Florida primaries thread

Voting has begun in today’s Florida primaries, the last to be held before Super Tuesday apart from Republican caucuses in Maine on Saturday. For refusing to play by the rules of the parties’ national committees, Florida has been stripped of the 210 delegates it would normally send to the Democratic national convention, along with half of its 114 Republican delegates. All 57 of the Republican delegates will be pledged to the winning candidate, whereas the Democratic primary amounts to nothing more than an opinion poll. Polls show John McCain and Mitt Romney neck-and-neck in the Republican race, with Rudy Giuliani looking very unlikely to pull off his Florida-first strategy.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

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  1. 648 Ron – I didn’t see it, but read the CNN blog page reporting it as it unfolded. Seems like they both did well. It should help Obama, as he is the one who needs to show weight, she already has it, so he should get more from a good performance than Clinton will. Or is that wishful thinking? My bets on Obama are colouring my view perhaps.

  2. Back from the BDO. Say the best band in the world (Arcade Fire) and George W Bush’s most hated band Rage Against The Machine. The crowd surprised me. Never knew we had so many angry people in Adelaide. Was lucky to get out alive even wearing my “Bite the Hand” George W T-shirt.

  3. Not wishful thinking jaundiced view…Obama gains credibility & momentum out of breaking even (in my view) in such an important debate

    Last night he was only 6% behind on the Gallop Poll with Edwards in the Poll
    Edwards is now out
    Edwards 12% votes should split up to 75% to Obama

    so its now close Poll wise..as at before the Debate

    However these are National Polls & the state by state primary splits will vary but Obama is “narrowing” fast

  4. I have just caught up on the thread since my last post at 5.32pm. Wow, do we all have to declare whose side we’re on.

    Jen is siding with Kirribilli I see. Well if I was called a molester or a plagiariser, I can assure you I wouldn’t be siding with the one who used the word starting with m.

    Ed St J, I’m amazed, you have managed to put a sock in his mouth??? 🙂

  5. Comedy Central is great value, and Jon Stewart is ‘da man’, and that Colbert’s not bad either.

    But where’s Mr Ed Snidely and his wet lettuce?

    Did he amuse? Scintillate? Get the juices flowing?

    Or did he just dribble into a hankey as usual? I’m seriously disappointed in him, I’ll tell you. He just cannot keep it up anymore. Those insults are getting more flaccid by the day!

    No bloody staying power, that’s his problem.

    “Boring”! What do you call that? A Clayton’s insult when you cannot lie, (without being caught out), cannot make snide accusations (without being caught out), so you have to fall back on “boring”.

    Jesuuuus, that’s funny!

  6. So, the end of a Friday night, and two sporting non-events in a row. First the cricket, and now the promised Flogging in the Blogging here has fizzled. Better luck next week, sports fans.
    in the meantime, watch that Obama surge build and build until Tuesday and beyond.

  7. ESJ-I did surprise a few people by going. There weren’t many other balding 40 year olds there. I love the Arcade Fire and would not have missed them for the world. I bought a Rage Against The Machine T-shirt with their name and a photo of five nuns carrying shotguns on the front. I decided to wear it home to annoy the wife. Unfortunately, my mother-in-law was still at my home babysitting when I walked in. This was especially bad as she’s a devout Catholic, whose sister is a nun and who’s cousin was Archbishop of Adelaide. I beat a hasty retreat to change the T shirt but I’m not sure I got away with it.

  8. 669

    nah centre, Snidely just does not stoke my fire with his wet lettuce attacks.

    That crumpled little husk? Calling me ‘boring’?

    And you want EXCITEMENT from that?

    Holy Sheet Batman, you gotta be kidding!

  9. well if its a Howard rodent promise…you’ll be waiting

    and rodent howard has planted some mini rodents here

    ask for cash up front

  10. 666
    jaundiced view

    Hey cheer up JV!

    You at least get the sign of the beast tattooed inside your eyelids for daring to insult the blogosphere with your petty needs! LOL

  11. Robert Boland you mention the mini rodent possibly dreaming ?

    I thought their brains only have two functions

    eating and ….poring out dribble

  12. actually kr i would award it to esj-only on points mind you!

    ps though ive been known to talk out of my orifice before 🙂

    pps william did i cross the line with my strap-on comment?

  13. KR , to bring you up todate

    I’ve come onto the thread and there was ESJ pompous toff lurking in the background

    He tried his now boring jabs which i returned fire and after a 1/2 hour he could not handle it and scurried back to his mini rodents nest

    His supporters here are still getting over his humiliation

  14. William I would have loved to. There are so many different opinions as to the outcome of the US elections. Some like Hillybilly, some Obama, and others McCain.

    I thought that by putting our money where our mouth is, with you being the recipient, therefore not conducting anything illegal, it could have been a good way to match opinions and donate to this site at the same time.

    I won’t have the time to check all the bets being requested, but if somebody else would like to, I would be happy to supply the prices.

  15. Did Mr Snidely try an allusion to Star Wars tonight?

    Oh my, he was trying hard, wasn’t he? So he says:

    “Hopefully balance in the force has been restored and the midiclorian count is back to normal!”

    For those not accquainted with this marvellous tale:

    Midi-chlorians (also spelled “midi-clorians” or “midichlorians”) are a microorganism in the fictional Star Wars galaxy, first mentioned in the prequel trilogy. They are microscopic life-forms that reside within the cells of almost all living things and communicate with the Force. Midi-chlorians compose a collective consciousness and intelligence, forming links between everything living and the Force. They are symbionts with all other living things; that is, without them, life could not exist. The Jedi have learned how to listen to and coordinate the midi-chlorians. If they quiet their minds, they can hear the midi-chlorians speaking to them, telling them the will of the Force. In order to be a Jedi or a Sith, one must have a high concentration of midi-chlorians in one’s cells.

    …I’ll leave it your own imaginations just what deep and meaningful thing Snidely was trying to convey, but I wouldn’t waste too much time on it!

  16. KR- Actually 666 is NOT the number of the beast. Oxford researchers found out 2 years ago that it’s really 616. Evidently there was a typo or something. But if we pretend the number of the beast is 666, what is 668?

  17. There I was doing a Bolte and I thought I heard some high pitched barking, it was old yeller my favourite maltese and my feisty pekinese Ron.

    In the words of Paul Keating – the dogs are barking but the caravan moves.

    Clearly you two have shown your mettle – when confronted you cower and when you think I am out of sight you go for the sneak attacks.

    I think the PB community can see who is who in this little arena!

    Good night – bring on Super Duper Tuesday!!!

  18. 686

    Crikey, you have some obscure numerology tucked away! First it was Mayo with his 20yr assasination cycles, and now you tell me it’s not 666!

    I need to sit down (oh, I am sitting down, I mean stand up…or something), the shock is making me dizzy!

  19. oh mini rodent , come out of your closet and be humiliated like a real rodent
    as the blogosphere can see you lurk and scurry with your precious little tootsies

  20. Diogenes @ 686 – Are you referring to the year 668, the year the Shilla Dynasty of Korea made Mahayana Buddhism its official religion?

  21. Oh, I really, really like this bit:

    “Clearly you two have shown your mettle – when confronted you cower and when you think I am out of sight you go for the sneak attacks.”

    I’ve got three words for Snidely:


    …the master of lying, and innuendo and gratuitous attacks reckons I use “sneak attacks”.

    Love it! I just love it!

  22. 687
    Centre Says:
    February 1st, 2008 at 11:50 pm
    Well put your money where your moth is knowall knownothing wannabee.

    Centre Says:
    February 1st, 2008 at 11:54 pm
    Better still why don’t you put up the prices Ron?

    Which is it

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