The Australian has produced two tranches of Newspoll quarterly breakdowns over the past two days, the first being the all-important (from BludgerTrack’s perspective) state breakdowns, followed by breakdowns by age and gender, all of which is derived from the entirety of Newspoll’s surveying from October to December. Together with last week’s Essential Research result, this constitutes the final piece in the BludgerTrack puzzle for the year. The result finds further evidence of momentum for One Nation, who have ended the year only two points shy of the Greens. The Newspoll breakdowns have contributed to an improvement for the Coalition in Victoria, where they gain a seat on the projection, relative to Western Australia and South Australia, where they lose one apiece.
Also from Essential Research this week has been state voting intention results for the mainland states, which, like the Newspoll breakdowns, are compiled from polling conducted through the last three months of the year. I’ll have more to say about these as Newspoll unrolls its own state polling over the coming weeks (I hope).
dave @ #4690 Sunday, January 8, 2017 at 5:28 pm
Bbbbut, but, but Ley’s done nothing wrong.
She’s just repaying the money to help the Government balance the budget.
What a wonderful person. ;P
The ABC news has Ley with 14 unaccounted Gold Coast trips, no doubt now the leaks are from the PMOs office…
[Sussan Ley MP
28 mins ·
I have spent the past 48 hours examining my travel records.
Centrelink should take over Ley’s case. Their data matching robot will send her a bill for a whopping amount and threaten her with jail unless she coughs up immediately.
bk @ #4742 Sunday, January 8, 2017 at 7:26 pm
Will he cut or raise funding for obesity research. 🙂
Obviously not as there was a revolution for independence in the USA and 250 years of evolving separately. however there are independence movements within the USA and the possibility of Vermont being more at home in Canada than the US is always on the cards.
The thing is about Crimea is that there was no vote to award it to Ukraine – just an administrative order from Krushchev himself a Ukrainian. when the USSR collapsed the should have been a vote in Crimea to decide where they belonged. It is probably pretty much the same in the Eastern areas of Ukraine where the people are more connected to Russia than the Kiev.
The way to think about it is this. If for some reason Tasmania (or NT or ACT) could no longer function as a state and administratively it was awarded first to Victoria then later to SA, it would not bother the Tasmanians too much – all the laws, pensions etc would be Australian. There might be minor quibbles but it would not make too much difference. However if for some reason Australia fell apart under pressure from the dominant regional powers of China, India and Indonesia, with Western Australia, Qld, SA and NT choosing to form very close ties with Indonesia and India and in a new nation called “New Australia” but Victoria and NSW seeking to remain independent and separate as say “Old Australia”, this might be a problem for the Tasmanians. They may prefer to have remained with Victoria but the regional powers drew the borders and they are expected to remain part of the New Australia.
This is a basically the situation for Crimea ans to a lesser extent the Donbass region of the Ukraine. Throw in language and religious differences you can see the issues.
David Crowe
2h2 hours ago
David Crowe @CroweDM
@ShooterS80 In the sense that a politician made a calculation about what the public would tolerate… and she lost.
David Crowe
3h3 hours ago
David Crowe @CroweDM
Ley a case study of living in the past. In an age of $36b deficits and Centrelink crackdowns, less tolerance than ever
barney in saigon @ #4754 Sunday, January 8, 2017 at 8:16 pm
Offer himself in the name of science.
Hang on! He doesn’t believe in science.
bk @ #4757 Sunday, January 8, 2017 at 8:18 pm
So all funding for all research goes then.
We-ell they are ‘very special’…
No I often think that the UK retaking the USA would be a good idea, although these days the London bankers seem even more obnoxious than the Wall St mob. (smiley)
More seriously if say there had been a significant pro UK sentiment within some sections of the USA then UK supporting rebels would be OK. Indeed something like that happened in Canada. For example if there had been a movement to join the USA within Canada but not fully supported by the population, I would have had no problem with British intervention in 1800 to support the right of Canadians to stay linked to the UK.
if Spain of Mexico supported independence for New Mexico i would not object – provided it is what the residents of New Mexico want.
Barney in Saigon
Sunday, January 8, 2017 at 8:20 pm
So all funding for all research goes then.
Vaccines don’t work
Climate change is an imagination
The world is 6 thousand years old and flat.
Heaps of research required.
Haha someone should tweet that!
frednk @ #4750 #4750 Sunday, January 8, 2017 at 8:03 pm
Perhaps you haven’t traveled as much!
I find stuff on ebay and get my wife to buy; she is so much better at it. Because I didn’t complete the transaction bludger track now have a helpful advert suggesting I take another look.
Don that raises an interesting question; of all her trips what percentage were to the gold coast. She seems to have gone there a lot of times.
Christensen would probably order a vaccine be developed to cure people from becoming Muslims.
I suspect all parties mentioned couldn’t care less if they have our support or not. Clearly in your world Australia should not be a republic.
Her being sacked should be a Ley down misere.
Fred, ABC said over 3 years she made 20 trips to the GC, which was more than 3 capital cities combined ( can’t remember the ones, Hobart/Adelaide ??)
Oh jeezus. We should doubt everything Western media reports, but if it’s published in RT whoo hoo, TEH TRUTH!
For some reason I have a sideline advertisement on PB for spinning tops made of 24 carat gold, copper and titanium. These seem to be rich mens’ toys and I’m certainly not in that category. Perhaps I mentioned political ‘spin’ some time in the past.
Ministerial business at the Gold Coast on New Years Eve (twice)?
My money is still on Ley lasting longer than Turnbull.
(not much longer tbf)
Sunday, January 8, 2017 at 8:00 pm
Jack A Randa
that it would be ok for Russia to just invade, or sponsor an armed insurrection?
If it is OK for the US to sponsor a coup against the elected government then sure it is.
I think poroti has fallen down a wormhole filled with Russian vodka.
Ministerial business at the Gold Coast on New Years Eve (twice)?
Doesn’t her man have his business on the Gold Coast? If you get my drift. 😉
toorak toff @ #4587 Sunday, January 8, 2017 at 2:03 pm
Have done for years, but a few years back Coles and Woolworths ceased stocking it.
So I do an occasional stock up when I encounter an IGA as there are none close to me.
frednk @ #4761 Sunday, January 8, 2017 at 8:26 pm
I just thought of theory to explain RWNJs.
Based on an idea I read from Betrand Russell where he talked about the political plane as not being a straight line but a circle and at their extremes he proposed that Right and Left met and could no longer distinguish one from the other.
The RWNJs have reached this point and and are no longer distinguishable from the LWNJs.
And as a result they’ve become secret devotees of POL POT and wish create a world devoid of science and learning in the attempt to reach for some the Utopian “Dark Age” past where such pursuits were frowned upon and persecuted.
Dr Emerson gets it:
Craig Emerson @DrCraigEmerson 5h5 hours ago
Minister buys an $800,000 unit on impulse on a taxpayer-funded trip. Yachtsmen want penalty rates cut. And they wonder why people are angry!
jack a randa @ #4599 Sunday, January 8, 2017 at 2:52 pm
That was nothing to do with me sunshine and get your facts straight. I do not misread others posts and then abuse them. If you say I do, then either produce some evidence or withdraw your false accusation.
Same goes for Australian Tories:
Tom London @TomLondon6
Central Tory lie is that work is always a path out of poverty
Millions of people in UK TRAPPED, working harder than any – for poverty wages
Check out damon johnston (@damonheraldsun):
Oh dear Sussan Ley
Turnbull – Sussan, you’ve got to resign
Ley – If I have to resign I will force a byelection.
Turnbull – Sussan, you are doing a great job
Wolf Cocklin @wolfcat 48m48 minutes ago
Note if you are on Centerlink benefits and get a nasty letter, just say sorry I was buying a Gold Coast Apartment and you will be fine
Even if Ley resigned and forced a by election, there would be no chance of the seat changing hands. Turnbull might not want to lose one of his few supporters, however.
…and, of course, there is no reason why she can’t resign/be sacked as Minister and go to the back bench.
Zoomster – agree (though there could be a big swing (Bass proportions)
This assumes her electorate would change to something other than Lib or Nat if she resigned. A big call.
Snap, although she could always resign from the Libs and sit as an independent. Yes she’d kiss her future parliamentary career goodbye in the process, but it could be worthy short term bribe in the meantime.
I’d rather another LNP MP sacked/back to backbencher than continuing to rort tax payers money.
Read the editorial:
I’d say she’s gawn!
I don’t see how you can interpret any of my comments as a defence of Ley.
I had no idea that being a minister entitled your spouse to free public travel to their place of business? What a great benefit! I nominate Sussan Ley for a Gold Bronwyn Bishop Medal. Perhaps it could be announced at the Australia Day “honours” list, for services to real estate?
Ley said she did not meet expcted standards. Can we read the standards? I suppose they are more like guidelines.
Is this benefit taxable income? Did Ley or her partner declare the value of the free travel on her tax return?
Hopefully the repaid funds for Ley’s personal travel can be put into a fund to compensate victims of the Centrelink Debt scandal.
Re C@t @9:39PM: well, Turnbull’s got his instructions.
I have no idea what point you were making. I believe in votes and therefore if we choose to become a republic so be it. However if we choose an elected president who after a term or two morphs into a fascist totalitarian, who also badly mismanages the economy such that the good citizens of WA or Tas etc rebel against the Dictator and beg King William to retake us, I would not have a problem with UK intervention.
It is funny that you probably believe 90% of what you see on the BBC but not much on RT. Both are government broadcasters and both will present the news much as their government wants. There was once a culture of independence in the BBC but this seems to have fallen much as it has in the ABC.
The reality is of course that both RT and BBC filter the news, the BBC selecting stories that favour the UK perception of reality and RT favouring the Russian perception. Our job as readers is ideally to look at both sites. Where they agree we can probably assume it is true, where they disagree then the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle.
So RT claims that the USA sponsors coups – well there is plenty of evidence for that, especially the Nuland tapes as well as lots of past history. Why do you find it hard to believe the US sponsors coups when we know that they manufactured the bay of pigs incident, had the Iran Contra deals etc. It is a perfectly rational strategy for the USA to try to undermine governments they do not like. I said rational not moral. if you can change a government without invading and causing wars and deaths and at low cost, then only an imbecilic government would not at least try. the tried and true methods of divide and conquer, assist to remove unfriendly rulers and support insurgencies have been around since ancient times. The British were masters of then trade. So the RT making the claim that USA sponsors coups is stock standard. naturally Russia will dislike such activity and will choose available methods to counteract the effect. that much is obvious. Not every country will have the SAME ability to sponsor coups, since you obviously need to have a significant presence in the country, and also there needs to be a receptive insurgency group that can be used as a tool. So countries with significant presence for some other reason eg trade and merchants, religion, cultural attaches, aid workers and teachers etc all provide cover for some nations to engage in this sort of activity. Now English speaking countries have great advantages in this because so many speakers are spread around the world. the USA provides aid workers, missionaries, business people, media advisers entertainers etc, all able to support incipient revolutions and coups. Of the other big powers Russia does not send out many such workers, and only possibly in the area of sciences would you expect to find active “agents”. Possibly some business people.
China is more interesting in that it has huge networks of its nationals abroad, and at a guess many will be involved in espionage etc, which might include intervening in government affairs. Business deals will be their principle focus, not political affairs, but that is only because this will yield the best results for China.
The frogs as we know have been at it for years, although after the Rainbow Warrior debacle perhaps are a little more circumspect. The Isrealis are probably the real experts, having learnt the trade from the Brits.
“The RWNJs have reached this point and and are no longer distinguishable from the LWNJs.”
Agreed and I have thought the same for a long time. The extremists on left (e.g. Rhiannon) and right are very similar personality types. They are invariably absolutists and of an authoritarian mindset. They believe that their beliefs entitle them to control the lives of other people with different beliefs.
The political doctrine they espouse is a means to an end and the end is power. But because it justifies their behavior they get very defnsive about it and aggrssively attack anyone who questions their ideolofpgy. I think that is why many so easily flipped from extreme left to extreme right at the end of the cold war. They needed to find another place where their behaviour would be acceptable.
Good evening all,
I would suggest Turnbull is to trying to hold off the inevitable for as long as possible simply as a attempt to show those within the party responsible for the release of the Ley details that he has some semblance of control.
Of course in reality Turnbull has little power but he is trying to act tough for internal consumption nothing more nothing less.
The sad thing is everyone within the government knows how weak his position is and Turnbull simply delaying the inevitable and as a result is further harming his standing with voters.
Win / win for those responsible.
Check out Paul Tatnell (@PaulTatnell):
Paul is chief of staff at sun herald
“Pap smears, blood tests, urine tests and imaging services are all going to start costing you something (or, costing you more if you’re already paying for them).”
This government has a habit of reducing funding for human services which will lead to greater costs down the track – all of which will be borne by state governments, whether through hospital costs, prisons, homelessness etc. The ridiculous arguments they ran when they suggested state governments needed to raise their own taxes to balance their budgets rather than rely on the Commonwealth reinforces this view. I have little doubt they are deliberately pursuing this strategy.
So – voting is ok as long as it gets a result you agree with. Otherwise you go screaming to mummy?
One of the many respects where Apartment Gate has been badly handled by Ley is timing. A cynic might observe that many pieces of scandalous news are announced on Friday afternoons in holiday periods, in the hope any bad reporting will blow over by the following Monday as the reporting and political cycle starts anew.
But Ley’s weak explanation and follow up inquiries menas that the most damaging information (the additional 16 trips worth $50k!) means ghta she has had to issue an apology late on the Sunday. Now it is sure to be the lead item of the news for the start of the new week.
So when is she going to pay back the other $50k?