Kentucky fried Clinton

Democratic primaries will be held Wednesday our time in Oregon and Kentucky, which will respectively choose 52 and 51 delegates. Below is another race associated with the latter state, which this year ended with runner-up Eight Belles having to be put down*. Does the knackers’ yard beckon for a certain second-placed Democratic nag? Discuss.

* Unfortunately for my metaphor, Clinton in fact holds a handy 30.5 per cent lead in Kentucky, according to Real Clear Politics. Obama however leads by 12.4 per cent in Oregon.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

2,133 comments on “Kentucky fried Clinton”

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  1. Diogenes

    changing the subject you devil. What you didn’t say was Hillary with Andy now wins by a landslide 117. !!!

    vs making a selection for Obama (andy winning by just one State , 18 e/v)

    makes support here for Obama on psephology either personally anti Hillary (which is your declared reason) or foolish

    ie. the above is if one accepted Andy’s figures at face value , and you already know from numerous posts I dont , they are only a starting point). But they do not change the statistical matrix at all, going through e/v states , Hillary is the one , with Obama its a huge gamble on current ststs and he’sd have to win either OH or FL (the latter unlikely) and he also has problems in MI and WI. And the OH poll for Obama I do not believe anyway it can be that margin any more than I believe the same Pollsters 6 point NC lead for Hillary

    Relying on betting markets is absurb.A barbarian & others backing favourites have walked home from enough racetracks past the bookies mercs to know the bookies lay a book to win, a favourite is only part of the ‘book’. As for the other 2 sites you know i ignore them but I’ve got other sites also showing Obama losing as for GOP disinformation, well …

    So we alway end back at the e/v states…where the election will be held , Obama not a good selection

  2. 1949
    jaundiced view

    And some free cans of Pal? Nice touch? (I mean they seem to like eating it, everyday they come here they get more.)

  3. 1951
    Greeensborough Growler Says:
    May 25th, 2008 at 10:43 pm

    Ron’s the mastermind around here. Count your toes if you are nervous.
    you have got to be kidding. ron couldn’t mastermind a round of pass the parcel at a kids’ party…..

  4. Uncle Eddy at 1918

    I dont see Jen or catrina rushing to defend you on this.

    Thing is KR doesn’t need anyone defending him – he has testicular fortitude.

  5. Do we really have another week of this lingering death to look forward to? Can’t Hillary ever do a gracious act?

    Not in the DNA I suppose.

  6. Really Catrina,

    So you approve of Kirri referring to “menopausal women” voting for Hillary?
    Maybe I am not surprised even serial killers tend to attract moles in prisons!

  7. Actually Eddy, I think Catrina did voice her concern over that, in fact she corrected me.

    Catrina pointed out that it was the “post-menopausal vote”.

    Can’t deny it, she made a good point. LOL

    And yours is?

  8. Eddy, tut tut, you must be peeved if you have to start inferring I’m a ‘serial killer’.

    Killed your dream? Or what? LOL

    Christ you’re a sad old thing aren’t you?

  9. There is an old proverb – What the wise are ashamed of the foolish are proud of.

    Clearly Kirri any reasonable person on this blog knows which category you fall into.

  10. 1960 GG [Updated data. Story is the same.]

    So is the response – all you need to do is scroll back and reprise the last comprehensive debunking the figures received. Or otherwise re-check the tag tied to Hillary’s deceased toe in the political morgue.

  11. Well I guess HRC hanging around shooting herself in the foot could in the end work for Obama. A number of HRC are just going to get embarrassed by her and start to drift away the longer she acts the fool.

  12. 1966

    Yeah, hard to stay attached to a political suicide bomber for long,

    Hillary can blow up herself, but I suspect quite a few Supers aren’t keen on going with her.

  13. I have to laugh at ESJ and Ron’s sudden conversion to supporting the Democratic Party if Hillary is the candidate: how sincere are you guys?

  14. j/v and BO

    what has got up yous big snouts is you read these liberal rags like huff and DailyKos & left liberal TV media all saying for weeks Hillary has lost & you believed she was about to concede. She is still here and can win making you , j/v , my P k/r etc more bitter by the day

    Also we are still here exposing how little your debating skills are re answering #1857

    All your degrees have been exposed as being of no intellectual value to being able to answer basic questions.

    I’ve now added a addition question to #1857
    What in detail is Obama’s intelelctual agenda , whose model is it based on and which economists theory is Obama’s fiscal monetary & regularatory policy be based on ?

    Your elitist Ivory tower mistakes were to believe a degree proved anything , to quote a barbarian-ism its your state of superiority of mind thats the first
    problem and your inabilty to reason the 2nd , and your acceptance of an loopy intellegentsia “progressively based” philosophy the 3rd , most folks with Degrees have neither of those 3 defects.

    It the very reason why 2 learned blogers here who do NOT have these 3 defects, I a barbarian can ‘debate’ with. ESJ a strong arch Conservative who I call playfuly pompous toff (probably living in a 12 millon hacienda in toorak) vs my shanty and my mate Robert who believes in Marx , now philosophically I profoundly disagree with both but in barbarian terms as people they’re ok just barbarianly wrong , I may convert them to the ‘dark’ side with all its wonderful sins , but you elitist have the gall to dismiss people as Obama did despte them having warts & all like every group , and when yous do then as a barbarian I never hesitate to expose your intelelctual butterfly shallowness as per my #1857 qustions (plus intellectual agenda question I added here)…yous everywhere I found yous always run & I always smile

  15. Progressive – dont be a snob.
    I’ve had my differences with the Ronster – but his posts come from analysis and conviction whereas many of the BHO fan club come from no more than backing a prejudice or predisposition.

  16. Yes Catrina tell us exactly what is the ideology BHO would support/introduce etc?

    Maybe you could ask Kirri to assist you with an answer?

  17. 1977
    Edward StJohn

    God you’re a pompous clown Eddy.

    Catrina is not running BHO’s campaign.

    So Eddy,tell us exactly what is the ideology HRC would support/introduce etc?

  18. Kirribilli: we’ll be waiting all night for anything vaguely readable from ESJ, he’s more interested in personal attacks.

  19. Maureen Dowd in the NYT:

    Obama now has the perfect excuse not to pick Hillary as his running mate. She has been too unseemly in her desire to be on the scene if he trips, or gets hit with a devastating story.

    This is an exquisite analogy (even if most Miss America contestants probably don’t wear pantsuits):

    She may want to take a cue from the Miss America contest: make a graceful, magnanimous exit and wait in the wings.
    That’s where the runners-up can be found, prettily lurking, in case it turns out the girl with the crown has some naked pictures in her past.

  20. 1975

    Ron is the arch anti-semant, but in Ronsperanto the grammatical rules are very different…there aren’t any! LOL

    Isn’t it funny that pompous old git Eddy defends Ron’s rants as if they actually meant anything.

    Woa, maybe Eddy speaks fluent Ronsperanto too? There’s a thought.

    OK, Eddy, give us a translation in English of #1971

    Extra marks for neatness! LOL

  21. poor poor ron. i do not read the blurbs you mention. i do not dwell in an ivory tower. i did not have the good fortune of getting a degree and am not elite in any sense.

    you are quite possibly one of the most conceited and ignorant bludgers who ever put fingers to keyboard.

    i can’t quite believe i am taking the trouble to admonish you and feel much the worse for it, you idiot.

  22. ESJ: you never answered my question either!
    Come on, we know you and Ron aren’t real Hillary supporters, you two are just on here to troll and bash Obama supporters.

  23. 1979

    Yes, I’ve quite lost my affection for poor old Eddy, he seems to be dribbling quite a lot lately and stalking me…oooh, too creepy! LOL

    I can’t wait for the Hillarious ones to start rooting for Macca. And you can bet they will, and that will be a hoot.

    Bring it on!

  24. And I thought that Lose The Election person last year was an idiot: he’s a Rhodes scholar compared to the other two knuckleheads in this thread LOL

  25. Eddy, no one can answer it because no one can make it intelligible in ANY language!

    You’ve lost this one, Eddy.

    So if you can, then we await your translation.

    Chop chop, don’t keep us waiting.

  26. The reference in the bottom para. Also like the Hannity bit

    Maybe a tired, stressed Hillary was giving an unfiltered version of a blunt conversation that she’s had with her husband and advisers about staying in the race, using R.F.K. as an anything-can-happen example, in the same way she fantasizes about Sean Hannity breaking a story that would demolish Obama.

    She’s made the tasteless assassination comment before, including in a March interview with Time.

    But coming right after the anniversary of the King assassination, right before the anniversary of the Bobby Kennedy assassination, right in the midst of the wrenching news about Teddy Kennedy’s brain tumor, and right in the middle of Billary’s hostile takeover attempt on the vice president’s mansion, the image was jarring.

  27. jaundiced view at 1972:

    “Obama Fills in For Kennedy at Wesleyan”

    Looks a lot like the old lion passing the torch to the young lion moment.

  28. HINT: “fiscal monetary & regularatory policy be based on”

    There is something called Fiscal Policy, which is what governments do with budgets and tax policy, and there is Monetary Policy which is what Central banks do with things like interest rates.

    Regulation of the financial system is a very broad term and encompasses a lot of how government responds to moderate the behaviour of financial systems.

    Obama would not be setting Monetary Policy unless he runs for job on the Federal Reserve Bank.

    So, the question is utter nonsense, which is in keeping with Ron’s usual standard.

  29. Catrina – [the old lion passing the torch to the young lion moment.]
    Yes, heavy with symbolism isn’t it? And it will be seen that way by the Dem insiders and SD’s I’d say.

  30. progressive , as I predicted , ran off to the security of …

    Catrina #1975
    “Progressive at 1974, An anti-semantic moment?”

    Yous are not only intellectually shallow , qustions in #1857& new one testify to that , but you are also intellectual wimps. When i say yous are acedamically inspired loopy elitists with shallow idealology , I back it up.

    You cann’t thats why yous won’t answer #1857. even the above remark , you will lack the intelelctual courage to back up. Despite your numric advanage of 20 to you or whatever , and all your degrees , I’ll even aloow you to pick which side of the Israeli argument you want to push , I’ll demolish yous whichever you pick

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