BludgerTrack: 54.9-45.1 to Labor

Labor remains deep in landslide territory on the BludgerTrack poll aggregate, despite the moderating impact of this week’s Ipsos poll.

Ipsos provided the one new poll for the week in its monthly outing for the Fairfax papers, and it raised a few eyebrows with its weak primary vote for Labor and extraordinarily strong result for the Greens, the latter exacerbating a long established peculiarity of this pollster. The poll’s addition to the BludgerTrack aggregate takes a certain amount of edge off the recent blowout to Labor, while still finding them on course for a victory of historic dimensions. The BludgerTrack seat projection has Labor down three on last week’s result, with Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia each moving one seat in the Coalition’s favour. The methodological caveats about BludgerTrack from last week’s post continue to apply, as does the fact that I won’t be updating the leadership ratings until the model has a solid enough base of Morrison-era data to work from. Other than that, full results from the link below.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

2,598 comments on “BludgerTrack: 54.9-45.1 to Labor”

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  1. @Confessions

    I have read that the Liberal Party are really struggling to get funding for the election campaign, what you have described has made the decision even more dire.

    Right now I am predicting Labor will win around 90 seats and 54% of the two party preferred vote. The Coalition’s primary vote could dive to 30% or even lower.

  2. Rex Douglas @ #2092 Sunday, September 23rd, 2018 – 6:12 am

    Barney in Go Dau @ #2089 Sunday, September 23rd, 2018 – 9:09 am

    Rex Douglas @ #2084 Sunday, September 23rd, 2018 – 6:01 am

    Labor set the hell holes up and have been invisible on the inhumane treatment ever since. That’s the truth !!

    Lib-Lab disgust me.

    The fact that you can distinguish no difference between the two just highlights how flawed your opinion is. 🙂

    Labor sets up inhumane offshore internments. Liberals maintain these inhumane internments. Labor are invisible on the inhumane management.
    Very easy to distinguish.

    No, Labor reestablished offshore internments.

    The Liberals made them inhuman!

    Edit: – interments changed to internments

  3. poroti @ #4434 Sunday, September 23rd, 2018 – 7:30 am

    …like the goody-goody kid who has finally been given the prize and is now free to unleash his inner dickhead.

    Speaking of which………….

    “I knew Scott Morrison at Uni and He Was a Dickhead”! Former Liberal Party…….

    Excellent find Poroti. Ozturk has a good nose and few of the ties that bind our nominal “Journalists”, particularly when reporting on the Spivs and Arseholes of the current gang in power.

  4. ‘Confessions says:
    Sunday, September 23, 2018 at 9:21 am

    Are security costs at protests a genuine and real issue? I’ve never heard it mentioned before today.’

    There have been a conga line of o/s ultra right outrage fomenters who have attracted protest crowds. Someone decided to charge the organizers of one of these rage seekers and it came to many tens of thousands.

  5. De-identified data!
    Where do they get these blokes? (Occasionally a blokette). Yeah, that’s right its the Scurrilous Morrison/Turnbull/Abbott LNP government.
    Dan Tehan on Insiders has, as a result of his interview, set the Morrison government back another two polling points.
    Tehan has an un-identified brain process and no idea of fairness in education funding.
    An Education minister without the ability to educate.

  6. Fess and BW

    The security fees thing won’t go anywhere. Tehan conceded defeat when in reply to Cassidy’s question the first word out of his mouth was True.

    Conceding thats not free speech.

  7. Good point from Lenore – name leaking is a huge deterrent to getting involved in whatever Coalition complaint process might exist.

  8. Boy, I can’t remember any articles from “Murph” about asylum seekers when Turnbull was PM. But now she’s lashing out at the usurper.

  9. A11

    Way to give Rex fuel. Murphy has been consistent over time with articles about AS. Her paper has been one of the outlets publishing the inhumane treatment when it gets a rare as hen teeth’s whistleblower.

    I am critical of the media for not reporting on the police state style secrecy angle more but the secrecy is not the fault of the media.

  10. Antonbruckner11 @ #2120 Sunday, September 23rd, 2018 – 6:36 am

    Boy, I can’t remember any articles from “Murph” about asylum seekers when Turnbull was PM. But now she’s lashing out at the usurper.

    Just shows how little attention you’ve been paying and of course she has other journos working for her who are capable of writing such articles.

  11. “So your approach is to spotlight the journo ?”
    Katharine Murphy is not so much as journalist, but rather a person who has dedicated her life to Malcolm Turnbull.

  12. The discussion on education highlights the inadequacies of the CPG so called analysis on major issues.
    Only Lenore Taylor gets anywhere near the real issues.

  13. @hilojo tweets

    #Insiders Niki Savva’s description is wrong of norms of ‘manly’ behaviour in Parliament &political discourse as *robust*. It’s hostile aggressive &ugly- dereliction of obligation to citizens to model decency&civility in social life-result is violence &disregard of others rights

  14. Rex Douglas is simply throwing out the burley and reeling you all in. He is best ignored because no one will ever be able to change his position. Thus he will keep on throwing out his lines and derailing discussion.

  15. Cat

    Or Rex is passionate about the subject. Maybe obsessive even. However no more than a lot of people who work in the area supporting refugees.

    I see him working on Labor as the only major party to listen to a conscience. He seems to have given up on the LNP having one.

  16. Ausdavo:

    [‘Could it be 51/49 and if so, a snap election called?’]

    I can’t see the 2PP returning to the Newspoll of a month ago.

    But even if it does, I think Morrison won’t go until May, despite the charm offensive being waged on his behalf by Newscorp.

  17. Boy those turd polishers are getting a workout over at Mordor Media.

    ScoMo gives a masterclass
    We have an election coming. And this time it’s different — our sitting prime minister is a marketing man. And boy, does it show.

    A brilliant display of Team Morrison’s marketing deftness was the strawberry scandal, a genuine crisis for growers and a disturbing new threat of economic terrorism. The timing of the announcement by the PM and Attorney-General Chris­tian Porter to come down hard on these terrorist “grubs” with 15-year jail terms completely overwhelmed Labor’s new policy around getting rid of the gender gap through super contributions during maternity leave.

  18. Interesting that, when it turns to Murdoch’s influence on the media, suddenly a room full of journalists basically say they have no idea how the media works…

  19. “We need more women in Parliament to better reflect society.”

    “When women get into Parliament, they shouldn’t expect the place to change.”

  20. guytaur @ #2133 Sunday, September 23rd, 2018 – 9:53 am

    Or Rex is passionate about the subject.

    If Rex was passionate about it he would be willing and able to argue his case logically and coherently. But he can’t – all he does is regurgitate the same boring green “Lib-Lab same-same” groupthink at every opportunity.

    Engage with him if you want. But all you will ever succeed in doing is boring the pants off everyone else, and make it more likely that people will block you both.

  21. poroti @ #2136 Sunday, September 23rd, 2018 – 9:59 am

    Boy those turd polishers are getting a workout over at Mordor Media.

    ScoMo gives a masterclass
    We have an election coming. And this time it’s different — our sitting prime minister is a marketing man. And boy, does it show.

    A brilliant display of Team Morrison’s marketing deftness was the strawberry scandal, a genuine crisis for growers and a disturbing new threat of economic terrorism. The timing of the announcement by the PM and Attorney-General Chris­tian Porter to come down hard on these terrorist “grubs” with 15-year jail terms completely overwhelmed Labor’s new policy around getting rid of the gender gap through super contributions during maternity leave.

    Who says the The Australian can’t do satire! 🙂

  22. P1

    If you think my arguments seem boring in defending Labor as not being the villain of the piece yeah go ahead and block me. Its not like I am talking about sports weather or any other non political subject.

    I also don’t think it helps to ignore the very same arguments I see refugee advocates putting into the public sphere.

    People like Julian Burnside have not gone away with their arguments even if the media is ignoring them

  23. guytaur,
    There are more important issues to discuss than the asylum seekers on Manus and Nauru one. Yeah it’s a shame but it’s not THE issue that should be discussed here ad nauseum. Maybe if something had changed but nothing has and won’t until after the election. So until such time Rex Douglas is just using it as a wedge on PB.

    We know the issues already. We know about the people like Julian Burnside. Do we need to be informed of it constantly?

    Especially when the issue is just being used to make us argue amongst ourselves.

  24. “Who says the The Australian can’t do satire! ”

    Bit like how SkyNooz is over the top . “Conservative” RWNJobbies take it seriously because they have missed the joke being played on them and that they are being trolled. 🙂

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