Essential Research: leadership ratings, US and China, abortion law

Higher disapproval ratings for both leaders in the latest Essential poll, which also records lukewarm feelings towards the United States and cooler ones for China.

The latest fortnightly Essential Research poll again comes up empty on voting intention, but it does offer the pollster’s third set of leadership ratings since the election. As with Newspoll, these record a drop in Scott Morrison’s net approval rating, owing to a three point rise in disapproval to 37%, while his approval holds steady at 48%. However, Essential parts company with Newspoll in finding Anthony Albanese up on disapproval as well, by five points to 29%, with approval down one to 38%. Morrison’s lead as preferred prime minister narrows slightly, from 44-26 to 44-28.

Further questions suggest the public leans positive on most aspects of the “influence of the United States of America” (defence, trade, cultural and business), excepting a neutral result (42% positive, 40% negative) for influence on Australian politics. The same exercise for China finds positive results for trade, neutral results for culture and business, and negative ones for defence and politics. Asked which of the two we would most benefit from strengthening ties with, 38% of respondents favoured the US and 28% China.

The small sample of respondents from New South Wales were also asked about the proposed removal of abortion from the criminal code, which was supported by an overwhelming 71% compared with 17% opposed. The poll has a sample of 1096 and was conducted online from Thursday to Sunday.

Note also the post below this one, being the latest Brexit update from Adrian Beaumont.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,826 comments on “Essential Research: leadership ratings, US and China, abortion law”

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  1. @_sara_jade_
    What was Jen thinking? Chewing while greeting Vietnamese delegates. Talking with full mouth . This has to be a violation of political etiquette not to mention rude & impolite. The Vietnamese are very particular re cultural etiquette. This looks very offensive. #auspol

  2. Self harm increases after the election win by LNP, but Home Affairs says this is all to game the laws, not loss of hope that Labor would win.

    Asylum seekers on Papua New Guinea are self-harming and attempting suicide following the introduction of controversial medical transfer laws because they see it as the fastest way of getting to Australia, the Department of Home Affairs has told federal MPs.

    In its submission to a parliamentary inquiry into the issue, the Department of Home Affairs said there had been an “upwards trend” in self-harm attempts among “the Papua New Guinea cohort” following the introduction of the legislation in February and the May federal election.

    “Notably, self-harm incidents increased during the parliamentary debate on the Miscellaneous Measures Act, and more significantly since the Australian federal election,” the submission said.

  3. Anti-abortion advocacy pushes the view that life begins at conception; the name of their movement carefully centers the conceit that opposition to abortion rights is simply about wanting to save human lives.

    A new poll shows that’s a lie. The “pro-life” movement is fundamentally about misogyny.

    A Supermajority/PerryUndem survey released this week divides respondents by their position on abortion, and then tracks their answers to 10 questions on gender equality more generally. On every question, anti-abortion voters were significantly more hostile to gender equity than pro-choice voters.

  4. adrian @ #649 Friday, August 23rd, 2019 – 1:10 pm

    Boerwar @ #635 Friday, August 23rd, 2019 – 1:59 pm

    Let China beware.
    Adrian belongs to the bows and arrows school of Greens defence preparedness.


    That’s just boerwar displaying the wilful ignorance I mentioned earlier. Because he’s still living in the 19th century (as his name implies) he thinks that throwing more and more money down the toilet on every new piece of military hardware is the way to go.

    Those of us who live in the 21st century are aware that long before any shots are fired in a war by either side, a swarm of bots are going to propagate across every area of the military completely wiping out the communications systems needed to operate and control all these expensive penile compensaters before they can even be launched. In a few minutes (perhaps even seconds) every bit of hardware that borewar has spent becomes utterly redundant. Then, of course 19th century warmongers like him will wish we’d actually spent the money on bows and arrows instead of the trillion dollar piles of rust.

    There is a documentary called Zero Days on Stan that explains how any future wars will be won before a single shot is fired through worms such as Stuxnet. It is well worth checking out. If you don’t have a Stan subscription it’s worth signing up for their free month and watching it, then cancel if you like. You can also buy it from YouTube for $4.99.

    Here’s the trailer for Zero Days:

  5. “About 5% of Australia’s total greenhouse gas emissions come directly from the mining of coal. Not the burning of it. A few more percent probably come from its transport during export.”

    So, in other words about 0.1% of global emissions or next to fuck all P1 in the greater scheme of things.

  6. ‘Boerwar says:
    Friday, August 23, 2019 at 2:34 pm

    Why have the Greens been absolutely thrashed in every state and federal election for thirty years?’

    Adrian, Rex, Guytaur… please explain!

  7. Bows and arrows is what the Greens will leave for the ADF.
    The Greens have never, has ever individually, collectively or on a party basis, supported a single ADF acquisition.
    Not one. Not ever.
    Not a bullet.
    They snipe. They snark. They bitch. They caper. Every single time.
    They pompously prat on about kumbaya being the real solution.
    The lotus position in a wire pyramid chanting a few oms will repel all boarders.
    Etc, etc, etc.
    So, how did the West Papuan Independence Movement (yet another losing cause celebre of the Greens) go with their bows and arrows?
    Is it all over bar the shouting?

  8. Good afternoon bludgers.

    I’m rolling the dice and attempting to catch a Sydney train home. What a shmozzle this morning was.

  9. Yeah, yeah.
    The Greens are a genuine hoot when it comes to defence discussions.
    The Greens are going to turn the ADF into a Stuxnet firing outfit and win the next war without firing a shot.
    What next?
    Afghanistan is still going after two decades.
    Syria after eight years.
    Well over a million dead in Iraq – and not a single one of the dead nobbled by Stuxnet: the vast majority killed by extreme energy analogue events.

  10. Let’s hope Morrison doesn’t say something like how Australia is going to step up in Vietnam. Or employ Vietnamese cotton pickers in order to save Vietnam from rising sea levels. Or tell the Vietnamese that next time we’ll win. Or tell the Vietnamese that commos will not make it through at the End of Days.

  11. Goodness me.

    The Greens ‘Light Mobile Force’ armed with nothing because no weapon is ever approved by the Greens, is morphing into Greens Teens nerds stuxnetting the enemy.

    Bam! Pow!

  12. Boerwar @ #665 Friday, August 23rd, 2019 – 4:16 pm

    ‘adrian says:
    Friday, August 23, 2019 at 3:23 pm


    You still bolstering your absurdities by popping in links from known anti-semitic sources? The crap in this one starts with the introduction. There are nowhere near 45 million Palestinians.

    Yeah Boer, I know how right wing zealotry works. Any criticism of Israel, no matter how factual, is automatically anti-semitic.

  13. Anyway, back to our joint real enemy: Morrison and the Crony Capitalists.
    I reckon Jennie was not chewing an onion.
    Which is something.
    Pity BiDG isn’t around to provide near-hand accounts.

  14. Boerwar

    Earlier frednk posted:

    And where did they birth for the other 70200 years.
    When did this birthing start, when the tree was a sapling ?
    When did it stop?

    As their culture was seriously disrupted, and contains no written records, who says it is a birthing tree?
    They were nomadic; did they really come back to a particular spot to give birth or is it just a story invented .
    These are probable questions that have been asked.

    Given your experience with First Australians, why don’t you respond to his woeful ignorance and set him right?

  15. Boerwar @ #672 Friday, August 23rd, 2019 – 4:23 pm

    Goodness me.

    The Greens ‘Light Mobile Force’ armed with nothing because no weapon is ever approved by the Greens, is morphing into Greens Teens nerds stuxnetting the enemy.

    Bam! Pow!

    You love the big powerful soldier with the firearm over his shoulder, don’t you ..?

  16. And if you bothered to (even briefly) read the article, even you would have noticed that the figure quoted is 4.5 million.
    For reasons that most intelligent people would understand the ‘.’ can’t be included in the URL.

  17. Boerwar fulminating in grand fashion about how others are selective in what they post about is just as selective about what he posts and who he responds too.

  18. adrian

    I was quite specific.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with criticizing the state of Israel for things that the state of Israel does wrong. Nothing at all.

    That leaves three questions which have a direct bearing on anti-semitism.
    1. Why choose Israel out of dozens of possible candidates for an invidious comparison with China?
    2. Why choose Israel when almost none of the main factors bearing on the comparison exist at all?
    3. Why feed the rich history of Jewish conspiracy theories by carrying on about the Isreal lobby in Australia as if it were running Australia?
    4. Why quote an article that gets its numbers out by a factor of 10?

    Over to you.

  19. Kevin Rudd

    Kevin Rudd may now be from New York, but when it comes to Indigenous recognition he’s here to help.

    The former Labor prime minister has urged Prime Minister Scott Morrison to conscript him into a campaign to enshrine an Indigenous voice in the constitution.

    And Mr Rudd has gone further, suggesting that Mr Morrison also bring a potent posse of former PMs to the cause.

    “Use [Tony] Abbott, use me, use anybody who’s previously been prime minister to go and fashion a consensus for Indigenous Australians and with the other constituencies in this country, and bring something forward which can work, for Indigenous people first and foremost but also the community at large,” he said.

    “Let us get this behind us and done so that we can have constitutional recognition of our first people. It ain’t that hard folks.”

  20. Adrian
    Why choose Israel out of some 200 possible states for an invidious comparison with China?
    Particularly so when the supposed major components of comparison simply do not exist at all?
    Your choice. Your explanation required to justify it.

  21. Rex Douglas
    The Greens ‘Light Mobile Force’ armed with nothing because no weapon is ever approved by the Greens, is morphing into Greens Teens nerds stuxnetting the enemy.
    Bam! Pow!
    You love the big powerful soldier with the firearm over his shoulder, don’t you ..?
    BW’s homoerotic fetishization of all phallic military equipment is as pronounced as it is probably oblivious to himself. One day he will realise that his admiration for long shafts is misplaced and he will eschew metal for flesh. 🙂

  22. After a full day’s posting by an assortment of Greens I think I have now reached post number 100 in which they have mercilessly flayed the Coalition for trashing the environment, widening the wealth gap, increasing C02 emissions, and trashing the economy.
    Well done those Greens!

  23. Boerwar

    Thought so, no response. If I or another Greens has said anything even remotely like his comments you would probably have fulminated at great length for days.

  24. Boerwar @ #664 Friday, August 23rd, 2019 – 4:14 pm

    Walking might be faster.

    Quite recently – in posts concerning IQ tests – the question was asked

    If most injuries in train crashes were on the last carriage – should that carriage be removed prior to commencement of the train service ❓

    Following from that it would appear that some of the injuries would be on other than the last carriage.

    Therefore cancelling the train service entirely would result in no injuries.

    It would appear the the NSW Government is enabling a long awaited safety feature for NSW rail and should be congratulated.

    In other news from

    This is another public service initiative. Unsightly arses have abounded in recent times, yea, even unto the sporting fields. Even though this may mean power shortages I support this enterprise whole heartedly. 🚂 🚉🚹

  25. Boerwar

    Do keep on making demands of others what they ought to post about, over and over and over and over again.

    Such a productive and constructive use of your time.

    Plaudits for your persistence and stamina, though some might say obsessive and misdirected.

  26. Boerwar @ #682 Friday, August 23rd, 2019 – 4:32 pm

    Why choose Israel out of some 200 possible states for an invidious comparison with China?
    Particularly so when the supposed major components of comparison simply do not exist at all?
    Your choice. Your explanation required to justify it.

    My explanation is only required in your twisted mind.

    The tweet I quoted asked a valid question, and you might ask yourself why the US is manufacturing a conflict with Iran, to which we have inevitably been dragged.

    And please tell me what is factually incorrect about The Independent article.

  27. nath @ #683 Friday, August 23rd, 2019 – 2:33 pm

    Rex Douglas
    The Greens ‘Light Mobile Force’ armed with nothing because no weapon is ever approved by the Greens, is morphing into Greens Teens nerds stuxnetting the enemy.
    Bam! Pow!
    You love the big powerful soldier with the firearm over his shoulder, don’t you ..?
    BW’s homoerotic fetishization of all phallic military equipment is as pronounced as it is probably oblivious to himself. One day he will realise that his admiration for long shafts is misplaced and he will eschew metal for flesh. 🙂

    Perhaps he just has a thing for strong young lads in military uniforms. “Oooh, hello sailor”.

  28. As usual the Left chooses Israel at random from all similar states for a spot of the old Jewish lobby crap. And then wonders why on earth the Left should be criticized for it.
    Simple as.

  29. Peg
    From the Greens I expect nothing and I demand nothing.
    I do congratulate you for your persistent attacks on Morrison who has been part of a series of recent governments that have gutted Indigenous programs during a period when Indigenous persons are dying at record rates while incarcerated.
    You get the drill!
    You do understand!
    Well done.

  30. Sacred trees

    Support is continuing to grow for the Djab Wurrung Heritage Protection Embassy, in south-western Victoria, in the face of police threats. The protest camp was set up by Traditional Owners to defend sacred lands under threat from a highway duplication project that will cost $672 million to save motorists an estimated three minutes of travel time.

    While an August 22 police deadline to evacuate passed without incident, protesters at the embassy are expecting a large police presence to descend on the camp soon and are asking those who can to join them to save this sacred landscape before it is too late.
    The Djab Wurrung are not opposed to the highway duplication itself, but to its proposed route, which swings south of the existing highway, about 10 kilometres east of Ararat. A northern route was suggested but knocked back, even though proponents argue it would be cheaper, quicker and safer.

  31. Just deployed the Greens Light Mobile Force against the wombats.
    One died laughing.
    The rest kept undermining the river banks, wrecking the fences and eating the plantings.

  32. So obsessed with the greens is the Boer, that he sees them everywhere, even when they’re members of the ALP.
    Or maybe they’re double agents? Better report me to head office Boer!

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