Newspoll: 51-49 to Labor (open thread)

Slight movement away from Labor on voting intention amid an overall static result from Newspoll.

The Australian reports the latest Newspoll has Labor’s lead at 51-49, in from 52-48 three weeks ago, from primary votes of Labor 32% (down one), Coalition 37% (up one), Greens 13% (up one) and One Nation 7% (up one). Personal ratings are little changed, with Anthony Albanese up one on approval to 44% and steady on disapproval at 51%, Peter Dutton steady at 37% and up one to 52%, and Albanese’s lead as preferred prime minister out from 47-35 to 48-34. The poll was conducted Monday to Friday from a sample of 1223.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

363 comments on “Newspoll: 51-49 to Labor (open thread)”

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  1. Boerwar says:
    Monday, March 25, 2024 at 8:27 pm

    IMO, the vision is a fairer society, an uncorrupt society, women taking their just place in the world, workers supported by the state, minorities embraced, no-one left behind, and public provision of health and education, all based on a functioning economy along with rational progress towards zero net fifty.


    Don’t forget to mention that your “rational progress towards zero net fifty” is based on preventing Australian migrants from ever travelling to see their families again, and killing everyone’s pets.

  2. So, have the Tasmanian Greens, true to their principles and consistent with their criticism of Labor, NOT conceded and have instead offered to form a government with the Liberals?

  3. Rewi says:
    Monday, March 25, 2024 at 8:14 pm
    I wonder if there will ever be a catalyst as there was with Timor L’Este for West Papuan independence.

    “The short videos depict a man in a barrel of water unable to defend himself being brutally beaten by a group of five men, who also taunt him with racist slurs.

    “One man tells the others to be patient because they’ll all have their turn.”

    ————. —

    Yes. Heard that truly shocking cruelty on ABC radio this morning. Notice that the USA or Australia hasn’t stepped in. Just as they ignore Myanmar and the Rohingya’s. But complain loudly about certain other countries abuse of human rights.

    Double standards clearly visible.

  4. Lars Von Triersays:
    Monday, March 25, 2024 at 7:21 pm
    “Slip slidin, Slip sliding away…”

    You’re on the skids Lars.

  5. ‘Rainman says:
    Monday, March 25, 2024 at 8:45 pm

    Boerwar says:
    Monday, March 25, 2024 at 8:27 pm

    IMO, the vision is a fairer society, an uncorrupt society, women taking their just place in the world, workers supported by the state, minorities embraced, no-one left behind, and public provision of health and education, all based on a functioning economy along with rational progress towards zero net fifty.


    Don’t forget to mention that your “rational progress towards zero net fifty” is based on preventing Australian migrants from ever travelling to see their families again, and killing everyone’s pets.’
    A couple of strawpeople there, Rainperson.
    1. I am all for people traveling to see their families again just so long as they don’t cook their relations in so doing.
    2. I am all for pets providing that the opportunity cost is not $33 billion, trillions of wild animals killed, and the opportunity cost does not include taking food out of the famine-hit parts of the world.

  6. ‘Irene says:
    Monday, March 25, 2024 at 8:46 pm

    Rewi says:
    Monday, March 25, 2024 at 8:14 pm
    I wonder if there will ever be a catalyst as there was with Timor L’Este for West Papuan independence.

    “The short videos depict a man in a barrel of water unable to defend himself being brutally beaten by a group of five men, who also taunt him with racist slurs.

    “One man tells the others to be patient because they’ll all have their turn.”

    ————. —

    Yes. Heard that truly shocking cruelty. Notice that the USA or Australia hasn’t stepped in. Just as they ignore Myanmar and the Rohingya’s. But complain loudly about certain other countries abuse of human rights.’
    Any minute now and Irene will launch into the horrors of organ ‘harvesting’ in China’s prisons.
    Double standards clearly visible.

  7. Labor is always Authoritarian but never Right Wing.
    Right Wing Government is characterised by Rule of Law and respect for the individual as a Citizen.
    Labor is about exploitation of Minorities for Electoral advantage.
    No Rule of Law or respect in that Witches Brew.

  8. If Gympie thinks corruption and climate change are feminine issues, does he think that males are not concerned with either? I wonder what he thinks masculine issues might be?

    And although I did use the te climate change, I think it time to start using global warming again.

  9. Boerwar at 8.27 pm

    “IMO, the vision is a fairer society, an uncorrupt society, women taking their just place in the world, workers supported by the state, minorities embraced, no-one left behind, and public provision of health and education, all based on a functioning economy along with rational progress towards zero net fifty.”

    This is laudable rhetoric, as indeed Albo’s rhetoric on the Voice was laudable, though his timing wasn’t.

    But it is still not vision, particularly because the more specific it becomes the less realised it has been, so far in practice. E.g. “nobody left behind”. They just haven’t done enough to get anywhere near that aim, as witness rejecting the recommendations of the Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee etc.

    Labor is better on health than on education but you yourself said earlier today there is insufficient real movement to respond to global warming. You blamed the consumers, Green ones included. Certainly correct, but there needs to be leadership from above. That’s where vision comes in as important. If the vision isn’t inspiring action, it’s not doing much at all, so maybe it isn’t there.

    Five and a half years ago media people kept saying “Albo gave a speech” (about a minor matter). Now that he is PM, what has he said, in a speech, that is aiming to connect widely, about the above? When?

  10. ‘Dr Doolittle says:
    Monday, March 25, 2024 at 8:57 pm

    Boerwar at 8.27 pm

    “IMO, the vision is a fairer society, an uncorrupt society, women taking their just place in the world, workers supported by the state, minorities embraced, no-one left behind, and public provision of health and education, all based on a functioning economy along with rational progress towards zero net fifty.”

    This is laudable rhetoric, as indeed Albo’s rhetoric on the Voice was laudable, though his timing wasn’t.

    But it is still not vision, particularly because the more specific it becomes the less realised it has been, so far in practice. E.g. “nobody left behind”. They just haven’t done enough to get anywhere near that aim, as witness rejecting the recommendations of the Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee etc.

    Labor is better on health than on education but you yourself said earlier today there is insufficient real movement to respond to global warming. You blamed the consumers, Green ones included. Certainly correct, but there needs to be leadership from above. That’s where vision comes in as important. If the vision isn’t inspiring action, it’s not doing much at all, so maybe it isn’t there.

    Five and a half years ago media people kept saying “Albo gave a speech” (about a minor matter). Now that he is PM, what has he said, in a speech, that is aiming to connect widely, about the above? When?’
    For me ‘visions’ are unattainable. We will never have a totally just society. No society has ever been such.
    We can have progress towards, stasis, or back sliding across all domains.

    In terms of consumers, why would I blame them and for what? We have consumers at the moment blaming Labor for not making enough progress on climate change. Fair enough, noting that no government in the world is making enough progress on climate change. In fact the majority are busy adding vast amounts of CO2 to the atmosphere. And why is that? Because no government that made sufficient progress to climate change would last after the next election. Consumers want to consume.

    These same consumers fly, tourist, eat meat and dairy, wear their clothes once and live in the largest housing space per capita in the world. However, some of them have voted for the Greens so now all they have to do is wait until everyone else acts, blame Labor and the Liberals, while they get on with their consumption. They have absolved themselves.

    As noted previously, consumerism plus infinite growth will be our doom.

  11. well thats what you get when you higher David speers he ashured his mate frydenberg would be liberal leader because he has wanted the job since 17 not that he had tallint

  12. Astute Bludgers will have noticed that West Irian as was (now broken into a number of provinces) has substantial devolution.
    This is in line with the general devolution from Java power across the archipelago. By way of irony this to some extent approximates the Dutch suggestion of post-colonial Indonesia as a confederation. Sukarno was having none of that, of course.
    The populations of the larger cities would have varied and quite contradictory views on independence.
    (The erstwhile sultans of Ternate would actually recognize at least some of the boundaries were they still around so to do.)

  13. In Gympie-land, real men love the heat, drive monster trucks, reckon the environment is a place to go hunting, fishing, mining or subdividing and that koalas are leaners and bludgers. Real men don’t pay tax and they’re on the take…

  14. In Gympie-land, real men love the heat, drive monster trucks

    … can’t park for sh*te.

    (Not a Gympie parking spot(s).)

  15. Yeah Feminine Issues, such as:
    #1. Ooooowah, I care so much about people on the other side of the world, even though I know nothing about them.
    #2. Oooooowah, someone’s got more toys than me.
    Call the police.
    #3. Ooooowah, a koala might get run over.
    Ban all cars.
    You get the drift. A lot of males are like this too.
    The Masculine approach would be:
    #1. Yeah, something is happening on the other side of the world and it’s none of my business.
    #2. Yeah, Jason down the road has 6 cars a boat and a jetski, he’s worked 80 hours a week for 30 years and his kids hate his guts. You cooked dinner, I’ll do the washing up.
    #3.When that area was a Forestry Coupe, koalas weren’t getting run over. Sensible people drive to the conditions and don’t break the speed limit just because no one’s watching.

  16. Rainman says:
    Monday, March 25, 2024 at 8:35 pm
    ‘Mr Rockliff, the nation’s only Liberal premier, has reached out to the Jacqui Lambie Network, which has secured two seats and possibly a third, as well as two independents.

    The Greens, who have at least four seats, labelled Labor’s decision to effectively concede as “gifting” the Liberals government.’

    Lambie has expressed surprise that Labor didn’t even bother reaching out to her before conceding to the Liberals. Everyone knows Labor hates the Greens, but why would they just hand government to the Liberals, whose policy is to log 40,000 hectares of native forests, without even trying to put together a coalition.

    It’s personal before policy and it’s pathetic. Why would anyone ever bother voting for them again?

    * Liberal 12, Labor 10, Greens four, Jacqui Lambie Network two, independents two, in doubt four.


    Why shouldn’t the largest party as elected have first go at forming government? Just because you do not subscribe to their policies? It is a minority government so we won’t even know which of these policies will be implemented anyway.

  17. Gympie, you sound somewhat deranged I must say. I assume you are just doing a parody as some sort of entertainment?.

  18. Both utes in this picture can carry the same amount of cargo in their trailer.

    Three guesses as to which one is the most fuel efficient.

  19. Gympie is moving from being entertaining to bigotry. Maybe it is a social experiment to see how far can Bilbo be pushed.

  20. Feminine issues are things like:

    – how women continue to disproportionately experience domestic and family violence
    – one woman is killed in this country every week on average
    – toxic masculinity appears to be a growth industry
    – the gender pay gap is pervasive despite efforts to address women’s inequality
    – how rightwing reactionaries in government and institutions of influence are still trying to control our bodies
    – why is it so hard for women to be preselected to winnable seats in the coalition parties

    And so on and so on.

  21. kirksdarke its not just about bed capacity. Its also about towing capacity and room for an entire family. Those big ones are usually powered by a cummins diesel big block that is just as fuel efficient as the smaller ones. They have their place in society, but the issue in this country is that the buying of one is now seen as a status symbol within some clicks.
    In Zimbabwe we had 3 F250’s for the farm and as a useful way to get our family and stock/feed around on the same ride. But yes I fundamentally recoil when seeing these groot beasts in suburban stads.

  22. Ven
    Just popped in for a look and saw your 6.07pm post pointing out my error in attributing one of Irene’s posts to you earlier in the day. Not sure how I did that but yes of course I apologize to you. It was very careless of me. I hope you get to see this tonight.

    * Liberal 12, Labor 10, Greens four, Jacqui Lambie Network two, independents two, in doubt four.”

    Hopefully it goes better than in NSW a year ago, when every single seat that was doubtful at the end of election night went to the bad guys.

    And yes, I was surprised that Labor threw in the towel. Even if there’s not much chance, keep it going a bit longer. Talk to the Greens, the Lambites and the independents and explore the possibilities. The Governor will make up his own mind as to what he should do. Maybe the Liberals get first shot. And just maybe they fail. Why just give up?

  24. @Daniel Plainview

    Okay, I understand that in many cases, someone would be more inclined to obtain the bigger ute for practical purposes like that.

    It’s just that in this current political atmosphere about vehicles that a lot of them want to buy the big ute as opposed to the small ute as a sort of status symbol.

  25. Kirsdarke @ #302 Monday, March 25th, 2024 – 8:29 pm


    Yeah, I get that modern Labor tends to be more right wing than their base would like, but then there’s the fact that the overall media environment for them is pretty much “The Floor Is Lava” while it’s mostly “The Soft Cushions” for when the Coalition is in power, because the media have their own objectives and have been able to consolidate their power to the right over the past 50 years.

    So essentially that bakes down the choice between a Labor government that has to make compromises, or a perpetual Coalition government that can frankly do whatever it wants, just as long as it doesn’t annoy Murdoch.


    Like, for example, why is Peter Dutton even being taken seriously by the media with his Nuclear Power brainfart, when all sensible analysis tells us as clear as day that it’s a non-starter!?! Is it because he says it with such certainty? Got me beat.

  26. Yes kirkjdarke, we both share the same feelings for those big boys being used not for work but as look at me I have a big dick trophies.

  27. These polls are largely meaningless this far out from an election.

    I remember plenty of good polls for the Labor party against John Howard, only for them to lose 4 elections in a row.

  28. Timor L’Este was never going to be free, until it was.

    That said, it took something special as Dr Doolittle set out which is why I wondered if there will ever be a similar catalyst.

    It doesn’t seem likely. Meanwhile Prabowo ascends and crimes like this are committed by the military our government has forged closer ties with over the past two decades.

  29. Boerwar says:
    Monday, March 25, 2024 at 8:27 pm

    IMO, the vision is a fairer society, an uncorrupt society, women taking their just place in the world, workers supported by the state, minorities embraced, no-one left behind, and public provision of health and education, all based on a functioning economy along with rational progress towards zero net fifty.
    There’s one minority group that’s mostly ignored by all governments.

  30. Bobalot says:
    Monday, March 25, 2024 at 10:01 pm

    These polls are largely meaningless this far out from an election.

    I remember plenty of good polls for the Labor party against John Howard, only for them to lose 4 elections in a row.

    That may be true, but the main point in mid-term polls like this is how the parties respond to it. I think if this chains Federal Labor into a pattern where if it seems likely that it will lose the next election, it will change its tactics appropriately, according to the data that is obtained from these polls.

  31. Confessionssays:
    Monday, March 25, 2024 at 9:35 pm
    Feminine issues are things like:

    – how women continue to disproportionately experience domestic and family violence
    – one woman is killed in this country every week on average
    – toxic masculinity appears to be a growth industry
    – the gender pay gap is pervasive despite efforts to address women’s inequality
    – why is it so hard for women to be preselected to winnable seats in the coalition parties

    And so on and so on.
    They are economic and law & order issues that are traditionally conservative bread and butter issues but the right has lost the plot.

  32. C@tmomma says:
    “Like, for example, why is Peter Dutton even being taken seriously by the media with his Nuclear Power brainfart, when all sensible analysis tells us as clear as day that it’s a non-starter!?! ”
    – – — – – –
    Well, we’re committed to the Nuclear Fuel Cycle under AUKUS. Perhaps we won’t be taking Nuclear Waste until the Subs are delivered, which is good, because we’re never getting the Subs, but I wouldn’t bet on it.
    So, Albanese has to pick a site for the Nuclear Waste dump. Good luck with that.
    So, we’ve been screwed on Nuclear Waste by the Labor Party too.
    At some stage Albanese has got to get down off his Magic Pony and fight the Issue.
    Is he against Nuclear Waste? Yeah, nah.
    Is he against Nuclear Power near homes? He’s already nominated the Stirling base as the Subs home, so it’s yeah, nah.
    So, what’s his problem?
    With a fair bit of luck, P.M. Dutton will commission an Inquiry, the Inquiry will find that Nuclear Power doesn’t stack up on a Cost/benefit analysis, and we can all move on.

  33. Player Onesays:
    Monday, March 25, 2024 at 9:39 pm
    gympie @ #272 Monday, March 25th, 2024 – 7:48 pm

    Climate change and corruption are Feminine Issues …

    I find it hard to believe that someone could seriously post this.

    What century are we in now? Nineteenth? Eighteenth? Earlier?
    There’s a sizable population of mostly men that see the world that way and its something gender advocates are worried about.

  34. It should be a rule to stay within the debate around political discourse and associated issues. When people just begin to attack others instead it can ruin the whole debate.

  35. Gympie …………” with fair bit of luck……………….” Oz will escape another dud Liberal PM in Dutton……
    Some Liberal hopefuls here are talking about Albanese being replaced by Labor sometime between now and the next election whereas I am inclined to believe it is Dutton who will be as dead as mutton (could not miss the pun) when in comes to being moved on.
    Face it, the only place he can get a vote is in the sticks and mainly in the sticks of Queensland……
    Love the Queenslanders but the further north you go, the slower they speak and it is no wonder the rest of Oz tends to view that part of our great land as the Deep North….

  36. “Face it, the only place he can get a vote is in the sticks and mainly in the sticks of Queensland……”
    Keep telling yourself that, it’s called getting high on your own supply.
    The reality is that the only people who can stop Dutton are the Liberal Party and the issue of Nuclear Power.
    The Australian has been pushing Nuclear Power for a couple years, particularly on it’s Editorial pages. Perhaps he’s got sucked in by Murdoch, he wouldn’t be the first, perhaps he’s got a plan, as I proposed above.
    The history of the Liberal Party says they’ll chew up a few leaders in Opposition so the odds are stacked against him.

  37. Dutton is just a less intelligent Pauline Hanson without a personality.

    A lot of LNP brand loyalty, but they’d be wise to dump him for a semi-intelligent person, who can disguise their racism just a tiny bit and has some personality.

    If that person could offer a tiny bit of a vision they’d have every chance of being competative.

  38. Rewi says:
    Monday, March 25, 2024 at 10:04 pm
    Timor L’Este was never going to be free, until it was.

    That said, it took something special as Dr Doolittle set out which is why I wondered if there will ever be a similar catalyst.

    It doesn’t seem likely. Meanwhile Prabowo ascends and crimes like this are committed by the military our government has forged closer ties with over the past two decades.


    The U.N. is responsible for Indonesia’s brutal occupation of West Papua. They oversaw the 1969 referendum, which was supposed to decide if West Papuans wanted independence from Indonesia. It was a sham. The ‘Act of Free Choice’ was an ‘Act of No Choice’, being restricted to a vote of 1,000 government selected delegates.

    Indonesia will never allow independence for West Papua, and it’s not just about resources. There is a major difference between Timor L’Este and West Papua. West Papua is over 20% of Indonesia’s very populated land mass. Indonesia has a population of 275 million people and over half of them live on Java. Indonesia’s Transmigration policy in the 1980s was aimed at relieving overcrowding on Java, and started a large migration of Javanese to West Papua. Out of West Papua’s population of 5 million, 1 million are now Javanese. Javanese aside, there are also pre-existing ethnic tensions amongst Indigenous West Papuans.

    Australia’s support of Indonesia’s claim to West Papua goes beyond its economic and defence interests. Although unstated, Australia has no interest in seeing independence for what would quickly become a failed state.

  39. Redbridge Poll looms (also known as their national political compass)
    Sizeable sample too – 2590
    Poll Period 14-20 March.

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