo for as many years of life as she had grains of sand in her hand, but failed to ask for eternal youth. She shrivels up into a dry immobile wretch hanging in a cage, unable to move. She cannot die and she cannot live due to her greedy folly.

    A group of boys comes by her cage and asks her what she wishes for and she responds that she wishes to die.

    Hillary is the lifeless wretch hanging in a cage in view of the world, due to her unwise decisions. She cannot die and she cannot live. She is waiting for the boys (SDs) to kill her.

  10. 1909
    Edward StJohn

    Ya dumbarse Eddy, the ‘edict’ is William slapping posters for saying stuff that’s beyond the pale. (Which from memory, he very soon did! LOL)

    What in god’s name did you think it meant?

    It’s a bizarre imagination you’ve got if you think that implies a homosexual relationship between GG and anybody! LOL

    What a joke! LOL

    Try again, go on, make a bigger fool of yourself, (if that’s at all possible)

  11. Yes sure Kirri – no entendres in this comment:

    “GG keep it up, (if you can), and you’ll feel an ‘edict’ coming on!”

    Note: Kirri I dont see Jen or catrina rushing to defend you on this. There are plenty more examples but your turds are quite stinky.

  12. Or here’s another flavoursome Kirri turdblast from the past, apparently suggesting Israel ordered a “hit” on JFK is not anti-semitism in your paranoid little world:

    Kirribilli Removals Says:
    February 19th, 2008 at 12:38 am
    William Bowe

    Nup, just as I would NOT call any theory, no matter how improbable, about Israel assasinating JFK a bit of ‘anti-semitism’.

    One claim may be silly, but the other is loaded with moral values.

    No, sorry, nothing you say is valid because you sir, are an ‘ant-semite’!

    It’s like calling someone a fascist, or a Nazi.

    I can excuse oddball conspiracy theories, but that kind of stuff is used, especially by the neoconservative loony fringe, to defend the utterly indefensible.

    rant over.

  13. The Finnigans 1913
    “Ron, be careful. you are giving the man from the showy river his usual convulsion again, see #1905”

    See what you mean FINNS , like an echo , to get attention.
    does is that man also your ‘Clangsy’ plus rons ‘mirror ?

    (ps/ j/v #1908 is copyin k/r’ attention efforts also did you notice)

  14. Actually Finns – looking at those secret squirrel Repub forecasts, for that to happen McCain would have to win both Ohio and Penn as a baseline plus somehwere like Wisconsin or Colorado to boot.

    Optimistic is a bit of an understatement

  15. Ronnie, he cant help himself. yesterday, he had his “clangsy” moment with me and jen in gallop. Now, another “clangsy’ moment just as me and our marsupial friend start to pissing each other.

  16. The interesting thing as you read the desparate posts from Hillary supporters is that if you believe what they say about Obama being such a flawed candidate, how can they explain how he has beaten someone with a huge national profile and DNC connections?? Makes her extraordinarily flawed I’d say

  17. Possum,

    Am I right in suggesting your preference for the Intrade figures at this stage is because the polling predictions are unlikely to be of any use till Aug/sep and that this is your best substitute at this time?

    Do you have a MOE or a range for the possible outcomes?

  18. Here’s more homophobic innuendo from our Kirri

    Kirribilli Removals Says:
    May 19th, 2008 at 6:47 pm
    Gruffy, usually I mention excremental terms when you come in here chucking yours around. Of course Eddy then often follows up the rear (so to speak) and does the finger painting on the walls with it. That’s just his idea of spreading the joy.

    Still, it’s your contribution, and we’ve come not to expect much better, and you haven’t disappointed.

  19. The point got lost in the k/r , j/v and Blind optimist posts , by the way blind optimist B O is not very clever to have a initials in ‘oz’ it makes you lokk more foolish than you demonstate

    Meanwhile my marsupial colleague has escaped with his diversion of beting because Obama is looking obviously a poor candidate being behind NcCain now YET all other Repugs house etc polls show the Repug are on the bad nose 9 excuse the snouted mugged reference Obamabots)

    Marsupial , McCain does NOT have to win any blue States including PA or WI !!
    In fact McCain has the Dems shaky in WI & MI making McCain wineasily. now your relying on leaked GOP disinformation

  20. The Finnigans ]


    “ronnie, he cant help himself”

    you are right FINNS , at least we are tying to help him to see his self attention spurts bring attention to himself but momentarily , and then in a very adverse light. His 2 new apprentices , the “expert” debater /v and our joit P with a maths defect are trying to take attention away as ell

  21. 1915
    The Finnigans Says:
    May 25th, 2008 at 9:35 pm
    #1911 – obviously you are not a tofu eater….
    I am omniverous, and can tell flimsy arguments from unpalatable curds…

  22. What’s everyone fussing about? Every measure has Obama winning. RCP, Intrade, electoral-vote, electionprojection and 538. And he’s got oodles of money. You Hillary lot are hard to please.

  23. Whilst the Hillary fans can bang on about electoralvote, electability and even Gore Vidal, Obama fans have the only thing that counts in this game- delegates. How sweet it is…

  24. Andrew @ 1924 – Good point. Inside runs don’t get any easier than the one Hillary had at the end of last year. Gurners Lane would have loved it. There must be an explanation as to why she didn’t bolt clear of the field.

    I’d suggest that those reasonably close to Hillary knew she wasn’t up to scratch. They had probably seen plenty more of the sort of fantastical behaviours we have had the pleasure of watching for the past few months. Every time she pulled another stunt, she lost a bit more support among insider Dems. For an example, look at the debacle her campaign team became, full of sackings and in-fighting.

    The word gets passed around, and the mantra may well have been a whispering campaign along the lines of “Psst, Hillary’s mad” accompanied by copious evidence. By comparison, Obama was a breath of fresh air – and also not mad – and managed to keep himself above the dirt tactics of the Clintons. So it was easy to transfer allegience to him as Hillary sank into the mire.

    That’s why so many SD’s have gone his way since Super Tuesday, and the delegates in the caucuses have been heavily for him, I’d say. They knew more of The Truth About Hillary and wanted nothing to do with her campaign. The implosion yesterday I would suggest was no surprise to many of the Dem insiders.

    In the meantime Hillary’s less informed supporters are left thrashing about on the blogs screaming in anguish. However, I think that justice has been done. Or will be quite soon.

  25. Dio, nothing will please the Hillarious. They like defeat. It gives them something to moan about and nourishes their appetite for gloom and bile. Since they cannot enjoy victory, they have elevated loss into a form of devotion. Pitiable and confused, they wallow in their grievances.

  26. The Finnigans


    “Ronnie, are u a “chick magnate” to have such polarity of attraction to the bots here? ”

    Its the fact I’m a barbarian FINNS. For the ladies , the animal attraction or the ‘mother’ instinct . For the guys , elitist snoby intellegentsia each with 3 degrees & Uni honours each vs a barabrian who’se got nil , its the embarassment and “bitter” of being intellectually defeated every time by a barbarian

  27. Poor Ron. You will be beaten twice this election season. Hillary will be defeated and so will McCain. Once is usually enough for most of us. You must enjoy a good soul-thrashing, which is good really, as pain will be your companion for months to come.

  28. Eddy, are you stark raving mad, or do you have another excuse?

    Sorry old dear, you’ve really lost the plot, as if we didn’t know, and make perfect company for Ron and Gruffy.

    We need loons and crazies in the world, so I suppose you’re doing us a favour to make a judgement about what sane is.

    Keep up the good work.

  29. 1936
    jaundiced view

    You’ve alluded to something very interesting JV, and that’s the more deranged Hillary’s campaign becomes, the crazier her supporters seem to become. Is there something in the ether that connects them, or what?

    Judging the utter tosh from GG, Eddy, Ron and the Finnster, as disjointed and removed from reality as it is, there’s a common thread. They’ve taken to being as hostile to anyone who tells ’em they’ve lost as a junkyard dog to an intruder.

    Feral. She’s gone feral, and so they have. It cannot be coincidence.

  30. FINNS

    yes the girl is , the barbarians always attract the girls , the book guys attract a library

    Also j/v & B O are getting more & more bitter. Post like my 20 odd questions in #1857 expose their intellectual embarassment , not being able to justify their candidate other than what a 5 year old could with checkers

    This is the reason for 3 months their posts have been one liners or non POTUS defining subjects. Yous have tried your drivel in ‘oz’ and the sensible public have always rejected you academic flower pots.

    The challenge is there in#1857. better move quick before my more qualified than I , the forensic FINNS adds to the #857 list

  31. KR dont fret (or feed) the ferals, just enjoy that sweet sweet delegate count. Dont let them spoil this amazing moment

  32. Oh Ron, you poor misguided republican, you. You have such a chip on your shoulder. Evidently ill-learned, you prize ignorance and despise reason. This does not make your rantings correct and nor can it excuse either your vanity or your bigotry.

  33. KR [the more deranged Hillary’s campaign becomes, the crazier her supporters seem to become.]
    Scanning some of the MSM blogs there are a few among the vast majority decrying Hillary’s suttee act yesterday who are clearly distressed by the fall of their champion. They are too far away from the action to be able to understand Hillary’s own incapacity.

    I think there should be a hotline for anguished and troubled Hillary supporters set up – perhaps not the ‘Black Dog Help Line ‘ – I believe that’s already been done – but how about we call it the ‘Welder’s Dog Help Line?’

    Now all we need are some counsellors and some rooms. Perhaps there is some space at Monty Python’s argument clinic we could use.

  34. 1944

    I don’t really, I just love pointing out what tossers they are! LOL

    They love getting whipped, beaten, and laughed at, so they come here and talk utter rubbish.

    What if we stopped? Would they get sadomasochistic withdrawal symptoms?


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