Things other than Queensland and the US

Some minor news on the local opinion polling front to keep things ticking over.

With the last open thread threatening to fall off the bottom page amid a thicket of Queensland and US-specific posts, here’s a refresher. Newspoll is having an off-week to avoid Queensland election static, although Essential Research should be along with its fortnightly attitudinal results tomorrow. All I have to relate other than that is:

• There has apparently been progress in the establishing of an Australian Polling Council, potentially meaning a new age of full disclosure by pollsters of their weights and breakdowns. Its members are YouGov, Essential Research, Ipsos, uComms, JWS Research, Lonergan Research and Telereach.

• The Australia Institute has published a report on attitudes to climate change that I’m a little too busy for right now, but you can find it here.

Kos Samaras of RedBridge Group discusses polling conducted in September showing 57% of Melburnians think the state Liberal opposition has not “played a constructive role during this pandemic.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

663 comments on “Things other than Queensland and the US”

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  1. Caravans of President Trump’s supporters blockaded the Mario M. Cuomo Bridge and the Garden State Parkway on Sunday, snarling traffic on two of the busiest highways in the New York metropolitan area just two days before Election Day.

    Can’t imagine anyone other than the ~40% of people already in the die-hard Trump camp look at that kind of stunt and think “you know, that really makes me want to vote for Trump”. Tend to think most people would conclude the opposite.

  2. Socrates says:
    Monday, November 2, 2020 at 10:15 am

    “Robert Fisk, veteran British foreign correspondent, dies aged 74”

    RIP. Fisk’s “The Great War for Civilisation” is one of the best books on middle east history and politics I have ever read. It rips to shreds the justifications for the invasion of Iraq, and covers so much more as well.
    It was a great book but i absolutely hated it and had to stop reading it out of disgust at world leaders and how at times they act.

  3. Peter Murphy
    I caught the last 10mins of @BreakfastNews this morning. Speersy has a problem. It doesn’t matter who’s talking, he can’t stop himself from talking over them. Lisa Millar, Paul Kennedy, Nate Byrne. He spoke over each of them in turn in just 10mins

    That’s because he’s paid the big bucks. He’s an authoritAH on everything.

  4. Peter Murphy
    · 23h
    Wow! All of these LNP grubs repeatedly attacked Dan Andrews over his handling of the Covid crisis. They’re all from Victoria! I hope Victorians remember this at the next Federal election. #COVID19Vic #springst #auspol

  5. The Green’s campaign against Trad was up there with LNP, Palmer filthy tactics.
    Let’s hope some of the bile used on the ground campaign gets exposed to the wider public.

  6. Re post earlier today by Lizzie I think “Trump is the leader of a cult. They are brainwashed buffoons. It is a real worry.”
    I camped with 3 males all from the building industry a few weeks ago. All multi generational Aussies and all so totally and evangelically behind Trump it was scary. One was only in his early 30’s, the others 60ish. The fact the young guy in particular was so brainwashed totally blew me away and I wondered how it has gotten to this in Australia.
    Was it the years of talkback radio and Jones/Hadley blaring out the radio on the job site or the daily toilet paper headlines. None could name one positive thing Trump had done though.

  7. David Van is a Lib Senator – during Senate Estimates a week or two ago he quizzed the ABC chair about funding reporting in such an inept way the chair, I think a lib, shut him down.

    Van and the SA senator, Antic, represent the new boys on the block with undistinguished parliamentary careers assured.

  8. Hayden O’Connor

    Peta complaining that the inquiry can’t be trusted and is pushing for a Royal Commission. The report HASN’T BEEN RELEASED YET. She is complaining about witnesses that haven’t been called or recalled. Why not wait for the report? Probably because it won’t take her side.

  9. Terminator, I obviously don’t know your camping colleagues, but from my limited observations Trump appeals to struggling men because it gives them permission to belittle others and feel better about themselves. There’s no logic in it.

  10. Terminator

    My moans that we are being ‘Americanised’ have probably been dismissed for some time, but with sadness I’m now justified, I think.

  11. Belinda O’Connor
    Acting federal Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly saying on @RNBreakfast this morning that Dan Andrews will have to justify his extended lockdown to the Vic public.

    Is it a prerequisite for the appointment to Fed CMO that they put politics before health?

  12. More Scandalous than you can poke a stick at, but the greens just want to belittle Labor Party…

    Angus Taylor was told almost immediately after his office disseminated figures about the Sydney lord mayor Clover Moore’s spending on travel last year that the numbers were wrong, new documents obtained by Guardian Australia reveal.

    But despite that, the federal energy minister and the Daily Telegraph, which reported the figures on 30 September 2019, did nothing to correct the record until Moore wrote a formal letter of complaint on 22 October. Guardian Australia revealed the mistake soon afterwards, prompting questions in parliament.

    The Guardian has now obtained more documents and been informed by Taylor’s office that the two staff referred to in the documents have left his employment.

  13. Terminator

    All multi generational Aussies and all so totally and evangelically behind Trump it was scary. One was only in his early 30’s, the others 60ish. The fact the young guy in particular was so brainwashed totally blew me away and I wondered how it has gotten to this in Australia.
    Was it the years of talkback radio and Jones/Hadley blaring out the radio on the job site or the daily toilet paper headlines.

    It has been that way for many years. When Howard started his “boat people” crap it filled me with dread when it came to Labor’s chances. All the bullshit about refugees, immigrants etc etc was exactly the stuff I heard across building site after building site. Effing ‘tradies’ lapped it up. The local ‘shout back’ radio seemed to be the station of choice everywhere. Your experience is no surprise 🙁

  14. guytaur says:
    Monday, November 2, 2020 at 11:00 am

    Labor won a majority in the Queensland election. They too could show leadership by having a Green Minister just like Ardern and ACT Labor.

    It won’t happen.

    Qld Labor obviously know the best thing to do with the Greens is to fend them off with a long pole. Labor just a won very impressively in part by keeping the Greens at a very safe distance. This will not be lost on anyone in Labor. The path to the restoration of Labor’s Federal PV in QLD lies in visibly repelling Greenware.

  15. When you lie down with dogs you wake up with fleas.

    I would have though Carping Credlin would have awoken to this reality the second time around.

  16. Acting federal Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly saying on @RNBreakfast this morning that Dan Andrews will have to justify his extended lockdown to the Vic public.

    Well that’s easy. “Zero new cases”. Justification complete.

  17. Meanwhile on the trade front…………..

    The trade minister, Simon Birmingham, has urged people not to “jump to conclusions” about the significance of delays to rock lobster shipments clearing customs in China…………………..The lobsters are facing Chinese customs clearance issues as exporters run out of time to get them into restaurants and shops before they are spoiled.

  18. grace pettigrew
    let’s get real, the parliamentary triangle probably should be named Cokeburgh as sewage tracing revealed a jump in cocaine use in #CBR coincident with Parliament resuming a couple of weeks ago

    Is it the pollies? their staff? the cleaners?
    I’m not sure it would help if we knew.

  19. a r says:
    Monday, November 2, 2020 at 12:16 pm

    Acting federal Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly saying on @RNBreakfast this morning that Dan Andrews will have to justify his extended lockdown to the Vic public.
    He will in two years time and i expect he will be easily returned so acting CMO can go away.

  20. Anne Ackroyd
    Aspiring Lib politician Michelle Lioelo has lost her Supreme Court challenge against curfew. Haw haw! Hope it cost her a bomb.

  21. Acting federal Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly saying on @RNBreakfast this morning that Dan Andrews will have to justify his extended lockdown to the Vic public.

    Interstate rivalry alone will do it 😆

    Victoria has recorded zero new cases of Covid-19 and zero deaths for the third day in a row
    New South Wales reported one new locally-acquired Covid-19 infection

  22. Frednk

    Peta Credlin the aspiring next Premier of Victoria aired her bombshell expose. Andrews should be resigning any day now.

  23. Thank you all for the responses to my camping buddies post.
    Lizzie – Obama was absolutely slagged by one guy in particular. He then did the same for Hillary before proceeding to rant about Dan Andrews. The other two were nodding in agreement all the while. I have known then all for years and they are not “bad” people. If you needed a hand you would get it from them all. This is the first time politics was mentioned (not be me) and I hope the last!

  24. The MSM were waiting with their headlines and stories written around how bad it all was for Albanese that Queensland labor had been forced into minority government and how great it was for Morrison after campaigning in Queensland.

    There were glimpses of this in the Australian on Friday and in the Channel nine Brisbane Times. Sadly ( for the media) it all blew up in their faces and they are not happy. All they have now is a vacuum and the “ journos” looking for something with which to fill it and all they can come up with is the puerile “ all due to Covid “.

    The same thing happened after the super by election Saturday. After weeks of throwing shit at Shorten and playing up internal conflict the results blew them out of the water. They were ready to print story after story around the terminal leadership of Shorten, how Albanese was on the rise and how great a campaigner Turnbull was. Sadly ( for the MSM) they were left with nothing. The same is happening now.

    I love sitting back and watching the MSM scratch around looking for something, anything negative to say about the Queensland win and “ how bad it all is for Albanese”.

    They really are sad individuals and the MSM in Australia really is a flock of pathetic irrelevants.

    Just love it.

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