No news is no news (open thread)

Newspoll on hiatus, plus not much else to relate.

Four weeks now without a fresh Newspoll result from The Australian, making it clear that recent disruptions at YouGov have caused it to be suspended for the time being. This comes after Campbell White, head of YouGov Asia-Pacific’s public affairs and polling unit, and Simon Levy, its senior research manager, left the company to go it alone. It would thus seem that Newspoll will be on hiatus until either YouGov gets its house in order or The Australian finds someone else to conduct it. We are about due for a new Resolve Strategic poll from Nine Newspapers, which should probably be along tomorrow this so, likely to be followed one of its bi-monthly results on state voting intention in Victoria.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

422 comments on “No news is no news (open thread)”

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  1. Is it possible that Campbell White, head of YouGov Asia-Pacific’s public affairs and polling unit, and Simon Levy, its senior research manager, left YouGov because of the crap (commentary) regurgitated by AI in the name Simon Benson instead of reporting ‘Peak Albo’ as per Newspoll for more than one year after election?

    As Sprocket posted the Murdoch rags in general and The Australian in particular have become Daily Dutton.

  2. BTW, I don’t think there is such thing called ‘Peak Albo’ in comparison to ‘Peak Hawkey ‘ or ‘Peak Ruddster’, who were really popular with Australian public.
    Albanese always polled in mid 50s popularity.

  3. Sceptic says:
    Monday, August 14, 2023 at 9:34 am

    ‘Boerwar says:
    Monday, August 14, 2023 at 8:59 am
    Thanks, BK and good morning all.

    ‘One of America’s top military officials says he believes China’s military is becoming dangerously arrogant and is risking a conflict through miscalculation. Matthew Knott reports.

    Pot, kettle black…’
    This may be triggered by reflexive hatred of the US and its military industrial establishment rather than by close observation of what is, in fact, happening.

    China’s recent military history consists of largely successfully bullying very small fry. There is an endlessly assertive/aggressive pattern of setting up new foreign bases, improving war logistical infrastructure and sabre rattling. There is endless bragging of each new technical capability. There is the largest naval build in world peace time history. This has two main themes: ‘far seas’ and amphibious capability.

    US recent history is of largely failing against small fry in a series of asymetrical disasters. There is a profound war weariness and a profound isolationism in the US.

    IMO, there is a pattern of US top brass going out of their way to inform presidents that what they are proposing has doubtful military outcomes. It was the brass who managed to cool Trump down against going to war against Iran.

  4. “National security claims” too easily trump the actual delivery of justice in our courts and tribunals. Rex Patrick looks at tampering by our national security agencies, backed by successive Attorneys-General, in the delivery of justice in Australia, and how that tampering will likely result in a grave injustice for Afghan war crimes whistleblower David McBride.

    Why the above is acceptable and justified in Western countries especially in AUKUS countries but is condemned by Western countries and their Liberals in other countries around the world, is what I never understood.
    You see that regularly on PB.

    DO Western countries people think that their justice is somehow superior to justice system of other countries? Look at US Supreme Court. Any justice can be overturned if it is not to the liking of one side.

    Free press and democratic rights doesn’t mean that a country has superior justice system. We know and have seen how justice system can be maniputed in these countries.

  5. It will be interesting to see how fast Willis moves this week. Everything appears to be made ready, carefully, step-by-step. So, for what could these two still be needed?

    Fani Willis, has issued summonses to former Georgia lieutenant governor Geoff Duncan and journalist George Chidi to testify before a grand jury on Tuesday

    I can only see two scenarios. Either these two will be given a difficult choice, in which case indictments will happen later, say, on Thursday (Friday our time). Or a decision (which way do we go) rests on their confirming something crucial, in which case indictments may happen quickly, say, late on Tuesday (early Wednesday or time).

    Whatever happens, I’m trying to contain my glee.

  6. Boerwar @ Monday, August 14, 2023 at 9:58 am:

    “IMO, there is a pattern of US top brass going out of their way to inform presidents that what they are proposing has doubtful military outcomes.”

    Exhibit A: feet-dragging over assistance to Ukraine. Not intervention on the ground, on the seas or in the skies, mind. Just assistance to allow Ukrainians to square up against Russia’s military with a somewhat fair shot.

    BW, have you seen any patterns in POTUS receptivity to Pentagon versus State Department advice, to the extent these have differed over the past couple of decades? On Ukraine, it has looked to me like the State Department has been somewhat more hawkish than the Pentagon.

  7. Induction cooktops are great. Dont get a cheapo one. And dont be afraid to use the highest setting. But! If you are on ToU or demand energy plans and have no battery, be aware of the cost of using the stove in the evenings – esp in summer.

    HWS Heat Pumps are great but also do your research and dont buy cheap ones. Cheap ones can use almost as much power as electric in certain conditions. As we have all day cold winters we bought a specialised one that has a good COP (coefficient of performance) in cooler temps. A cheap one would have to run most of the day – and they can get loud.

  8. EA

    There is no doubt in my mind that the majority of the US top command does not want to get into a war with Russia.

    It would also be acutely aware that supplying Ukraine drains very large resources from what most would see as the the next mostly likely war in the Pacific.

    Sceptic needs to re-evaluate his axiomatic loathing.

  9. Late Risersays:
    Monday, August 14, 2023 at 9:08 am
    An article on an overlooked group of YES supporters and strategic blindness.

    The Jewish Yes campaign encompasses The Executive Council of Australian Jewry, the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, the Jewish Community Council of Victoria, Stand Up, the Australian Union of Jewish Students, the National Council of Jewish Women, plus at least another four community groups actively supporting the Yes campaign.

    “Because we remember our own story – it reminds us what it is to be voiceless.”

    BTW: This weekend marks the launch of the Yes grassroots campaign with a huge national doorknocking campaign. Don’t expect much coverage in the Murdoch media.

    It also contains an uncomfortable Menzies quote.

    But they are mostly concentrated in 3 Federal electorates.
    I understand that ‘Yes’ has to fight for each ‘Yes’ vote.
    I also understand major companies and support ‘Yes’ but it is still languishing in low 40s.

  10. Boerwar, (and C@tmomma, Cronus and anyone else who might be interested in the point about Pentagon advice to POTUS’s which BW made above), Ukrainska Pravda reported on a piece in the NYT which revealed current US and European official and expert thinking about the prospects for the Ukrainian counteroffensive in the absence of F16’s:

    “Ukraine can prevail in its counteroffensive without the F-16s, and their presence would not have a decisive impact on the situation on the battlefield.

    Source: The New York Times with reference to current and former officials in Ukraine, the US and Europe, as well as Western military analysts

    Quote: “Would F-16s have made the difference in Ukraine’s counter-offensive? Most military experts doubt that they would have, and say that Kyiv can still prevail without them.”…

    … However, the NYT also noted that “it is likely to be far more difficult without the jets”.

    “It will have to happen without the F-16, but I believe they can,” said Philip Breedlove, a retired United States Air Force general and former NATO commander.

    However, he added then: “If you expect Ukraine to fight like we fight, then they have to have the tools that we have, and we have not given them those tools.”

    The NYW writes that some experts said a lack of air power had put Ukraine at a disadvantage this summer against Russian attack helicopters that had been attacking Ukrainian tanks and armoured vehicles. As the UK Ministry of Defence reported, at least some of these helicopters are equipped with anti-tank missiles that are fired either too far or too low to be intercepted by Ukrainian air defences.

    Colonel Markus Reisner, who supervises armed forces development at Austria’s main military academy, said that with more combat aircraft, Ukraine could better protect its ground forces from these attacks.

    “Some American generals, they say, ‘Well, it’s not what the Ukrainians need at the moment.’ I think this is a political statement, it’s not a military logical statement,” Reisner added…”

    I wonder of this is simply the sort of advice which is to be expected from generals who are being asked to greenlight their own hardware being taken off them and given to foreigners.

  11. Boerwarsays:
    Monday, August 14, 2023 at 9:10 am
    One of the things about the Yes that surprised me a bit is that the proportion of migrant yesses is higher than the proportion of native yesses.

    This is what that gets up my nose. Why it should surprise? Aah!
    You think you only care for justice or does it come from the thinking that Western justice is better than other justice?

    This is what is called patronizing attitude.

  12. ‘Ven says:
    Monday, August 14, 2023 at 10:21 am

    Monday, August 14, 2023 at 9:10 am
    One of the things about the Yes that surprised me a bit is that the proportion of migrant yesses is higher than the proportion of native yesses.

    This is what that gets up my nose. Why it should surprise? Aah!
    You think you only care for justice or does it come from the thinking that Western justice is better than other justice?

    This is what is called patronizing attitude.’
    I explained exactly why I held that view. I am a migrant. So, naturally, I enjoy patronizing myself.

    On the corruption of justice issue, you raised it. Not me. You framed it as some sort of pissing contest between the West and the not-West. Not me.

    I provided you with just a single example of why your framing, and why the example of the US Supreme Court was unwise within that frame. I can see exactly why you don’t like it.

  13. Boerwarsays:
    Monday, August 14, 2023 at 10:13 am:


    There is no doubt in my mind that the majority of the US top command does not want to get into a war with Russia.

    It would also be acutely aware that supplying Ukraine drains very large resources from what most would see as the the next mostly likely war in the Pacific.”

    BW, yes, that is crystal clear to me as well. It would be catastrophic, though, if liberal democracy and the rule of international law were to be defeated in a war being waged right here and now, out of a concern for a conflict which has not yet broken out and the timeline for which could still be dragged out considerably through temperature-cooling diplomacy. Not to mention that a Russian victory in its current endeavour to permanently cripple Ukraine and augment its own territory and resources will be a massive material help to Xi in strengthening an ‘autocratic front’ against liberal democracy and international law.

  14. Mavissays:
    Monday, August 14, 2023 at 9:13 am
    Extracted from the Dawn Patrol (thanks, BK) authored by Patrick:

    [‘…applause is regularly showered on our spies, police and security bureaucrats. They can apparently do no wrong. But privately the politicians are fearful. They fear what might happen to their secrets if they aren’t totally supportive of “national security”. No one in government or opposition wants to get offside with the secret state.’]

    Although I think Patrick overstates the matter, there’s little doubt there’s some truth in what he contends. Get on the wrong side of the spooks, and leaks to friendly mastheads – principally the Murdoch stables – may follow. That said and particularly of late, his empire is showing cracks – in decline – evidenced by, inter alia, the absence of last night’s Newspoll, not to mention a News Corp profit dive of 75%.

    I read stories on how ASIO or its precursor) kept tabs on Labor politicians at the behest of CIA in 50s, 60s and 80s. Apparently they kept tabs on Whitlam.
    After ALP came to power in 80s, Labor politicians were stunned by the amount of surveillance on them.
    So do you blame them if politicians are paranoid about our security system?

  15. EA
    It is, doubtless, complex. One reason is that there are many dozens of active and recently-active generals and admirals. It is unlikely that they share the same strategic views or the same personal career interests.

  16. Morning all and thanks for the roundup BK. I hope Labor branches succeed in lobbying for stronger action on climate change. It could save a few seats as well as a planet.

    Likewise housing policy. We need action on both supply and rental rights.

    As for trials of McBride and Other whistleblowers it is hard to win respect as a defender of the rules based order if the rule breakers go free and the messengers don’t.

    Finally at this point AUKUS and the way our military engages with allies and arms manufacturers must change. As a minimum the ADF must be as transparent as UK and US are.

  17. nathsays:
    Monday, August 14, 2023 at 9:14 am
    C@tmomma says:

    Also, the hosts are spineless against it in the name of pusillanimous kowtowing to the Coalition
    When I used the word ‘kowtow’ earlier in the year I was accused of ‘casual racism’ by zoomster and C@t. I assume no stooges will have a problem with its use here.

    What is kowtowing and why should it offend us? 🙂

  18. I see 350 Labor branches, paid up true believers, defenders of the light on the hill, etc etc, prepared to demand more of Albo.

    It is good to know the brain dead tribalism isn’t representative of the membership. Almost makes me want to reup.

  19. Ven, kowtowing:

    “The kowtow is the ancient Chinese way of showing respect, reverence and gratitude. ‘Kowtow’ is the Cantonese spelling for pinyin kòutóu 叩头 which means literally ‘knock head’. The full kowtow comprises three kneelings and nine knockings of the forehead on the ground. Some held that a proper kowtow requires the sound of the skull hitting the ground to be heard.

    There was a hierarchy of eight grades of showing respect:

    The lowest was the 拱手 gǒng shǒu the cupping of hands one around the other and bringing to the chest.
    In the next the cupping of hands is accompanied by a low bow 作揖 zuò yī. With the onset of Covid19 this has become a popular greeting again.
    The third involves kneeling on the right knee only and reaching down with the right hand 打千 dǎ qiān.
    The next was kneeling with both legs but not bringing the forehead to the ground 跪 guì.
    The fifth is a single kowtow 叩头 kòu tóu.
    The sixth 三叩 sān kòu is three kowtows.
    The seventh 六叩 liù kòu is two sets of three kowtows getting up in between.
    The full abasement is the 三跪九叩 sān guì jiǔ kòu of three separate kneelings and a total of nine knocks of the head. Nine is a ‘yang’ number associated with the emperor. Some minor gods received three kowtows, other gods six, while nine was reserved for heaven and the emperor.”

  20. Kowtowing was the traditional gesture of submission to the Chinese emperor. Full kneel position with forehead touching the floor. Similar to genuflecting in the European middle ages and possibly the neck bow and Curtsies in modern England.
    However, modern usage is as any excessive act of submission. No idea why it is considered racist.

  21. ‘Oakeshott Country says:
    Monday, August 14, 2023 at 10:35 am

    Kowtowing was the traditional gesture of submission to the Chinese emperor. Full kneel position with forehead touching the floor. Similar to genuflecting in the European middle ages and possibly the neck bow and Curtsies in modern England.
    However, modern usage is as any excessive act of submission. No idea why it is considered racist.’
    Yep. In the age of kings it presented particular diplomatic difficulties for europeans in the Chinese Court.

  22. The view of Wayne Swan

    Housing is a tough policy area, and its politics are even more fraught.

    As a movement, we need to bring every Australian along the reform journey. Doing this successfully will take time.

    Anthony Albanese and his team are getting to work, fixing a decade of inaction by the Liberals. Including the biggest investment in social and affordable housing in more than a decade, the biggest increase to rent assistance in more than thirty years and a plan to build more than one million homes from 2024.

    No doubt, there’s more work to be done.

    And they could be doing so much more if it wasn’t for an unholy alliance between the Greens political party, the Coalition and One Nation.

    The Greens could be part of the solution. Instead, they block progress in favour of protest.

    That’s why we’re going to up the pressure on the Greens to pass the HAFF.

  23. Enough Alreadysays:
    Monday, August 14, 2023 at 10:09 am
    Boerwar @ Monday, August 14, 2023 at 9:58 am:

    “IMO, there is a pattern of US top brass going out of their way to inform presidents that what they are proposing has doubtful military outcomes.”

    Exhibit A: feet-dragging over assistance to Ukraine. Not intervention on the ground, on the seas or in the skies, mind. Just assistance to allow Ukrainians to square up against Russia’s military with a somewhat fair shot.

    BW, have you seen any patterns in POTUS receptivity to Pentagon versus State Department advice, to the extent these have differed over the past couple of decades? On Ukraine, it has looked to me like the State Department has been somewhat more hawkish than the Pentagon.

    You seem to miss the point about why I mentioned Bosnian war or were did not have much interest because it was way back in past.

    The reason I mentioned Bosnia is because when compared to Bosnia war US and NATO are moving at lightning speed wrt Ukraine war . Whereas Bosnians received help from US and NATO 3 years after start of their war. BTW, both Bosnia and Ukraine are Eastern European countries.
    If US and NATO waited even for even 6 months before they started helping Ukraine, it would have been total and complete disaster for Ukraine. Putin made this huge miscalculation that either US sland NATO may not help much or the help will come much later as a result of which he is suffering or will suffer consequences for that .

  24. newspoll will never be the same again. The old team will never get back
    together again… It can never be sure the exact same methodology will be applied
    with what follows: It’s reputation is now in tatters 😡

  25. ‘WeWantPaul says:
    Monday, August 14, 2023 at 10:33 am

    I see 350 Labor branches, paid up true believers, defenders of the light on the hill, etc etc, prepared to demand more of Albo.

    It is good to know the brain dead tribalism isn’t representative of the membership. Almost makes me want to reup.’
    Yeah. Yeah. The brain dread tribals, those who appreciate being drenched in personal vitriol for being wrong thinkers, etc, etc, etc would no doubt kill the fatted calf.

  26. ‘Shane Wright tells us that the median home insurance premium has jumped $400 in the past year, and there are warnings costs will continue to climb without government action.

    The price of insurance will inexorably rise with global warming.

    The issue is evolving into who is going to bear the cost. Those who built on shorelines, riverine floodplains, in the paths of cyclones and among the gum trees (despite three decades of warnings by climate scientists) have a plan.

    It is to socialize their costs.

    See all sorts of rants by those with a personal interest on more fire fighting equipment, more money on repairing infrastructure damaged by floods and fire, more money on pouring concrete on coastal sand dunes, more money on helping distressed householders, more money on buying houses out…. and more money on insurance and re-insurance.

    All at the taxpayers’.

  27. “Yeah. Yeah. The brain dread tribals, those who appreciate being drenched in personal vitriol for being wrong thinkers, etc, etc, etc would no doubt kill the fatted calf.”

    Can one not think at all and simultaneously be a wrong thinker? I guess if anyone can pull it off you can.

  28. Sceptic says:
    Monday, August 14, 2023 at 9:42 am

    Gas vs Induction cook tops
    This debate is super shallow, we are just in the process of replacing our gas cooktop with a 4 zone induction unit.. if ..& a big if we used all 4 zones on high we would draw 8 kWh of current.. the grid can’t cope with the sort of increased load, especially when you add coming EV charging etc etc.
    Plus replacing gas hot water with heat pump ..

    If you are in Victoria, gas is over, the bass strait fields are about done no matter how much the gas industry advertises. Gas will no linger get ran to new estates.

    The car load can be dealt with by moving it to the night. The hot water load can be moved to the day when the sun shines. You don’t cook with all 4 zones on high and you won’t run them for an hour. 8kw on a 230 volts supply would require 32 amp supply if connected phase to neutral. That is unlikely to be what you install so if you try you will trip out the breaker. You probable won’t have two phases so a 400 volts supply will not be likely.

    In short get over it, transport, cooking and heating will go to the grid, and the grid will move to renewables.

    I don’t know what annoys we most, people who say it won’t happen or people who say it is easy and should happen faster.

  29. Boerwarsays:
    Monday, August 14, 2023 at 10:11 am
    One for ven and his incessant hunt for negative things to say about the West while studiously ignoring the home front. Only eight were ‘definitely’ corrupt.

    From the article: Out of these, in the applicant’s (plaintiff’s) opinion, eight were definitely corrupt, six were definitely honest and about the remaining two, a definite opinion cannot be expressed whether they were honest or corrupt. The signed lists identifying these eight, six and two Chief Justices of India are being enclosed in a sealed cover which is being annexed hereto as Annexure B.

    So it is not as if some corruption charges were proven against those Chief Justices. It is opinion of the Plaintiff from heresy he heard from others.

    BTW, the plaintiff is a Marxist -Leninist supporter. Who are Marxist -Leninist? They are the people who want to overthrow elected governments by armed revolution.
    They did not start after Modi came to power. They perpetrated armed struggle since the days of Nehru government. They killed many innocent people in India with the help of allegedly from China.

  30. Ven @ Monday, August 14, 2023 at 10:48 am:

    Ven, no, I actually agree with you that the US and NATO should have intervened much quicker than they eventually did in the Yugoslav Wars of 1991-2001. Thank God they are moving faster for Ukraine, at least in providing them with some kit with which they can stand at least a chance in fighting off Russia. Note that NATO did (eventually) directly intervene against Belgrade. They have not done so (yet) against Moscow.

  31. ItzaDream @ Monday, August 14, 2023 at 11:03 am:

    ItzaDream, anyone worried about a ‘disrespectful tone’ being exhibited towards those Russian soldiers who are so needlessly attacking Ukraine needs to take a close look at the picture you posted. Lars? Thoughts?

  32. Ven

    Uh huh.

    You are now applying a different set of criteria to argue your case with respect to corruption in US and Indian Supreme Court justices.

    I suggest you go and look at the post which triggered this string of posts, reconsider it, re-write and re-post it.

    The West needs all the criticisms that it gets.

    That said, the notion that the West is, somehow, axiomatically worse than other countries is absurd.

    Another benchmark you might consider when doing your comparative judicial corruption judgements is the flood of indictments against corrupt Indian politicians.

  33. Trump, on Truth Social, has amplified an attack on Judge Chutkan, the first since Friday’s hearing, when she warned against “inflammatory” attacks on the process.

    The attack falsely claims she “admitted” to trying to interfere in the election to hurt him.

    Neal Katyal @neal_katyal – Former US Acting Solicitor General.·

    It would not surprise me if Judge Chutkan called a hearing, with Trump’s presence, given his new remarks.

  34. Enough Alreadysays:
    Monday, August 14, 2023 at 10:35 am
    Ven, kowtowing:

    “The kowtow is the ancient Chinese way of showing respect, reverence and gratitude. ‘Kowtow’ is the Cantonese spelling for pinyin kòutóu 叩头 which means literally ‘knock head’. The full kowtow comprises three kneelings and nine knockings of the forehead on the ground. Some held that a proper kowtow

    That photo reminds me of something happened/ happening in India.
    When Hindus, in regional and rural areas and some urban areas of India, want to take blessings from their elders especially from their parents kneel like as is shown in picture.
    They also kneel before god’s potrait when they do religious rituald either at home or in temple.
    It is a mark of respect. Nothing wrong with that.

  35. EA

    I’m with Lars on this one.

    Every war I know something about includes, somewhere, terms which dehumanize enemy soldiers.

    The dismal litany is endless: ‘huns, gooks, ragheads…’

    Wars are inherently dehumanizing. I can’t see using dehumanizing terms for the enemy doing much more than make that particular aspect of wars worse.

  36. BW, I have said for a while that NATO would love an excuse to disable Russia’s Black Sea fleet. It is the one thing they can do that has some fairly well defined boundaries. Putin has to be (and has been) careful to not overstep in dealing with merchant vessels.

    phoenixRED @ #92 Monday, August 14th, 2023 – 10:41 am

    Trump, on Truth Social, has amplified an attack on Judge Chutkan, the first since Friday’s hearing, when she warned against “inflammatory” attacks on the process.

    The attack falsely claims she “admitted” to trying to interfere in the election to hurt him.

    Neal Katyal @neal_katyal – Former US Acting Solicitor General.·

    It would not surprise me if Judge Chutkan called a hearing, with Trump’s presence, given his new remarks.

    Will they allow regular conjugal makeup/hairstylist visits?

  37. ‘phoenixRED says:
    Monday, August 14, 2023 at 11:11 am

    Trump, on Truth Social, has amplified an attack on Judge Chutkan, the first since Friday’s hearing, when she warned against “inflammatory” attacks on the process.

    The attack falsely claims she “admitted” to trying to interfere in the election to hurt him.

    Neal Katyal @neal_katyal – Former US Acting Solicitor General.·

    It would not surprise me if Judge Chutkan called a hearing, with Trump’s presence, given his new remarks.’
    Only a matter of time.

  38. Enough Already 10:20 am

    “Some American generals, they say, ‘Well, it’s not what the Ukrainians need at the moment.’ I think this is a political statement, it’s not a military logical statement,” Reisner added…”

    IMO this is a rubbish statement that fails the pub test. Every soldier on the frontline will tell you they’ll happily accept and utilise every possible weapons platform and adapt their use where necessary. The US Generals will know this as well as anybody.

    I suspect this is a political response to cover for the delays in the provision of air support to date. Russian KA-52 helos can fire 15km from the frontline giving them a decisive advantage. Only fighter jet support can balance this inequality without endangering Ukrainian troops with manpads that otherwise need to be on the frontlines or even behind enemy lines.

  39. frednk @ #90 Monday, August 14th, 2023 – 11:09 am

    The article from which ItzaDream took his image:

    I first saw it in the Guardian, then traced it back to the NYT. I been returning to it all morning, his aching arms and desperate look into no where for survival, the blood drained from her face, her hair with its silver clip askew, her face drained of any belief in anything except perhaps a deity, the ghostly others hardly there ….all silly gushy words when there are no words.

  40. Boerwar @ Monday, August 14, 2023 at 11:15 am:

    BW, okay. I can take it better coming from you, because it is clear you oppose Russia and support Ukraine and are not just trying to shut down criticism of Russia’s war crimes. As I replied to William last night, we are all better if we don’t dive into the gutter.

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