Newspoll: 56-44 to Coalition

One day, four federal opinion polls: Newspoll, Morgan, Essential, ReachTEL.

GhostWhoVotes tweets that Newspoll has the Coalition two-party vote up a point, putting their lead at 56-44. Primary votes are 31% for Labor (down one), 47% for Coalition (up one) and 10% for the Greens (steady). With both up two points, Tony Abbott’s lead over Julia Gillard as preferred prime minister shifts from 40-35 to 42-37. On personal ratings, Gillard is down a point on approval to 29% and up one on disapproval to 61%, with Tony Abbott steady on 36% and down two to 51%.

Also out today:

Essential Research has the Coalition lead up from 55-45 to 56-44, from primary votes of 48% for the Coalition (steady), 33% for Labor (down one) and 9% for the Greens (steady). There are also numerous questions on national debt, led off by the finding that 48% are aware that Australia’s is relatively low compared to other countries against 25% who believe otherwise. However, 46% believe the main reason for Australia’s debt is that the “government are poor economic managers”, against 26% for the world economy and 17% for the high dollar. Same-sex marriage has been gauged for the second time in a fortnight, showing 58% support (up four on last time) and 32% opposition (down one).

ReachTEL has conducted a national poll for the Seven Network with a big sample of 2856, which has the Coalition lead up from 57-43 in the April 12 poll to 58-42. The primary votes are 29.3% for Labor (down 2.0% on the April 12 result), 48.8% for the Coalition (down 1.3%) and 10.2% for the Greens. Questions on the NDIS find 52.6% supporting a Medicare levy raise to fund it against 33.6% opposed, but 41.2% saying the announcement has made them less likely to vote Labor against 26.3% more likely, which you may well find hard to square. Asked which of the two leaders respondents “trust most to deliver the National Disability Insurance Scheme successfully”, 57.3% opted for Tony Abbott and 42.7% for Julia Gillard (obviously after removing the undecided).

• The latest weekly Morgan multi-mode poll has moved in Labor’s favour, which is probably a correction after a Coalition blowout last time. Labor is up 1.5% on the primary vote to 32%, the Coalition down two to 46% and the Greens down 2.5% to 8.5%. The Coalition lead is 56-44 on both respondent-allocated and previous election preferences, down from 58-46 and 56.5-43.5 respectively.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,761 comments on “Newspoll: 56-44 to Coalition”

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  1. NSW is reducing victims of crime lump sums from a maximum of $50,000 down to $15,000 max – just in time for all the victims of the catholic clergy cases to miss out.

  2. Seems the sandwich wasn’t even thrown at Julia …it was just …well …thrown …and landed on the ground. Later on it was picked up by …someone. Or maybe a couple of sparrows devoured it …or it’s still there or …………….. ………. ….. … ..**yawn**

  3. [Does anyone have a link to the exact words Gillard used to discuss her carbon tax refund backflip today?]

    I know most of the stuff ModLib posts is either talking point of the day or so silly it can only be deliberately provocative, but listening in the car on the way home, not to todays announcement, but rather to the things Swan and Gillard said previously Labor does seem to have terrible media advisors and strategy why do they over and over say the absolute locked in 100% guarantee line when it is always a stupid line. It was a stupid line when Howard used it with the GST it is a stupid line when Labor used it with the surplus etc etc etc.

    It is like they have teenagers who just finished media 101 with a C- advising them. They are clearly their own worst enemy.

  4. I think this is what Gillard said today: “Because its less, there is not the need for the renewed stream of assistance”.

    So, because the carbon price is less, we don’t need to compensate as much.

    How is that different from Abbott’s position which she used to ridicule?

  5. [How is that different from Abbott’s position which she used to ridicule?]

    You seem to be implying that Abbott holds at least one position that shouldn’t be ridiculed. I find it very hard to imagine but please hit us.

  6. [NSW is reducing victims of crime lump sums from a maximum of $50,000 down to $15,000 max – just in time for all the victims of the catholic clergy cases to miss out.]

    The WA govt is locking up children in adult maximum security jails.

    Perhaps the so called daleks don’t look so bad on second thoughts.

  7. [The Headless chook ad has hit 400k views already.]

    I’m assuming the headless chook ad is Abbott’s least ridiculous policy, it is an ad that makes ‘undergraduate’ seem sophisticated.

  8. My understanding is that Tony was not in favour of it per se, but he was saying if you wanted to price carbon why not do it directly with a tax.

    Whether it is a tax or a trading scheme, the government needs to work out their plans, explain what it is for and what it is going to do and then do it and tell us whether it has done what they said it would do.

    This government cant seem to do politics 1.01, so a little remediation from Sep 15th seems in order before they resit the exam.

  9. [ModLib looks like it’s gone Viral]

    Please let it be so. The more people who associate the Liberals with that kind of stupid antics the better.

  10. [I know you can push it over the triple digits with a little creative accountancy / random number generation!]

    Not with the methods I actually use though. 0.2% shift to Coalition on 2PP, no change on seat projection.

  11. Don’t knock 12 year old voters… might need them the next time you are competitive at a Federal election! :devil:

    just kidding guys, don’t get peeved 🙂

  12. [Mod Lib
    Posted Wednesday, May 8, 2013 at 9:26 pm | PERMALINK
    Does anyone have a link to the exact words Gillard used to discuss her carbon tax refund backflip today?]

    There will be no carbon tax refund under the government i lead.

  13. [Whether it is a tax or a trading scheme, the government needs to work out their plans, explain what it is for and what it is going to do and then do it and tell us whether it has done what they said it would do.

    This government cant seem to do politics 1.01, so a little remediation from Sep 15th seems in order before they resit the exam.]

    The Government is terrible at media and spin but anyone with half a brain (so that includes Howard) understood before 2007 what was needed and what was proposed and that is exactly what we have got. i don’t know if you are an idiot or totally dishonest, but I can’t think of a third option after that ridiculous fantasy post.

  14. WWP

    [It is like they have teenagers who just finished media 101 with a C- advising them. They are clearly their own worst enemy]

    Why blame her advisors? She’s the one making the decisions.

  15. [Mod Lib
    Posted Wednesday, May 8, 2013 at 9:42 pm | PERMALINK

    The Headless chook ad has hit 400k views already.]

    Bawk!…… Boats!…….. Carbon tax!….. Bawk!…… cold shower!

  16. ML,

    Oh, so once again, Abbott’s words need to be interpreted for current conditions. If they don’t fir. Just change their meaning.

    We had that yesterday with his calibre comments.

  17. [WWP

    It is like they have teenagers who just finished media 101 with a C- advising them. They are clearly their own worst enemy

    Why blame her advisors? She’s the one making the decisions.]

    I would prefer a PM who was good on policy rather than spin, but you are right one who can’t even spot a diabolically bad direction after more than 3 years is responsible rather than the idiots advising her.

  18. [Oh, so once again, Abbott’s words need to be interpreted for current conditions. If they don’t fir. Just change their meaning.]

    I have to disagree Abbott’s words don’t need to be interpreted you just have to find the right set of words, on most given days he will hold 10+ positions on most subjects, only the biased left wing media notice or report the stupider positions.

  19. [Suspended for 15 days for throwing a sanger at Australia’s worst PM in history?!?!]

    Another, non-hack, non-spin way of looking at it is suspension for violence in the school ground and embarrassing the school.

  20. [Bawk!…… Boats!…….. Carbon tax!….. Bawk!…… cold shower!]

    The Bawk is Abbott’s brain fart I like most, I might vote for him.

  21. confessions

    Yeah, that’s something a Labor govt would never do – incarcerate children in awful prisons with adults against law and ethics. Never.

  22. [Carey Moore
    Posted Wednesday, May 8, 2013 at 9:55 pm | PERMALINK
    Suspended for 15 days for throwing a sanger at Australia’s worst PM in history?!?!

    Another, non-hack, non-spin way of looking at it is suspension for violence in the school ground and embarrassing the school.]

    …or Australia’s first political prisoner?

  23. [that is exactly what we have got.

    Is it?]

    Yes a carbon pricing scheme, it isn’t a tax no matter who says it is, and it will be market based after the phase in period. It is structurally exactly what was promised in all respects.

  24. [jaundiced view
    Posted Wednesday, May 8, 2013 at 9:57 pm | PERMALINK

    Yeah, that’s something a Labor govt would never do – incarcerate children in awful prisons with adults against law and ethics. Never.]

    JV, dont forget using Aid money to pay for the detention as well. Classic labor party move

  25. [I reckon you should use Reachtel…..that will do the trick!]

    ReachTel’s in there, but I’m only incorporating its moves from one poll to the next – and all we have from them is two polls, one from a month ago and now this, showing next to no change.

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