Essential Research: leadership and COVID-19 approval ratings

A narrowing lead for Scott Morrison as preferred prime minister punctuates an otherwise stable picture in Essential Research’s latest set of leadership and COVID-19 performance ratings.

The Guardian reports the latest fortnightly Essential Research poll includes its monthly leadership ratings, which find Scott Morrison’s lead over Anthony Albanese as preferred prime minister is now at 49-26, in from 55-22 last time and the narrowest it has been since early February. However, movements on leaders’ ratings are apparently more modest: Morrison is down two on approval to 64%, with his disapproval rating yet to be disclosed (UPDATE: Up five to 28%, so perhaps not as modest as that), while Albanese is steady on approval at 44% and down one on disapproval to 29%.

Fifty-nine per cent now express approval for the federal government’s handling of the pandemic, down two on a fortnight ago. The poll was conducted before Sunday’s announcement of extended restrictions in Victoria, but the small-sample breakdown for that state finds approval of the state government’s performance up three to 50%, compared with falls of two points in New South Wales to 57% and six points in Queensland to 66%. The WA government is up three to a new high of 87%, although at this point sample sizes get very small indeed: as with much else in this poll, we will have to wait for the publication of the full report this afternoon for numbers from South Australia. The latter figure aside, the following chart shows how the various governments’ favourable ratings on this measure have progressed since March:

Concerning COVID-19 outbreaks in aged care facilities, 41% now blame the providers, down a point on a fortnight ago, with 31% blaming the federal government, up three, and 28% blaming state and territory governments, down two. The poll finds 36% support for increasing the Medicare levy from 2% to 2.65% to fund improvements to aged care, with 32% opposed and 32% uncommitted.

Forty-nine per cent favoured a proposition that Google and Facebook should have to pay for news content, compared with 38% for the alternative that “it is not up to the tech giants to support media companies” (as per the wording in The Guardian’s report). The poll was conducted Thursday to Sunday from a sample of 1076.

UPDATE: Full report here.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,463 comments on “Essential Research: leadership and COVID-19 approval ratings”

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  1. lizzie @ #794 Wednesday, September 9th, 2020 – 5:20 pm

    Alastair Nicholson
    Kmart comes out swinging against Premier Daniel Andrews | The New Daily they would be complaining more loudly if he had let things slide and there was another wave. When are some of these people going to stop talking through their pockets?

    So was it Hunt or Frydenberg who picked up the phone to Kmart …?

  2. Victor Scholar @ #787 Wednesday, September 9th, 2020 – 4:35 pm

    Thanks Victoria.
    That Andrew Elder article is a great insight into what is happening in Australia with our totally biased press!
    Can I say that when I first saw Dan Andrews I thought he looked like Lurch from the Addams Family and was probably just as dumb!
    NOW with Dan the being dumped on every day down here in Victoria and Australia being made out to be the Black Plague spreader by the Press, LNP,all Business Groups with same Government lines, I am mesmerised on how he preformed against disgraceful attacks. He is brilliant and easily the best leader in Australia. Yesterday he was to describe how a meat chain works and what’s being killed at this very moment. He also has a great knowledge on this COVID 19 outbreak. He is able to handle those extremely nasty, angry and rude press with patience and respect, esp Rachel and Alex! It is truly unbelievable he has survived these horrendous attacks and actually got on top them.
    I will pose a simple question- Albo doesn’t defend him and Morrison goes ballistic about him because they are both scared he is coming for them in Canberra?

    I worked for the State Government in Victoria for 44 years and managed a large department for 14 years and I think I know Extraordinary talent when I see it!
    Thank you

    The thing about Rachel and Alex that viewers must consider, is that their questioning is bringing out the best in Andrews which everyone can take note of.

    Rachel and Alex are actually performing a much needed service at these pressers.

  3. It will be interesting to see how those wage theft cases work out in QLD.
    I wonder what “intent” looks like. And how the plods would make a case.
    Could simply paying someone on the wrong award for a year be crime?
    Should be good fun to watch unfold.

    If it’s a big enough stick to encourage employers to review their payrolls practices and fix “mistakes”, that’s still a win for employees.

    blockquote>… I have to wonder why wage theft has not always been a jailable crime? It is plainly stealing, and usually done highly deliberately.

    Quite; I have no idea, either.

  4. Nicholas J Davies
    · 7h
    France recorded 6500 new cases in the past 24 hrs. The UK recorded 3000. This is what happens when you open up too early.

    #IStandWithDanAndrews #auspol

  5. Latest predictions from immunologist Alan Baxter regarding the march of Covid. He’s predicting that we’ll be in single figures sometime between 14/9 and 27/9.

    School holidyas finish on October 4.

  6. The Dan Andrews cultists are not actually doing him any favors. Most people would be accepting that mistakes can be made and that an otherwise good government deserves a second chance maybe. The over the top laudations and hagiographies that abound from the cultists arouse a different response.

  7. nath @ #809 Wednesday, September 9th, 2020 – 6:01 pm

    The Dan Andrews cultists are not actually doing him any favors. Most people would be accepting that mistakes can be made and that an otherwise good government deserves a second chance maybe. The over the top laudations and hagiographies that abound from the cultists arouse a different response.

    I’m sure Michael will disagree.

  8. I would have thought the ignorant, biased, frenetic and unfounded denigration of Andrews by the Liberal fascistas would have elicited the opposite to their desired result as well.

  9. Fulvio Sammutsays:
    Wednesday, September 9, 2020 at 6:13 pm
    I would have thought the ignorant, biased, frenetic and unfounded denigration of Andrews by the Liberal fascistas would have elicited the opposite to their desired result as well.
    Maybe. IMO The Liberals have fallen into traps by not focusing on the debacle itself and getting into criticism of the lockdown rather than trying to sheet home the blame for it where it belongs. Perhaps it will even out.

  10. The simple things matter.

    Compare and contrast Morrison pressers to Andrews pressers.

    One can only last for five or six questions before running back to the bunker, while the other can thrive for up to 2 hrs under heavy questioning and remain clear and concise the whole time.

    One is a mirage, the other is bricks and mortar.

  11. Every government department gets a QC at the Victorian Quarantine Inquiry

    MR A. NEAL QC appears with MS R. ELLYARD, MR B. IHLE,
    MR S. BRNOVIC and MS J. MOIR as Counsel Assisting the Board of Inquiry
    MS J. FIRKIN QC appears with MS S. KEATING for the Department of
    Environment, Land, Water and Planning
    MS C. HARRIS QC appears with MS P. KNOWLES and MR M. McLAY for
    the Department of Health and Human Services
    MS J. CONDON QC appears with MS R. PRESTON and MR R. CHAILE for
    the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
    DR K. HANSCOMBE QC appears with MS H. TIPLADY for the Department
    of Justice and Community Safety
    MR R. ATTIWILL QC appears with MS C. MINTZ for the Department of

  12. Latest predictions from immunologist Alan Baxter regarding the march of Covid. He’s predicting that we’ll be in single figures sometime between 14/9 and 27/9.

    School holidays finish on October 4.

    If there’s one big “learning”* from the last school holidays, it’s keep the damn border closures/lockdowns in place until the kids are back at school.

    * They used to be called “lessons learnt”; calling them “learnings” is much easier. (i.e. things that should have been learnt – but weren’t.)

  13. I read somewhere that Rachel Baxendale (The Australian) is Tim Smith’s sister-in-law. Is that true?

    It would explain a lot of so many levels.

  14. From earlier on:

    What’s the difference between an ER physician & God? God doesn’t think he’s an ER physician. Ditto counsel – eg, Windover. It’s difficult to discern who’s more arrogant.

  15. Enjoying reading Disloyal by Michael Cohen on kindle.

    Shorter synopsis. Trump is an arsehole, who likes smoke blowing up his arse, and reciprocates by flattering his acolytes so much so that they do his bidding. Until they are disposed of.

  16. Shellbell
    The inquiry must be costing us a bloody fortune.
    You would think Andrews could explain exactly what happened during one of his press conferences if he is that friggin good.

  17. nath @ #809 Wednesday, September 9th, 2020 – 6:01 pm

    The Dan Andrews cultists are not actually doing him any favors. Most people would be accepting that mistakes can be made and that an otherwise good government deserves a second chance maybe. The over the top laudations and hagiographies that abound from the cultists arouse a different response.

    As an admirer of Andrews, I have to agree Nath. Over the top on both sides. My favourite was the guy who posted earlier that Albanese’s lack of enthusiasm for supporting Andrews was because of his fear that Andrews was coming for his job.

  18. Spray:

    Wednesday, September 9, 2020 at 7:06 pm

    [‘…because of his fear that Andrews was coming for his job.’]

    That could be the case but historically premiers rarely make the transition to the big pond: Reid and Lyons. Labor premiers should show solidarity with Andrews.

  19. “A fool and his money are soon parted.”

    Melbourne is bracing for another anti-lockdown protest with more than 1000 people on Facebook RSVP-ing to attend a “freedom walk” amid stage four restrictions.

    Last Saturday’s rally attracted about 200 attendees, and police handed out 180 fines.

  20. Spray @ #823 Wednesday, September 9th, 2020 – 7:06 pm

    nath @ #809 Wednesday, September 9th, 2020 – 6:01 pm

    The Dan Andrews cultists are not actually doing him any favors. Most people would be accepting that mistakes can be made and that an otherwise good government deserves a second chance maybe. The over the top laudations and hagiographies that abound from the cultists arouse a different response.

    As an admirer of Andrews, I have to agree Nath. Over the top on both sides. My favourite was the guy who posted earlier that Albanese’s lack of enthusiasm for supporting Andrews was because of his fear that Andrews was coming for his job.

    Has Andrews got everything right in his time as Premier ? No.

    Should Andrews micro-manage everything or should he delegate and expect his ministers to manage their areas of responsibility ? The latter most would say, including I.

    Has Andrews accepted full responsibility for the 2nd wave anyway ? Yes, repeatedly.

    Now you tell me Spray of any other politician in this country who has stood up hour after hour, day after day and made themself as accountable in such a calm, clear and concise way in such a pressure moment ..??

  21. Mavis @ #827 Wednesday, September 9th, 2020 – 7:22 pm


    Wednesday, September 9, 2020 at 7:06 pm

    [‘…because of his fear that Andrews was coming for his job.’]

    That could be the case but historically premiers rarely make the transition to the big pond: Reid and Lyons. Labor premiers should show solidarity with Andrews.

    Maybe Albanese prefers to avoid any NSW/Qld voter backlash for supporting us filthy Mexicans.

  22. Other things we should pile onto:

    – Ruby Princess (scapegoats Peter Dutton, Gladys)
    – Failure to close international borders until mid March* (scapegoats Dutton, Morrison)
    – The aged care disaster (a Federal responsibility) – scapegoats whats’isname (Aged Care Minister) and Morrison

    * except China, where Morrison was aping Trump

  23. People really have forgotten what real leadership is – and probably many young folk have never seen real political leadership in their lifetime.

    Real leadership isn’t getting everything right.

    It’s having the inner strength to stand up and stick by principles – and stare down the bullies.

    It’s having the ability to engage with people and bring them along.

    At a federal level, none of them come within a bulls roar of that. The place is full of fakes and frauds and con artists.

    Andrews isn’t perfect in a policy sense, but by geez he’s light years ahead in terms of real leadership ability.

  24. Rex. Just because Andrews can give a good press conference doesn’t say much about his leadership abilities. He’s a politician, no more and no less.

    Just a short time ago he was welcoming back Somyurek to a ministerial portfolio and saying he was his ‘friend’ because he needed him. When the opportunity arose he then cut Somyurek’s throat. That’s a politician. You might call him a leader. I don’t like that kind of language.

  25. Rex Douglas:

    Mavis @ #827 Wednesday, September 9th, 2020 – 7:22 pm

    [‘Maybe Albanese prefers to avoid any NSW/Qld voter backlash for supporting us filthy Mexicans.’]

    Albanese would do well to publicly support Andrews. He should show some intestinal fortitude, so should McGowan and Palaszczuk. That they haven’t, to the best of knowledge, is a very poor look.

  26. Mavis @ #837 Wednesday, September 9th, 2020 – 7:46 pm

    Rex Douglas:

    Mavis @ #827 Wednesday, September 9th, 2020 – 7:22 pm

    [‘Maybe Albanese prefers to avoid any NSW/Qld voter backlash for supporting us filthy Mexicans.’]

    Albanese would do well to publicly support Andrews. He should show some intestinal fortitude, so should McGowan and Palaszczuk. That they haven’t, to the best of knowledge, is a very poor look.

    Albo is well advised to say nothing at let Morrison continue to embarras himself.

  27. Did everyone – except the obvious one’s – get their email from Albo tonight spruiking his regional Australia policy?
    Not sure really why people who are already Labor supporters get these communiques.
    Shouldn’t Labor be doing everything they can to get the message out to those not in the loop?

  28. What would happen if Dan Andrews chucked a spaz and suddenly opened up?

    * Other states would STILL ban Victorians from entering,
    * The virus would spread again,
    * People would get sick again,
    * Oldies would die again (because the Feds have done fuck-all to fix the problem),
    * It would take 2 weeks to pick up the new infection trend,
    * By that time the only resort would be YET ANOTHER lockdown.
    * No jobs, no industry, no coffee shops, no restaurants, no hairdressers, but plenty of whingers,
    * The same people who said he was too tough, then too lax, then too tough, would then say he was too lax again (and probably bitch about how he didn’t follow medical advice),
    * Morrison would get to blame Andrews for all Australia’s woes again.
    * Then the hecklers could go and demonstrate for their “freedom” for the umpteenth time.

    This will not end well for Scott Morrison. If he keeps kibbitzing and second guessing, announcing undeliverable vaccines, fiscal stimuli, magic solutions and still does nothing, he will go down in a screaming heap, not Dan Andrews.

    The man who couldn’t sell a half-naked Lara Bingle to fifty-million freezing Poms, will then really find out what “failure” means.

  29. Where’s Lars?

    Joe Biden leads Donald Trump in six key 2020 swing states, according to a new CNBC/Change Research poll.
    Biden’s edge over Trump in Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin is unchanged from two weeks ago, before the 2020 Republican National Convention.
    Voters’ views of both Biden and Trump also have not budged over two weeks.

  30. Bushfire Bill @ #843 Wednesday, September 9th, 2020 – 7:55 pm

    What would happen if Dan Andrews chucked a spaz and suddenly opened up?

    * Other states would STILL ban Victorians from entering,

    I saw a woman on TV today joining in the Andrews pile-on. Her thesis appeared to be that by remaining locked down, Andrews was allowing the other states to think that he had no confidence in how to manage the virus, therefore they would be much less inclined to open their borders to Victoria.

    You could actually see the moment when she realised what she was saying, but she decided to persevere regardless. Of course no-one challenged her.

  31. Greensborough Growler:

    Wednesday, September 9, 2020 at 7:51 pm

    [‘Albo is well advised to say nothing at let Morrison continue to embarras himself.’]

    I’m not sure about that. It seems to me that few are supporting Andrews. I think he could he could do with some. It must be very lonely for him though he shows few signs that he’s affected by it. But no one is an island.

  32. Mavis @ #847 Wednesday, September 9th, 2020 – 8:15 pm

    Greensborough Growler:

    Wednesday, September 9, 2020 at 7:51 pm

    [‘Albo is well advised to say nothing at let Morrison continue to embarras himself.’]

    I’m not sure about that. It seems to me that few are supporting Andrews. I think he could he could do with some. It must be very lonely for him though he shows few signs that he’s affected by it. But no one is an island.

    I’d say, Dan knows exactly what he is doing.

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