Newspoll: 59-41

Via Peter Brent at Mumble comes the news that Labor’s lead in tomorrow’s Newspoll is up to 59-41 from 57-43 a fortnight ago. More to follow …

UPDATE: The Australian report was apparently up first, which they interestingly seem to be doing a little earlier now.

UPDATE 2: Graphic here.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

910 comments on “Newspoll: 59-41”

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  1. #595

    Rolly… in the U.S. of A. voting is not compulsory. Make up your mind.

    “If individuals do not give heed to the processes of government and politics and base their judgments solely on the rumour and innuendo that they hear floating around in the ether, then, perhaps, it is better that they effectively disenfranchise themselves.”

    But they don’t. Not in the U.S., anyway. These ignorant voters are whipped into a frenzy by rumour and innuendo, and are then led by the nose by the leaders of the Religious Right. These “average mug punter”s turn up ‘en masse’ on election day, even though they don’t have to. As I said, you can thank these God-n’-guns American voters (who couldn’t find Canada on a map, never mind Iraq) for giving George W Bush two terms.

    If voting was compulsory in America, the Democrats would win hands-down every time. With voluntary voting, African-American and Hispanic voters stay away from elections in droves – as do overworked/underpaid voters of all description.

  2. PS at 594, thanks for pointing that out, I thought Grattan had stayed out of the fray, she seemed to also have a more balanced piece at the time. This is a terrific opportunity for a journalist to stand out from the crowd and be rational and sensible (heck even Shameaham did better than Grattan this week!!), but I guess it wont be her. Guess they need to have a contest or drama to sell papers

  3. Lewis is spot on though, the opposition dont have a coherent message or strategy. Now, Rudd had it easier as he was opposing a 11 year old rather than 6 month old government, but he was so much better and choosing his battles, and giving a clear and coherent narrative

  4. It also seems that, whereas in the past the MSM Liberal cheer squad followed Howard’s lead, Nelson is in fact following their lead

  5. Brendan Nelson or anyone left in the Coalition after the last election can read this and understand why people are cynical about their sudden and newfound “caring” for the disadvantaged, families and those on low and middle incomes.,25197,23894517-12377,00.html

    The Howard government deliberately suppressed “masses of data” on the ill-effects of its Work Choices legislation…………The study found low-skilled workers on AWAs were paid $100 less per week than equivalent workers on collective agreements…….

    If you were put on an AWA before the backflip commonly know as the “safetynet” and when coupled with ten rate rises, high fuel, high food costs etc….it’s no wonder people voted them out.

    They can feign outrage about fuel and food and the cost of living all they like in the parliament and the press, but when you look their policies and what they tried to do to the Australian public it shows what hypocrites they are.

  6. @ 601 Kakuru,

    Point taken 🙂

    Though it was really the mis/disinformation that I really meant to highlight in referring to the USA.

  7. The good thing is, though, that the Australian public saw through the Howard government in the end, despite all the spin, cover up and attacking the messenger, with their MSM cheersquad in tow. It’s going to take a long, long time for them to trust the coalition again.

  8. Sondeo wrote :

    “They can feign outrage about fuel and food and the cost of living all they like in the parliament and the press, but when you look their policies and what they tried to do to the Australian public it shows what hypocrites they are.”

    The public ARE awake to their tricks and what the libs tried to do with worst choices is going to haunt them for years to come.

    The libs better get used to eating humble pie because there is lots more coming their way.

  9. Kakuru @ 561 –

    The only involvement Lord Lunchalot should have with the UN is as a prisoner in the dock of its ICC war crimes tribunal.

    And I’m not impressed that the taxpayers are picking up the tab for his job interview, either! I had thought of writing my MP to demand a costing so I can work out how much to deduct from my next tax return, but I’d just be out of pocket another 50 cents. f#@#$%!


    Gary Bruce @ 574 – I see Grattan gives the ‘Rudd is overworking his staff’ nonsense another run. Many Howard staffers were required to be at their desks by 4.30 every morning, and quite a few of them were still there late at night.

  10. I saw a thing on Mal “tough” Brough and the NT intervention. He said the PS worked “day and night” to get the intervention happening.

    Its what they do. 🙂

  11. It seems some of the political journalists really want to see Costello as opposition leader. Hell, so do I but not for the the same reasons. If anything would ensure a Labor victory next election that would be it. What makes these journalists think Costello is popular with Joe Public?

  12. Costello had the leadership on a plate after the election – he chose not to take it. Why would he want it now?

    The only thing that is of interest regarding Tip is his book – he will defend his legacy and knife JWH thats a given.

    But who else will he shaft?

  13. Gary Bruce @ 611 – Caught a bit of yesterday’s HoR QT which included a couple of shots of Cossie, whom I haven’t seen for months. Maybe the late hour was affecting my eyesight, but he didn’t look at all well.

  14. MayoFeral #613

    yesterday’s HoR QT … he [Costello] didn’t look at all well

    Perhaps it is because he feels exposed, knowing that the parlous state of the economy today is the cumulative result of he, the immediately-preceding Treasurer, who held the post for almost 12 years until late last year.

    Realising that Labor will be quick and consistent in highlighting this would no doubt be enough to take the spring from anyone’s step.

  15. 612 ruawake

    Surely he’s going to pot Aaahlexaander after being left out of the loop during APEC?
    Surely the threat of Petes’ book must be driving the member for Mayo’s job search?

  16. Rx @ 614 –
    knowing that the parlous state of the economy today is the cumulative result of he, the immediately-preceding Treasurer,

    I doubt he gives (or gave!) a toss about the state of the economy, except maybe that his own economic circumstances have become ‘parlous’ on a backbenchers pay.

  17. Tried the next number in the polling series to get the morgan for this week and got this as the headline:

    ‘Australians are increasingly concerned that Prime Minister Rudd is turning into some sort of maniacal robotic self-deprecating and medicating automaton.’

    Can’t wait to see the poll that supports this!

  18. maniacal
    self-deprecating and
    medicating automaton.

    That is going to be an interesting poll

    Do you think Kevin Rudd is:
    1. maniacal
    2. robotic
    3. self-deprecating
    4. medicating
    5. automaton
    6. cant say, all of the above

    Something in the coffee at morgans now days.

  19. Was just about to post re the Morgan headline.

    What’s the bet he’s figured out people try to “look ahead” for his polls, and is having some fun with the headline?

    Hell, it’s what I’d do. I hope that’s what he’s doing – if not… I’m not even sure what the right words are, if that’s not what he’s doing. Something tragic.

  20. Morgan might have stopped doing TPP polls because they weren’t resulting in what he wanted (end of honeymoon)
    So now he lists half a dozen nasty adjectives and asks the punter which one is closest to Kev ?
    What a sad old shit!

  21. Big headline in the online Oz : “Captain Chaos – Inside Rudd’s Office”.

    And all it is is an advertisement for an article in tomorrow’s edition!

    What an eclectic assortment of tools!

  22. [And interesting to note that former One Nation MP John Fisher was at the launch, along with the former Member for Kalgoorlie.]

    Who is of course Graeme Campbell.

  23. They’re going to make referendums binding on all politicians!

    Wow. How are thet going to do that? Change the WA Constitution to make one parliament’s decision endure for eternity, binding all others? Don’t think that’s possible somehow.

    I know, once they get in, they won’t hold any referendums.

    How simplistic, self righteous and inane can you get?. Dan Sullivan is a vindictive, bitter opportunist who has demonstrated that no act of political chicanery is beneath him.

    Much as I dislike Omodei and what he stood for, I give him credit for having the courage to stand against Buswell as an independent, not grab onto the coat tails of a bunch of zealous religious hipocrites with their own neocon agendas.for the sake of a free ride.

    Parliamentary Spokesman indeed!

  24. [How simplistic, self righteous and inane can you get?. Dan Sullivan is a vindictive, bitter opportunist who has demonstrated that no act of political chicanery is beneath him.]

    I predict John Cummins and the IGA will be bankrolling this little charade.

  25. [I can’t help but notice that WA Family First are based in Serpentine. Who is the sinner prepared to cast the first apple?]


    I note that former One Nation WA MP’s Paddy Embery, Frank Hough, and former ALP then Member For Kalgoorlie were at today’s launch, along with Entertainer, former Perth City Coucillor and Mayoral Hopeful Max Kay.

    It seems it will be a One Nation Front.

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