Nielsen: 56-44 to Coalition

The first Nielsen poll for the year joins the chorus in showing a big slump for Julia Gillard and her government.

GhostWhoVotes reports the first Nielsen for the year has the Coalition leading 56-44 on two-party preferred, compared with 52-48 in the final poll last year. The primary votes are 30% for Labor (down five) and 47% for the Coalition (up four) – we’ll have to wait on the Greens. Even worse news for Julia Gillard on personal ratings, with Tony Abbott seizing a 49-45 lead as preferred prime minister compared with 50-40 to Gillard last time, and she trails Kevin Rudd 61% to 35%. However, the latter result is very similar to Abbott’s 58-35 deficit against Malcolm Turnbull. Opinion is divided on whether the parties should actually do anything about it: 52% support Labor changing leaders and 45% don’t (up four and down three), with eerily similar numbers for the Liberals (51% to 46%).

We also had overnight a Galaxy poll of 800 women voters concerning voting intention and attitudes to the leaders. The voting intention figures were 36% for Labor, 46% for the Coalition and 10% for the Greens, for a two-party preferred lead to the Coalition of 53-47 – about where you would expect it be when allowing for a 55-45 poll trend, the size of the gender gap in recent years and perhaps a smidgin of house bias in favour of the Coalition on Galaxy’s part. When respondents were asked if they were concerned about Abbott saying “‘no’ to everything”, his views on abortion and “the way he treats women”, abortion recorded the lowest response rate among Labor voters and the highest among Coalition voters (albeit by slight margins in each case). The divide was still wider for the question of whether was Abbott was a misogynist, breaking 44-24 for among Labor voters and 9-69 against among Coalition voters for a total of 25-44. Thirteen per cent of respondents said they were less likely to vote for Gillard because she was unmarried and has no children, and the same number said they were more likely to vote for Abbott for the opposite reasons.

UPDATE (18/2/2013): Essential Research breaks the freefall with the Coalition two-party lead back down to 54-46 after a week at 55-45, with Labor up a point on the primary vote to 35%, the Coalition down one to 47% and the Greens steady on 9%. The poll also finds 56% approval and 22% disapproval for recent thought bubbles about development of northern Australia. Other questions relate drugs in sport, including the eye-opening finding that 52% would approve of a ban on sports betting.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

5,068 comments on “Nielsen: 56-44 to Coalition”

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  1. 4596
    William Bowe
    Posted Friday, February 22, 2013 at 12:29 am | PERMALINK
    Iqsrlow, you can read Sir John Kerr’s statement of reasons for dismissing the Whitlam government here.

    What matters is the reasons why the labor party was resoundingly rejected in the following election. They lost the trust of the people.

    Those that don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it

  2. alias,

    Whatever the hell Abbott does, I hope he doesn’t come anywhere near the North. I was thinking someone else could be the guinea-pig.

  3. The massive problem for the Libs is that the Nats are crying out for communication.

    On a First World basis and expectation.

    They well know the benefits of the NBN.

    School of the Air meets today.

  4. I really hope Rau backs this petition and this gutless bastard finally gets a punishment.

    [OPPOSITION MPs have used a 7000-signature petition to push for the case of hit-run lawyer Eugene McGee to be referred to the highest-ranking lawyers’ disciplinary body.

  5. South Africa seems to have decided having a lead investigator who is facing more charges than the alleged murderer isn’t such a great idea and have dumped Botha.

  6. Re the prevelance of trools..

    .Every night we have the tedious.hate -filled nonsense from IQSRLOW…who never contributes a single positive item but makes juvenile. comments
    and nasty statements to enrage and offended others on the site

    Must be the most politically illiterate statement even made of this blog !!

  7. 4397
    Fran Barlow
    [So what would I have happen on September 14? Discarding mere whimsy, it would be a relatively good thing if something very much like the 43rd Parliament were returned.]

    I have amusing thoughts of Abbot facing a one seat margin in a minority government (Coalition + indies), along with a hostile senate.

    It would almost be worth it.


  8. 4546
    [the debt fetish Howard left us, and used by every state and territory govt since really craps me off and is the single worse thing he’s done in my view. The CLP trot out debt crisis despite Labor leaving the NT with less debt than when they first firmed government.]

    Quite insane, isn’t it, that these blatant lies carry so much weight.

  9. Waleed Aly voices what I have been thinking lately.

    Probably oil on troubled waters but:

    I think Aly is mostly right – pot shot about the carbon tax “lie” aside of course, and I’m not sure about this “flight to the Greens” thing – but the only real question is where are we going to get a new party from that can oppose the capitalist vested interest bully boys of the LNP…

    His points about process are very perceptive and, to me, pinpoint why the ALP has been floundering around – mostly doing good stuff but without any way of making it seem anything but reactive.

    “Narrative” is not the best word to use but I take Aly to mean that without being told we, the public, would have a reasonable idea about where the party would stand on any given issue. I certainly don’t think that’s true at the moment, and that’s a problem.

  10. Emad Burnat Oscar Nominee held for hours at LA Airport
    Palestinian film-maker Emad Burnat,whose film “5 broken cameras” has been nominated for an Oscar..was detained…with his family at LA on arrival from Palestine… to be in LA for the Oscar ceremiony

    The LA officials said in their defence …that they didn’t believe that there were Palestinian film makers…

    A new low in US racism towards the Palestinians

    The film looks at the lives on Palestinians on the West Bank and the Israeli Wall which cuts their village in half

    THey had help from film maker Michael Moore

  11. .Every night we have the tedious.hate -filled nonsense from IQSRLOW…who never contributes a single positive item but makes juvenile. comments
    and nasty statements to enrage and offended others on the site

    Must be the most politically illiterate statement even made of this blog !!

    Then you should have no problem explaining why leftism isnt fascist when it ticks all the boxes. Authoritarian- tick
    Totalitarian- tick
    State control- tick
    Highly regulated- tick

    Combined with environmentalism, and you even get the nationalism on a global scale.

    Leftism is fascism on steroids

  12. Reminded tonight on some TV show that Howard cashed in Sydney Airport to private sector.

    Another example of his n smirker’s excellent economic skills ….. create surplus by selling off the assets.

    Revenue from astute sale of gold reserves at bargain basement price of course also showed their skills.

    Howard was obviously thinking back in the early 2000’s “well there might be a GFC in 2008 so we better sell some assets and create some big surplus so we can be ready to help the Labor government manage said GFC” ……. track suit john n smirker always had an eye out to future proof the nation …. just look at the infrastructure they built …. there will always be more infrastructure under a coalition government!

    As I write I recall Keating the Musical which was wrongly named of course because the main character was JWH ….. the show really took the piss out of him.

    Probably the major scene was a mocking of JWH’s dress up frolics in a scene with many quick changes of costume …… mpleskins, chambre shirt n akubra costume, army battle dress costume, aussie track suit etc etc …. about 6 or 7 costumes in about a five minute song scene. Great stuff …. one of the funniest scenes ever in a musical IMHO.

    Obviously Abbott took notes ….. his daily dress ups he’s inherited from his political pater.

  13. 4633
    Posted Friday, February 22, 2013 at 1:14 am | PERMALINK

    Treat his comment with silence and the contempt they deserve

    I accept your surrender, fascist

  14. [Leftism is fascism on steroids]

    This is just plain insulting to the memory of the millions of people who lost their lives at the hands of fascists during the 20th century. Only someone intent on vile defamation and the corruption of reason would say such things. They are the remarks of a completely deformed mind.

  15. The same thing was probably said by those that cheered on the advent of fascism before it was recognized as being destructive.

    So maybe you can do what Deblowhard is unable? Explain why leftism isn’t at all like fascism…rather than just using being ‘offended’ at the drawing of a parallel?

  16. Deblonay

    It gives me a bit of a laugh.

    The troll’s just like a 12 year old boy who has experienced his first flush of testosterone and thinks he’s the first male ever to feel that extra bit of weight as for the first time his nether region’s blood vessels do a bit of a surge/urge.

    Hasn’t been able to remove his hands from his pockets ever since.

    Reminds me of that old joke ……. a European guy named Waslav Break is searching for his long lost cousin. He goes to a workplace as part of his search …. probably a city construction site, and through the wire safety fence he asks a worker “hey …. have you got a Wanker Break here? The guy replies “mate we don’t even get a lunch break here”

  17. 4580
    [Abbott’s infamous “I’m no tech head” interview on the NBN before the 2010 election cost the LNP dearly – probably cost them the election. I doubt they’ll make the same mistake twice. However weak a policy they have, they’ll fudge it to the point where it won’t really register in voter land.]

    I seriously doubt The Cons are going to be able to avoid the NBN effect. I predict that it will be a central issue in the campaign, that Abbott’s 2010 statement will feature here and there, and that they will struggle with the debate. Not least of all they are vulnerable to hypocrisy over their petitions to get it installed faster in their own electorates, ie before Abbott tries to shut it down and deny it to the rest of us undeserving non-Abbott voting peasants.

    Main thing Labor has to do is make sure it is rolled out enough for the vast majority to see it in action somewhere. Most will quickly appreciate the cost of missing out.

  18. Richos kiss of death

    the legacy Gillard leaves behind would be the near destruction of the modern Labor Party. That is how bad I believe Labor’s position has become. Some of the PM’s backers are among my closest friends and this column may well strain those relationships. It would be worth the price to see Labor back in the game, being taking seriously, and a force for good in Australian politics.

  19. iqsrlow 4579

    ‘Only in lefty world could someone sacked for incompetence be regarded as a national treasure’.

    Only in Howard’s world could his brother be bailed out by the taxpayer for incompetence.

  20. 4638
    [They are the remarks of a completely deformed mind.]

    Well, yes. But mostly they are the remarks of somebody trying to waste your time and energy. And succeeding.

    Just scroll past. Crikey helpfully puts the commentator’s name before the comment.

  21. [4639

    So maybe you can …..Explain…. why leftism isn’t at all like fascism…rather than just using being ‘offended’ at the drawing of a parallel?]

    Why bother! You are proud of your ignorance. You can stew in it.

  22. crikey whitey
    Posted Friday, February 22, 2013 at 1:54 am | PERMALINK
    iqsrlow 4579

    ‘Only in lefty world could someone sacked for incompetence be regarded as a national treasure’.

    Only in Howard’s world could his brother be bailed out by the taxpayer for incompetence.

    How unusual for a lefty that you refer to workers receiving their entitlements courtesy of the govt as a bad thing. Why do you hate the working class?

  23. 4647
    Posted Friday, February 22, 2013 at 2:00 am | PERMALINK

    So maybe you can …..Explain…. why leftism isn’t at all like fascism…rather than just using being ‘offended’ at the drawing of a parallel?

    Why bother! You are proud of your ignorance. You can stew in it.

    I accept your surrender too, fascist

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