I would guess that Newspoll will return on the eve of the resumption of the parliament, which is still three weeks away. This is an off week for Essential Research; there may be a Roy Morgan poll, or there may not. Until then:
• Kylea Tink, the newly elected teal independent member for North Sydney, says she believes a new federal integrity commission should have the power to sack parliamentarians for sufficiently serious breaches of a parliamentary code of conduct; David Pocock, newly independent Senator for the Australian Capital Territory, says he would have “real concerns about an unelected body being able to dismiss elected representatives”. The federal parliament denied itself of the power to expel representatives through legislation passed in 1987, such power only ever having been exercised in 1920, when Labor MP Hugh Mahon made “seditious and disloyal utterances” regarding British policy in Ireland. Mahon then re-contested his seat of Kalgoorlie but was narrowly defeated, which remains the only occasion of a government party winning a seat from the opposition at a by-election.
• If you can’t wait another three years for my 2025 federal election guide, Robin Visser offers an online geospatial tool for examining polling booth results at the recent federal election.
Victorian state news to go with that related in last week’s dedicated post on the subject:
• Roy Morgan has results of a “snap SMS poll” of state voting intention in Victoria, showing Labor with a rather inplausible two-party lead of 59.5-40.5 from primary votes of Labor 43.5%, Coalition 29.5%, Greens 12%, United Australia Party 2% and Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party 1%. The poll was conducted Thursday to Saturday from a sample of 1710. A similar poll in November produced the same two-party result.
• Morgan’s result is at odds with a detailed assessment of the state of play by pollster Kos Samaras, who expects Labor to struggle to maintain its majority in the face of four to five losses to the Liberals, two to the Greens and others yet to independents. However, it’s also “extremely difficult to see how the Coalition get anything north of 38 to 40 seats” in a chamber of 88.
• Jane Garrett, who held a seat in the Legislative Council for Eastern Victoria region, died on Saturday of breast cancer at the age of 49. Garrett moved to the chamber from the lower house seat of Brunswick at the 2018 election, which duly fell to the Greens. She resigned from cabinet in 2016 after a dispute with the United Firefighters Union in her capacity as Emergency Services Union brought her into conflict with Daniel Andrews. Garrett announced last December that she would retire at the election. Labor’s ticket in Eastern Victoria will be headed by incumbent Harriet Shing, who was last week promoted to cabinet, and Tom McIntosh, a former electrician and (at least as of 2019) electorate officer to federal Batman MP Ged Kearney, who is presumably well placed to fill Garrett’s casual vacancy in the interim.
• As detailed at length on my live commentary thread, South Australia’s Liberals copped a 6.0% swing in Saturday’s Bragg by-election to add to the 8.8% one they suffered at the March state election, leaving about 2% intact from a margin that was 17.4% after the 2018 election, and had never previously fallen below 12.8%. The next by-election off the rank is for the Western Australian state seat of North West Central, to be vacated with the retirement of Nationals member Vince Catania. The Nationals last week preselected Merome Beard, proprietor of Carnarvon’s Port Hotel, whose BLT comes strongly recommended. Labor is considered unlikely to field a candidate, but the Liberal state council voted last week to call for nominations.
” Boris Johnson is to resign on Thursday as Conservative leader but will push to stay on as prime minister until autumn …”
Confessions @ #1389 Thursday, July 7th, 2022 – 6:48 pm
There’s a slow disassociation from Trump going on. They know what he did. The Republicans know that the Democrats have a presidential election killer with the issues that surround him. Which the Democrats will remind people of continuously. I’ve actually heard, not Ron De Santis, but Glenn Youngkin’s name mentioned in dispatches recently.
First Barnaby, then Morrison, now Boris.
The greats are being felled one at a time.
Dr Doolittle,
Did you see the article I put up about Steve Baker wanting the Conservative leadership? He almost sounds like he has Putin behind him pushing him into place.
Ding dong the Borris is dead…
Now for the big event – Trump being led away in handcuffs 🙂
DoPe is really holding a hose to clean a premises dirtied by floods. He clearly remembers Morrison “I don’t hold the hose, mate” and the damage that statement has done to Morrison.
Flooding around Windsor on Sydney’s NW outskirts:
This is after falls of 200-400 mm (8” – 16”) throughout the Hawkesbury-Nepean catchment in a week.
Re C@t @7:10.
And now he has to do the same at home.
Bystander @ #1400 Thursday, July 7th, 2022 – 6:55 pm
The racist ‘African gangs’ rubbish he and Turnbull peddled was worse.
Steve777 @ #1410 Thursday, July 7th, 2022 – 7:19 pm
It’s a messy job but someone competent has to do it.
Jacinda Ardern handles Sarah Ferguson with ease and aplomb.
C@t at 7.10
Brilliant cartoon from Moir!
Rex at 7.27
Danny Weidler
EXCLUSIVE: Scott Morrison has approached NRL powerbrokers about joining the ARLC. Chairman PVL says he has not received a direct approach.
@9NewsSyd is aware others have.
Imagine the explosive potential of the Morrison and V’Landys egos in the one board room!
What company in their right mind would take Morrison on?
I cannot think of a valuable thing he would bring to that game. Or anyone associated with it.
EXCLUSIVE: Scott Morrison has approached NRL powerbrokers about joining the ARLC. Chairman PVL says he has not received a direct approach.
Does he hold a ball?
Re Cat at 7.02 pm
If Putin is pushing Steve Baker it will be another flop. Do you know where Baker was 15 years ago? See:
“He was the chief architect of global financing and asset service platforms at Lehman Brothers from 2006 to 2008.” (wikipedia)
Note even the dumb Tories would choose him with that pedigree. For the wide field of contenders see:
Hopelessly uninspiring field, but the most likely one (from Zelenskiy’s view too) seems Ben Wallace.
Wallace is London-born but a former captain in the Scots Guards, and also a Tory list MP in Holyrood from 1999 to 2003.
Most Tory members are probably incapable of foresight, but with the next referendum on Scottish independence scheduled (by Sturgeon) for 19 October 2023, Wallace seems the obvious choice. Even Rakali might think it appropriate for the last Union PM of the UK (including Scotland) to be a Wallace.
Here’s what Morrison could bring to the NRL and his beloved Sharks.

Re BK at 7.47 pm
There’s a wee trekking company in Stonehaven south of Aberdeen but they are proud of their integrity:
Rex Douglas says:
Thursday, July 7, 2022 at 7:21 pm
The racist ‘African gangs’ rubbish he and Turnbull peddled was worse.
Was Guy central to that, or did he just tag along?
Dr Doolittle
Even Rakali might think it appropriate for the last Union PM of the UK (including Scotland) to be a Wallace.
Still in shock a Wallace could be a Tory!!
He would be well advised to heed the words of William Wallace:
“I tell you a truth, liberty is the best of all things, my son, never live under any slavish bond.”
Good overview of Boris.
Morrison would bring his special marketing skills to rugby league .
let’s check the CV.
Tourism NZ : sacked
Tourism Australia: sacked
Prime minister of Australia: sacked
Ideal man for a job
Dr Doolittle,
I admit that I was basing my thoughts about the successor to Johnson as being, not the most suitable, but the one who might prove the best person to protect the Russian oligarch’s assets in Britain, such was Johnson’s real job it seems as he made an initial flourish towards repossessing some of their most obvious gewgaws but then left the rest alone so that, when the war was over, which, good on him for supporting it fulsomely (but I suspect that was mostly at Ben Wallace’s urging), he could return life in Britain for them to the status quo ante. You can always commission another super yacht when you possess billions in ill-gotten gains. Maybe even purchase a knighthood, as Lebedev was alleged to have done.
Thus Steven Baker, as the head of the European Research Group and architect of the Hard Brexit, seems to be the one with the institutional heft to force the issue.
On the other hand, I agree that Ben Wallace would be the best choice.
Frednk @ #1424 Thursday, July 7th, 2022 – 7:56 pm
It was a co-ordinated attack led by Guy, Turnbull and the Lib media in the lead-up to crucial by-elections and the Vic election.
I will never forgive either for the cheap, racist attack on the Melbourne Sudanese community.
“Black African Gangs” was Peter Dutton’s hobby horse.
Will be interesting to see if the ARLC will allow Morrison to use them to network for other jobs.
It looks a pretty desperate attempt from Morrison to stay relevant, but it’s his best chance I’d say.
Naveen Razik
Fun fact: After leaving politics, John Howard tried to make a move onto the ARLC but Anthony Albanese, then a Rudd government minister and former Rabbitohs board member, put the kybosh on it. #auspol #nrl
Morrison will bludge as a backbench MP until some outfit is fool enough to give him a job.
Is Morrison’s attempt to get into the RL factual and a verifiable truth? If not, then those publishing this rumor could be prosecuted by the Ministry of Truth.
Sky News UK interviewing a tory mp outside Westminster and a local cranks up their radio with Benny Hill music playing 😆
Thursday, July 7, 2022 at 8:23 pm
I suggest you take it up with channel 9 Sydney.
nath says:
@Is Morrison’s attempt to get into the RL factual and a verifiable truth?”
As factual and verifiable as ScoMo not holidaying in Hawaii during the bushfires.
As factual and verifiable as ScoMo not manoeuvring to get his mentor invited to the White House.
Wallace is a strong johnson loilistperformed well in defence backt brecksit in 2016 and has one of johnson earliest backers attacking goave in 2016 foor stopping his initial bid foore pm trus as foriegn secretary also lead the moves against rusia
Tweet @JuliaGillard
I was thrilled to receive my honorary doctorate this week from GCU and Chancellor Dr @annielennox
Congratulations to all the 2022 graduates!
“Tweet @JuliaGillard
I was thrilled to receive my honorary doctorate this week from GCU and Chancellor Dr @annielennox”
Sweet dreams are made of this!
Backer probaly wongt have much of a chants one of the brecksit backers like william rag that turned against lock downs and tried to atract the farige vote Rease mog used to lead european research group before backer
How many honorary doctorates is that for Gillard now? 4, 5, 6?
I assume it is not for her courageous stand on SSM.
Is the ‘rumor’ same as a rumour?
And is Murdoch media the ultimate Ministry of Truth as you defended it earlier today?
Just killing time here as its half time AFL and I’ve had a bet on Geelong Cats.
Morrison is hoping for an honorary doctorate from this establishment.

Dr John says:
Thursday, July 7, 2022 at 8:39 pm
And is Murdoch media the ultimate Ministry of Truth as you defended it earlier today?
I defended the Freedom of the Press. Others wanted something else. It is up to them to defend the consequences of a Ministry of Truth.
Some arch breksit mps like baker and rag disliked johnson since the lock downs david davis was never a fan and one of the first to call foor him to resign johnson was never commited to brecksit him self actualy wrote 2 articles one pro and one not but become the leading torey campaigning to leave not because he believed in leeaving europe butit was the best way of becomeing pm
Maybe Morrison could get a gig as a televangelist and get a slot on one of the commercial TV Stations at 6:00 AM Sunday.
Dear oh dear, the Eurythmics were over 40 years ago! I most officially be old!
Newscorp is the Ministry of Bullshit.
“ If not, then those publishing this rumor could be prosecuted by the Ministry of Truth.”
“Rum or” what?
I don’t know what Morrison’s problem is,
There’s an opening at Hillsong that fit his tallents well.