No news is no news (open thread)

Newspoll on hiatus, plus not much else to relate.

Four weeks now without a fresh Newspoll result from The Australian, making it clear that recent disruptions at YouGov have caused it to be suspended for the time being. This comes after Campbell White, head of YouGov Asia-Pacific’s public affairs and polling unit, and Simon Levy, its senior research manager, left the company to go it alone. It would thus seem that Newspoll will be on hiatus until either YouGov gets its house in order or The Australian finds someone else to conduct it. We are about due for a new Resolve Strategic poll from Nine Newspapers, which should probably be along tomorrow this so, likely to be followed one of its bi-monthly results on state voting intention in Victoria.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

422 comments on “No news is no news (open thread)”

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  1. Lars Von Trier says:
    Monday, August 14, 2023 at 7:09 pm
    Sure Kirskarde – it might not be easy but the compulsion of the State etc. remember Russia has a population of roughly 140m.

    If your told your going or your going to get 10 years in the delightful Russian penal system – what can you do?

    No doubt Pootin – doesnt want to mobilise the extra people but he’s also clearly not planning on giving up either – which in his case probably means death by firing squad, poison, lynching etc etc.
    So much to reply to in this post.
    First, what was Australia’s population in the late 1960s, about 12,000,000, when I was LUCKY enough to not have my birth date number called out which would have seen me conscripted to fight a war in a foreign land.
    Just like our Liberal government at the time didn’t give a shit whether you wanted to go to war or not, if your number came up, you were forced to go, just as the present Russian government under Putin doesn’t give a shit.
    They will find the extra 300,000 out of their huge population of 140,000,000 even if they have to conscript women.
    Secondly, what was the punishment for not registering for the birthday ballot or indeed slipping out of the country for a few years till it all came to an end ?
    The way Russian solders are being slaughtered (supposedly) in great numbers, maybe a ten year stretch in a Russian prison is a better option.

  2. On defence, putting aside AUKUS, all defence analysts I have read in the last few years agree our navy must expand in both people and ships from its current shrunken state.

    This ASPI article by retired Admiral David Shackleton gives a good summary of current problems and suggests a simple, rational solution. Abandon the costly Hunter frigates and go back to building Hobart class AWDs in larger numbers instead. This would be in addition to swapping Luerssen to building corvettes.

  3. Big corporations, even conservative law firms etc, generally try to present a progressive face because they want the best and brightest young people to choose to work there and those people overwhelmingly lean left. Also, many progressive values are much more popular than actually voting progressive overall (marriage equality was the biggest example of this for years) so it can also be about general goodwill with the community – but with the Voice I think more the former than the latter.

  4. ItzaDreamsays:
    Monday, August 14, 2023 at 6:38 pm
    Something I bang on about from time to time, sounding a bit goody2shoesy maybe, but it’s as old as the Greeks, and this just popped in the inbox, and is nicely worded. I don’t suppose any No voters would be interested, possibly not ever having experienced the deep satisfaction of helping the other. Albo has tried this line (it will be good for all of us and the country – the appeal to our better selves) and would do well keep pushing it.

    Our time on earth may be far less enjoyable than it should be because of an unfortunate and peculiar idea that has taken hold of our collective thinking: that the ultimate purpose of life is to make ourselves as happy as possible.

    Encouraged by this now-dominant concept, we’re goaded to try to make as much money as we can, to spend it as lavishly as possible on costly and rare goods, to divert ourselves with a plethora of entertainments and distractions and to get others to cater as often as possible to the maximal number of our wishes and whims.

    It’s a seductive vision, but the more precise and surprising psychological truth is that human satisfaction has an overwhelmingly different source: it derives from a feeling of being needed by other people. We grow at peace with ourselves the more we can either alleviate the suffering or increase the delight of someone else.

    With time, we may come to a deeply relieving realisation: that the route to satisfaction lies in vigorously pushing thoughts of ourselves aside for a while in the name of trying to make others less afflicted.

    I agree with this vision instead of seductive vision. I noticed this happening in my father’s life. He was very successful in his professional life. But the most important thing I noticed was that a lot of people who were his friends, relatives and worked with him and people who received some help from him, saying that he was a great man. He was not this famous politician, CEO of some big company or some famous personality. He helped a lot of people, who prospered in their lives later. He told me that I should help someone if I am in position to help.

  5. You are a truly horrible person, nath.

    C@t, that is an utterly ridiculous and uncalled for comment that is far more abusive than, well, pretty much anything Nath has said.

  6. Enough Already:

    Monday, August 14, 2023 at 7:20 pm

    [‘I call you a victim blamer and a poorly disguised supporter of Russian occupation of Ukrainian territory, with all of the depraved crimes against Ukrainian civilians that entails.’]

    While unaware of your academic qualifications, did your supervisors suggest avoidence of strong, emotive adjectives ad nauseam? I could be wrong but that’s what I think William’s concerned with, though you are evidently oblivious to same. You bang on, dear moderator forgives you, and then you bang on again. You, along with Andrew et al, have turned this site into a war site – Andrew obviously missing his calling.

  7. Republican strategists are worried that if former President Trump doesn’t secure the GOP’s presidential nomination next year, or if he is kept off the ballot because of his mounting legal problems, it could spell a voter turnout disaster for their party in 2024.
    GOP strategists say there’s growing concern that if Trump is not the nominee, many of his core supporters, who are estimated to make up 25 percent to 35 percent of the party base, “will take their ball and go home.”
    “The conventional wisdom is there’s concern that if Trump’s not the nominee, his coalition will take their ball and go home,” said Matt Dole, a Republican strategist based in Ohio, where Republicans are targeting vulnerable Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown.
    “Folks are interested in how that plays out, and so I think right now, they would be happy if Trump’s the nominee — in Ohio, it’s not true across the country — because then his coalition will turn out in November,” he said.
    A Pew Research Center analysis of the 2022 midterm election published last month found that higher turnout among Trump voters last year was a key factor behind Republicans winning control of the House. The analysis found that 71 percent of voters who backed Trump participated in the midterm election, compared to 67 percent of voters who supported Biden.

  8. Republican strategists are worried that if former President Trump doesn’t secure the GOP’s presidential nomination next year, or if he is kept off the ballot because of his mounting legal problems, it could spell a voter turnout disaster for their party in 2024.

    Hilarious. Talk about feeding the chooks.

    Trump will be the Republican nominee.
    Trump will be on the ballot.

  9. wranslide says:
    Monday, August 14, 2023 at 7:23 pm
    Whats the bludger view on the Qantas ‘yes’ announcement today. I genuinely think it will backfire. I know the right wing press have been on about it today and that will die down as they move on but I am not sure that Qantas is a particular brand that Australians are particularly enamored with at the moment and whilst it would be sad to think that such an ‘endorsement’, of its own could be enough to swing a vote to no, I am not sure it really helps and probably hinders overall.
    Backfire on who or what ?
    It may get some ‘no’ voters to change their minds as most Aussies love and fly nationally and internationally with Qantas. I know people who will not fly any other airline.
    It is most probably going to help those who are still up in the air with having to make up their minds when they see a gay foreign CEO allowing this 100+ year old Queensland company to go full throttle and put its hand up and say YES.
    I’ve been waiting and wondering if and when other well known companies would get on the YES campaign and I’m pleased to see Qantas has jumped on board.
    I can now see the YES campaign taking off.
    Not all puns intended.

  10. If your told your going or your going to get 10 years in the delightful Russian penal system – what can you do?

    Take a page from the Wagner leader. Find about 25,000 friends who also don’t want to die in Ukraine, take them towards Moscow, and see how fast Putin caves.

    No doubt Pootin – doesnt want to mobilise the extra people but he’s also clearly not planning on giving up either – which in his case probably means death by firing squad, poison, lynching etc etc.

    Putin can only do what the Russian people allow him to get away with.

    Point about the evils of conscription and involuntary military service taken. But also it’s 2023 now. “I was just following orders” stopped being an excuse generations ago. People have a responsibility to oppose authoritarian regimes. The world has seen enough of what happens when they don’t.

    If Putin is using threats to coerce Russians into murdering Ukrainians, and the Russian people permit that, then to a certain extent they’re complicit in Putin’s bastardry. The war would end tomorrow if the only person willing to fight it was Putin. Ordinary Russians could make it happen. All they have to do is disobey.

  11. Has anyone seen Poroti lately? I asked this the other day, but didn’t get any responses so am assuming that nobody has seen him.

    I hope that he’s okay and just taking a break from PB.

  12. it seems the one nation sacking of latham is a bit of a stunt i think latham only joind the party with the promise that whrn hanson eventualy retires he wil replace her as leader how ever he is largely dun his own thing not followed hansons instructions

  13. We live in a different world

    Both my wife’s parents and my parents were Aged Pensioners

    So, whilst owning their own home, for income they were reliant on the Aged Pension plus some other bits and pieces in their retirement

    Upon their death their only asset was the family home, both selling in the order of $300,000- which was then divided up between their children

    So the monetary inheritance was minimal (and given the circumstances of 2 of my siblings I forwent my share in their favour)

    I entered an industry which had compulsory superannuation – and a defined benefit scheme which was a Contingent Liability on the Balance Sheet

    To remove that Contingent Liability from the Balance Sheet we were invited to transfer to an accrual system, 15% of your salary contributed to your superannuation account (as a minimum by your own choice), you then funding your retirement and exposed to Market variables across the asset classes

    So there was a salary package – salary paid, superannuation contributions plus other benefits where our home mortgage rate was 40% of the market rate, vehicle provision, interest free share purchase loan, staff medical scheme etc etc

    The result has been that my wife and I are in totally different circumstances in our retirement than our parents were

    Plus, of course, in the 1980’s superannuation became compulsory, either fully or part funding retirements

    So how many are fully self funded retirees courtesy of what they have accumulated over their working lives?

    And the inheritance they then leave not only being the family home but also superannuation (which is then taxed in the hands of non dependent beneficiaries)

    The world changed with the introduction of compulsory superannuation

    There are those whose superannuation accruals will exceed the value of the family home

    Noting that $1 Million in accrued superannuation providing a pension at the minimum 5% draw = $50,000- PA tax free

    So as far removed from our parents and their circumstances in retirement as you could get

    Noting both sets of our parents lived comfortable lives in their retirement, spending what they were provided with by government (no less and no more)

    And they were on a par with all their neighbours and friends hence pitched in in support of each other

    These days what are the financial circumstances of your neighbours?

    Simply, you would not know

    Because there are variables absent from prior generations

    And on another issue, how many of those Conscripted by the Coalition Government of the day came back from Vietnam in coffins – before you get to those injured and maimed including mentally

    And why?

  14. Whats the bludger view on the Qantas ‘yes’ announcement today. I genuinely think it will backfire.

    1. Qantas is joining a long list of corporate announcements in favour of the Voice.
    2. Most people won’t give it a second thought.
    3. It will be forgotten by the end of the week, if it was even remembered in the first place.

  15. From a brand perspective it’s a good move from Qantas. It’s best customers will come from electorates that will vote YES. They can now fly in peace.

  16. Which Australian footballer has scored in a World Cup quarter-final?
    Joshua Addo-Carr (among many, many others)

  17. Confessions says:
    Monday, August 14, 2023 at 8:39 pm

    Asha @ #305 Monday, August 14th, 2023 – 7:44 pm

    You are a truly horrible person, nath.

    C@t, that is an utterly ridiculous and uncalled for comment that is far more abusive than, well, pretty much anything Nath has said.

    In the context nath posted his comment, C@t is absolutely spot on.
    I’ve had worse. Just recently I was compared to the Brownshirts and Iran’s Morality Police. I’m having a relatively good week.

  18. On Qantas, I am not criticising Yes23, as I think Joyce has a genuine support for progressive social causes. (He also put money into the ME Yes campaign).

    However like Confessions and Asha, I will be surprised if it makes much difference. Regular flyers are a minority who would probably vote Yes anyway.

    It would be a much bigger deal if someone like Sam Kerr or Mary Fowler came out in support of Yes after the last WWCF game. The Matildas following is large and diverse.

  19. I would hate to be an employee of Qantas and one of the roughly 50% of australians that want to vote No.

    What a horribly oppressive workplace it will feel like

  20. Qantas, NRL, CBA, AFL, MBH. it doesn’t matter which corporates are Yes.

    The vast majority of Indigenous Australians are advocating Yes.

    Yes makes sense from a constitutional standpoint. From a social justice standpoint. From a practical reconciliation standpoint.

    It doesn’t matter what the corporates are advocating. Yes is what the vast majority of Indigenous Australians are asking for. That is good enough for me.

  21. After all, what can the No side do about it? Not fly Qantas?

    With any luck… Andrew who?

    Australian basketball legend Andrew Bogut heaped criticism on to Qantas (blah blah blah).

  22. Oakeshott Country says:
    Monday, August 14, 2023 at 8:39 pm

    Which Australian footballer has scored in a World Cup quarter-final?
    Joshua Addo-Carr (among many, many others)
    Which Australian footballer scored 8 goals in a World Cup Championship game? No one will get this btw.

  23. Here we go again:

    [‘Monday, August 14, 2023 at 8:28 pm’]

    I think your paras are too short – substance over form? I’m off.

  24. However like Confessions and Asha, I will be surprised if it makes much difference. Regular flyers are a minority who would probably vote Yes anyway.

    The only reason I know Qantas made the announcement is by reading the comments here. It wasn’t on tonight’s news (that I saw).

  25. Mr Squiggle
    I would hate to be an employee of Qantas and one of the roughly 50% of australians that want to vote No.

    Then do not be either of these. What the hell are you complaining about?

  26. Comments like this however….oh dear.

    Remarks from a key figure in the Voice No campaign about Indigenous journalist Stan Grant and independent senator Lidia Thorpe have been condemned and labelled disgusting and grotesque.

    Australian Jewish Association head David Adler, who sits on the advisory board of top No outfit Advance with former prime minister Tony Abbott, insists he was not trying to insult the prominent Indigenous pair when he questioned Thorpe’s Aboriginal heritage and repeatedly suggested Grant had artificially darkened his skin.

    Days after Grant stepped down as host of the ABC’s Q+A citing racist abuse in May, Adler posted pictures of the Wiradjuri man on social media that he said showed “STAN GRANT’S COMPLEXION SEEMS TO HAVE CHANGED”.

    “Look at the 3 pics. Can anyone explain?”

    In March, Adler posted the same image with the caption: “IS STAN GRANT DOING ‘BLACK FACE’? If so, why?”

  27. William, are you admitting there are people who post to this site who fit the description I gave in the post of mine you deleted? Because if not, why would you need to delete it?

  28. On the other hand, I hear One Nation NSW might be looking for a new leader…

    On four occasions in 2022, the Voice opponent, involved in the outfit closely linked to Coalition Indigenous affairs spokeswoman Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, also raised questions about Thorpe’s background.

    “What % Aboriginal are you? You appear quite white,” he posted on social media in March 2022. “Not so sure she’s Blak (or Black).”

  29. Confessions @ #328 Monday, August 14th, 2023 – 8:48 pm

    However like Confessions and Asha, I will be surprised if it makes much difference. Regular flyers are a minority who would probably vote Yes anyway.

    The only reason I know Qantas made the announcement is by reading the comments here. It wasn’t on tonight’s news (that I saw).

    It was on Channel 9 news.


    “Patients in temporarily occupied Mariupol are being discharged from hospital to die at home. Meanwhile, the death rate in the city is increasing.

    Source: Petro Andriushchenko, adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, in an interview with Hromadske Radio

    Andriushchenko says that insulin is in short supply in the city, so the situation is extremely difficult.

    “And this is a very widespread practice – people are not allowed to die in hospital. That is, they [the Russian doctors] will give them something [medicine – ed.], and then, when they realise the situation is not going to improve, they send them home and the people die at home,” Andriushchenko says.

    The mayor’s adviser maintains that the death rate in the city is steadily rising. About 400 people die in the city every week, he says.”

  31. “Australian Jewish Association head David Adler, who sits on the advisory board of top No outfit Advance with former prime minister Tony Abbott”

    That is the no campaign, deeply racist, deeply disgusting from the top down.

  32. Nath:

    I’ve had worse. Just recently I was compared to the Brownshirts and Iran’s Morality Police. I’m having a relatively good week.

    Yes, yes, but you sometimes say mildly-to-moderately critical things about the Australian Labor Party, very critical things about one former ALP leader, and make occasional jokes at other posters’ expense, so you obviously deserve it. You need to follow the good example set by people like C@tmomma and Boerwar, who have never, ever said a bad word about the ALP or its politicians – especially not about any former, current, or future ALP leaders – and who are unfailingly polite and civil to every other member here.


    In the context nath posted his comment, C@t is absolutely spot on.

    I’m sorry, but that’s nonsense. The only reason Nath got that response is because it was Nath who made that comment, and Nath is obviously the devil. Were the situations reversed and it was Boerwar who had mocked Nath, C@t would be right there backing him up.

  33. Mr. Squiggly:

    I would hate to be an employee of Qantas and one of the roughly 50% of australians that want to vote No.

    What a horribly oppressive workplace it will feel like

    No, it wouldn’t.

  34. Shogun- I am expressing empathy for others in an awkward situation. Showing empathy is a human trait…

    Qantas employees are often asked to represent the brand, in-flight attendants, people on the desks etc. I hope they dont feel compelled to represent a view they don’t agree with

  35. William Bowe:

    Monday, August 14, 2023 at 8:55 pm

    [‘EA, the next comment you post in which you see fit to talk back at me will be your last.’]

    Excellent! Ithink he’s damaged this site. I’d like to see him turfed.

  36. Asha:

    Nath responded to this perfectly reasonable comment about Putin and the war in Ukraine with a glib jibe about Boerwar.

    I’ll repeat a point I made sometime a long, long time ago.

    This war will end in a negotiated settlement when one or both sides get sick of it.

    I alerted Bludgers then for the need to consider that the war could go for longer than five years.

    BTW, the flaw in your position is that you are assuming that your framing of ‘stalemated’ is the only framing in play.

    C@t rightly called the man an idiot for his inanity in mocking the above statement.

    I’ll admit to yawning here and there with all the Russia-Ukraine stuff that gets posted, but Boerwar was simply offering a reasonably justifiable opinion. In the context of all the other opinions which are offered here, it’s hard to single this one out for being outside the realms of reasonable conclusion.

  37. Mavis, what awesome power you seem to have imbued me with. It must be all those style notes I’ve studiously taken from you.

  38. HWGA: “Upon their death their only asset was the family home, both selling in the order of $300,000- which was then divided up between their children ”

    Check the privilege ol’ chap. The great bulk of children don’t get any inheritance, and you’re downplaying getting the deposit for a house. “only 300K”.

  39. Squiggle. Imagine working for a company that doesn’t support union rights, that doesn’t work for environmetal sustainability, that tries to dodge tax or take short cuts on safety.

  40. People who travel are generally more affluent and educated, so more likely to be QANTAS customers, and therefore support the yes vote. They’ve just made the obvious decision to align themselves with their customers, instead of the racist bogans. They don’t want to travel anyway, and they certainly don’t want anyone to travel to where they live.

  41. Confessions @ Monday, August 14, 2023 at 9:07 pm:

    Indeed, this is one where BW has turned my own prior judgments around. A very poor candidate for mockery, this point of BW’s.

  42. My god it gets worse!

    When asked about the comments, Adler said he would not apologise for them.

    He said he could not recall the remarks about Thorpe.

    “I asked a question; I haven’t made any accusations. I was given material and there are many people who have said that [Grant’s] complexion has changed,” Adler said.

    “I am 100 per cent zero racism. I have Aboriginal friends, the most prominent being [leading No campaigner] Warren Mundine, and you’ll see photos of me with him.

    “Could it be insulting to [Grant]? That’s certainly not the intent. He’s a public figure and he’s put himself very prominently into debates on Aboriginal matters.”

    It’s not me, it’s those other people over there asking questions!


  43. C@tmomma @ #288 Monday, August 14th, 2023 – 7:14 pm

    nath @ #281 Monday, August 14th, 2023 – 6:52 pm

    Boerwar says:

    I’ll repeat a point I made sometime a long, long time ago.
    Pay attention everyone. It’s not often you get access to this level of military genius.

    You are a truly horrible person, nath.

    Click to Edit – <b>nath</b> @ <a href='; title='1692003136000' rel="ugc">#281 Monday, August 14th, 2023 – 6:52 pm</a>

    <blockquote>Boerwar says:

    I’ll repeat a point I made sometime a long, long time ago.
    Pay attention everyone. It’s not often you get access to this level of military genius.</blockquote>

    You are a truly horrible person, nath.SaveCancelDelete

    Asha @ #304 Monday, August 14th, 2023 – 7:44 pm

    You are a truly horrible person, nath.

    C@t, that is an utterly ridiculous and uncalled for comment that is far more abusive than, well, pretty much anything Nath has said.

    Just so I’m clear. I do not agree that calling nath out for his horrible, snide remark about Boerwar is far more abusive than, well, pretty much anything Nath has said.

    I know you’re a member of the ‘nath, right or wrong’ club, Asha, but, get real. nath is targeting Boerwar, in full knowledge of the break away from the blog that Boerwar recently took after being relentlessly targeted in a very concentrated and personal way by people like nath. It’s not nice, what nath has taken to doing recently wrt Boerwar, who has contributed more to this blog than nath ever will, in fact it’s a horrible way to behave towards someone who has been under pressure.

    And if you can’t see that then I don’t know if you ever will be able to. Also, to try and say that calling someone ‘a truly horrible person’ is more abusive than anything nath has said, well maybe you don’t think the way he needles me, given any opportunity about my Latin results in the HSC (and which has zip to do with anything, really), or the way he couldn’t wait to turn my parent’s community spirit at soccer games into a joke to pillory me with, is ‘abuse’. But I sure do. As is what he is doing to Boerwar.

  44. Asha @ #337 Monday, August 14th, 2023 – 8:59 pm


    I’ve had worse. Just recently I was compared to the Brownshirts and Iran’s Morality Police. I’m having a relatively good week.

    Yes, yes, but you sometimes say mildly-to-moderately critical things about the Australian Labor Party, very critical things about one former ALP leader, and make occasional jokes at other posters’ expense, so you obviously deserve it. You need to follow the good example set by people like C@tmomma and Boerwar, who have never, ever said a bad word about the ALP or its politicians – especially not about any former, current, or future ALP leaders – and who are unfailingly polite and civil to every other member here.


    In the context nath posted his comment, C@t is absolutely spot on.

    I’m sorry, but that’s nonsense. The only reason Nath got that response is because it was Nath who made that comment, and Nath is obviously the devil. Were the situations reversed and it was Boerwar who had mocked Nath, C@t would be right there backing him up.

    There are a lot of heroic assumptions betraying your biases there, Asha. Plus some inane Whataboutism. A very weak argument in defense of your boy, nath, I must say.

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