Newspoll: 54-46 to Labor

Malcolm Turnbull’s personal ratings deteriorate still further amid an otherwise stable result from Newspoll.

Newspoll retains its comatose form in its latest fortnightly result, with Labor steady on 37%, the Coalition down a point to 35%, the Greens steady on 10% and One Nation steady on 9%, and Labor’s two-party lead unchanged on 54-46. Malcolm Turnbull’s personal ratings have worsened, down one on approval to 31% and up three on disapproval to 59%, while Bill Shorten is respectively down one to 32% and up one to 56%, with Turnbull’s lead as preferred prime minister at 41-33. Poll courtesy of The Australian; numbers helpfully related by GhostWhoVotes.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

568 comments on “Newspoll: 54-46 to Labor”

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  1. I too subscribe to the idea the Labor wont challenge themselves. It would be up to third parties. Ie enviromental groups angry at a mine approval for water or some thing related to pest control etc. Someone aggrived at Barnaby’s decisions.

  2. [guytaur
    kloussikian: The AAT has confirmed that Hollie Hughes, likely replacement for Fiona Nash in Senate, has resigned @dailytelegraph

    Pedantic point but how can she resign when she hasn’t been elected yet? 🙂

  3. Ctar1

    I don’t suppose ‘Mr Musk’ gave a progress report on the delivery of his ‘massive’ advertisement?

    It was about half complete at the opening a month ago, so it should be pretty well along now and is already connected to the grid.
    Should be operating at 100% capacity by December 1st.

  4. KevinTPorter: Hi guys, I MAY have killed a man with a tire iron today, don’t remember. Also I’d like to take this opportunity to come out as bisexual.

  5. guytaur @ #416 Monday, October 30th, 2017 – 4:45 pm

    PoliticsFairfax: Citizenship five paid nearly $9 million in salaries they were not entitled to: @adamgartrell… #auspol

    Strictly speaking, they weren’t eligible for the salary.

    They were probably still entitled to it (I assume, for instance, that if someone uses the 3-month grace period to act as a Minister despite being ineligible to actually stand for election, they still get paid for their time), except for the ones who chose to stay in Parliament after becoming aware of their ineligibility.

  6. 7NewsMelbourne: EXCLUSIVE: In a major decision, the Victorian government has approved a safe injecting room trial. @BrendanDonohoe7 with the details. #7News

  7. Dreyfus will keep pursuing this although Brandis will presumably resist as it would most likely embarrass him:

    ‘Doubts’ over PM’s legal advice
    Mark Dreyfus demands release of Solicitor-General’s advice to PM over Barnaby Joyce, Fiona Nash’s citizenship.

  8. Player One @ #431 Monday, October 30th, 2017 – 6:44 pm

    A R @ #429 Monday, October 30th, 2017 – 6:32 pm

    lizzie @ #426 Monday, October 30th, 2017 – 5:17 pm

    McManus: “There are many arms to Michaelia Cash’s union-bashing octopus.”

    I wish more thought had gone into that metaphor. There must be more damaging comparisons that can be drawn?

    How about Euripides’ many-headed hydra? You chop off a head, and two take its place!

    While their are many snakes in this LNP Government, .tThe reason that Cash is in “Deny!, Deny! Deny!” mode is because the tentacles of this particular octopus lead to Turnbull.

  9. Player One
    lizzie @ #423 Monday, October 30th, 2017 – 6:10 pm

    Barnaby now insisting he is speaking as “Citizen Joyce”.
    Citizen of which country?

    Don’t know which country, I just know he’s a country member.

    Or don’t you need reminding?


  10. “Citizen Joyce” in a VIP jet, apparently.

    Not only was he never Minister for agriculture (or whatever) , but he was not Deputy PM either.

    God help him if he made any decisions under signature while in the acting role.

    His fall could have frightening implications, the more people dig. And dig they will. I have a feeling that a ship called The Turnbull Government is about to meet an iceberg named Brutal Literality.

  11. It would be good to know whether Barnaby personally read the s-g’s opinion or whether it was interpreted to him by Brandis and/or Turnbull. I think the latter is more likely.

    Dreyfus should should keep the pressure on Brandis to release the written opinion.

  12. Adani seems to be in a spot of bother seeking loans:

    Adani leans on China
    After Australia’s big four banks ruled out their support Adani has turned to China to help finance its controversial project.

  13. citizen @ #438 Monday, October 30th, 2017 – 7:31 pm

    Adani seems to be in a spot of bother seeking loans:

    Adani leans on China
    After Australia’s big four banks ruled out their support Adani has turned to China to help finance its controversial project.

    And will the craven Coalition federal government of obsequious toady to the rich and powerful nations, Malcolm Turnbull, let them do that to Australia!?!

  14. DG

    It would be a “courageous” government

    I reckon this Govt is up to it. They’re fu#ked anyway and pissing of the banks wouldn’t be a good idea for them.

  15. Ctar

    the Parliament passing a bill means JackShit (a technical term) unless the Executive Council passes it to the Governoe General for assent. They are a subset of Cabinet, andshouldn’t dignify stunts in the chambers with enacted legislation.

  16. Am up here in the Sunshine State at the moment. No sign of any campaigning whatsover yet, although the Courier Mail had about 8 pages of coverage.

    What is Murdoch’s view at this early stage? Well a pox on both parties is his opening gambit in the CM editorial.

  17. Wel, well, well, the things you find out about politics by reading the Entertainment section:

    What’s their attitude to wielding power and influence?

    (Ray) Hadley acknowledges that both he and (Alan) Jones’ opposition to the greyhound racing ban probably brought about the premature demise of Mike Baird as NSW Premier in January. “He felt battered and bruised after that and other things,” he says. But he holds that broadcasters can’t abuse their power.

    “I try to have civil conversations with all sides of politics,” Hadley says. “I quite like [opposition leader] Luke Foley … I quite like [premier] Gladys Berejiklian.”

    But Hadley says he has not had a conversation with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull for years: “When he was communications minister, he rang and yelled at me, which wasn’t a good idea, so I yelled back at him.”

    Hadley reckons it’s funny how people typecast him as wanting to have a conservative government, citing Labor’s John Hatzistergos as the best attorney general he has dealt with, and Labor’s Bob Carr as the best premier.

    “I know this is going to come as a shock-horror to all the conservative voters but if Bill Shorten is the next prime minister, the world won’t stop,” he says. “In the current crop of government, we have some really good ministers and some duds. If there is a Shorten government, we’ll have some really good ministers and some duds.”

    Jones has no qualms about declaring Malcolm Turnbull a “fake” and believes Tony Abbott should be prime minister again.

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