Morgan: 54.5-45.5 to Labor

Labor maintains its strong lead in the latest Roy Morgan federal poll, while EMRS finds the state Liberals still well on top in Tasmania.

Roy Morgan published its regular fortnightly (for so it now seems) federal voting intention poll on Wednesday, which recorded an incremental improvement for Labor on their already strong previous result. Labor was credited with a lead of 54.5-45.5 on two-party preferred, out from 54-46 last time, from primary votes of Coalition 37.5% (steady), Labor 38.5% (up one), Greens 11.5% (down one) and One Nation 3% (down half).

Two-party state breakdowns are included as usual, showing Labor leading in New South Wales with 53% (a swing of about 5% compared with the 2019 election, and a gain of one point since the previous poll), in Victoria with 59.5% (a swing of about 6.5%, and a loss of half a point), in Western Australia with 51% (a swing of about 6.5%, and a loss of three-and-a-half points), in South Australia with 57.5% (a swing of about 9%, and a gain of three points) and in Tasmania with 63.5% (a swing of about 7.5%, and a gain of six-and-a-half points. The Coalition’s only lead is in Queensland with 53.5%, a gain of 1.5% since the previous poll but a swing to Labor of around 5% compared with 2019.

The poll was conducted over the past two weekends from a sample of 2735. Assuming this was divided between the states in proportion to population, sub-samples would have ranged from nearly 900 in New South Wales to less than 100 in Tasmania.

Speaking of Tasmania, the first EMRS poll of voting intention in that state since the May election was published yesterday, although it does not capture the impact of the latest developments in the David O’Byrne saga, having been conducted from August 7 to 9. The result is almost identical to that of the election, with the Liberals on 49% (48.7% at the election), Labor on 28% (28.2%) and the Greens on 13% (12.4%). Newly restored Labor leader Rebecca White trails Peter Gutwein 59-29 as preferred premier, compared with 61-26 in the pre-election poll in February. The poll was conducted by phone from a sample of 1000.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,848 comments on “Morgan: 54.5-45.5 to Labor”

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  1. Alpha Zero @ #189 Friday, September 3rd, 2021 – 8:43 am

    BITB – have you not been watching the Vuelta?

    The Cave homes in Andalusia have been superb! …

    No, I haven’t, although your pictures a similar to the hostel I stayed in, in Turkey.

    They are amazing sights.

    I think watching the show would require an electrical device called a television.

    They often come up in class discussions, but I haven’t had one of my own for a couple of decades. 😆

  2. TPOF @ #177 Friday, September 3rd, 2021 – 10:42 am


    Just once I wish someone on the receiving end of this shit would let it rip. Ask journalists questions. Make them answer. Call them out. State the bleeding obvious.


    Yeah, I’d like that too. But just remember what happened when Julia Gillard told the media to stop writing rubbish. Not only did they double down on writing rubbish but they are still going on and complaining about it to this day.

    The mainstream media are shit (Guardian excepted). And there is nothing Labor can do about it. We know that and don’t need reminding of it on an hourly basis.

    We get reminded minute by minute about how shit this and that is.
    This is my thing.
    Also, ‘And there is nothing Labor can do about it.’
    I don’t believe you.

  3. At 6 45 this morning a Toorak matron laid into Jeanette young for promoting vaccine hesitantancy. Claimed that Young had said no Qlder should have AZ, obviously didn’t listen to that press conference, cos her husband works for Pfizer

    Would not countenance that Scummo had a panicked late night press conference

    Must be in LNP talking points, along with Dan Andrews drunk at Lindsay fox Portsea house

  4. mundo

    Easy answer. Cos NSW is a liberal state govt.
    Why don’t brave independent journalists ever turn up to these things.
    Why just the hacks.

    They are not allowed.

    Michael West is consistently refused permission.

  5. Sceptic:

    To be honest, I think people greatly overestimate Rupert Murdoch’s role in the reporting of his various media outlets. I imagine in many cases, its more about hiring management, editors, and reporters who share his political leanings and making it clear that he objectivity is not what he wants from them. Then he just lets them do their thing, occasionally prodding them in certain directions as he sees fit. It’s not that the papers/Sky are doing his bidding so much as those in charge are reactionaries too.

  6. The media are just abominable, generally speaking. I avoid them as much as possible. I do not consume their products. I do not share their products. They are scavengers.

  7. Douglas and Milko @ #206 Friday, September 3rd, 2021 – 10:54 am


    Easy answer. Cos NSW is a liberal state govt.
    Why don’t brave independent journalists ever turn up to these things.
    Why just the hacks.

    They are not allowed.

    Michael West is consistently refused permission.

    Why doesn’t Dan just prohibit the riff raff then.
    Isn’t he allowed to?
    Is he too ‘professional’, too ‘grown-up’, too ‘nice’?

  8. mundo

    Andrews stays until every question is exhausted. Other day presser went for more than 2 hours.
    Seriously no longer necessary for such long pressers. But there you go.

  9. Mundo

    Perhaps Dan Andrews knows he is competent. Believes in government being held to account in a democracy.

    Maybe he thinks that’s a good way to win elections.

  10. In my short classroom teaching stint I had some kids who were remote learning. It was obvious that they could knock off 3 weeks work in an afternoon because

    1. They were motivated
    2. They weren’t wasting time while teacher regained control of class.
    Do not underestimate the amount of time wasted in classroom management, this was a good school

  11. Asha says:
    Friday, September 3, 2021 at 10:54 am
    Do you really think Rupert relies on a personality test before hiring anyone in a senior role.. he’s an on the blower control freak.

    If Rupert Murdoch isn’t a control freak, then why are his employees so reluctant to criticise their boss? [$]
    11:36 AM · Feb 7, 2015·Hootsuite

    It’s worth noting that few if any of the women in Rupert’s life .. from mother, previous wives , daughter seem to like him.

  12. Asha @ #199 Friday, September 3rd, 2021 – 8:49 am

    When I mentioned the bullying aspect the other day, I was mostly just pointing out that lockdown isn’t misery for every kid, and that some probably prefer it to school for a variety of reasons. Certainly I don’t think it’s a reason to delay sending children back to school if it is otherwise appropriate to do so.

    Like most decisions around the pandemic, the health considerations should be the main factor.

    Here in Indonesia, the schools were the first places closed when the pandemic hit and they still are 18 months on.

    The Government is working towards reopening them with teachers being a high priority group for vaccinations and they have already started vaccinating school kids 12 and older.

    My school has just started having a couple of offline classes again, which will hopefully allow us to get the protocols in place to allow more in the near future.

    Like Zoomster, I can’t wait to be back in a classroom with kids all the time, but it’s got to be done safely for everyone.

  13. zoomstersays:
    Friday, September 3, 2021 at 9:52 am
    Dan fell for the ‘it’s unfair for these areas with no cases to be closed down’ spiel and locked down Melbourne harder than the regions.

    So COVID spread to the regions.

    Dan’s problem appears to be that he tries to be TOO reasonable at times. It’s why he opened up Victoria originally more quickly than he sho

    Now some LNP types, who advocated living with COVID-21, will breathe a sigh of relief that Gladys no longer has to any blame. All that can be shifted to Andrews, whether it is locdowns, vaccination rates, economy etc. Pivoting from Andrews they can blame WA and QLD for living with COVID, which they are already doing.

    Presumably they want to do this to win next federal election.

  14. Dan Andrews deals with the riff raf daily

    Rachelbaxendale, the Australian
    Sophie Ellsworth the Australian
    Julia Bradley channel 7
    Summeya ilanbeya the age – occasionally joins the feeding frenzy
    Richard willingham abc joins the fray

    The main stream media are feral at Vic press conferences

  15. Ven @ #217 Friday, September 3rd, 2021 – 11:02 am

    Friday, September 3, 2021 at 9:52 am
    Dan fell for the ‘it’s unfair for these areas with no cases to be closed down’ spiel and locked down Melbourne harder than the regions.

    So COVID spread to the regions.

    Dan’s problem appears to be that he tries to be TOO reasonable at times. It’s why he opened up Victoria originally more quickly than he sho

    Now some LNP types, who advocated living with COVID-21, will breathe a sigh of relief that Gladys no longer has to any blame. All that can be shifted to Andrews, whether it is locdowns, vaccination rates, economy etc. Pivoting from Andrews they can blame WA and QLD for living with COVID, which they are already doing.

    ‘he tries to be TOO reasonable at times’
    It’s the Labor way.
    No cream-puff can’t do with a little extra cream in it’s puffiness.

  16. The ABC’s NSW reporter tends to ask softball questions like, “premier, there have been suggestions…what do you think”…

    Ashleigh Raper is the classic example of a Bright Young Thing, a keen new journo given a backyard gig in State politics, gradually turned into an arse-kissing Liberal lovin’ zombie, more interested in staying on the Premier’s speed dial than in any way being seen as rocking the boat, or seeking the truth.

  17. Holdenhillbillysays:
    Friday, September 3, 2021 at 11:01 am
    1,431 new cases in NSW and 12 deaths.

    Deadliest day todate cases wise and deaths wise and hospital admission wise.

  18. Victorias at 10:22 am

    What the f is wrong with our media,

    Qld recorded zero cases and gets this treatment,

    It’s gone beyond a frickin joke

    The presstitutes move as a pack and it seems Qld is the target de jour. I heard a short bit of someone from Qld. government being interviewed on RN this morning. I don’t know who was interviewing them but FMD they were going at the Qld. person as if they had 1000 cases a day and clubbing seals in their spare time. I don’t mind hard questioning but I sure as hell haven’t heard any directed at the Gladystan Premiermade Disaster .

  19. “Remember when we were being told the Greens in Germany were a shoe-in, and were being asked to admire their leader because she could do hand stands?

    Apparently her lack of political experience turned out not to be a plus after all….”


    Oh dear. I’ve seen some spin in my time posting on this blog but this is right up there. Looks like I picked a good day to check in on PB!

    The German Greens received 8% of the vote at the last election. If this poll is correct, it would mean that they have literally DOUBLED their support since then. That would be nothing short of a fantastic result for them, especially considering the torrent of “fake news” that has been directed at the party since they nominated Baerbock as leader and considering it’s the first time they have contested the chancellorship. But I’m sure the Labor supporters here will come up with some explanation as to why a doubling of electoral support is somehow a bad result.

    On another topic, as I type this Gladys is updating us on the disaster she is presiding over. 1400+ today. Those of us (pretty much everyone on the blog from memory) who called on her to lock down hard early have been totally vindicated. But most of the blame for the current situation surely lays at the feet of Morrison for the way he has totally botched the vaccine rollout. Liberal incompetence everywhere you look.

  20. Aunty Gladys says “Thank you boys and girls for sending me your lovely stories and drawings. I love every one of them,” spending more time and emotion on that than in announcing another record day of death and disease.


    If she opens up NSW, it’ll be carnage.

  21. Bushfire Bill @ #233 Friday, September 3rd, 2021 – 11:09 am

    Aunty Gladys says “Thank you boys and girls for sending me your lovely stories and drawings. I love every one of them,” spending more time and emotion on that than in announcing another record day of death and disease.


    If she opens up NSW, it’ll be carnage.

    ‘Aunty Gladys’
    Clever ain’t it?
    We’ll see.

  22. Billie @ #220 Friday, September 3rd, 2021 – 11:03 am

    Dan Andrews deals with the riff raf daily

    Rachelbaxendale, the Australian
    Sophie Ellsworth the Australian
    Julia Bradley channel 7
    Summeya ilanbeya the age – occasionally joins the feeding frenzy
    Richard willingham abc joins the fray

    The main stream media are feral at Vic press conferences

    Oh, I thought he was a ‘cream puff’? mundo said so!

  23. Bushfire Bill @ #234 Friday, September 3rd, 2021 – 11:09 am

    Aunty Gladys says “Thank you boys and girls for sending me your lovely stories and drawings. I love every one of them,” spending more time and emotion on that than in announcing another record day of death and disease.


    If she opens up NSW, it’ll be carnage.

    Did she say if any of them came from hospital?

  24. I have no doubt NSW will be the first to open up. The way Gaslighter was talking yesterday deaths will just be the new normal and she doesnt give a monkeys.

  25. Live footage showing portacabins arriving in Wilcannia for emergency workers.

    The campervans won’t arrive for days.

    Surely it is quicker to get into a Winnebago, turn on the ignition and drive it to Wilcannia than it is to load portacabins onto the back of a truck.


  26. Gladys keeps rabbitting on about the modelling.

    Why not go through it?

    “We’re predicting a peak in cases of about XXX by YYY, but after that date, numbers will trail off steadily and by ZZZ we’ll be down to AAA cases…”

    This would give people some sense that things were working.

  27. Steady as she sinks in NSW with 1400 cases. That exponential growth curve looks a much more reliable predictor than Gladys.

    I’m half surprised Gladys didn’t talk up the 12 deaths as a neat way of freeing up ICU space. Half the intubated ones will die. Problem solved.

    I just can’t watch Gladys for more than a minute. Her comments are so sickeningly in denial of the human tragedy. She is as big a sociopath as Morrison, just better at hiding it in the past.

  28. There’s that ‘quadrupled’ word again, re ventilators this time.

    Michael Pacsoe has some thoughts on that little sop to reality –

    As the number of COVID victims requiring admission to intensive care units steadily climbs, a couple thousand ICU beds have gone missing – or Gladys Berejiklian has not been accurate in claiming NSW had “quadrupled” its ICU capacity since the pandemic started.

    The New Daily asked NSW Health on Wednesday to clarify the mystery of the missing capacity and the conflicting numbers. More than 26 hours later, a NSW Health spokesperson provided a non-answer.

    “NSW Health has the largest and most skilled health workforce in the country and over the past decade, it has undertaken the largest health capital works rebuild in Australia’s history,” the spokesperson began and went nowhere more meaningful after that.

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