At the end of every second month, this site humbly beseeches its readers to spare a few pennies through the PressPatron “become a supporter” buttons that feature at the top of the page and the bottom of each post. I’ve usually got some reason why this would be a particularly opportune moment to show your support, and now is no exception: COVID-19 travel restrictions cost me the extracurricular election work I normally rely on, and I was reduced to covering the campaign on my blog like a bum.
For readers, this had the upside that I was able to hustle together a live results reporting facility, and while it didn’t work too well on the night (all part of that learning curve), in the days that followed it was surely the best place on the internet to follow the late results, as it featured such detail as the preference flow by candidate data in considerably more accessible form than the Electoral Commission of Queensland site. Even now it remains the only place where you can find two-candidate preferred results by booth, which the ECQ in its wisdom removed from its reporting as the counting reached its conclusion. Then there was my Groom by-election live results reporting, which continues ticking over as we speak, and was the only place where booth results were publicly available on the night.
There are also some of you out there who are still in my system as donors but whose payments are not being processed due to expired credit cards — if that sounds like you, you can update your details by logging in at PressPatron and clicking on “edit payment” under “payment details” on the “My Contributions” page. If you encounter technical problems, which have been known to crop up from time to time, please drop me a line at pollbludger-AT-bigpond-DOT-com.