Okay, tonight I’ll be doing good old-fashioned live blogging much like I’ve done at past state elections, and crossing my fingers hoping my database can cope. For this reason, I would encourage people not to over-exercise themselves in comments. I would like comments to be used for actual discussion of results if anyone hears anything of interest, please make comments your first port of call and hopefully I’ll be able to disseminate valuable information provided through comments. For more general chatting and partisan barracking, I encourage you to use the IRC chat room which you can enter by typing in your nickname below and hitting “Let’s chat”. Some of you might be prevented from using this by firewalls and what have you, but it seems to be working for most people. If you’re having a problem leave a note in comments on this thread, and hopefully someone will be able to help you.
UPDATE: Looking like I might get enough people complaining about Meebolessness that I might put up one up. I would encourage people to only use this if they can’t get on to IRC, as only 80 people can be logged into it at once. I could always put up more, but I don’t want all the chat room action to take the wind out of the blog comment sails.
Yes, William. Please keep a thread open cause I can’t get IRC to work, and don’t have time to figure it out now.
No meebo chat room?
Also, just like to thank you for your site and excellent work. As I said over at Possum’s place, these kind of sites are opening up a fresh and much needed element in public debate and the democratic process.
I might put up a Meebo or two if people are demanding one and/or I start to worry about the blog comment load
I can’t use IRC either – PLS, PLS have a meebo!
I also support the meebo option, as cant get into IRC…
tks BillBowe
To those who can’t get irc to work, is this comment of any help?