Monday miscellany: seat entitlements, Voice and China polling, by-election latest (open thread)

Confirmation that New South Wales and Victoria will each lose a lower house seat, with Western Australia to gain one.

I don’t believe there will be any voting intention polling this week, apart from the usual Roy Morgan – and if you’re really desperate, Kevin Bonham has discovered a trove of its federal polling in a dark corner of its website. Other than that, there’s the following:

• The regular mid-term calculation of population-based state and territory seat entitlements for the House of Representatives was conducted last week, and it confirmed what anyone with a calculator could have worked out in advance, namely that New South Wales and Victoria will each lose a seat, Western Australia will gain one, and the size of the chamber will go from 151 to 150 (assuming the government doesn’t go the nuclear option of seeking to increase the size of parliament, which is under active consideration by the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters). Antony Green has detailed blog posts on the looming redistributions for New South Wales, suggesting Sydney’s North Shore as the area most likely to have a seat abolished), Victoria, which is harder to call. Western Australia’s existing fifteen seats all have similar current enrolments, making it difficult to identify exactly where the sixteenth will be created, except that it is likely to be in an outer suburban growth area.

Michael McKenna of The Australian reports that Queensland Senator Gerard Rennick, who is appealing his recent Liberal National Party preselection defeat, has offered legal advice that Peter Dutton was wrongly told by party headquarters that he could not vote unless he attended the ballot, where other party notables were allowed to cast votes in absentia. Rennick lost the final round of the ballot to party treasurer Stuart Fraser by 131 votes to 128. The party’s disputes committee is likely to make a recommendation this week as to whether the preselection should be held again, which a party source is quoted describing as a “real possibility”.

Phillip Coorey of the Financial Review reports that a comprehensive internal poll conducted by Labor earlier this month from a sample of 14,300 found 48% in favour of an Indigenous Voice and 47% opposed, with yes leading in Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. Further, yes voters were more likely to be firmly resolved in their choice, with 40% saying they would definitely vote yes compared with 30% for a definite no.

• A survey encompassing 24 countries by the Pew Research Centre found Australia tying with Japan for having the least favourable attitudes towards China, with 87% expressing an unfavourable view.

• Labor has formally decided against fielding a candidate in Victoria’s Warrandyte by-election on August 26. The three official nominees thus far are Liberal candidate Nicole Werner, Greg Cheesman of the Freedom Party and Cary De Wit of the Democratic Labour Party. Endorsed Greens candidate Tomas Lightbody’s paperwork is evidently still on its way.

• In other by-election news, I can offer the following contribution to the debate as to how Labor in Western Australia should feel about the result in Rockingham on Saturday: they scored 67.6% of the two-party preferred vote in ordinary election day booths, which was hardly different from their 68.8% in the corresponding booths at last year’s federal election. This means Labor almost matched a result it achieved in the context of an election where the statewide two-party result was 55-45 in its favour.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

2,539 comments on “Monday miscellany: seat entitlements, Voice and China polling, by-election latest (open thread)”

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  1. Nath, has anyone on this blog yet twigged to what we are saying when we claim to be descended from the issue of Edward III?

  2. Marianne Williamson at $110 on Sportsbet? That’s definitely worth a flutter. She’s far more likely to be the next president than anyone else on that list besides Biden and Trump.

  3. 98.6 says:
    Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 8:36 pm

    Ancestry or family trees, royal or otherwise, is only reliant on the faithfulness or fidelity, or indeed memory, of women.
    Imagine being the descendant of a notable misogynist!

  4. before entering the senate Cattey Gallacher was act chief minister i think drumgold ratinbery and act police chief have to go Drumgold let down higgins and there is no sugestion the suspicous coinsedence of jurer misconduct just when it looked like lehrmann was not credable power people would have wanted to avoid a conviction as it would expose the morrison government triying to egnore serous aligartions if lehrmann was inosent whiy are the liberals tempting to distroy higgins they seem to want her finishednow there needs to be a new inquiry as soffirinoff seems to have an agender especialy leaking the report to lehrmanns strongist media backer albretson

  5. Nicholas:

    Marianne Williamson at $110 on Sportsbet? That’s definitely worth a flutter. She’s far more likely to be the next president than anyone else on that list besides Biden and Trump.

    Marianne Williamson has about as much chance of becoming the next president as I do.

  6. i think victems of crime should not reliy on the dpp as legal reps but should get seperate legal representatives the prosecuters role is not to represent the defence the fact that lehrmann in this case could hide behind legal reps and avoid giving evidence and higgins is cros egzamind on evry aspect isunfair understand prosumption of inosince but the victem should not have to testafy there could have been a conspiracy to provent a convictionlets not forget the office was cleaned shortly after the aledged insodint this sends a mesage to victems of asult dont go publick because you will be distroyed the murdocks proved it with phone hacking and have not change

  7. Asha says:
    Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 8:46 pm

    “Marianne Williamson at $110 on Sportsbet? That’s definitely worth a flutter. She’s far more likely to be the next president than anyone else on that list besides Biden and Trump.”
    Marianne Williamson has about as much chance of becoming the next president as I do.


    You could do us a favour and tell us your name so we can have a flutter on a dark horse 😉

  8. nath says:
    Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 8:07 pm
    What about BW? Surely he must be a descendant of some notable Dutch trader or tulip speculator?
    I am certain be is a descendant of the first Holy Roman emperor, Charlemagne.

    So is everyone who has any ancestor of European heritage.

  9. Well, my illustrious ancestors include my great-grandfather, who served as the UAP member for the state seat of Hawthorn for two brief non-consecutive terms in the 1950s, as well as a failed Protectionist candidate in the first ever federal election.

  10. i think victems of crime should not reliy on the dpp as legal reps but should get seperate legal representatives the prosecuters role is not to represent the defence the fact that lehrmann in this case could hide behind legal reps and avoid giving evidence and higgins is cros egzamind on evry aspect isunfair understand prosumption of inosince but the victem should not have to testafy there could have been a conspiracy to provent a convictionlets not forget the office was cleaned shortly after the aledged insodint th

  11. Has anyone questioned why many males have more than one middle name ?
    Royalty are notorious for it.
    Women think they have a duty to name their son after their father.

  12. Asha says:
    Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 8:51 pm

    Well, my illustrious ancestors include my great-grandfather, who served as the UAP member for the state seat of Hawthorn for two brief non-consecutive terms in the 1950s, as well as a failed Protectionist candidate in the first ever federal election.
    My own great grandfather had a distinguished career strangling Japanese in WW2 which is a well known and highly lamented fact of PB lore.

  13. Asha says:
    Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 8:46 pm

    Marianne Williamson at $110 on Sportsbet? That’s definitely worth a flutter. She’s far more likely to be the next president than anyone else on that list besides Biden and Trump.

    Marianne Williamson has about as much chance of becoming the next president as I do.
    President Asha has a ring to it though.

  14. morrison also compremised the trial buy publickly apoligizing to higgins in his speech to parliament its seems now deliberately knowing itcould be used by a defence renalds sacked lehrmann i wonder whiy she is backing him so stronglywould be interesting to know who is funding lehrmann and Dreyfuss has been largely hopelis he has not introduced a bill to stop defermation as a weapon against people like higgins to stop the rich and powerful using defermation laws to silents negative coveridge us not having a bill of rights does not ghelp also reforms to balence the acused and the victem in trrials so it is not one sided would help but dreyfuss does not want to be a reforming aterney general apart from abolishing the att he is allowing wisleblowers to be prosecuted and not even bothering to do anything

  15. Marianne Williamson has about as much chance of becoming the next president as I do.
    President Asha has a ring to it though.

    Would you settle for Prime Minister Asho ?

  16. he keeps on hiding behind the argumment that the wisleblowers trials should just carry onn hehe is slightly better then brandis and porter but dreyfuss is one of labors worst ags

  17. @Ven: Old wealthy barristers are generally pretty conservative, and conservatives wouldn’t see anything wrong with Albrechtson and The Australian or expect them to flagrantly breach an embargo.

    I think that’s the entire end of the story for Sofronoff – he gave the media an embargoed copy because he wanted them to be able to report in full once the government released the report, and he gave copies to the ABC and News Corp, no doubt representing both ends of the spectrum to him and thus politically even handed. And there it would have ended but for the basic untrustworthy nature of News Corp hacks which he failed to anticipate.

    I don’t think he’s intentionally sought to hand ammunition to News and turn the inquiry into a circus. I think he’s guilty of being very naive though.

  18. Aaron newton says:
    Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 9:06 pm
    he keeps on hiding behind the argumment that the wisleblowers trials should just carry onn hehe is slightly better then brandis and porter but dreyfuss is one of labors worst ags
    I find no fault with that man called Dreyfus.
    In fact I think he is one of Labor’s best.

  19. I mentioned it last time, but I’ll say it again. Yes Nath is descended from Edward III, but so are about 98% of all people with any English ancestry.

  20. Albo is giving the Akubra a good work out again.
    Probably reminds him of his time spent growing up on the land around inner Western Sydney.

  21. Arky says:
    Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 9:08 pm
    @Ven: Old wealthy barristers are generally pretty conservative, and conservatives wouldn’t see anything wrong with Albrechtson and The Australian or expect them to flagrantly breach an embargo.

    I think that’s the entire end of the story for Sofronoff – he gave the media an embargoed copy because he wanted them to be able to report in full once the government released the report, and he gave copies to the ABC and News Corp, no doubt representing both ends of the spectrum to him and thus politically even handed. And there it would have ended but for the basic untrustworthy nature of News Corp hacks which he failed to anticipate.

    I don’t think he’s intentionally sought to hand ammunition to News and turn the inquiry into a circus. I think he’s guilty of being very naive though
    Lot more to this story which will come out over the next week or two.
    At the moment its all speculation.

  22. Taylormade says:
    Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 9:20 pm
    Albo is giving the Akubra a good work out again.
    Probably reminds him of his time spent growing up on the land around inner Western Sydney.
    I’ll pay that, best laugh of the day !

  23. clem attleesays:
    Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 9:19 pm
    I mentioned it last time, but I’ll say it again. Yes Nath is descended from Edward III, but so are about 98% of all people with any English ancestry.
    In comparison, there are less than a thousand descendants of Queen Victoria, and apparently frednk is one of em.

  24. Marianne Williamson has about as much chance of becoming the next president as I do.

    You’d have to be delusional to think that, Asha. Very caught up in the mainstream media bubble. The Young Fogey energy is strong with you.

  25. Giving his report to the media ensures that it could not be suppressed, edited, unduly delayed, or otherwise distorted by the ACT Government.

  26. Kirksdale:


    He was apparently the victim of a scare campaign during one of his runs for parliament, where his opponents tried to claim he was actually Chinese on account of the last name “Tyack”… which doesn’t sound like any Chinese name I’ve ever heard!

    The daughter briefly mentioned in the article was my grandmother.

  27. Nicholas @ #2478 Saturday, August 5th, 2023 – 9:00 pm

    Marianne Williamson has about as much chance of becoming the next president as I do.

    You’d have to be delusional to think that, Asha. Very caught up in the mainstream media bubble. The Young Fogey energy is strong with you.

    Oh Nicholas, you’re not doing this arrogant bullshit again this time, are you? After how much egg you got on your face last time?

  28. Ashasays:

    He was apparently the victim of a scare campaign during one of his runs for parliament, where his opponents tried to claim he was actually Chinese
    Classic old Australian standard nuttiness!

  29. DNA tests have shown the man thought to be Tony Abbott’s son was fathered by another man. When Mr Abbott was 19, he and his then girlfriend Kathy Donnelly put up for adoption a baby boy, admitting they were not prepared for parenthood.

    Will all those PBs who have claimed royal status be prepared to take a DNA test.
    I suggest you keep the test secret from family members till the results come back.
    Remember what happened to our former PM.

  30. @Asha

    That’s a very interesting piece of family history, and also sad that MLA Les Tyack was targeted in such a shameful way.

    Still, I mark it as something to be proud of to have family members with their own Wikipedia pages.

  31. 98.6says:

    Will all those PBs who have claimed royal status be prepared to take a DNA test.
    I will submit to a DNA test and have it published here if you do so similarly with an IQ test.

  32. Vivek Ramaswamy is proposing a constitutional amendment that requiring citizens 18 to 24 to pass a civics test in order to vote – the same one immigrants take to become naturalized U.S. citizens.

  33. 98.6 says:
    Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 8:36 pm

    Ancestry or family trees, royal or otherwise, is only reliant on the faithfulness or fidelity, or indeed memory, of women.

    It is only worth jack shit ( faithful or otherwise) if you inherit the assets, and then only if the state in questions retains control. Ownership of assets royal or otherwise is actually a very feckless thing.

  34. nath says:
    Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 9:42 pm


    Will all those PBs who have claimed royal status be prepared to take a DNA test.
    I will submit to a DNA test and have it published here if you do so similarly with an IQ test.

    A good IQ result has far more value than a member of your family tree.

  35. Nicholas
    Marianne Williamson at $110 on Sportsbet? That’s definitely worth a flutter. She’s far more likely to be the next president than anyone else on that list besides Biden and Trump.

    Marianne Williamson has about as much chance of becoming the next president as my left nut.

  36. Arky at 9.08 pm

    Sofronoff was lead counsel for the Wik Peoples in their 1996 win over Qld in the pastoral leases case. It would be surprising if, given the LNP and Mordor response to that case, he could really be very naive.

    It was in response to the majority judgment in that case that Tim Fischer et. al. got cranky with High Court judges and resorted openly to US tactics of trying to stack the Court with big C conservatives.

    The first conservative judge that Howard and Daryl Williams appointed to the High Court, in September 1997, was Kenneth Hayne. Of course, Howard et. al. could never accept Hayne’s rationality, such as joining Michael Kirby in dissent on the issue of fundamental liberty in the control orders case (Thomas v Mowbray), and now Hayne’s intelligent affirmation of the risk-free nature of the Voice.

    The majority faction in the LNP as now constituted have as little respect for the law as Netanyahu.

  37. nath says:
    Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 8:42 pm

    Imagine being the descendant of a notable misogynist!

    Rest assured there are things worse than that.

  38. Nicholas:

    You’d have to be delusional to think that, Asha. Very caught up in the mainstream media bubble. The Young Fogey energy is strong with you.

    LMAO, one of us is certainly delusional, at least.

    I’m no Biden stan. I actually think he’d be quite vulnerable if a decent candidate were to run against him in the primaries. Luckily for him, he instead has RFK Jr and Marianne Williamson, two people who – if their public statements are any indication – are either completely insane, sociopathic con artists, or some combination of the two. Marianne Williamson’s polling numbers are terrible, and yet they are still only as high as they are because there’s a cohort of Democrats desperate to vote for someone – anyone – who isn’t Biden. Were Biden facing a progressive challenger who acrually had some political experience and credibility and didn’t go about saying crazy shit about diverting hurricanes with positives vibes, Williamson would be lucky to get 1% of the vote.

    You like her because she advocates policies you support. But here’s the thing – anyone can come up with a list of policy positions. What separates the real candidates from delusional also-runs is being able to convince people that you can actually implement those policies while also carrying out the responsibilities of office with some level of competency while also not being totally out of your gourd.

  39. If the next President isn’t Joe Biden or DonaldTrump, he or she will probably be someone that most people who aren’t aficionados of US politics have never heard of…

  40. Victorian ALP Member for Ringwood has resigned following an alleged serious assault of a staff member. Will Fowles has resigned from the party over an alleged “serious assault”.
    The member for Ringwood resigned on Saturday after the Premier’s office referred the alleged assault to police.Daniel Andrews said the government was advised of the alleged incident on Thursday.
    The Herald Sun has confirmed Mr Fowles was seen at the parliamentary bar on Wednesday night, with witnesses describing his behaviour as unusual. The Herald Sun understands the alleged incident is not the only complaint to have been made about Mr Fowles in recent weeks. The Premier’s office spent two days investigating the serious assault allegations before referring the matter to police.

  41. Shogun says:
    Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 9:47 pm
    Marianne Williamson at $110 on Sportsbet? That’s definitely worth a flutter. She’s far more likely to be the next president than anyone else on that list besides Biden and Trump.

    Marianne Williamson has about as much chance of becoming the next president as my left nut.
    98.6 says :
    Now if only you can convince your right nut to run as your Vice Presidential Candidate, I think you can
    go all the way to that big white house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington.

  42. The only plausible scenario in which a Democrat other than Biden is President at 12:01pm (US EST) on 20 January 2025 is if Biden dies and VP Harris becomes President.

  43. 98.6:

    President Asha has a ring to it though.

    My campaign has admittedly suffered a few setbacks, what with me being an Australian who hasn’t been to the States in over twenty years and who is generally just completely and hilariously unfit to hold such an office, but, hey, I did turn 35 recently!

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