Sky News exit poll has Labor leading 53-47. That’s in 31 selected marginal seats. Apparently it suggests 54-46 overall. Howard trails 53-47 in Bennelong. Labor 58-42 ahead in Eden-Monaro.
UPDATE: Channel Seven exit poll says 53-47 nationally, 53.5-46.5 in Bennelong, 8 per cent swing to Labor in Bass, 6 per cent swing in Braddon.
Can anyone reccommend the right url to listen into Kerry et al on abc, by any chance? having a bit of trouble finding it…
Galaxy and Newspoll will be shown for what they are, polls for hire.
John Kerry lost because of blatant vote rigging in Ohio and Florida.
I heard a whisper that Labor is confident – based on their pollling last night – that they will pick up 28 seats. The whisper could be spin – but I think it matches these exit polls.
I think I just wet myself.
If Labor is winning Eden Monaro with 58% of the vote, this is a frigging landslide LOL
Mike Kelly: New Defence Minister?
Have to work on it Lyn, but off the top of my head, I rechristen the GG the PP (Pollfraud Press)
Can an incumbant conceed before counting starts? 🙂
The Kerry exit polls were biased because they were conducted at precincts (not by phone) by college students who mostly interviewed other college students.,22606,22814851-5006301,00.html
Chaser boys dress as Osama to give Chijoff HTV card.
OMG… Just flicked over to 7 for a second and they have Mark Arbib and Barnaby Joyce on their panel… Usual Chanel 7 balance going on…
John Kerry lost because he was a wound up stiff and lacked a backbone in politics but certainly not in life. Ie Vietnam
Love the title on ninemsn
“Howard begs for last minute votes”
Expat @ 51 – try this page:
TV channels do not cover the following
1/ Exit Polls declare only those people who own up to how they voted
and do NOT give you a % tally of ‘refused to answer’
so they are not a true sample
2/ Exit polls over a particular BOOTH are useless as booths vary in voting patterns over a seat. My booth is in a 80% liberal vote area against a 55% actual vote
Any word on wentworth?
who thinks caroline overington will get the sack.. via aface slap?
Steven Lloyd – Howard in Bunker, asking around for a pistol…
Yeah baby, Howard gone in Bennelong.
So sweet. Not to mention the $500 odd I will win as a result!!
Dont worry Flash 10 , most people in Queensland and Western Australia , who havent yet voted are out and about enjoying themselves, not political crazies like us, sitting forever in front of the computer, waiting for the polls to close! Those voters will just go and vote for who they planned to anyway. There are always voters who who leave it to the last thing.
Mad Cow: we’re going to get Paterson? I want Jim Arneman to win, I read his bio on the Labor website, and I think he’d make a terrific member of parliament.
Seems like a great bloke!
So what time will Antony call it?
Listen to Ron Brown people.
Exit polls are rubbish.
I thought this was a blog for political junkies and amateur psephologists.. but it’s looking like a partisan lefty love-in tonight. shame.
LOL. The exit poll is saying exactly what the polls have been telling us (except yesterday).
People, get excited. It is all over. Enjoy……..!
if this pans out….watchout for the spike in the birth rate in 9 months……
ron brown
if the refuseniks vote in the same proportion as those polled then it makes no diff. Of course they arguably would be more secretive/ embarrased by their voting intention and hence likely to be a greater proportion of coalition voters
Brenton – what? You mean not everyone is hitting refresh every few seconds? My god this is so much fun after being worried for so long. 8 more minutes and then fun can really begin!
Even Bennalong
I used to live in Gladesville suburb in Bennalong
working class
strong Labor
Go to Eastwood or Putney suburbs also in Bennalong
posh homes
strong Liberal
where are the booths doing the exit polls on !!!
ie I take no notice
HAHAH… George Newhouse: “If Caroline pushed me, she pushed me in the face and it felt like a punch”… Classic…
Ron, they are not listening.
The real stuff starts soon enough.
Here’s my xmas wish list..
1. Rudd wins (finally some hope for this country)
2. Rudd wins so convincingly noone ever tries to duplicate Howard/Costello/Abbot/etc
3. Bennelong falls.
4. Wentworth falls (as a reminder that money can’t buy votes and dirty tricks aren’t liked)
4. Paterson falls (same thing Baldwin has spent 1.5 million bucks)
5. Liberals lose outright control in the senate.
6. Several prominent ministers dissapear in enormous swing (oh the symbolism)
SMH saying we can call it at 6.30….
sydgal is spot on
i havent had this much fun standing up in ages….come to think of it i havent had this much fun lying down either…
Jusr heard on Sky that Overthetop ‘assaulted Newhouse at a polling booth. She apparently punched him in the face-later reduced to pushed with a open hand. what a goose.
Put a sock in it everyone and wait for thr real results. The ones the scrutineers start counting at 6pm. Exit polls are not the real poll.
HH Big swing here. Don’t know if it’s 6.8% just yet. You know what Labor ought to have done is point out that Baldwin will be useless as an *opposition* back bencher. A lot of people only voted for him for the pork, or the perception of pork.
I haven’t missed any exit poll from Nine?
So ron and spiros you think the Libs are still in this?????????????????????
Bruce Baird… more heavy breathing
They would obviously have sampled a range of booths within bennelong, given the wide demographic. They want to get it right. Polling just one or two booths would be absolutely stupid.
The exit polls are a fantastic sign and I feel that we are in for a great result. Not all done and counted yet but looking pretty damn good so far.
No Joffaboy I do not.
Labor will win and win well.
But exit polls are useless.
nostradoofus, you’re quite right exit polls aren’t the real one, but everything converges — pre-poll, exit poll. very little contradiction anywhere. alp almost certain to win, just a matter of how much.
Coalition will win by a seat!
Kidding 😛
Marko Says:
November 24th, 2007 at 5:48 pm
Steven Lloyd – Howard in Bunker, asking around for a pistol…
Yes he has asked Tony abbott to bring around the wife and kids to
I love Kevvie and I am gunna leae my wife for Maxine
Mad Cow: it’d be hilarious if Baldwin gets beaten after spending all that money, and an under resourced Labor candidate wins.
Paterson isn’t too far from where I live, so I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for Jim.