The first federal poll from Galaxy since July is well in line with the trend, as Galaxy so often is, in having Labor leading 51-49 on two-party preferred. On the primary vote, the Coalition is up three to 42% and Labor down one to 36%, with the Greens on 12% (up one) and Palmer United on 4% (down three). Further questions found 62% support for Australian involvement in air strikes against Islamic State, with 21% opposed, and 75% considering the threat of a terrorist attack on Australian soil to be real, versus 16% who thought otherwise.
UPDATE (6/10): Roy Morgan gives the Coalition its best result since February, its primary vote up 1.5% to 40% with Labor down 2.5% to 35%. The Greens are steady at 12%, and Palmer United are down half a point to 3.5%, their weakest result since January. On two-party preferred, Labor’s lead narrows from 54.5-45.5 to 53-47 on respondent-allocated preferences, and from 53.5-46.5 to 51.5-48.5 on preference flows from the previous election. The poll was conducted over the last two weekends by face-to-face and SMS, from a sample of 3151.
See Essendon have decided to stay sat on the fence by keeping Hird on as coach. Can’t for the life of me understand why the members haven’t arked up.]
As others have asked, who or what is an Essendon and a Hird?
They sound inappropriate!
On the other hand the new “laws” do say “any person” so hands up who wants to share a cell with Hartcher.
Video interview
[Jeremy Scahill, who first reported from inside Iraq before the 2003 U.S. invasion. He’s co-founder of the and author of the book Dirty Wars: The World is a Battlefield. The paperback version of the book has just been published.]
The end of Media Watch was sobering – a security expert says words to the effect that freedom of expression is being chipped away in Australia in a way that would not be tolerated inthe USA, UK or Canada.
The thing with the new security laws – you might trust the current Government and Attorney General (I trust them as far as I could throw them). What about all future Governments?
Darren L:
LOL. Bet the AFL is wishing it could ask itself the same thing.
They’re laws. It doesn’t matter who applies them, they either abide by them or they break them.
[Peter Brent @mumbletwits · 10m 10 minutes ago
There are no gays in Kennedy or Iran. Or North Korea. #qanda]
Katter strikes again, obviously.
I gather there will be a challenge to Little and the board at the AGM in Nov.
Hird has been like Gillard in how many times they are predicted to have been gone.
Eh …
confessions @ 898
The latter part of your own post doesn’t exactly help your case.
Gillard was gone all those times we said she was gone…..its just that she didn’t go, until she went.
Gillard was gone all those times we said she was gone…..its just that she didn’t go, until she went.]
People like Michelle Grattan used to get paid big bucks for that sort of insightful anaysis.
I found it quite amusing hearing Gillard admit that she became too defensive and wooden over her time as PM. That is exactly what I said way back when and was roundly criticised here.
See? I was trying to be helpful!
I found it quite amusing hearing Gillard admit that she became too defensive and wooden over her time as PM. That is exactly what I said way back when and was roundly criticised here.
See? I was trying to be helpful!
I really don’t care. It needed to be said, and nobody else had the guts to say it. It’s now said.
Deal and move on or find someone else to moan at.
You wrong Grattan. She wouldn’t have been that definite.
Her version would have been along the lines of:
Gillard may have been gone on at least some of the occasions we said that she may have been gone…or not.
Posted Monday, October 6, 2014 at 9:42 pm | PERMALINK
Oh FFS! Why is it that whenever bemused comments here the tone of the blog deteriorates to an open slanging match and boring as f*ck nuff nuff commentary about other commenters?
A hint: the guy’s a dick. Everyone knows this. Best way to deal with people like that is to give their shit dead air.]
“nuff nuff commentary about other commenters” followed by “the guy’s a dick” needed to be said?
Ok, I’ll stop being tactful.
confessions, you’re a hypocrite. In the very post you moan about bemused you do the very thing you’re moaning about.
No worries. I will do so by completely ignoring the advice of a hypocrite like yourself.
Posted Monday, October 6, 2014 at 10:13 pm | PERMALINK
You wrong Grattan. She wouldn’t have been that definite.
Her version would have been along the lines of:
Gillard may have been gone on at least some of the occasions we said that she may have been gone…or not.]
Yes, true. I was probably too generous to the departed Grattan!
So sad. She cast such a vacuous and pathetic figure in the twilight of her career.
Probably retired 10 years too late.
Q&A well worth watching tonight.
If you missed it, catch it on iView.
[A blood red moon will emblazon Australian skies on Wednesday night, during a rare total lunar eclipse.
The extraordinary astronomical event has occurred only a handful of times over the past 500 hundred years.]
Hopefully we’ll have clear skies here that night.
You can still catch Grattan on RN if you are missing her Darren.
Refugee problem in Australia??
Get real..
Turkey just had 160,000 arrive in 12 days….
That is about 1,390 times the average rate of arrivals into Australia over the last decade and a half…..
Posted Monday, October 6, 2014 at 10:23 pm | PERMALINK
Q&A well worth watching tonight.
If you missed it, catch it on iView.]
But what was Katter doing amongst actors and other random celebrities with books to flog?
Darren Laver@925
I suggest you stop displaying your ignorance.
You can still catch Grattan on RN if you are missing her Darren.]
Oh good lord no 😉
I left Fran “Australian in my lap” Kelly and Grattan to their Gillard-hate fest years ago.
I wonder what they talk about these days? Probably just shameless Abbott boosting, I suspect.
Bob Katter just gave a heartfelt explanation of why funding for Mental Health is important. If he does nothing else all year I think he has earnt his parliamentary salary
It is instructive to go back over the posts of the last couple of pages to see who, and what, triggered confessions’ and other outbursts.
Refugees Achmed 923
Italy has had 130.000 arrive by sea in this year alone,and tiny Malta is struggling to cope with many thousands for which they have no accom
The collapse of Libya following Gadaffi’s fall is the main problem
Libya is now a failed state like Somalia…only just off the shores of Italy
Nato /US overthrow of Gadaffi turned out to be a bad idea
why did they do it ?
Here we go Katter being asked about gay rights
Darren Laver@927
Of course if you prefer reading her, she is now the ‘Chief Political Correspondent’ for ‘The Conversation.
[It is instructive to go back over the posts of the last couple of pages to see who, and what, triggered confessions’ and other outbursts.]
Grattan has been giving Abbott and the Libs a bit of stick lately Darren.
Posted Monday, October 6, 2014 at 10:34 pm | PERMALINK
Here we go Katter being asked about gay rights]
Glad i gave up ABC’s Qanda.
I can do without ABC-sponsored homophobia thrown down my throat, quite frankly.
[confessions, you’re a hypocrite. In the very post you moan about bemused you do the very thing you’re moaning about.]
You appear to want to continue commenting about bemused. If that’s the case then leave me out of it. I’ve already made it clear I think too much time here is spent dealing with him and his f*cked up shit, and I’m not going to waste any more time on him.
Posted Monday, October 6, 2014 at 10:38 pm | PERMALINK
Grattan has been giving Abbott and the Libs a bit of stick lately Darren.]
I find that very hard to believe, but if so, she made her bed, so she can bloody well lie in it!
Is it time for me to step in and bring peace to the warring parties here on pollbludger?
[You appear to want to continue commenting about bemused.]
Hell no. I might not take your advice but I’ll still take my own :P.
It’s descended into farce. Despite Katter expressing regret.
[Here we go Katter being asked about gay rights]
And we know what he’ll say. There are no same sex attracted people in my electorate!
[See? I was trying to be helpful!
Classic dead shit.
Oh good back to serious stuff
[Is it time for me to step in and bring peace to the warring parties here on pollbludger?]
Best to give bemused a wide berth.
Like ModLib, he can derail an entire thread with meta commentary, personal abuse, unicorns and just plain unpleasantness — invariably leaving our resident “janitor”, William, to mop up the mess.
Best to focus on domestic issues and the short comings of the Abbott Government.
Darren Laver
Wait, is onomatopeia against the rules here? I better (belatedly) check.
Insurance up from $302 a year to $453 a year.
Trying to look at alternatives…..very hard to find an insurance company that will cover in Karratha due cyclone area.
Had the same problem with my cars…..
Not much help but if all else fails there is always Lloyd’s
bemused has an unfortunate habit of giving offence without really intending to.
You on the other hand deliberately give offence and rank no 3 for nastiness.
pots and kettles
I just looked up onomatopoeia and I still don’t have a clue what it means 🙂