Rudd 57, Gillard 45

We have a new/old Labor leader and, presumably, a new/old prime minister. Soon, I fear, we will have a new election date. Developing …

We have a new/old Labor leader and, presumably, a new/old prime minister. Soon, I fear, we will have a new election date. Developing …

UPDATE: Prominent Gillard-ites Wayne Swan, Craig Emerson, Stephen Conroy, Greg Combet and Joe Ludwig have resigned from cabinet. Penny Wong has unanimously been chosen to replace Conroy as Senate leader, with Jacinta Collins replacing Wong as deputy. Anthony Albanese defeated Simon Crean 61-38 in a ballot for deputy in the House.

UPDATE 2: Greg Combet also resigns from cabinet, and Craig Emerson to go from parliament. Preselections loom for Lalor and Rankin.

UPDATE 3 (Morgan SMS poll): Morgan has sprung into action with a “snap” SMS poll of 2530 respondents, showing a Coalition lead of just 50.5-49.5 from primary votes of 38% for Labor, 43% for the Coalition and 8.5% for the Greens. For what it’s worth, a Morgan poll conducted by the same method on the day of the 2010 election turned in a highly accurate result.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

3,091 comments on “Rudd 57, Gillard 45”

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  1. marky marky

    “Anything we can blame the Gillard government for?”

    Mr Squiggle’s tenuous grasp of facts and reality?

  2. SMS Morgan Poll big swings to the ALP in Rudd’s home State of Queensland (ALP 51.5%, up 10.5% cf. L-NP 48.5%, down 10.5%)

  3. I’d love to know where all these “Heroin injecting rooms” are, apart from the one and only one in Kings Cross opened 12 years ago by the state government.

  4. Oakshott Country,

    [I am presuming that like the bourbons Rudd has learned nothing and remembered nothing.]

    I think recent events have been bloody enough without needing to bring out French history.

  5. Player One@2784

    Doubt we ever had it.

    Doubt all you like, bemused – it’s perfectly true. And I have spoken to others today whose votes the ALP had but has now lost. Exactly how many remains to be seen.

    I also note you seem to be back to your old annoying habit of quoting entire posts with just some stupid one liner of your own appended.

    Take your complaint up with Musrum – I am using the ‘quick quote’ function of cccp.
    It quotes the original post to spare people the effort of scrolling back to see what I was commenting on.
    Some long verbose posts require few words to refute them. I guess yours must fall into that category.

  6. Apart from watching, the Queen’s Diamond Years, historical interest, and West Wing, which I had never seen I am also watching Oliver Stone’s ‘Untold History of the US’.

    In fact, last night, in case I had not had enough of politics.

    I was staggered at some of the earlier years, particularly to do with US involvement with Nazi Germany. For profit and total disregard.

    My lifetime experience I am more familiar with. The latest episode, War on Terror reveals little I did not know. Except for some alarming recorded footage of George W Bush. Reflecting what we know, but so casually fuching disgusting.

    The reference to and membership of Cheney, Rumsfeld et al of the Project for the New American Century

    So frighteningly indicative of the travels and language of the IPA. To which the Liberal Party is subservient.

  7. On 21 March 2013, the Prime Minister Julia Gillard apologised on behalf of the Australian Government to people affected by forced adoption or removal policies and practices.

    Forced adoption victims ‘disgusted’ at Labor spill

    By Lucy Carter

    Ms Large says Mr Crean should have kept quiet.

    It made us feel like we were worthless then, and we were worthless yesterday.

    Patricia Large

    “He should have done nothing, he should have given us the dignity and respect that we deserved on that day,” she said.

    Fri Mar 22, 2013 5:27pm AEDT

  8. Mr Squiggle

    “Herion injecting rooms and taxation increases on human vices like smoking are normally the domain of governemnt policy

    I’ve spotted the difference between the two, how about you?”

    How about spotting the difference between local, state and federal government, moron?

  9. Mr Squiggle continued writing with his nose:

    [Rightly or wrongly {wrongly as it goes}(see below), I assocaite the Gillard era as one that witnessed the banning of smoking in public malls on the one hand and opeing of heroin injecting rooms with the other.]

    {sigh} eras don’t witness … (see previous note)

    Smoking restrictions are a state matter and so are heroin injecting rooms. These both began before ‘the Gillard era’, so your other hackneyed phrase features two redundant words.

    And really: “I assocaite sic as one that witnessed …”?

    That’s not academic English. You’re kidding us about majoring in History right? Did you pass?

  10. marky marky

    [anything else we can blame the Gillard government for?]

    Have we covered the demonisation of refugees and how it ‘normalises ‘ cruelty on behalf of all Australians to desperate people? And also destroying the historical bulwark against the worst elements of society – making racists legitimate players in policy?

  11. 200 weeks since Peter Dutton questioned a health minister in Question Time. He could have completed a medical degree in that time

    Pyne has managed 3 questions in 3 years on education as Shadow Minister on Education

  12. Carey Moore

    “One of Gillard’s biggest failures was allowing the extinction of the dinosaurs.”

    Almost up there with the time she pursued that whole appeasement policy with Hitler or the time she ordered the Japanese Imperial Army to bomb Pearl Harbor.

  13. Absolute Twaddle …

    Aren’t you forgetting her role in the Congress of Vienna or the spread of bubonic plague? Wasn’t Henry VIII Welsh?

  14. [And also destroying the historical bulwark against the worst elements of society – making racists legitimate players in policy?]

    Yes this was despicable…and was indeed the whatever it takes thinking (even though it was unconscionable)

    Bringing the looney right closer to center of Aust political narrative. We can only hope Rudd is able to snatch the impossible victory and has a will and thinking to reverse that abomination of political thinking.

  15. jv

    “Have we covered the demonisation of refugees and how it ‘normalises ‘ cruelty on behalf of all Australians to desperate people? And also destroying the historical bulwark against the worst elements of society – making racists legitimate players in policy?”

    It appears through Carr’s comments that Rudd is on the same boat, except perhaps steering it further to the right.

  16. “One of Gillard’s biggest failures was allowing the extinction of the dinosaurs.”


    Alan Jones, Sattler, Sandilands, need I go on.

  17. Fran Barlow

    “Aren’t you forgetting her role in the Congress of Vienna or the spread of bubonic plague? Wasn’t Henry VIII Welsh?”

    That and her intimate involvement with the Rape of Nanking and the assassination of JFK.

  18. [3020
    crikey whitey

    “One of Gillard’s biggest failures was allowing the extinction of the dinosaurs.”


    Alan Jones, Sattler, Sandilands, need I go on.]

    Bloody conservationists.

  19. [The one I’m aware of is at Kings Cross, and it started in 2001.]

    Yes. about the same time as Tampa, 9-11 and a whole bunch of other ugly stuff long before JG became a prominant member of parliament.

    I take your point. Hopefully I have challenged the ‘stupidity’ moniker.

    It is now after midnight, I must get some sleep. G’night.

  20. I’m sure Julia Gillard advised Julius Caesar to cross the Rubicon, and then subsequently stabbed him in the Senate as a total betrayal.

    Et tu Juliar?

  21. The language politicians use, especially ministers and PMs is important. Dog whistling to certain elements legitmises those elements. You can have a tough policy without demonising people…unless the whole purpose of that policy is to pander to base elements.

  22. Mr Squiggle

    “I take your point. Hopefully I have challenged the ‘stupidity’ moniker.”

    Challenged or confirmed? Both ‘c’ words so I can see how you may have gotten confused.

  23. [says thomas paine who was a howard voter]

    Yes this was true…I think it was 1996 ….. and going by that election result quite a few current Labor supporters voted that way as well.

  24. Morgan Poll indications_________
    If the Morgan polll indicated the trend of the other pollsters to come in the next few days,Abbott is in real trouble

    Once the other polls conirm what I believe is a likely accurate Morgan poll,there will be wave of
    questioning of Abbott by the wolf pack of the main media
    They pounce on the wounded and Abbott will have no answer
    to their questions
    …a new ball game …and the Qland results … a 10% swing are amazing

  25. 3009
    [Carey Moore
    Posted Thursday, June 27, 2013 at 11:54 pm | PERMALINK
    One of Gillard’s biggest failures was allowing the extinction of the dinosaurs.]

    On the contrary JG encouraged dinosaur dominance, nurturing several remnant species, including TyrannosauruStephen; DiplodocusDon; and DryosarusDavid

  26. Ha Briefly.

    ‘Undercover’ conservationists.

    The denialists are right. Climate change and eco extinction.

    What bullshit.

    Sandilands. Living proof.

  27. [I’m sure Julia Gillard advised Julius Caesar to cross the Rubicon, and then subsequently stabbed him in the Senate as a total betrayal.

    Et tu Juliar?]

    The evil that (wo)men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones; So let it be with Juliar.

  28. [ Yes this was true…I think it was 1996 ]
    was it his record as a failed treasure and an outspoken racist that attracted you or something else

  29. Its an interesting tactic to imply that any criticism of Gillard is ridiculous and hyperbole equivalent of being blamed for killing of the dinosaurs. Though it is pretty childish but maybe all that her supporters may have.

    This absolute necessity that Gillard cannot have the slightest blame or error placed at her feet, not the slightest responsibility for anything negative is bizarre. Its the behavior of a jilted teenager or that of some adolescent having a fight with their mother.

  30. TP:

    [Its an interesting tactic to imply that any criticism of Gillard is ridiculous and hyperbole equivalent of being blamed for killing of the dinosaurs. Though it is pretty childish but maybe all that her supporters may have.]

    Not so much ‘interesting’ as imaginary.

  31. TP, I think these jests were justifiable in response to Squiggle’s blaming of Gillard for creating injection rooms.

    It’s your response that is out of proportion.

    looking forward to your answer to paaptsef’s question.

  32. [Yes this was true…I think it was 1996

    was it his record as a failed treasure and an outspoken racist that attracted you or something else]

    Obviously you are still hurting from Gillard’s necessary demise. I am sorry for you, time will heal, and the advent of Rudd will at least preserve her with some legacy.

    You wont get over it but maybe learn to live with it. Try anosol and you will heal faster.

  33. TP

    “This absolute necessity that Gillard cannot have the slightest blame or error placed at her feet, not the slightest responsibility for anything negative is bizarre. Its the behavior of a jilted teenager or that of some adolescent having a fight with their mother.”

    The poster in question blamed Julia Gillard for heroin injection rooms and taxes on cigarettes. Do you agree with that assessment?

  34. In 1996 I was barely politically engaged.

    I vote Labor almost all the time…however always reserve the right to vote for whichever party I believe would be best for Aust in the short term or long term.

    My vote is not guaranteed for any side and will never be.

  35. Julia Gillard is a woman, reason enough to blame her for everything and belittle her achievements. Same old, same old. Been done for centuries.

    Did Their Prime Minister Rudd the Rodentcuddler do anything interesting today?

  36. I think we need to be patient. Whatever the events of the past few days mean to us, to T.P. they represent a healing moment. However, given the depth of his wound (years deep!) we shouldn’t expect him to regrow his sense of humour straight away.

  37. AT:

    [The poster in question blamed Julia Gillard for heroin injection rooms and taxes on cigarettes. ]

    To be fair, he cited increased taxes on cigarettes as a concern from him/her much as if only Gillard had presided over this.

    The bans on smoking in public places (malls) and the rollout of heroin injecting rooms was utter tosh of course.

  38. TP 3034

    Give it a rest. If you actually actually had bothered reading the conversation, you would’ve seen I was mocking irrational criticisms of Gillard, that is blaming her for something that didn’t even happen under her and, if they did, weren’t even in her jurisdiction.

    Tom, you’re a boring extremist fanatic. You dribble shit and, in the (extremely) rare event you’re right, it’s a fortunate coincidence.

    If, just for once, you acquainted yourself with the facts, you will realise what a fool you are. Not just regarding this conversation but your assumptions that anybody who doesn’t say what you want is a Gillard supporter, with absolutely no evidence to back it up.

    That is not normal. That is the sign of a troubled mind. Your fanaticism is frightening. If it weren’t for the fact that you’re obviously a miserable shut-in with no friends and no influence over anything important I’d say you’re dangerous but you’re not. You’re pathetic.

    The next three or so months are going to be a stressful time. Either actually say something useful or don’t say anything at all. And if you don’t like people having opinions different to your own, start your own bloody blog because your act is really tiring.

    Get help. Get laid. Do whatever it takes. Just grow up.

  39. [SMS Morgan Poll big swings to the ALP in Rudd’s home State of Queensland (ALP 51.5%, up 10.5% cf. L-NP 48.5%, down 10.5%)]

    Does anyone know how many seats Labor would win in Queensland if a swing of that size was repeated at the election?

  40. [3031
    crikey whitey
    Posted Friday, June 28, 2013 at 12:15 am | Permalink

    Ha Briefly.

    ‘Undercover’ conservationists.

    The denialists are right. Climate change and eco extinction.

    What bullshit.

    Sandilands. Living proof.]


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