Morgan: 63-37

No FuelWatch effect from Morgan either: indeed, their face-to-face poll conducted last weekend shows Labor’s lead up to 63-37 from 61-39 the previous week. Labor’s primary vote is down slightly from 53 per cent to 52.5 per cent, but the Coalition’s has fallen further – from 34 per cent to 31.5 per cent, their worst result since mid-March.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

738 comments on “Morgan: 63-37”

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  1. It seems to me the government needs a few more very good polls to wake these people up. Governments should be scrutanised but balance should be applied as well.

  2. GB 192

    I’ve just sent an email to the link. This is what I said:

    “Have you seriously asked yourself why it is that Kevin Rudd has not appeared on the show? It’s the lack of balance Barry – lack of balance. You continually push the line that the Rudd government is at or very near a point of crisis when the truth is that the government is riding high in each and every poll. You need to turn your attention to the shambles that is the opposition parties with their ‘fly by the seat of their collective pants’ approach to politics. Why is it that you provide Nelson and Bishop several free kicks every week when they don’t go in for the hard ball? If your beloved Pies received this much ‘treatment’ from the umps they might have won last year’s preliminary final and maybe gone on the win the flag.”

    The Pies I refer to is of course the Collingwood footy club and not the puss bag that appears on Insiders

  3. pmsl, my email to the Insiders went in as soon as the cane toad opened his mouth, wonder if we’ll get a reply.

  4. I disagree on writing to them. They NEVER take notice at the ABC. All you get is nil feedback, or a smarmy form letter ranting on about Codes Of Conduct disagreeing with your assessment. They then invite you to write as often as you like, but never reply to the follow-ups.

    It’s an exercise in frustration.

    Thankfully, Insiders’ audience is microscopically small, and two-thirds of them are Watchers like us, cataloguing the atrocities.

    They get no increase in rates to advertisers from ratings because there are no advertisers on the ABC. they get nothing except an opportunity to plead with their bosses to not close the show down bcause at least someone is watching.

    I think Cassidy is digging in his heels having Pies on the show. Pies is a small-time, hopelessly compromised Rudd Hating hack from a tabloid paper. He’s a nobody. His predictions are always wrong… 100% wrong. He has nothing to offer any kind of rational discourse. Why does Cassidy sully his personal reputation (or the one he once had) with this buffoon, especially as he sits him in the separate lounge chair, as if he was someone important?

    Pies does not qualify as an “insider” as he is, by his own utterances, so far outside government circles that he has become a joke even among his colleagues on the panel.

    There is no reason for Cassidy having him on the show except sheer bloody-mindedness on Cassidy’s part, or on the part of some producer at the ABC who gets to decide who goes on the air each week. It’s so bad, Insiders is a parody of itself. a disgrace to the once great ABC, by any calculation, seen from the Left or Right of politics.

    Don’t anyone be ashamed of watching it. The ABC gets nothing from our participating in the audience. We all need a laugh and a cry on a lazy Sunday morning. Insiders gives us both.

  5. “Pies does not qualify as an “insider” as he is, by his own utterances, so far outside government circles that he has become a joke even among his colleagues on the panel.”

    I noticed that, too. The only thing the other panellists could do when Piers came out with another chestnut was to laugh. Ridiculous.

  6. BB i think we have to let them know we’re not happy. Were the target audience. We ll have to disagree on this one

  7. Onimod, ironically, I think in the lead up to the election Insiders has more of a sense of balance. Since the election, it has gone off the rails.

  8. 204 – I agree with much of what you say about this show but disagree on two points. Firstly I refuse to watch something that doesn’t give me enjoyment and/or insults my intelligence. I tape “Insiders” and watch it later. Having scanned it the last couple of weeks I believe it is not enjoyable and has insulted my intelligence by coming out with information that is clearly wrong. It is on thin ice with me. Another show like this one and I’m off.
    Secondly, writing them does two things, it allows me to get my grievances off my chest and it doesn’t hurt to let them know.

  9. On the subject of the Whitlam Government, if only they had won in 1969 then they probably would have had 3 years and would have changed things a bit more slowly and ended up in quite such a mess. On the subject of “if only”s, if only they Calwell had won in 1961 then Australia would be a better place.

  10. GB I’m with you 100% on this one. What BB is saying is accept its bad, dont say anything and watch it anyway. Cant agree. So they may not take off Porky, have more govt members on or be more balanced. But at least they may get the message that some viewers are off-side

  11. Having wasted my time in the past complaining about Insiders only to get the formulaic reply that BB talks about, I don’t expect anything much to come of complaining. However, I still think that it’s worth registering our views about ‘our’ ABC even if to let them know as Andrew says that a number of people are not happy.

  12. OK, I seems I’ve been out-voted. So I wrote to them, not expecting a reply.

    Today’s show was dreadful. Why do you persist with Piers Akerman?

    The panellists laughed out loud when he started on about the “Heiner Affair” yet again. He has nothing constructive to say about any aspect of the Labor government, and never has. He is clearly a hate-filled (I mean “hate” literally), utterly biased spruiker for the Liberal Party and against (it seems) Kevin Rudd personally. VERY personally.

    I don’t mind a bit of argey-bargey and a solid debate, but Akerman is the pits. You MUST realise this? Surely any show that has Akerman on its panel could never hope to have the Prime Minister on for an interview. If I was Rudd I wouldn’t touch Insiders with a ten-foot barge pole.

    But it’s not only Akerman. The rest of the panel seem to think their function is to smirk and snark, spread gossip and titter at anything any politician does. It’s not only Labor pollies who get the treatment. Your replaying of an Opposition backbencher today, having trouble pronouncing a word (which we all have from time to time) was utterly crass. What do you think someone who, perhaps, stutters, or has some other speech impediment might think of this? It’s clear you gave the wider ramifications of this bitchy piece little thought, if any.

    We pay for the ABC to be relatively informative. I realise a show with the title of “Insiders” must have a little off-the-record material in it, but this should at least be fact-based. Today’s show was the worst ever: very few facts, just opinionation most of the time. Who really CARES what these journalists think? Their opinions are no more valuable than a taxi-driver’s or a nurse’s or my next door neighbour. This continual snipe, snark and giggling is neither entertaining nor informative.

    If I was Rudd I’d never come near your show, and for myself, this was the last time I’ll ever watch it.

    Good night and good luck. You’re gonna need it.

  13. I justy emailed “Outsiders” again and placed a comment ont he discussion board.

    Enough do it they should take some notice. While it was on I was at the Farmers Market in Wayville getting some reat fruit, vegies and a utterly delicious belgian chocolate tart, yum! Much better way of spending my time.

    Good journalists? I can think of George Megalogenis and Mike Steketee in the OO. The Fin Rev weekend edition is the only paper I buy and is generally good.

  14. I think it is about time that Labor enjoyed the fruits of its, errr, labors.

    WWII and Curtin takes the tough decisons needed to defend ourselves from the japs. He also, in the middle of bloody WWII mind you, makes major reforms to the economy like the Reserve Bank, uniform taxation and post war resettlement of returning soldiers and the post war immigration program, Snowies etc.

    Chifley then loses the election to Pig Iron Bob who coasts along on those reforms, fiddling with the economy occasionally resulting in highest-ever inflation followed by credit squeeze. Like the rodent, PIB ensures he has no decent successors but retires at a time of his choosing unlike the rodent.

    Twenty years later, Hawke/Keating reform the economy, Howard/Costello coast along on these reforms. Now the rudd government has major problems to cope with, another oil price surge like Whitlam but this time maybe peak oil will make the problem even worse. he will overcome them, but I don’t want to see another useless Lib govt coast along on Labor work again.

  15. Online newspapers get their income from the number of hits they get from people browsing them. If you wish to complain about certain sites, go to a site that has balanced reporting and post your complaints there. This will help the more balanced reporters gain both income and recognition for their organisation. All you are doing by posting on bad sites is helping them, If a site offends you DONT SUPPORT IT BY POSTING THERE! Sorry about the ‘shouting’ but I an getting really sick of the posters saying that “I sent them an email…”. PLEASE post your grievances on a site that you wish to support.


  16. Sheesh… as soon as I break the habit of ages and actually write to the ABC, Tom comes along and tells me off.

    Ya can’t win, can ya?

  17. I don’t watch insiders, mainly because the cost of replacing TV’s busted by flying bricks would be too great.
    I agree with BB though about not emailing, ignoring them would hurt more. They might then realise that NO ONE IS WATCHING. but then again they don’t axe shows on the ABC because of bad ratings, do they?

  18. Rudd was on Meet The Press on 10 this morning. I missed it but seems like he’s had a dig at Brenda lol,21985,23830432-662,00.html
    Rudd baits Nelson on Obama support
    PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd has challenged Opposition Leader Brendan Nelson to distance himself from comments by John Howard about Barack Obama.
    “Mr Nelson was defence minister at the time, he didn’t disagree with Mr Howard’s statement then, I challenge Mr Nelson today to publicly distance himself from Mr Howard’s remarks now that he is leader and alternative prime minister,” Mr Rudd told the Ten Network today.

  19. “but then again they don’t axe shows on the ABC because of bad ratings, do they?”

    They might. Whatever happened to that sleeping pill hosted by Jeff McMullen?

  20. actually Rudd was very impressive on Meet The Press today, he fielded the questions in an unruffled good humoured way, totally relaxed and at ease, it’s Insiders loss that he refuses to appear there.

  21. I don’t have any figures handy, but I’d imagine it’s a bit of a no-brainer decision on the basis of viewership in choosing between 9, 10 or their ABC on Sunday mornings.

  22. vera Says:
    June 8th, 2008 at 12:55 pm
    “I don’t watch insiders, mainly because the cost of replacing TV’s busted by flying bricks would be too great.”

    One of the quotes of the year!

  23. More quotes worth commending:

    “Andrew Says:
    June 8th, 2008 at 9:26 am
    And who is that dill from the SMH???

    gusface Says:
    June 8th, 2008 at 9:57 am
    have a go at these out of touch fossils
    i sincerely believe they are suffering group dementia and irrelevance syndrome

    Bushfire Bill Says:
    June 8th, 2008 at 10:00 am
    I agree, Today’s show is a shocker. Pies is almost hyperventilating during his anti-Rudd diatribes.”

    Andrew, Kerry-Ann Walsh is the Sun Herald contributor. She’s the one who ran with “story” about Rudd’s background and his recollections of his family being tossed off the farm.

    You can contact her at I am sure she would appreciate the feedback.

    Everyone’s favourite can be contacted at

  24. 204
    Bushfire Bill Says:
    There is no reason for Cassidy having him [Ackerman] on the show except sheer bloody-mindedness on Cassidy’s part,…

    It’s all part of a cunning communist ABC plan to give the conservateriat ample opportunity to behave like fools and knaves in the full public gaze. And it is working a treat.

  25. If only the “Insiders” listened to the Your Shout people they could hear what is going on in the real world. I was impressed with the three on today, they had a genuine gripe with the government, but also realised that everything can’t be done in such a short time.

  26. INSIDERS? I’ve stopped watching, the program isn’t the agenda setting tool Cassidy & co would like to think it is, and the continual parroting of extreme right wing views/Rudd bashing has ruined what could potentially be an informative piece of television!
    Hard to believe, but Rudd gets fairer coverage on the commercial networks these days!

  27. Another point: Barry Cassidy looks down on someone who appears on SUNRISE or TODAY regularly, and snubs his show. Maybe Barry it’s because virtually nobody except a few journos and political junkies watch INSIDERS, the Ruddster is more interested in reaching a wider audience?

  28. I just got Morgan Phone polled. The usual Morgan political questions plus a heap of questions for Tourism Victoria and a question on legalising marijuana. There was one odd question:
    “Do you believe a woman’s place is in the home and a man should earn the money?”

  29. As Julia Gillard said on Insiders, Cassidy behaved like a “jilted lover” when Rudd pulled out of Insiders (the same day of the Rove appearance). He is still behaving like one, and good on Rudd for staying away.

    Whilst I and others have been complaining about the high % of opposition v govt guests there are, maybe the govt guests dont want to go on, and would rather appear on MTP and Sunday, shows that more people watch.

    And thanks BB for emailing a complaint!!!

  30. Well that’s KerryAnne for you – not that I disagree with the sentiments of the annual Australian Community Sector Survey, released on Friday, bwtf it’s Kev’s fault????

    Blindly ignoring the fact that it has been the MSM’s preoccupation of petrol sniffing and snivelling over the last 2 weeks, there’s a report – a report I tell ya – released on, oh yeah, yesterday.

    Never mind that it was 2006 – 2007 that the report was looking at (when was Kev elected?) He hasn’t acted, the big fat arse.

    I’ll leave this end quote : “Give us a break. Or rather, those who need it – and there are way too many, Kev.”

  31. “club apologises to della bosca and withdraws all staff statements”

    Of course, too late to make it into the Sunday papers. They’re still down at the local Franklins screaming bloody blue murder over this “outrage”.

    Same thing happened with Milne’s totally unsubstantiated, outright lie re. Rudd being ejected from Skidmarks (or whatever that strip club in NY was called). He only repeated it once (on Insiders, funnily enough…) and then shut up. But he never retracted it either.

    As Harry Snapper Morgan wrote last week: the aim isn’t to get any of the accusations to stick on the day. It’s to chip-chip-chip away. Then, when they do get something to pin on someone, all the “I told you so’s” will be regurgitated like a magpie’s breakfast.

    Just thinking about Pies’ malevolent meanderings this morning about Heiner and Gosford Gate makes my blood boil. Such hatred as Pies displays should not be allowed in the land. It’s a corrosive force. It does no-one (least of all the Insiders program) any good at all to have this creep spreading his double-barreled bile over a pleasant Sunday morning. The guy is so keen to butt into the conversation he nearly chokes himself in his eagerness.

    Once the ABC would NEVER have allowed this garbage to come anywhere near its good name.

  32. Well that’s KerryAnne for you – not that I disagree with the sentiments of the annual Australian Community Sector Survey, released on Friday, bwtf it’s Kev’s fault????

    Blindly ignoring the fact that it has been the MSM’s preoccupation of petrol sniffing and snivelling over the last 2 weeks, there’s a report – a report I tell ya – released on, oh yeah, yesterday.

    Never mind that it was 2006 – 2007 that the report was looking at (when was Kev elected?) He hasn’t acted, the big fat arse.

    I’ll leave this end quote : “Give us a break. Or rather, those who need it – and there are way too many, Kev.”

  33. 230- Was that a straight yes or no question or was it like most morgan polls where there is a range of opitions:
    Strongly Disagree (How dare you suggest such a thing)
    Disagree (I am happy with women working)
    Neither agree or disagree (I am too stupid to have an opinion)
    Agree (Damn straight, I miss the ’50’s)
    Strongly Agree (A women’s place is really only in the Kitchen)

  34. Re the Kerry-Anne Walsh article. So which party with the help of the MSM have continued with “the tasteless proposals that a government should forgo $2billion a year in petrol taxes to give a Vegemite sandwich in relief to those who can actually afford to run a car”?

  35. If a barrel of crude can go up $10.95 overnight becuase of the thoughts of a minor Isreali politician then it is not a supply and demand issue.

    It is a commodity market being expoited. Someone made an 7% profit overnight.

    Maybe Iran was correct and it should establish its own market trading in Euros. But this would ensure retaliation from somebody. 🙁

  36. I do wish the NRMA would stop going on about the 1 cent on petrol per dollar per barrel of oil nonsense. I showed on this site, how the actual figure is about 0.75 cents. It used to be a Cent per dollar when the AUD was 0.76 USD or so but in the meantime the US dollar has dropped in value.

    By telling the oil companies they expect a 10 cent rise when only 7.5 cent rise is necessary is asking for them to profiteer from the situation.

  37. I e-mailed Piers – “Why on earth would anyone take any notice of what you say? You’re hero was beaten last election, get over it mate. As Cassidy says stop flogging dead horses and actually be a journalist. Report the deficiencies of both sides not just one.
    Get used to Rudd Piers, he’s going to be around a long time.”
    His reply? “My track record would not indicate a career spent flogging dead horses. My advice to you is don’t speak too soon about matters you know nothing about.”

  38. Cassidy ought to be ashamed to have his name associated with his show. It is pointless apart from being an avenue for Liberal party members to produce statements to be quoted as news.

    Continually having a bunch of Liberal party hack journalists as the panel makes it obvious that it is deliberately designed to be a pro-Liberal anti-Labor show.

    Liberal party shadow ministers get soft interviews and in fact get lead into areas where they can make their ‘news-worthy’ quotes for the day. They may as well have Ackerman do the interviews as Cassidy.

    Why would Rudd legitimise what is no more than a Liberal party agony group?

    Cassidy should know that his show is next to pathetic, though it probably makes the neocons in exile feel good about themselves.

  39. Phooey on petrol. Australia is sitting on so much gas that if you lit a match in strategic areas, the entire continent, if not half the hemisphere, would lift off into space. I don’t know if Marn Fnerson is across this, but I’d be damned surprised if he wasn’t. We’ve got so much gas, we’re the Qatar of gas. South Australia seems to miss out on anything but Dolly, but the rest of the country, well bar Tasmania, and they’ve got scenery and wine, has got unbelievable, humungous amounts of gas. Bit of smarts in terms of transport, particularly public, and moving big stuff around the place, re-jigging transport in general, industry should have a fine time of it, the PM should be happy the place is manufacturing things. Bobs you’re uncle.
    Seriously, we’re sitting on an amazing amount of alternative fuel. Will make Brendon (I’m a doctor) and his 5c. proposal look even more like a fool. Goody.

  40. So which is it? A supply and demand problem in Oil or supply and demand problem due to lack of refinery output? Or, simply trading on sentiment?

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