Newspoll and Essential Research both recorded movement to Labor this week, but it hasn’t made any difference to BludgerTrack, on which the only movement worth noting is a half-point drop for One Nation. Labor nonetheless makes two gains on the seat projection, with one apiece in Western Australia and South Australia. Newspoll’s numbers have resulted in movement away from Malcolm Turnbull on both leadership trend measures.
Note that there’s a post below this one for discussion of state by-elections in New South Wales and Victoria, and another one below that on the draft federal redistribution boundaries for Queensland.
Yes, on so many fronts.
What an arrogant hound Bernardi is. In this so-called vote, everyone’s opinion is worth the same.
I hope that quote is used against him in the next election he stands in. Voters reject such arrogance.
corybernadi: @danijeljw You’re entitled to your opinion. I celebrate it. But mine is more important and powerful than yours, so… Remember: vote “No”! #auspol
A school raising over 1/4 million dollars; he does have a point.
Tony was probably the obvious choice (evil laughter) but he wouldn’t give up his crusade of revenge.
sspencer_63: “Somebody told me that you had a boyfriend who looked like a girlfriend” wait til Abbott finds out about the @afl grand final band
Killers doing Midnight Oil Forgotten Years
So much for no politics in sport 🙂
Watching the GF coverage and this is the first time I’ve seen those anti SSM say no adverts. What a hoot! “Say no to these radical sex and gender programs”.
They aren’t even factual, how can these ads be approved by the relevant advertising standards board (or whatever it is)?
Re politics in sport – remember Peter Garret’s / Midnight Oils’ “sorry suits” at the Sydney Olympics closing ceremony:
Personally, I think it’s pathetic that the stations airing these anti-SSM ads have agreed to air them. Imagine the outrage if we had anti-interracial marriage ads on TV in 2017? No commercial station would go near that.
I think Cameron Ling just criticised the umpires from last year.
There is that too.
If that Cory Bernardi bit is a copy/paste of a tweet – Bernardi’s name is misspelled so likely not him
$291,000! Well done Cory
“If that Cory Bernardi bit is a copy/paste of a tweet – Bernardi’s name is misspelled so likely not him”
I was thinking along similar lines. Cory might think his opinion is superior and more powerful, but I don’t think he’d actually say that in public.
My bad. Sorry all.
Of course the terra forming team members will not be allowed to be dual citizens.
Martians only.]
Easy to enforce considering no return flights for a while. 🙂
lizzie @ #252 Saturday, September 30th, 2017 – 1:39 pm
Hmmm. I think a few people here on PB might disagree with this! 🙂
The fix is in. Richmond player gets a free kick and a goal. Being held. Fair enough.
Betts being held. No free kick. No goal.
Easy as.
Go Tiges!!!
So much more sophisticated than that thuggish Charlie Over the Water game, league or union.
you are such a sour puss.
I’d hate to next to you in the grandstand.
Always whinging about the umps.
hate to break to him, but I’d never heard of the dude.
Betts very unlucky not to get that free kick.
Them’s the breaks.
I only know because of all the fuss about him rapping about SS at one of the footy games.
I guess it’s where you come from. I’m watching it, but thinking what a stop-start, scratch and scramble affair.
I’d never heard of Macklemore either until the other day.
peter love
Finals are never elegant. The players are so desperate.
Lizzie. Everyone’s vote is counted as if it has the ssme value. This includes all the people for whom SSM has precisely zero personal impact.
someone posted the song the other day
seriously, I thought it was shite, if that’s the one he was singing/rapping/whatever
Likewise, I didn’t know/didn’t occur to me that Delilah was a song about a bloke stabbing a woman to death because he couldn’t have her.
When my kids were young, I said to one of them, Oh, that’s a really nice song about a guy taking his girlfriend to the movies.
Shock horror, it was about a bloke who’d killed his girlfriend, and yes, he was at the movies on the Saturday night, but she was dead in the boot of his car. It was called “Doing it for Amy”.
I think the melody tricks us, well, me at least.
peter love @ #282 Saturday, September 30th, 2017 – 3:45 pm
Peter, I’m not watching it; just barracking from the sidelines, and throwing in a couple of barbs to the anti-aerial ping-pongers.
I can imagine it’s scrappy, the Tiges haven’t been there for years; the adrenaline’s pumping, no doubt.
I hate to agree with you about footy, but the Betts decision was a shocker!
I guess so. I remember really enjoying Ozrules in Darwin and marvelling at the instincts and spatial awareness of the St Mary’s guys. I preferred it then to the amateur one-dimensional way League wasplayed. Hoping for a good final tomorrow and like both teams.
Not to break the pattern but I do know who Macklemore is.
Delilah was all about jealousy and regret, I thought.
I can never hear the words of ‘modern’ singers/rappers, which is just as well, really.
lizzie @ #270 Saturday, September 30th, 2017 – 2:45 pm
I got the call last night.
At the end, I selected ‘3’ to indicate I was undecided in the hope that one of their loons will waste their time trying to win me over. I am prepared for a very long conversation. 😀
lizzie @ #292 Saturday, September 30th, 2017 – 3:59 pm
I thought so, too.
Except now when I think of the lyric
“I felt the knife in my hand, and she laughed no more” I thought he was killing himself, because he couldn’t bear losing her.
Jeez, I’m a dumb ass.
lizzie @ #270 Saturday, September 30th, 2017 – 2:45 pm
John Wren @JohnWren1950 · 21h21 hours ago
I just received @corybernardi’s #ssm robocall. As promised I’ve just donated $20 to the #VoteYes campaign. #auspol
I got the call last night.
At the end, I selected ‘3’ to indicate I was undecided in the hope that one of their loons will waste their time trying to win me over. I am prepared for a very long conversation.]
I congratulate you and any “YES” voter who can sit through the minutes of a Cory monologue.
I would not have the perseverance. 🙂
Excellent! You’re just what they deserve 🙂
Given that there isn’t an obvious successor to Turnbull I don’t see how Mumble can make such a strong assertion.
let me explain
because I realise the following lyrics (in the Delilah song), dispel my need to think that the narrator killed himself in preference to her, I don’t think I could reconcile that someone would kill another person because they’d been rejected.
Plenty more fish in the sea, and all that.
why is it, that some people think they own other people.