Essential Research: coronavirus and bushfires

A new poll registers fears of a second coronavirus wave and prolonged economic slowdown, and finds concern about climate change still at a high pitch.

The Guardian reports this week’s Essential Research poll has still more results on coronavirus, together with some findings on climate change. On the former count, the poll found 63% rating a second wave of coronavirus as restrictions are eased as very likely or quite likely, with only 13% rating it very unlikely; more than 60% expected international travel restrictions to remain for between one and two years; 70% thought it would take between one and two years for employment to recover; 60% expected a prolonged impact on the housing market; more than 60% expected a vaccine would be developed “over the next few years”; and 58% that the population would build resistance through exposure over that time. Despite it all, 45% said they felt very or somewhat positive about the next 12 months compared with 33% for very or somewhat negative.

On climate change, 52% now think Australia is not doing enough, down eight on November, with 25% holding the contrary view, up three. Forty-two per cent said they were now more concerned about climate change than they were a year ago, with a further 46% saying they were no more or less concerned. Full results from the poll will be published later today. (UPDATE: Full report here).

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

2,745 comments on “Essential Research: coronavirus and bushfires”

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  1. phylactellasays: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 4:11 pm

    Dilbert today is really appropriate!


    Reminds me of George Carlins take on fellow car drivers :

    Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?


    Bill Shorten slowly returns to work after shock of branch stacking in Victorian Right. Sources say he has begun to read emails but will not exert himself until the shock completely wears off.

  3. It’s not readers’ fault that the Hun (and other RW publications) are busy inventing stories against Greens or Labor. Applause for any later information that provides the facts. It’s a constant battle.

  4. nath @ #302 Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020 – 4:18 pm


    Bill Shorten slowly returns to work after shock of branch stacking in Victorian Right. Sources say he has begun to read emails but will not exert himself until the shock completely wears off.

    Nath, we talked about this, remember? You’re losing your fan base.

  5. I used to be married to a bloke whose idea of intelligent dinner conversation was “Have you heard the one about…?” It only requires two repetitions of the same joke to run out of dinner guests.

  6. Re Dilbert

    I will dare to point out there are people who refrain from calling people they disagree with as “idiots” and other more colourful expletives, or tell them to GAGF.

  7. This “second wave outbreak !!!” in Victoria is the biggest beatup since the Greens being called “extremists”.

    Politically motivated garbage.

  8. RD

    As you can see on PB the “Greens are extremists” has morphed into a more ‘nuanced’ meme viz “extreme right, extreme left – same-same”

  9. We don’t often have dinner guests, Lizzie, but I still have the same wife.

    Must be a message in there somewhere.

    Maybe she likes my jokes.

  10. Speaking of Bill Shorten…

    The G

    “On the ABC, Bill Shorten says he thinks a lot of people are “very cheesed off at the people who did go” to the Black Lives Matter protest.

    He adds:

    Mind you, I can understand that IndigenousAustralians and supporters say: well, what does it take to get the message through about what is happening to our First Nations people here?”

  11. The G – Daniel Hurst

    “Tim Kennedy, the national secretary of the United Workers Union, has called for unemployment benefits to remain at the current level “at a minimum”, rather than dropping back to $40 a day in September.

    In an emphatic pitch to the Senate select committee on Covid-19 this afternoon, he said an elevated payment was needed to ensure “a floor of dignity”.

  12. Pegasus
    Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 4:26 pm
    Some people take themselves and your humour way too seriously.
    Pegasus. You know that every now and then I like to get the old Bill Shorten defence pack together to maintain their skills. And it looks like this time there is a new member!

  13. Whilst (fascist) Liberal-leaning people may accuse unions of merely trying to defend worker’s rights, this story about abuse of Job-keeper in the hotel industry has several other implications.

    At what point does “rorting” become “committing fraud”? When does adding their own conditions to receive Job-keeper in a manner not specified by parliament become coercion? And when does compelling someone to work 25 hours per week mean they cease to be casuals? The HC has ruled on that question only recently. Why must it be argued again?

    Remind me again which idiot dreamed up this scheme, and which minister runs it?

  14. No Steve. As if you didn’t know. That photo is of the Bill Shorten defence pack. And that’s you dead set in the middle.

  15. Instead of faffing on like a powerless Greens Senator, Ms Thorpe should instead urge Bandt to implement the Green’s policy on migration and population policy.
    It is quite direct: initiate a community debate about population and migration.
    After 30 years you would think the Greens could kick this one off.
    It does not require the Greens to form government.
    It does not require the Greens to gain the BOP.
    It merely requires the Greens to do something that they can actually do while in opposition.
    C’mon Lidia. Go tell Adam to pull his finger out!

  16. What Nath still does not want to understand is

    Shorten has the right to take revenge against Dyson Heydon for trying to ruin Shorten’s and others careers in a witch hunt

  17. Just as well there are no obsessives on this site, or all we would get is the same old message, from the same source about a dozen times a day. I don’t think anyone here actually fits that profile……………Oh wait a minute…………It’s that damned Bill Shorten guy………………

  18. Scott
    Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 5:02 pm
    What Nath still does not want to understand is
    Shorten has the right to take revenge against Dyson Heydon for trying to ruin Shorten’s and others careers in a witch hunt
    What you don’t understand is that the RC finding resulted in the Corrupting Benefits Act which makes what Bill Shorten did at the AWU illegal, as it should be.

    People on here can ignore Bill Shorten’s dodgy deals, but the people didn’t buy it. So Labor lost. How many elections are Labor going to lose to satisfy the ambitions of a Xavier College student? Who knows. Perhaps 1 more go around?

  19. Victorians, our very own ‘Untouchable caste’ 🙂 Gladdie likes their money though,shame they have cooties.
    ‘Do not interact’: NSW businesses told to shun customers from Melbourne

    NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian, who opposes border closures, urged businesses to not interact with people from coronavirus hotspots. “It’s not worth it.”

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