Newspoll: 51-49 to Coalition

Further improvement in Scott Morrison’s personal ratings, but otherwise little change in the latest Newspoll.

Courtesy of The Australian, Newspoll has the Coalition leading 51-49 on two-party preferred, unchanged on three weeks ago, from primary votes of Coalition 43% (steady), Labor 36% (up one), Greens 11% (steady) and One Nation 2% (down one, and their weakest result since at least the 2019 election). Scott Morrison is up two on approval to 66% and down two on disapproval to 30%, while Anthony Albanese is up one to 44% and up two to 41%, with Morrison’s lead as preferred prime minister out from 58-29 to 60-28. The poll was conducted Wednesday to Saturday from a sample of 1511.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

915 comments on “Newspoll: 51-49 to Coalition”

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  1. Cud Chewer
    It looks like Vietnam will have this particular ‘outbreak’ sorted pretty quickly. Then they can get back to cracking their elusive maiden ton after falling agonizingly short with scores of 99 and 89 🙂

  2. non @ #696 Tuesday, December 1st, 2020 – 1:10 pm

    The impending relaxation of travel to WA is very welcome in my family. Four members of the extended family from both sides of the country and in between are gravely ill. A fifth also died just a couple of months ago. The prospects of our loved ones are really very poor and this has been made much more difficult for us all by the obstacles to travel. MacGowan was right to close the borders. He’s right to open them up again. It can’t come too soon for us.

    Yep, three funerals this year that we would have been straight on to the plane for. Watched a couple of them on Zoom, which was somehow even worse than missing them completely.

  3. I swear, if I didn’t already know about the Greens, I would assume that they were some cult that Firefox is trying to recruit for, based on some of his posts.

    But, to be fair, I have seen some weird pro-Labor stuff on here before too, so I can’t complain too much.

  4. Andrew_Earlwood @ #253 Tuesday, December 1st, 2020 – 1:11 pm

    China is c@t’s ‘Stop Adani’ moment.

    I’m sure you can get the earrings and all comrade.

    I thought you were better than that, A_E. Apparently not. Well, my conscience is clear. At least no one can accuse me of being a Right Wing Laborite now. Anyway, I have always defied such lazy classifications. Like the lamo one you just came up with. 🙂

  5. At least no one can accuse me of being a Right Wing Laborite now

    I think you know that definitely isn’t true. 😉

    According to the stupids, I am basically Pinochet because I have minor disagreements with them and don’t blindly follow their rigid labels or leaders.

  6. Rational Leftist @ #263 Tuesday, December 1st, 2020 – 1:24 pm

    At least no one can accuse me of being a Right Wing Laborite now

    I think you know that definitely isn’t true. 😉

    According to the stupids, I am basically Pinochet because I have minor disagreements with them and don’t blindly follow their rigid labels or leaders.

    They don’t do nuance well, to be sure. 🙂

  7. “I don’t recommend that the new member for South Brisbane be doing the Tory Power Stance:”


    Amy’s stance doesn’t look like any of those though.

  8. These people are seriously cooked.

    See new Tweets
    Ben Collins
    Q hasn’t posted in 17 days. He’s only posted three short, low-effort posts since Election Day.

    Ron Watkins, who can post as Q at any time and runs 8kun where Q posts, said he quit 8kun on Election Day.

    He has spent the last three weeks pushing Dominion voter fraud conspiracies.
    10:36 AM · Dec 1, 2020·Twitter Web App
    Quote Tweets
    Ben Collins
    Replying to
    I think it’s safe to say QAnon influencers have officially moved over to pushing the Dominion/Venezuela/Chavez Rigged The Election conspiracy theory at the massive network they built over the last three years.

    I wonder if those followers will even realize they dropped Q at all.

  9. Good Afternoon

    In my post yesterday talking about the Quad and why China is upset now I made a very specific point on morality.

    The only moral high ground Australia has is that we give citizens a way of speaking to power through our two party democratic system. That’s it. Yes that means we speak up for human rights etc. however read the articles today about the danger of our path to authoritarian rule that may not last.

    On the rest our morality as a nation is low. We inherited the British Empire disease. A disease that partly explains the reactionary attitude of some in China. Thanks Briefly a good term.

    As I said yesterday China has its fair share of Pauline Hanson’s too.

    If we are to end our democracy I prefer China’s big brother Orwell state where poverty is eliminated. Despite the opposition to LGBTI rights. I think a right wing authoritarian government would be just as bad or worse for my rights. At least China addresses poverty.

    However I think long term we will remain a democracy and be part of the US empire that is still able to be pressured by the people.

    I agree with sprocket. Australia is not the monkey that’s being scared.
    We are easiest to push around. Due to our privileged position in the world we too are due some shocks as that privilege erodes.

    I intensely dislike Morrison but I have to give him credit. For Australia to even be in power discussions along with India Japan and the US is some very very heavy lifting.

    In the region of the world’s economic future that puts us ahead of A hell of a lot of nations. A leverage possibly only surpassed by Israel.

    China has targeted us for specific reasons. Yes Morrison’s incompetence on the diplomatic front has made things more dramatic. However if the Quad idea comes to pass a temporary hit to our economy for a long term gain is a good bet. It only needs India to join to become a reality.

    Australia is a player at the centre of the power struggle and we are getting real power damage as a result.

    We are doing our best to preserve our sovereignty and increase our influence in groups like APEC and ASEAN. A move that could be as big as Whitlam in recognising China.

    Of course we are getting pushback. Socrates is right about the calculation of the Iron Ore trade. I would be happier if Labor was managing the process but we would still be in this process.

    Yes we are hypocritical as Smaug has pointed out.
    Morrison could have just said “We listened to our whistleblowers unlike China on the Covid 19 virus”. So his undoubtedly incompetent diplomacy in responding to a tweet is not insanely incompetent like you would expect from Trump.

    I think the trade repercussions will see him lose the next election as he tries the strong man approach for domestic consumption that is the basis of the diplomatic incompetence.

    It’s a big gamble that India would join such a defence pact. So far they have declined. I expect they will continue to decline for the short term.

    I can see the strategic thinking of pursuing such a course however.

  10. poroti says:
    Tuesday, December 1, 2020 at 11:21 am

    Unless this was part of Morrison’s cunning plan, I don’t see any winners.
    Meet the winners. US exporters. The US-China signed a big trade deal at the start of the year. Guess where China will get replacement sources of beef,barley etc from ?

    The US has for many years decoupled trade and diplomacy. Many moons ago I worked in the then Department of Overseas Trade. My area dealt with agricultural commodities and minerals. One thing that stood out was the US government supporting its exporters in competition with exporters in ‘friendly’ countries like Australia, regardless of the party in power. Now with Biden in charge, Australia can expect a no-apologies approach to the US taking Australia’s markets if the Morrison government is stupid enough to antagonise our customers.

    Australia’s export industries will of course attempt to diversify markets if China stops importing, however like all businesses, their main concern is profits, growth and survival. They are not interested in being collateral damage from a stoush between Xi and Morrison.


    Eldest daughter’s flat mate has a rescue kitten, tries to meow a bit, if he’s too boisterous a cat that is about a year old, will just sit on him, then give him a good licking, the elder cat will sometimes just pick him up and dump kitten somewhere quiet …

    A kitten, doesn’t matter the colour, is fine once taught to grab rodents, or crawlies that make their way in, pollyTICs however …

  12. It was only a matter of time before the Morrison government openly attacked the ABC – they will not be satisfied until the ABC becomes ‘state controlled media’.

    Morrison government asks ABC to please explain controversial Four Corners episode

    Federal Communications Minister Paul Fletcher has asked ABC chair Ita Buttrose to explain how a recent Four Corners episode exposing alleged affairs and inappropriate behaviour between ministers and staffers was in the public interest.

    In a letter to Ms Buttrose, Mr Fletcher posed a series of questions to the ABC board requesting an explanation as to how the episode complied with the ABC’s code of practice and its statutory obligations to provide accurate and impartial journalism.

  13. Oh dear

    How bad would it be if a politician used government money to pay for expenses like dinner with his mistresses?! So bad!
    the line broke up! Call me back when you can! #SuperBarilaroBruz
    I called John Barilaro… he answered
    Heard some rumours about my good friend Bruz, I gave him a call so he could set the record straight… Bruz Shirts:
    Nov 30
    just wondering should I release more information I have about you?

  14. Me mate getting suitable ribbing for being caught in photo with Hanson (and Katter) at Helen Haines anti-corruption gathering

  15. Australia’s hottest spring on record
    Ben Domensino, Tuesday December 1, 2020 – 14:25 EDT
    Australia just had its hottest spring on record, with a searing heatwave in the final days of November helping push the season into unchartered territory.

    In records dating back to 1910, Australia’s mean spring temperature had never reached 2ºC above the 1961-1990 ‘long-term’ average prior to 2020. This year, it hit an unrivalled 2.03ºC above that 30-year average, setting a new record for the season.

    The previous spring record for Australia’s mean temperature was 1.81ºC above average in 2014.

  16. Rick Wilson goes on warpath in chilling editorial directed against Trump supporters​

    “The dark is rising for Trump’s sycophants, toadies, and enablers,” Wilson wrote. “Their tough-guy acts and f***-your-feelings s***-talk have become a furious whine of complaints and recriminations as a toxic slurry of rage and despair has left a stinging bile in the back of their throats that won’t go away.”

    “Trump lost,” he continued, “and they can’t spin their way past it.”

    Pointing to the Trump campaign’s election fraud-related lawsuits against various states, Wilson added, “Even as his lawyers are all but chased out of each town where they file their absurd, doomed lawsuits, the true believers still imagine some miracle emerging from the wreckage of Trump’s campaign.”

    “The media apparatus that monetized the moronic state of religion of Trumpism is still pumping their slowcoach followers full of stupid, easily disproven lies.”

    “The Professional Class of Republicans, though, know that the bitter end is here — that their dirty half-decade of personal abnegation and degradation is coming to a sick, sad finale,” he concluded. “It would leave them with a sense of shame if they had any. Most of the GOP, Inc. types long ago lost that sensibility

  17. steve davis
    Not so much on the lower left hand side. Perth November had record eva rainfall, compared to last year 5C lower average daily max and nearly 3 hours a day less ‘sunshine hours’. So some places must had been really overdosing on the “heat dust and flies” .

  18. On one of China’s complaints..

    The Hong Kong security law did exactly what Trump ditching the Iran deal did.

    It destroyed trust. In both cases it was an attack on the international rules based order.

    This is what upsets China. They know for them to get Taiwan without a military fight they have to convince the US China can be trusted to keep its word.

    Unfortunately for China the US can change leaders and blame one aberrant administration that has been rejected as the US rejoins that rules based order.

    China burnt its bridges. That means the US is going to be more aggressive. You can see reactions to this by business.
    For example.
    Foxconn moves away from China

    Apple is moving its supply chains already. No doubt Apple wants that market. It’s not planning on continuing to rely on it however.

    The claim of weakness within China is overdone. However just like Trump they have done some very misguided things.

  19. CC, Poroti,

    The figures that are a worry are Eastern Europe and in particular Turkey – now seeing a yuge upswing in numbers…

  20. guytaur

    on the international rules based order.

    Now there is a LOL phrase that has become a bit of a buzz word . As far as I can tell it means doing whatever the Americans want you to do while they rip up or ignore any “rule” that inconveniences them.

  21. The ABC Board can take it from me as member of the public, I was much interest in the hypocrisy and double standards exposed by the ABC about two government ministers.
    I did not give a toss about who they slept with before, during or after marriage but when one of the individuals is the top legal officer of the Federal government, I have more than a passing interest in his values and his ability to keep a straight face when pontificating on ‘family values’…….
    I am sure there are others on both sides of the House who would be subject to scrutiny as many politicians have been in the past…….

  22. Cud Chewer

    Re the quarantine and international arrivals. One thing that has made me !!! is seeing the number of cases in NZ quarantine that test positive on their day 3 test. I’m sure Australia would be experiencing the same. There must be a lot travelling whilst infectious.

  23. Poroti

    That does seem to be the way of it. However during the Cold War the US was not cavalier about major treaties with other major powers. No matter how it treated weak players.

    In fact it’s those very principles that the US needs to uphold to maintain its dominance in the world. It’s also in china’s interest too.

    Despite the sometimes very overt hypocrisy. Like with the Middle East. Peace and stability has been maintained in most parts of the world that stick to those rules.

    We need more stability and rules to negotiate by than less. That’s the challenge of China’s rise. How to maintain such rules but end the unfair dominance of a few countries.

    The alternative is one country dominates and we get world government.
    Either way we are not going to be living as we used to. I am barracking for the negotiated outcome. I am pessimistic about the long term success but we managed to survive the Cold War without destroying the planet. I did not expect that. Many times in my life I thought it would become a shooting war.

    So there is a real basis for building on some common human values.

  24. Been thinking about china
    If Scomo really wanted to twist the knife. He’d open immigation up for anyone from HK who wanted to leave with their whole family. Similar to what GB is doing. But he could make the Visa process, turn up, hand in your passport and get a permanent Visa.
    Great for house prices!

  25. Darn , we did not manage to qualify as a paper tiger, maybe next year 🙁
    Hu Xijin 胡锡进
    So far, no opinion leader, let alone political figure, in China, has called for boycotting Australian products. Australia extremely lacks a proper understanding of itself. It can’t even be counted as a paper tiger, it’s only a paper cat.
    December 1, 2020

  26. I see various labels being bandied about in terms of left/right and people’s attitude to China/USA etc. How pointless. One might as well borrow from Orwell and talk about loyalty to Eurasia.

    The cold war ended thirty years ago. We now have “communist” China with a stock market , and USA with business practices that barely resemble capitalism, and are in no way free markets. The labels could not be more obsolete.

    I think it is more relevant and useful to talk in terms of whether people prefer authoritarianism or liberty, socialism or libertarianism, worker’s rights or property rights, pro-Murdoch or pro-humanity. Social justice is still worth fighting for; the end of the cold war has not seen egalitarianism flourish; it has withered here and throughout the English speaking parts of the OECD.

    Personally I am against dictators and corruption, whether they are presidents who oppress whole genders, generations or nations, public and corporate executives who oppress workers, Eddie Obeid, Joh Bjelke Petersen or a disturbingly large number of current Cabinet Ministers. So I can be pro-China when Deng was in power, anti-China when Xi is in power, and anti-USA when Trump is in power. No contradictions if you apply the principles consistently.

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