Morgan: 50.5-49.5 to Coalition

The latest Morgan face-to-face poll, combining results from the previous two weekends, is a weak result for Labor as this series goes, with the Coalition maintaining their 50.5-49.5 lead from the poll of March 12-13. The primary vote figures likewise record little change: Labor down half a point to 37.5 per cent, the Coalition down one point to 43.5 per cent and the Greens up half a point to 12 per cent. As always, the two-party figure I have chosen to lead with is the “preferences distributed by how electors voted at the 2010 election” result rather than the “preferences distributed by how electors say they will vote” figure preferred by Morgan (51-49 to the Coalition in this case), and as always the margin of error (2.3 per cent from a sample of 1819) tells you less than this series’ evident bias to Labor.

UPDATE: Essential Research has the Coalition’s two-party lead up from 52-48 to 53-47, from very slight changes in the primary vote: Labor down a point to 36 per cent, the Coalition and Greens steady on 46 per cent and 10 per cent.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

2,695 comments on “Morgan: 50.5-49.5 to Coalition”

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  1. Thefinnigans The Finnigans
    Rudd was performing to be the SecGen of UN. He was hinting that #auspol #qanda
    3 seconds ago

  2. [shiftaling
    Posted Monday, April 4, 2011 at 10:27 pm | Permalink

    David @ 2412
    Is that in reference to my comment? Hey, I didn’t get to choose the colour of my avatar!]

    Of course not…
    So to answer your question, no.

  3. How the hell was he meant to answer the question?
    He was meant to pretend that he was happy about dropping the ETS?
    As I recall, Kevin tonight said that he took full responsibility for the decision!

  4. [Mod Lib: Do the Gillard supporters have the nerve to force his resignation and fight a by-election in Griffith?
    I think not………..Kevin has Julia over a barrell!]
    How? Do you really think Rudd would quit and force a by election? Hardly, he would lose the job he loves.

  5. confessions @ 2471

    Thank you. As I suspected, he’s playing his own game rather than looking out for the fortunes of the current govrt.

    So you favour the Arbib/Bitar/Howes etc way of operating the ALP?

    Count me out.

  6. Geez, I’m glad that Kevin Rudd has dealt himself out of any further speculation about him returning as leader…..that was a disgracefully selfish display of disloyalty by the former PM.

    At a time when Julia is trying to negotiate very difficult & far-reaching matters of National importance whilst dealing with a hostile msm, and a rabid scare-mongering opposition…..the very least she should be able to rely upon is loyalty from a senior minister.

    Kevin Rudd failed that particular test miserably tonight…….damn him!!!

  7. [Gillard, Swan, Arbib, others wanted the ETS to be dropped completely]

    I am not convinced that JG wanted the ETS dropped completely. My guess is that for political reasons she wanted it delayed.

  8. vic

    [what will be the serious questions?]

    About how genuine the commitment of several members of the Cabinet is to addressing climate change.

    Do they actually believe what they are putting forward?

    Why didn’t they believe it last year?

  9. Story up on the Herald Sun already

    Kevin Rudd admits wrong call on emissions trading scheme

    FORMER prime minister Kevin Rudd says he made the wrong call when he decided to shelve the Federal Government’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).

    But, he said, he was trying to find the middle ground after some members of cabinet argued the scheme should be scrapped for good.

    Asked on ABC Television tonight why he delayed the scheme until 2013 despite calling climate change the greatest moral challenge of our time, he said he made a mistake.

    “The judgment I made then was wrong,” he said.

    He said the decision had been swayed by the roadblock faced in the Senate, which had already twice blocked legislation setting up the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme.

    But, Mr Rudd said, he’d also faced the difficulty of placating party colleagues who wanted to “kill the ETS” completely.

    “You had some folk who wanted to get rid of it altogether, that is kill the ETS as a future proposition for the country. I couldn’t abide that,” he said.

  10. bemused – that is exactly what this house saw. Kev knew exactly what he was doing and he gave his sidekick, Bishop, every chance to exploit it.

    Poor old BH.

    The back stabber has a guilt shadow and has trashed the labor brand to boot and created a qasi liberal party. A bit of direct truth is painful. Rudd showing he is twice the person than the gutless faceless ‘men’.

  11. Confessions: with all due respect, you’re talking a load of BS!
    In your opinion, Rudd was meant to either lie or pretend that he was completely happy about the decision made in 2010?
    I wish he’d been more candid at the time!

  12. [Live under that Rock you accused bluegreen of living under.]

    Aww Frank, be nice

    [I call it as I see it.]

    As do I

    [And something smells rotten in the state of Denmark.]

    Maybe you have a blocked nose?

  13. [He told it as it was. It is better for him and for the Party to move on from the past!]

    Centre – he has just damned the leadership. What do you think the media and Opposition will make of that for the next few months when Labor really needs clear air to prosecute the CT policy.

    Kev knows what they will talk about because he said himself that when you talk policy you only get 1% media attention.

    He and Labor will get 110% adverse media for the next little while.

  14. [So you favour the Arbib/Bitar/Howes etc way of operating the ALP?]

    Careful, that doesn’t fit with Frank’s meme 😉

  15. [Kevin Rudd played a blinder tonight. He said as much as he could without naming names. He answered every question openly. He talked about the politics within the ALP and he did not heap shit on the opposition. Unlike Julie who took every opportunity to play politics.]

    KR has reflected on his role in the ETS debacle, and if he had his time again (and as he said, had time to plan and reflect rather than trying to micro manage everything), he would have called a double dissolution in November when the ETS got voted down the second time.

    the LNP was in disarray, with an unelectable leader in by one vote – obstructionism in the Senate on climate change – and a first term government with a good majority. Shouda gone to the polls. He had another chance in Feb/Mar 2010, but could not see the forest for the trees

  16. I don’t know why the government (including Rudd tonight on QandA) doesn’t get stuck into Abbott and the coalition more on their role in the CPRS being postponed.

    [Tony Abbott dishonestly reneged on a deal negotiated in good faith and sold out ordinary Australian families to preserve the profits of mining billionaires.]
    Seriously how hard is it to say something like that? Instead the focus goes back onto the ALP and who in cabinet advised what. Sheesh sink the boot in!

  17. evan14:

    [I loved it!
    Rudd was brutally honest – very refreshing to see that from a politician! 🙂
    Is any of this news to some of you?
    Gillard, Swan, Arbib, others wanted the ETS to be dropped completely – Kevin’s meant to pretend that this didn’t happen?]

    Which is why the government is now moving on with a Carbon Tax that will transition to an ETS. Obviously the PM and Treasurer are completely against it 😉

    On Newspoll, my prediction is 54:46 to the Coalition.

  18. [POLLYTICS | 1 second ago
    If the government has anything nasty to release, right now is the time to do it – while tomorrows news is absorbed by Rudd]

  19. But, Mr Rudd said, he’d also faced the difficulty of placating party colleagues who wanted to “kill the ETS” completely.

    The same ones who benefited from their pressure to get Rudd to do this, and we know where that path led. lol

  20. [But, Mr Rudd said, he’d also faced the difficulty of placating party colleagues who wanted to “kill the ETS” completely.

    “You had some folk who wanted to get rid of it altogether, that is kill the ETS as a future proposition for the country. I couldn’t abide that,” he said.]


  21. Actually the person whose committment to a carbon price is suspect is not Kevin Rudd…………would Julia be advocating this if she’d won a majority victory in August 2010?

  22. Well Gillard will be again bombarded with questions tomorrow on what her position on the ETS was. I hope she has more than a non answer.

  23. [Dario

    Posted Monday, April 4, 2011 at 10:55 pm | Permalink

    So you favour the Arbib/Bitar/Howes etc way of operating the ALP?

    Careful, that doesn’t fit with Frank’s meme
    Actually it proves my point precisely 🙂

    Guess which two names came first ? 🙂

    Not the Union Boss 🙂

  24. [What is the big deal now]

    You have to be kidding!!!

    Are you seriously saying you don’t think this is a huge deal???

    1. Rudd is implying it was others who argued for dumping CPRS at the very time the same people are trying to implement one
    2. Rudd stated explicitly that there were caucus members (implying cabinet members) who argued for dumping CPRS altogether, not just delaying- the self same people now telling Australians they need to pay an extra tax
    3. Rudd saying he wont be as trusting in the future (not so trusting of whom? His ALP colleagues and Cabinet colleagues)

    …not seeing anything of political interest here????

  25. It wouldn’t matter what Rudd said. Various people would twist his words or lack of words to make up whatever shit they wanted to hear.

  26. confessions @ 2497

    do you feel that Rudd undermined the govt tonight?

    Yes. I think tonight’s events totally overwhelmed him.

    Most ridiculous comment of the night…by a country mile.

    Pubic Clod @ 2498
    For the first time I agree with you… I am shocked. 😮

  27. The only “news” from Kevin Rudd tonight was that he said that he made a mistake in shelving the ETS. The msm have laboured the internal wranglings for many months.

  28. [Rudd’s being disloyal to Gillard?]

    Have not seen QUANDA yet, but from comments here it sounds like Rudd is being disloyal to the ALP.

    That makes a bit of sense when you consider that he had virtually no support in caucus when push came to shove.

    If Rudd is making comments that imply it was Julia G who wanted the ETS dropped then its a real cowards trick. He is discussing whats happened in cabinet, whereas Gillard has been strongly on the record that she will not. So much for Rudds belief in CC action if he’s now trying to damage the ALP when they are trying to bring measures to do it.

  29. [Actually it proves my point precisely 🙂

    Guess which two names came first ? 🙂

    Not the Union Boss 🙂 ]

    Ooooh the ordering of names is a racist conspiracy!!! Quick, call the police! 🙂

  30. Rudd’s revelation that some in cabinet wanted a carbon scheme not just on the back burner but out the window doesn’t really add that much to what we already knew. But it probably makes Gillard’s job of convincing voters she means it – this time – on carbon a little bit more difficult.

  31. Kevin Rudd played a blinder tonight. He said as much as he could without naming names. He answered every question openly. He talked about the politics within the ALP and he did not heap shit on the opposition. Unlike Julie who took every opportunity to play politics.

    Is as good as time as any for the cockroaches to be flushed out and the party go through a cleansing. Or NSW Gillard Labor will be the result, except in opposition.

  32. [Well Gillard will be again bombarded with questions tomorrow on what her position on the ETS was. I hope she has more than a non answer.]

    Trust me, it will be a non answer. And so it should be.

  33. [Well Gillard will be again bombarded with questions tomorrow on what her position on the ETS was. I hope she has more than a non answer.]
    She will be consistent. She’ll give the same answer she has up to now and you should know what that is.

  34. [SAMANTHAMAIDEN | 1 minute ago
    Awful. But funny RT @adam_gleeson Tmw an enormous news day appreciated it Coalition butted out + let the ALP disintegrate by selves #qanda]


    We see an honest self-appraisal and they see a disaster.

    I think Labor will do well out of Rudd’s rather refreshing revelations. What did annoy me was that Jones cut him off when he started telling us that the media only report 1% of what’s actually said by politicians.

    It kinda proved Rudd’s point, actually.

  35. [2534


    Posted Monday, April 4, 2011 at 11:00 pm | Permalink

    Actually it proves my point precisely

    Guess which two names came first ?

    Not the Union Boss

    Ooooh the ordering of names is a racist conspiracy!!! Quick, call the police!

    It’s called Implied Racism.

    And people are blind to it.

  36. evan

    [Let’s face it, Labor so far has done a shit awful job of selling the revised carbon tax plan.

    Tonight’s performance just made it even harder.

  37. I rest my case this sth african has a problem…that has been THE PROBLEM
    Posted Monday, April 4, 2011 at 10:40 pm | Permalink

    cud chewer

    The British had troops on the ground BEFORE the No Fly Zone was declared. Remember? The rebs ‘caught’ some of them! There would be ‘special operatives’ from half a dozen nations crawling all over Libya at the moment. They are probably shocked at just how militarily incompetent and ideologically suss the rebs really are. As I pointed out before the No Fly Zone was instituted, Libya probably has an issue with tribalism and this is probably helping Ghaddafi’s troops stick with him. (Remember, the war mongers assured us they would melt away?)

    Having just figured out that the rebs are probably infested with Al Quaeda and the like, the warmongers are wary about arming them. They already armed the Taliban in Afghanistan. Ten years since we invaded Afghanistan, it turns out that arming rebs does not necessarily work too well either.

    There are two persistent patterns here – lies and civilians paying the price for the lies].

  38. Rudd’s being disloyal to Gillard?

    Oh the irony, the hypocracy. That’s a fall down of the floor laughing joke, no?

  39. Alli Moore has turned into a tony Jone style interrupter. she knows what answers she wants and when she doesn’t get them she just butts in. Very poor show in my opinion.

  40. Frank: I cite New South Wales as an example of the severe consequences of letting hacks like Arbib, Shorten, Farrell and Bitar take over the running of a government.

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