Having waited rather too long for a new blog post topic to fall into my lap, here’s one that falls back on the regularly updated tracking poll of Anthony Albanese’s approval ratings maintained by US pollster Morning Consult, which maintains the exercise for twenty leaders internationally. While these numbers have been basically steady since June, they suggest that Albanese ended the year on something of a high, with his approval registering at either 59% or 60% after easing to 55% in November, and his disapproval down since that time from 32% to 28%.
As for when the polling treadmill will crank back into action, I note that the Age/Herald had a Resolve Strategic poll in the third week of last year, although that may have reflected the imminence of a federal election. Newspoll and Essential Research took a fortnight longer to resume regular transmission.
Arky @ #2238 Friday, January 20th, 2023 – 8:21 pm
I am not a Green! You take that back! 🙂
Friday, January 20, 2023 at 8:10 pm
[‘But Mavis, that’s the whole point of the Liberal party stormtroopers active here: get a No vote to win, or at least get a Voice that’s weakly enshrined in a highly deletable legislation, rather than in the more solid Constitution.’]
I have no problems with contrarian views expresed on this site. Indeed, without them, we’d end up pissing in each others pockets.
layer Onesays:
Friday, January 20, 2023 at 8:41 pm
Cronus @ #2231 Friday, January 20th, 2023 – 8:06 pm
No. I am saying that those who claim the Statement prioritizes one aspect over the others are not able to demonstrate that this was the intent of the Statement. They simply a misunderstanding the use of the term “culmination”.
so exactly what is the other meaning of “culmination”?
Player One @ #2250 Friday, January 20th, 2023 – 7:45 pm
Are dishwashing and food preparation to only for women? Seems P1 thinks they are or they wouldn’t have come up with such a reaction
the other barney @ #2253 Friday, January 20th, 2023 – 8:56 pm
I realize you came in late. Try actually reading my previous posts.
ajm @ #2254 Friday, January 20th, 2023 – 9:04 pm
You should try “Can’t you take a joke?” next.
That one usually works.
i have read them. what is the other meaning of culmination? the statement is clear to everyone except yourself it seems.
oh i bet you all *hate* john helmer, but here’s an article from his site “dances with bears” reproduced at “naked capitalism”, together with the usual “naked capitalism” impressive (imo) comments thread, informed by facts & conducted with rationality by people who know their ass from a hole in the ground. its about a recent (week old) interview (in german) with german general Erich Vad, who, before you dump on him, was Merkel’s military advisor.
and, oh, I bet you didn’t hear about the leaked report where the commander of german land forces Ruprecht von Butler said he couldn’t defend berlin if it came to a ukraine-intensity war in germany, maybe magdeburg, or that all the 18 pumas involved in a recent exercise for the rapid reaction force broke down, one caught fire and had to be abandoned by its crew. (no, i won’t look it up for you, try “Politico”)
speaking of fiery military gear here’s Yaakov Kedmi (israeli) on m113s (speaking on russian t.v., so, quick, make a sign of the cross or whatever you do, before reading further, if you do).
btw, this comment is primarily intended for Mavis & boerwar, and their like, who look like they could tolerate some factual fibre in their hopium pabulum drip. -a.v.
the other barney @ #2257 Friday, January 20th, 2023 – 9:08 pm
Just me and First Nations people, I guess.
So who exactly are you having all these arguments with?
Most commentators here who are for the Voice are also for the other aspects of the Statement as well – just as the government is.
Player One @ #2256 Friday, January 20th, 2023 – 8:06 pm
Freud would beg to differ
Just me and First Nations people, I guess.
That is such an arrogant statement that denies a process lasting nearly 15 years and denies the work of hundreds of First Nations people who have worked to represent their communities and who have sweated blood to try and get an outcome that can move this country forward.
But hey you know better.
zoomster at 8.34 pm
Yes, but not always in the Antipodes. My mother, who was educated at The Friends School in Hobart, recalls one day in the mid-1930s (when she was probably still in the junior school) proclaiming at home: “I’m so glad I’m British”. At once, she was gently corrected by her father, who had been paralysed when shot on the first day at Gallipoli.
That did not stop him captaining the yacht Kintail in the Sydney Hobart race. Photo at:
https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/26747959 (from 1950)
zoomster @ #2260 Friday, January 20th, 2023 – 9:10 pm
Sure they are. It’s just that now is not the time …
That’s correct. Now is the time to advocate for the Voice. Get that in place and the rest follows.
Just as the government has committed to.
By about a 9 to 1 majority First Nations leaders support the voice FIRST approach as a way to break a 30 year impasse on Treaty and Reconciliation.
Not only does P1 want either ‘Treaty first” or all three complements of the Voice implemented simultaneously, she also thinks that to pursue the voice first is tokenistic. What a greater white Bwana P1 is: presuming to know better than 9 out of 10 indigenous leaders.
We all know in our hearts don’t we the basic truth, don’t we? To pursue Treaty first or truth telling first would be to doom any progress for our First Nations folk for another generation. One can understand why Dutton is keen on dooming the voice. Not to mention the Fraser Annings of this world. One can also understand why the Blak-trots want to see The Voice fail, because in their imaginary universe it is only a matter of time before the glorious revolution happens and it will be tumbrils at tea time for for the 90% of humanity that don’t sign up for that (and The Revolution is inevitable so long as the centre fails). But what is P1’s agenda?
I see that P1 is entertaining a whole new wave of Bludgers who do not understand the rules:
1. P1 is always right.
2. Any discussion with P1 always devolves into snarking. Every single time.
3. P1 must have the last word.
Dr Doolittle
Neil Shute’s “On the Beach’ has a character whose biggest regret that nuclear war has wiped out the rest of the world is that she’ll never be able to go ‘Home’.
(Or is it Neville?)
I see that tankie venison is back doing some hard yards for Vlad.
zoomster @ #2265 Friday, January 20th, 2023 – 9:18 pm
“We will decide when the time is right for First Nations people to get what they demand, and the order in which they will get it.”
Now, where have we heard statements like that before?
alfred venison at 9:08 pm
Some more from Herr Vad. Including at the end comments that will head spin the Bludgertariat’s ‘Greeniphobe’ wing 🙂
Erich Vad is an ex-brigade general. From 2006 to 2013 he was Chancellor Angela Merkel’s military policy advisor.
General Milley caused a lot of trouble in Washington with his statement and was also heavily criticized in public.
He spoke an uncomfortable truth. A truth that, by the way, was hardly ever published in the German media……
You too have been attacked for calling for negotiations.
Yes, as did the Inspector General of the German Armed Forces, General Eberhard Zorn, who, like me, warned against overestimating the Ukrainians’ regionally limited offensives in the summer months. Military experts – who know what’s going on among the secret services, what it’s like on the ground and what war really means – are largely excluded from the discourse. They don’t fit in with media opinion-forming. We are largely experiencing a media synchronization that I have never experienced in the Federal Republic. This is pure opinion making. And not on behalf of the state, as is known from totalitarian regimes, but out of pure self-empowerment.
Baerbock is a member of the Greens, the former peace party.
I don’t understand the mutation of the Greens from a pacifist to a war party. I myself don’t know of any Greens who would even have done military service. For me, Anton Hofreiter is the best example of this double standard. Antje Vollmer, on the other hand, who I would count among the ‘original’ Greens, calls a spade a spade. And the fact that a single party has so much political influence that it can maneuver us into a war is very worrying.
The truly wonderful thing is that you can respond to one of P1’s posts and make it clear that you’re agreeing with her, and she’ll still tell you you’re wrong.
Friday, January 20, 2023 at 9:08 pm
[‘btw, this comment is primarily intended for Mavis & boerwar, and their like, who look like they could tolerate some factual fibre in their hopium pabulum drip. -a.v.’]
I can’t recall when I’ve been so outspoken as to incur your wrath. Pepys.
In this case, from FN people.
Boerwar at 9:21 pm
You need to take it up with Merkel’s former military advisor and also the Inspector General of the German Armed Forces. Or are they also part of the vast conspiracy of Putinbots ?
Boerwar @ #2267 Friday, January 20th, 2023 – 9:20 pm
And this is my fault?
You mean “snarking” like you are doing in this post?
The German Greens are not as dopey as the Australian Greens.
The German Greens actually understand Putin.
If everyone followed the approach of the Australian Greens the Russians would be approaching the Polish border in no time flat.
‘poroti says:
Friday, January 20, 2023 at 9:24 pm
Boerwar at 9:21 pm
You need to take it up with Merkel’s former military advisor and also the Inspector General of the German Armed Forces. Or are they also part of the vast conspiracy of Putinbots ?’
I don’t have to take anything up with anybody. Venison is a tankie who always and without fail posts material, some of it utter tosh, some of it with a grain of truth, but always without fail designed to support Putin. Think about that for a moment.
Supporting Putin is ALWAYS the point for Venison. If you want to play tankies with Venison go ahead.
OK, so I have done youse all a favor.
You can play with P1 and Venison if youse want but don’t say I didn’t warn youse. There is always zero point in engaging with them.
Sometimes I wonder wether P1 ever actually did anything in life (other than become an eco preper for rich cookers)?
Y’all know that Albo wants to bring ‘the Voice’ to fruition within his first term as PM, right? in fact the referendum will likely be held this year. Y’all know that one builds a house by laying the foundations first, right? Not by building the roof or erecting the walls first, nor by doing all three of those together, simultaneously?
I reckon p1 threw every meccano or lego set she got given as a kid in the bin simply because the instructions presumed to tell her how to build it in an order that was ‘obviously wrong’: such is her need to be ‘the smartest person’ in the cosmos – the universe is just ‘obviously wrong’. That’s the only way I can explain her feckless idiocy on The Voice now as an adult.
Save for the distinct possibility she is actually a full blown racist.
Such fun 🙂
Andrew_Earlwood @ #2280 Friday, January 20th, 2023 – 9:33 pm
Christ. You people just can’t get over this, can you?
Someone who actually lives what they believe in is something you can’t just tolerate.
zoomster at 9.21 pm
Yes, there were many out-of-place characters in Australia who had never been ‘Home’.
The author’s full name was Nevil Shute Norway. Dropped the surname for simplicity. See:
Alphabet Inc (GOOGL.O) is eliminating 12,000 jobs, its chief executive said in a staff memo shared with Reuters.
The cuts mark the latest to shake the technology sector and come days after rival Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) said it would lay off 10,000 workers.
The job losses affect teams across the company including recruiting and some corporate functions, as well as some engineering and products teams.
From a purely electoral perspective I wonder if things are being looked at in the wrong order?
Perhaps it should be heart and soul and then voice.
We know for a fact people are supportive of the heart and soul and the heart and soul could heavily influence people to the voice.
So, heart and soul and then voice?
What do people think?
Friday, January 20, 2023 at 9:30 pm
OK, so I have done youse all a favor.
You can play with P1 and Venison if youse want but don’t say I didn’t warn youse. There is always zero point in engaging with them.
Personal abuse.
wranslide @ #2285 Friday, January 20th, 2023 – 9:39 pm
Yes. We talk mostly about “Voice” and “Treaty”. But what really needs to come first is “Truth”.
Unfortunately, this is the hardest one for many Australians to come to terms with.
wranslide @ Friday, January 20, 2023 at 9:39 pm
You have been hoping for a nibble all day it seems. Here you go 🙂
By the sounds of it truth is simply a retelling of history so probably isn’t more important than the voice and treaty.
“ You people” …
The last time I’m heard some say use those words was out of the mouth of a racist Fisheries Officer when trying to explain under oath at Milton court house the difficulties Fisheries had when denying the native title rights to fish the coastal waters in P1’s neck of the woods of “you people”. Just last year.
P1 then claims to be living her live according to her beliefs (obviously much much much more superior in belief and contact than the great unwashed on bludger).
Well, given your belief clearly extends to Blak-trot juju p1, when exactly are you handing back the title deeds of your eco preper compound to “you people”?
wranslide @ Friday, January 20, 2023 at 9:39 pm
You have been hoping for a nibble all day it seems. Here you go
Buzz dont you support the heart and soul?
I wonder if it should come first with voice to follow?
“Player One says:
Friday, January 20, 2023 at 8:43 pm
Alpo @ #2233 Friday, January 20th, 2023 – 8:10 pm
Labor never ever promised to progress the whole of the Statement From the Heart in a single referendum!… Why are you lying? Or is it just propaganda hiding behind cluelessness?”
Wow! Nice strawman! Did it take long to build?”
Given your non sequitur, I can only say: Another one of your posts further confirming your stupidity… Oh, and that’s almost a compliment in your case!
“ Yes. We talk mostly about “Voice” and “Treaty”. But what really needs to come first is “Truth”.
Unfortunately, this is the hardest one for many Australians to come to terms with.”
So, do you actually admit the political reality? it is far better to go with what is possible FIRST over trying to deal with the hardest first? What with the 30 year failure to deal with ‘Truth’ like stuff such as Black Deaths in Custody, or the Stolen Generation?
Player Onesays:
Friday, January 20, 2023 at 9:41 pm
Thanks PlayerOne. Heart and Soul is very important. It must come first I think.
Friday, January 20, 2023 at 9:53 pm
Andrew_Earlwood, I think Player One is acknowledging that heart and soul is the most important thing. It must always come first. Then progress to the voice?
Mexicanbeemer @ #2289 Friday, January 20th, 2023 – 9:47 pm
No. It means telling what really happened, and not what we were told (or not told, as the case may be) happened.
I cringe whenever I think of the Australian “history” I learned in school.
“Player One says:
Friday, January 20, 2023 at 8:45 pm
Alpo @ #2237 Friday, January 20th, 2023 – 8:16 pm
Sorry mate, but you just don’t have sufficient intelligence to judge anybody here…. Just apologise and move on, surely there are dishes to wash at home, or a dinner to be prepared, etc.
Gosh. Sexism, misogyny and stupidity in a single post.”
Oh dear, when the truth hurts, find excuses to look elsewhere…. Why do you keep confirming your stupidity to the readers here? Is that some sort of masochism or what?… Or is just a natural Liberal party modus operandi?
Player One says:
Friday, January 20, 2023 at 9:58 pm
Mexicanbeemer @ #2289 Friday, January 20th, 2023 – 9:47 pm
By the sounds of it truth is simply a retelling of history so probably isn’t more important than the voice and treaty.
No. It means telling what really happened, and not what we were told (or not told, as the case may be) happened.
I cringe whenever I think of the Australian “history” I learned in school.
So its a retelling of history while both the voice and treaty are for the future.
wranslide @ Friday, January 20, 2023 at 9:52 pm
I honestly do not think it matters what I think 😉
The 2017 First Nations National Constitutional Convention asked for “Enshrining a First Nations Voice in the Australian Constitution.” in the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
I shall vote Yes.
zoomster says:
Friday, January 20, 2023 at 9:21 pm
Dr Doolittle
Neil Shute’s “On the Beach’ has a character whose biggest regret that nuclear war has wiped out the rest of the world is that she’ll never be able to go ‘Home’.
(Or is it Neville?)
Correct me if i am off the track, but up till 1948 (i think), we were all ‘British’ as there was no explicit Australian citizenship. That being said I am drinking beer in my green and gold stubby holder with ‘Straya’ on it. Now what would I give for those green and gold Straya PJs John Clarke had in ‘The Games ‘