Ipsos: 55-45 to Labor

A lengthy period of opinion poll stability may finally have come to an end, if the latest monthly result from Ipsos is any guide.

Courtesy of the Fairfax papers, Ipsos provides the most striking federal poll result in a very, very long time: a 55-45 blowout to Labor, out from 51-49 in Ipsos’s previous monthly result. Powering this is a six point slump in the Coalition primary vote to 33%, from which Labor yields only one point to reach 35%, with the Greens up one to 13% (a high Greens vote being a routine Ipsos peculiarity). This is reflected in Malcolm Turnbull’s personal ratings, which find him down nine on approval to 46% and up ten on disapproval to 48%. Bill Shorten is respectively up three to 41% and down two to 52%, and his deficit on two-party preferred has narrowed from 57-30 to 48-36. Ipsos’s respondent-allocated two-party result is also 55-45, after being 50-50 last time.

A question on company tax finds 47% in favour of a reduction from 30% to 25% over ten years, with 44% opposed. However, this notably fails to engage with the issue presently faced, which is whether tax cuts should be advanced to businesses with more than $50 million turnover, a proposition that reliably gets a less favourable response. On energy policy, 54% back the National Energy Guarantee, with 22% opposed. Fifty-six per cent think the government is doing too little to address climate change, compared with only 13% for too much and 28% for about right. The poll was conducted Thursday to Sunday from a sample of 1200.

UPDATE: The Australian has further results from last week’s Newspoll on company tax, showing only 36% support big business company tax cuts being passed through the Senate, with 51% wanting them blocked. There is also a repeat of an unfortunately framed question from early July that privileges support for tax cuts by asking when they should be introduced, rather than if. This finds 34% favouring the “as soon as possible” option, down four from last time; 27% favouring “in stages over ten years”, which is unchanged; and 31% holding out for the third-listed option of “not at all”, which is up four points.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

3,012 comments on “Ipsos: 55-45 to Labor”

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  1. The Nazis used the label national socialism to try and confuse people – hard to make that work when your main targets were communists, socialists and trade unions as well as Jews, Gypsies and other minority groups. Alongside strongly supporting business (except those related to above). But also having little love for free marketeers. Mussolino had more claim to socialistic thinking having been involved in socialist party/politics in Italy – but the scales soon fell when suppression started.

  2. The SSM debate eroded our support? If your base is the 39% that voted No then you can’t win an election merely with your “base”.

  3. “Successive Liberal government (since Menzies) have rolled out countless billions in welfare payments since the 1940s, which from a 1910s perspective would have been seen as clearly socialist policy. “

    Tony Abbott is often accused of wanting to take Australia back to the 1950s. That might be true socially, but economically, Abbott, most of his party colleagues and the IPA would like a return to the 1910s.

  4. Some Dutton supporters in the Ministry are owning up. Turnbull will have the names of the rest and will deal with then appropriately.

    I didn’t know Trumble needed to know their names before rolling over and showing his belly.

  5. As I’ve stated before Boewar = Right Wing Grouper Nut Job. Ha, ha, ha, How can Labor tolerate clowns like him in their ranks? Not in any Victorian branch I have ever attended.

  6. Add Angas Taylor to the list. This is to put pressure on Turnbull to resign. Similar tactics were used by UK Labour to try and get Corbyn to resign. Instead it led to a second ballot of members. For Turnbull however there is no appeal to members. We will see a continuing drip drip of resignations tonight and tomorrow

  7. Good evening all,

    I find this whole concept of ” offering ones resignation ” and Turnbull considering the ” offer ” a crock of shit.

    Just f**king resign !


  8. I think the resignations were ‘offered’ out of courtesy given that they had just voted against their boss. They were hoping not to be accepted.

  9. Didn’t Gillard keep Albo on despite his support for Rudd because she valued his contribution?

    Can’t see why anybody would value what Hunt does.

  10. Zoidlord @ #2542 Tuesday, August 21st, 2018 – 6:24 pm


    Michael McCormack
    ‏Verified account @M_McCormackMP
    3m3 minutes ago

    We stand up for coal workers, we stand up for all workers. That’s why we’re lowering the tax rate.

    What does @billshortenmp want to do? Labor does not stand up for workers. #auspol

    Oh yes he does. Oh yes they do. 🙂
    * Restore Penalty Rates
    * Same pay for same work. Casual or permanent.
    * Casual to Permanent rules
    * Employ Aussies before overseas workers
    * Restore TAFE and Apprenticeships
    * New government contracting and tender rules to hire Aussies and use Aussie companies
    * Go after the Labour Hire companies
    * Stop large scale Contracting of government services and restore the Public Service.

    I think that’s a good start.

  11. &imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tumblr.com%2Ftagged%2Fsimpsons-crazy-cat-lady&docid=K7RJOmdbgbeFYM&tbnid=7n4NVx6dnN5gaM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwj0kOTh5P3cAhUByrwKHRQJB7AQMwhJKAIwAg..i&w=464&h=300&bih=841&biw=1920&q=simpsons%20cat%20lady&ved=0ahUKEwj0kOTh5P3cAhUByrwKHRQJB7AQMwhJKAIwAg&iact=mrc&uact=8


  12. Apparently Lucien Aye has declined to accept the resignations of Sukkar and MGrath.

    Not sure what he will do with Connie FW after her public spray

  13. “Michelle Guthrie says abuse of ABC staff unacceptable after presenter cries on air”

    Perhaps ABC reporters could try not to be propagandists for the political right in this country, then maybe the taxpayers who pay them will give them some respect.

  14. nath @ #2627 Tuesday, August 21st, 2018 – 7:04 pm

    ” rel=”nofollow”>&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tumblr.com%2Ftagged%2Fsimpsons-crazy-cat-lady&docid=K7RJOmdbgbeFYM&tbnid=7n4NVx6dnN5gaM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwj0kOTh5P3cAhUByrwKHRQJB7AQMwhJKAIwAg..i&w=464&h=300&bih=841&biw=1920&q=simpsons%20cat%20lady&ved=0ahUKEwj0kOTh5P3cAhUByrwKHRQJB7AQMwhJKAIwAg&iact=mrc&uact=8


    Nope. Not nice. Watch it or I’ll give you a dose of Cat Scratch Fever! 🙂

  15. Dutton will not get the numbers

    The reason for this is that it was expected he would have the numbers this morning with Sukkar confident having worked those who also marched the corridors with Abbott and working those who committed Turnbull to the Letter of Undertaking – and who remained in the Parliament post 2016

    This would have delivered the numbers – narrowly

    And that was the expectation

    What has happened is that some approached by Sukkar (not generally liked in the Party Room) have spoken with forked tongue

    Any future attempt by Dutton may achieve the same numbers as ultimately achieved today as a maximum – at least in the current parliament

    It is interesting as well that, given the Victorian Division is now in Bastiaan and Sukkar’s hands including pre selections (see Kevin Andrews), a number of Victorians voted with Sukkar

    This despite a press release from the Liberal Party that any ascension by Dutton would negatively impact on the chances of any change in State government in less than 100 days

    But look at those, fearful of the power of Bastiaan and Sukkar and pre selection , who voted for Dutton anyway

    Fear and self interest dominate

    The Victorian Division of the Liberal Party is in for some very interesting times

    Then you have Cormack and the sale of their flagship debt laden CBD property

    Hopefully the Victorian public recognise that the Opposition in Victoria deserve to remain in opposition – otherwise they are voting for a defacto Dutton

  16. zoomster says:


    Greg Hunt was going to be Dutton’s Deputy.

    Greg and Dutts would have made a wonderful pair. I’m thinking………….

  17. S

    A thorough examination of pre-war socialism, nationalism and national socialism demonstrates various links as well as various tensions and various out right contradictions.

    Contemporary socialist thought, for example, included extremes of both ardent internationalism and ardent nationalism as fundamental elements of socialism, per se.

    Post hoc assumptions (quite a common underlying driver of comments in PB and elsewhere), which use the standards of pure ideological thought, behaviours 100% consistent with ideology, or thoroughly integrated ideological principle and praxis, are naive. That is simply not how ideology works.

    Many a Venezuelan socialist, forking over a million bolivars for a cuppa, might be better placed to understand just that.

  18. What kind of cowardice? They’re resigning because they don’t have faith in you… and you’re wanting to keep them on?

    Have some dignity… either resign or call the election

  19. Turnbull had better cobble together a few more Super Ministries, or he will run out of people in his camp to allocate the existing Ministries to.

  20. There is a big difference between keeping on a minister who supports the PM and keeping a minister who supports a challenger. Malcolm showing he is pissweak, again.

  21. So when the ABC and News spend all this effort enlightening us on

    Dan Gulberry @ #2474 Tuesday, August 21st, 2018 – 5:31 pm

    Socrates @ #2421 Tuesday, August 21st, 2018 – 2:54 pm

    Having personally visited a former Nazi concentration camp turned into a museum, this is beyond wrong and bordering on offensive. The Nazis rounded up and sent to camps not only Jews but all their racial and ideological opponents including unionists, communists and yes, socialists. Saying “nation socialism (nazism) is like socialism” is like saying “free markets is like freedom”. Rubbish.

    I couldn’t agree with you more. I was merely referring to what another poster claimed on here yesterday.

    Mind you this is the same person that advocated for buying prefab Chinese nuclear reactors and staffing them with imported Chinese staff and technicians.

    He is also on record as stating that a “People’s Bank” would require $2 trillion of capital to be put aside to get it started. (Australia’s GDP is around $1.7 trillion, and the entire economy is worth around $8.9 trillion to put that bizarre claim into perspective)

    Not the sharpest tool in the shed.

  22. Why would Turnbull decline their resignations? Is he trying to keep them onside in a future spill? Hes screwed already anyway why make it worse?

  23. There is a big difference between keeping on a minister who supports the PM and keeping a minister who supports a challenger. Malcolm showing he is pissweak, again.

    Missing the opportunity to sandbag his position with a few promotions.

  24. In the closing days of the Julia Gillard PM ‘ship I remember Chris Bowen, Kim Carr et al holding press conferences to announce their resignations from her cabinet. No offering up a letter, straight out resignation.

    Now, whether you agreed with their actions or not to destabilise Julia they at least walked away at that time. Yes, I realise that was not the end of things but at least they went to the back bench.

    All this bullshit about ” offering ” resignations is just pisswick behaviour and Turnbull refusing is the sign of a weak leader.


  25. B.S. Fairman @ #2634 Tuesday, August 21st, 2018 – 7:07 pm

    It does stuff up the staffers who work for the ministers when they resign.

    So it goes, in politics. My sympathy is tempered by the fact that many such staffers are probably overcompensated and underqualified for the roles they actually fill.

    There was even this story about how this one time, this one staffer got one or more high-paying positions basically by being willing to sleep with the boss on a regular basis…

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