Today’s Fairfax broadsheets bring us the latest monthly ACNielsen survey of federal voting intention, showing Labor’s two-party lead narrowing slightly from 57-43 to 56-44. It also finds Peter Costello favoured as Liberal leader by 37 per cent of respondents against 29 per cent for Malcolm Turnbull and 19 per cent for Brendan Nelson, and gives the government generally poor ratings for its handling of petrol prices despite a Labor lead of 38 per cent to 34 per cent as the party best able to handle the issue.
Another federal poll which earlier escaped notice was last Monday’s Westpoll survey of 400 Western Australian voters. It showed Labor with a two-party lead in the state of 53-47, which can be read as good news for the government if compared with the 2007 election result (53.3-46.7 in the Coalition’s favour), or bad news if compared with the April Westpoll (63-37 to Labor). It too found Peter Costello favoured as Liberal leader, with 21 per cent support, against 18 per cent for both Malcolm Turnbull and local hero Julie Bishop and just 10 per cent for Brendan Nelson. We will presumably be hearing from Newspoll this evening.
and you were the poll dancer i presume 🙂
steve@98: as much as I have no respect for Bjelke Petersen, did he ever have anyone kidnapped and murdered for complaining.?
No, my night off.
Mr Mumbles, what are you doing here? I thought you’d be slaving away writing the update for your site in raw HTML (since you dont yet have a blog! grumble grumble – I’m not going to let this go you know Pete!
Oh no, call the cops! Mumble rolled again!,25197,23875578-601,00.html
and newspoll says:,25197,23875578-601,00.html
Missed it Pete:,25197,23875578-601,00.html
Well arent we all just pathetic!
we are all poll tragics….god help us all.. 🙂
Simply incredible!
The result I mean – simply incredible after a tough week the Ruddster has pulled away.
Now will the commentators now come out and admit they were wrong?? Yeah sure
The end of the Milne Petrol inspired honeymoon?
Possum, I really will get the blog happening. In fact, I’ve started practicing here but I am a very slow learner. I want to preserve the flexibility to put cartoons in the top and so on.
In the meantime, you can now find Newspoll here.
I need to get a life. Or at least another hobby.
Sorry, I mean here.
One end of the spectrum, 56 being the other end?
maybe people are like playing silly buggers ,having a joke withh the pollsters you know the aussie larrikin spirit-oops that was jwh last year 🙂
How dare Sam Maiden claim that “KEVIN Rudd’s honeymoon with Australian voters is not yet over…” Someone at the Oz needs to have her tested for drug use. How can she not be aware that the honeymoon ended when Dennis said it so?
What a shame! The poor, poor Libs!
The opposition are cactus and by implication so is Dr Nelson.
Turnbull should challenge soon. The time is right.
Expect Gippsland to be close. Very close. If the ALP wins it then the opposition will tear itself apart. No wonder Costello can’t be tempted to stay.
Brenda’s peaked 13% and falling
118 mumble. Whoah, this should be fun watching Dennis trying to spin this one hehe.
Faaaaark! I thought I was being ironic!
I doubt Gippsland will fall. It is the type of seats that won’t change much, which means other seats are moving more.
New thread.
Peak Brenda!!
maybe poss could start a futures market 🙂
There will be a new Lib leader soon one suspects. Turnbull ,Costello or even Downer.
Let the backstabbing begin.
Regardless of Nelson’s small fluctuations it is time right now to give Turnbull a go. I want to see if he is strong enough to get the LNP to make changes and especially drop Workchoices. If he shows some promise in the polls then he might find himself with some clout within his own group….dreaming, but we really do need a competent and relevant Opposition party.
Oh Pete – you’re just sweet talkin’ me with your gonna be wordpress ways!
Throwing the Newspoll into context, here’s the ALP TPP for every poll of 2008 from the three majors (Newspoll, Morgan and ACN) with a smoothed non-parametric regression line running through them to show us the likely state of play.