Newspoll: 52-48 to Labor (open thread)

Newspoll records a post-referendum slump for Anthony Albanese and Labor’s weakest voting intention numbers since the election, though there is somewhat better news for the government from RedBridge Group.

The Australian reports the latest Newspoll has Labor’s lead at 52-48, in from 54-46 at the poll conducted from October 4 to 12 in the lead-up to the referendum, from primary votes of Labor 35% (down one), Coalition 37% (up two), Greens 12% (steady) and One Nation 6% (steady). This is the narrowest two-party Newspoll result since the election, eclipsing two of the last four results which had it at 53-47.

Anthony Albanese’s personal ratings have taken a tumble, down four on approval to 42% and up six on disapproval to 52%. The net rating of minus 10 is substantially weaker than his previous worst results for the term of minus one, likewise recorded in two of the previous four polls. Peter Dutton is at 37% approval and 50% disapproval, which is respectively up two and down three on the previous Newspoll result, but equal to the poll before. Albanese’s lead as preferred prime minister is now 46-36, in from 51-31 last time. The poll was conducted Monday to Friday from a sample of 1220.

Also out today was the latest federal poll from RedBridge Group which has Labor’s two-party lead at 53.5-46.5, in from 54.1-45.9 in the pollster’s previous result from early September. The primary votes were Labor 34% (down three), Coalition 35% (down one), Greens 14% (up one) and others 17% (up three). The poll was conducted October 27 to November 2 from a sample of 1205.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,243 comments on “Newspoll: 52-48 to Labor (open thread)”

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  1. Why is Vivek Ramaswamy behaving like a obnoxious twit like Trump?

    Presumably, he thinks that is the best way to win over the obnoxious twits that increasingly dominate the GOP base.

  2. The real beauty of tourism’s 8% of CO2 is that it is going to hang around for over 300 years. That includes of course the CO2 emitted by people traveling to barefoot luxury resorts all over the world.

  3. Anthony Albanese and his government have found themselves jammed in a political pincher.
    Squeezing from one side is a Peter Dutton-led opposition with an insatiable desire for a fight. From the other, the highest court in the land and rulings that have blown a hole in Australia’s immigration detention system.
    As it stands, up to 100 people detained in immigration detention, the bulk of whom past governments have refused visas on character grounds, stand ready to be released into the community.
    This isn’t a problem of Albanese’s making but it is his government’s to resolve. Handled poorly, it could have catastrophic consequences for the first-term government.

  4. 6m ago
    15.45 AEDT
    Josh Taylor
    Josh Taylor
    Scammers are already sending out text messages pretending to be Optus and apologising for yesterday’s outage.

    The National Anti-Scam Centre has posted that the text message claims compensation is on offer for customers, and includes a malicious link.

    “If you receive a message like this, it’s a scam. There’s no compensation on offer. Don’t click the link,” the centre posted on X (formerly Twitter).

  5. Actually, that oestrogen hypothesis has been questioned recent years. Apparently the cause and effect bow that was drawn about it was very vague and statistically unable to be substantiated. Like the old “cholesterol causes heart disease” it was an assumption. Other factors such as diet (statistically the MAJOR factor) and stress, and better use of healthcare (i.e. women tend to seek help earlier and are less likely to ignore warning signs) etc. are now seen as the more likely culprits/saviours.

  6. Australia will be sold its first new American nuclear-powered submarine in 2038, according to a senior US naval officer who has also revealed that initial sales of second-hand Virginia-class boats will likely take place in 2032 and 2035.
    During a separate media event in Sydney, the visiting commander of the US Pacific fleet also assured Australians that this country will maintain full sovereignty over the American technology when it eventually comes into service here.
    Speaking in Washington, the US commander of submarine forces, Vice Admiral Bill Houston, provided a provisional timeline for transferring Virginia-class submarines to Australia under the AUKUS partnership.
    According to US publication Breaking Defense, Vice Admiral Houston said planned US sales of “in-service submarines” to Australia are expected in 2032 and 2035, while the 2038 sale will be a newly constructed Block VII version of the Virginia-class.

  7. US and China politics will have a far greater affect on us than the culture wars Dutton is attempting to execute. When it comes to Dutton’s culture wars, my mind has long been made up, the guy is an idiot, and the cave scratching by P1, Taylor made etc. isn’t going to change my mind.

  8. WeWantPaul says:
    Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 3:25 pm
    “One of the major differences in male vs female longevity, other than the behavioural factors that have been concentrated on here, is the protective effect of oestrogen on the cardiovascular system.”

    So the question is how much oestrogen males can safely take. Like just speaking for myself I’d be delighted if I never had to shave again but bras seems excessively expensive and I cannot believe they are comfortable.


    It is possibly the other way around. Androgens having a deleterious effect on lifespan. See:

    The only sure thing is that there will be many more mice castrated in the name of science!

  9. “Actually, that oestrogen hypothesis has been questioned recent years. Apparently the cause and effect bow that was drawn about it was very vague and statistically unable to be substantiated.”

    “It is possibly the other way around. Androgens having a deleterious effect on lifespan. ”

    Very disappointing there goes my plans for a line of man bras with a 5000% markup to cost.

  10. Holdenhillbilly says:
    Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 3:52 pm

    Worthington’s highly opinionated article imagining (hoping and praying?) that the High Court decision will lead to the destruction of the Albanese government:

    The Greens will love what’s happened this week. Already benefiting from the Labor diehards considering moving their vote after the government, in their eyes, appeared too pro-Israel in recent weeks, the Greens will seek to capitalise on any new hardline immigration laws.

    Dutton, fresh from a campaign knocking off the Voice to Parliament, will seek to eviscerate any legislation that might, in his words, “weaken” detention. That the High Court has ruled indefinite detention illegal won’t factor in the Coalition’s hyperbole in the weeks to come.

    It’s Albanese who will be left to carry the can.

    He governs in majority by the tiniest of margins. Lose just two seats to the Greens or Coalition at the next election and he’ll be forced to govern in minority.

  11. As your Oestrogen levels go DOWN as you age, post menopause, as a woman it has less protective effect than some men seem to think 😐

    With menopause, your estrogen levels drop and you no longer ovulate. The primary estrogen in your body changes from estradiol (E2) to estrone (E1) during menopause.
    (The Cleveland Clinic)

  12. Androgens are indeed deleterious to lifespan, they worsen one’s lipid profile by decreasing HDL and increasing LDL, thereby increasing the risk of developing cardiovascular complications. Also it is virtually impossible to develop prostate cancer without circulating androgens. There are anecdotal reports of many eunuchs historically living into their nineties. Neutered cats and dogs also like a year or two longer than their intact counterparts.

    That being said, oestrogens probably have a protective effect separate from the deleterious effect of androgens. Pre-menopausal women have much lower rates of heart disease than men; after menopause, the effect is not as great.

    Unfortunately, the gain of life expectancy (one or two years in one’s dotage) through castration probably does not make up for the “quality-adjusted-life-years” lost in the process. I shall be keeping my reproductive organs for now.

  13. “If you receive a message like this, it’s a scam. There’s no compensation on offer. Don’t click the link”

    There should be compensation on offer. Have to assume there’ll be a pretty slam-dunk class action if they’re not putting anything up voluntarily.

  14. Australia will be sold its first new American nuclear-powered submarine in 2038, according to a senior US naval officer who has also revealed that initial sales of second-hand Virginia-class boats will likely take place in 2032 and 2035.

    That = 3. So will that keep the naysayers happy? Probably not. 😐

  15. In case anyone needs a furry animal right now:

    And the community message:

    “With beautiful humans like Sarah Fisher from CLFIP our wildlife have a better chance of survival.
    Sarah was slowly travelling down Peter Meadows Road knowing it’s a wildlife hotspot when a koala was walking down the middle of the road. Sarah contacted Ricardo for advice on how to get this stubborn koala off the road. Ricardo said he would head over to assist but by the time Ricardo got to the location Sarah got this cutie into a nearby tree. The koala was healthy and Ricardo is monitoring the koala.
    Take care whilst driving in wildlife known areas.
    Greg Warren MP, Dr Mike Freelander MP, Deputy Mayor Campbelltown City Council Masud Khalil, Mayor of Campbelltown George Greiss”

  16. citizen @ #1088 Thursday, November 9th, 2023 – 4:24 pm

    Holdenhillbilly says:
    Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 3:52 pm

    Worthington’s highly opinionated article imagining (hoping and praying?) that the High Court decision will lead to the destruction of the Albanese government:

    The Greens will love what’s happened this week. Already benefiting from the Labor diehards considering moving their vote after the government, in their eyes, appeared too pro-Israel in recent weeks, the Greens will seek to capitalise on any new hardline immigration laws.

    Dutton, fresh from a campaign knocking off the Voice to Parliament, will seek to eviscerate any legislation that might, in his words, “weaken” detention. That the High Court has ruled indefinite detention illegal won’t factor in the Coalition’s hyperbole in the weeks to come.

    It’s Albanese who will be left to carry the can.

    He governs in majority by the tiniest of margins. Lose just two seats to the Greens or Coalition at the next election and he’ll be forced to govern in minority.

    Yep. And I know how the federal government could cut both sides of the pincer movement off at the knees. Although the pearl clutchers of the Lunar Left will probably rain down fire and brimstone on me…put ankle bracelets on all detainees which must be let out into the community who had previously failed the character test. They can live a normal life now, out in the community, as long as they behave themselves.

  17. Rex Douglas says:
    Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 3:58 pm

    Interesting podcast on Greenwashing .. stat from program.. Total electricity generated world wide since nuclear reactors used is 360 gigawatts Total electricity generated by photo voltaic cells in China in 2023 alone is 500 gigawatts & by the end of 2026 another 500gigawatts installed… It’s all over for nuclear & fossil fuel power generation.. all we face is the lingering political corruption that’s dragging out the inevitable

  18. ‘Liberalism and tolerance within a nation’s borders depends on the strictly legal and systematic control of the entry of others through those borders.’


  19. Holden hillbilly

    “ Roy Morgan @RoyMorganAus
    Over 3 million Australians were either #unemployed (1.54 million) or under-employed (1.58 million) in October 2023.
    This is the largest pool of under-utilised labour in the Australian economy for three years since October 2020 when Victoria was in an extended lockdown.”

    Not surprising. There has been a large slowdown in my own field (infrastructure planning and business cases, design) since the government changed in mid 2022. Somebody was obviously ordered to put a halt on any new spending while IA did its review. Halting spending on Morrison approved projects was correct but some communication of the decision would have been nice.

    I had three jobs in progress and all three were frozen with no spending for months. My own income halved in 2022/23. There has been a noticeable uptick since the 2023 budget but still not back to 2021 activity levels. I know several people in Adelaide engineering who lost jobs in this period.

  20. Holden hillbilly

    “ According to US publication Breaking Defense, Vice Admiral Houston said planned US sales of “in-service submarines” to Australia are expected in 2032 and 2035, while the 2038 sale will be a newly constructed Block VII version of the Virginia-class.”

    The unmistakable trend is that the expenditure is getting slid backwards in time. AUKUS will see a lot of money spent a long time from now. The Virginia Block VII (Block VI?) will be state of the art but costly. This gives Australia ten years to train a crew and fifteen years for a maintenance workforce for boat one.

    After checking dates, the first two are one year earlier than previously promised.

  21. Optus will provide eligible customers with 200GB of extra data as compensation for the nationwide outage on Wednesday that impacted more than 10 million Australians and lasted for more than 12 hours.
    In a statement, Optus CEO Kelly Bayer Rosmarin said the additional data was to acknowledge the “patience and loyalty” of their customers.
    Eligible customers will have until the end of the year to activate the additional data, which will be available from Monday, November 13.

  22. Albo, the Master Greenwasher (from the Australia Institute):

    “At the same time as Anthony Albanese flew into the Cook Islands to discuss climate action at the Pacific Island Forum, the Australian Parliament was on the verge of passing the new Sea Dumping legislation.

    This bill will allow Santos to pump millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide, 800 kilometres north into the east Timor Sea, just so we can pretend that one day the enormous new Barossa gas field might be ‘carbon neutral’…”

  23. Is Bandt off the boil?
    His performance on the Voice was a shocker.
    He is blocking several pieces of progressive legislation in the Senate.
    When will the Shoebridge knife in the back event happen?

  24. Sohar @ #1181 Thursday, November 9th, 2023 – 5:42 pm

    Albo, the Master Greenwasher (from the Australia Institute):

    “At the same time as Anthony Albanese flew into the Cook Islands to discuss climate action at the Pacific Island Forum, the Australian Parliament was on the verge of passing the new Sea Dumping legislation.

    This bill will allow Santos to pump millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide, 800 kilometres north into the east Timor Sea, just so we can pretend that one day the enormous new Barossa gas field might be ‘carbon neutral’…”

    CCS is a dud.

  25. Sceptic @ #1173 Thursday, November 9th, 2023 – 4:53 pm

    Rex Douglas says:
    Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 3:58 pm

    Interesting podcast on Greenwashing .. stat from program.. Total electricity generated world wide since nuclear reactors used is 360 gigawatts Total electricity generated by photo voltaic cells in China in 2023 alone is 500 gigawatts & by the end of 2026 another 500gigawatts installed… It’s all over fro nuclear & fossil fuel power generation.. all we face is the lingering political corruption that’s dragging out the inevitable

    We also have to hear the squeals of the east coast precious petals who get conniptions at the sight of an offshore turbine turning gently in the natural breeze creating the cheapest energy.

  26. Rex Douglas @ #1148 Thursday, November 9th, 2023 – 3:16 pm

    Boerwar @ #1144 Thursday, November 9th, 2023 – 3:05 pm

    We earthians are zooming through 1.5 degrees and heading towards north of 2.5
    The world’s tourism industry generates 8% of global emissions.
    That industry is purely a matter of personal consumption choices.
    Domestic livestock are a trickier issue because at least hundred million of the world’s poorest rely on livestock.
    There is no such excuse for tourism which is mainly consumed by the world’s wealthy, which has a huge negative global impact on biodiversity and which consumes a massive amount of housing otherwise available to the worlds’ homeless.
    Yet all major parties in Australia have it as a matter-of-faith policy that they wish to grow tourism.
    #2.5 M.A.D.

    So, what exactly do you want to do about tourism then …?

    Click to Edit – <b>Boerwar</b> @ <a href='; title='1699502711000' rel="ugc">#1144 Thursday, November 9th, 2023 – 3:05 pm</a>

    <blockquote>We earthians are zooming through 1.5 degrees and heading towards north of 2.5
    The world’s tourism industry generates 8% of global emissions.
    That industry is purely a matter of personal consumption choices.
    Domestic livestock are a trickier issue because at least hundred million of the world’s poorest rely on livestock.
    There is no such excuse for tourism which is mainly consumed by the world’s wealthy, which has a huge negative global impact on biodiversity and which consumes a massive amount of housing otherwise available to the worlds’ homeless.
    Yet all major parties in Australia have it as a matter-of-faith policy that they wish to grow tourism.
    #2.5 M.A.D.</blockquote>

    So, what exactly do you want to do about tourism then …?SaveCancelDelete

    Anything …?

  27. Boerwar @ Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 5:43 pm:

    “The background is that China has grabbed territory off the Philippines and the Philippines have now done or are doing joint naval exercises with the US, Australia and Japan.

    BW, I see that the Daily Xi Bowel Towelette has served up its usual bowlful of valium overdose word salad to cloak its piracy in the South China Sea.

  28. WeWantPaulsays:
    Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 3:25 pm
    “One of the major differences in male vs female longevity, other than the behavioural factors that have been concentrated on here, is the protective effect of oestrogen on the cardiovascular system.”

    So the question is how much oestrogen males can safely take. Like just speaking for myself I’d be delighted if I never had to shave again but bras seems excessively expensive and I cannot believe they are comfortable.
    I think it can be safely guaranteed that if men had to wear bras they would be much, much cheaper.

  29. Boerwar

    Thanks. For me it was fine. I have no mortgage and when Dad became ill last year I was able to spend plenty of time with him before he passed away. We had some great talks. So I have never bothered to complain about it personally here before.

    But for others I know with school aged kids and mortgages, it has been much harder. I wondered if it had been just an Adelaide thing but at a recent conference I caught up with inter-state colleagues who confirmed similar stories in Perth and Hobart. Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane are reportedly very busy, but local content rules by State agencies there ensures little or no work flows interstate. I know some people from SA who were desperate who have moved interstate.

    I still support the halt to the Morrison era pork bonanza which was terribly wasteful. It had to end. But there was obviously no plan to deal with the employment consequences in my industry. Certainly none that was communicated to industry. This both cost jobs, and left people wondering if they should look around for other work or move on to something else. Our professional association has tried to get meetings with State planning officials but we did not get replies to our inquiries for over six months. We are due to meet one in February. He cancelled a scheduled meeting yesterday.

    Other aspects of the Federal transport ministry have also ground very slowly, like various inquiries and reviews into issues like vehicle emissions and vehicle safety. Again my professional association has made time consuming submissions to these, but we are yet to see decisions that might improve things.

    It has been the same in defence, with many people I know in Adelaide left in a holding pattern. Decisions that have been made (Army IFVs to be built in Geelong) have been delayed up to three years. Places that missed out (e.g. Ipswich vehicle manufacture, Adelaide shipbuilding) are struggling.

    So whilst I do not wish Labor ill, or pretend that the LNP ministers in transport (Joyce) and defence (Dutton) were either ethical or competent, they were well connected to industry and kept the money flowing. Their Labor successors (Marles and King), stopped that as ordered. They have not understood the job costs of the cuts, or been capable of communicating any solution.

    Marles and King are intelligent, Marles is a lawyer and King with a background in social work. Both have zero professional skills and experience in the respective industries of their portfolio. Neither seems capable of communicating with their portfolio, or making prompt decisions that might start work flowing.

  30. Pocock and Lambie reminding everyone, vis a vis the Industrial Relations Bill, that they are not left wing on all things (might surprise some people who have rather over egged the greatness of Pocock), nor are they above feigning clearly insincere shock that the government wanted to pass the IR legislation in one piece and not let them chip bits out of it by aligning with the Coalition.

  31. Catcrank wrote,”because you are so bitter and bent out of shape” This unfortunate soul has no sense of irony. Also, she is supporting the wrong party. False consciousness in reverse.

  32. C@tmomma:

    Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 1:48 pm

    [‘It was just Mavis trying to throw their weight around by creating a false purity test, then judging others wrt it. ‘]

    As I’ve suggested before, it’s you – not me – whom throws their weight around on this site, behaving like a grand inquisitor, interrogating anyone who has the temerity to criticise, expressly or even impliedly, your treasured party. Talk about projection writ large!



    I agree that seniority really means zilch on a blog. I’d add, however,
    that it’s advantageous insofar as one becomes au fait with the actual politics of this blog.



    It’s good to see that you’re posting under your original screen persona. You won’t be hassled about the issue by me in the future!

  33. Socrates @ #1102 Thursday, November 9th, 2023 – 5:21 pm

    Holden hillbilly

    “ According to US publication Breaking Defense, Vice Admiral Houston said planned US sales of “in-service submarines” to Australia are expected in 2032 and 2035, while the 2038 sale will be a newly constructed Block VII version of the Virginia-class.”

    The unmistakable trend is that the expenditure is getting slid backwards in time. AUKUS will see a lot of money spent a long time from now. The Virginia Block VII (Block VI?) will be state of the art but costly. This gives Australia ten years to train a crew and fifteen years for a maintenance workforce for boat one.

    It takes time to turn around the Coalition Titanic canoe. Yet you still want the federal government to have done everything that needs to be done in order to correct the mistakes of the Coalition, yesterday.

    You don’t seem to acknowledge that those same friends of yours that you constantly bemoan about having lost their jobs, would still have lost them if the Coalition had been returned. You also see as a negative the review of the projects that were initiated under the Coalition by IA as a negative. Again, because of your friends and the work that you had which was slowed while the review took place. It’s not all about you and your friends in the Engineering industry! The federal government is trying to pay down the Coalition’s Trillion $ Debt that they left behind, reprioritise the Defense and Civilian infrastructure spend, and put it on a sustainable path into the future. If that makes you upset, so be it, because the federal government are taking the path of probity, and not opening the money spigot on boondoggles. You need to learn to deal with it better, Soc, and so do the other people with unrealistic expectations of this government.

    We have been given a time line for receiving our first 3 submarines, finally. You should have been appreciative of that, Soc, but instead you continue with the nitpicking. Sheesh!

  34. House GOP moves to reduce Buttigieg’s salary to $1

    The House GOP moved to reduce Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s salary to just $1, the conference’s latest move as conservatives have explored using obscure funding rules to exact political pain on the Biden administration.

    The cut for Buttigieg was adopted by voice vote as an amendment to the fiscal 2024 Transportation-HUD spending bill and was put forth by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.). The bill still needs to be approved by the full House but stands no chance at approval from the Democratic-controlled Senate.

  35. Based on BludgerTrack’s current PV swings since the last election of ALP +2.2, LNP -1.2 and Grn -0.3, Brisbane’s Stephen Bates would need probably a 1.5-2.0% ‘sophomore surge’ to hold on against Labor. Doable, but far from bankable.

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