Preselection news x 2

Eden-Monaro Liberals get the preselection ballot they wanted, and the Victorian Greens confirm candidates to fill Richard Di Natale’s Senate vacancy.

There are two situations vacant currently in the federal parliament: member for Eden-Monaro, with Mike Kelly’s successor to be chosen at a by-election on a date to be determined, and Victorian Greens Senator, with Richard Di Natale’s vacancy to be filled by a party membership ballot following a timeline I’m not privy to. The latest developments on these fronts are as follows:

• With Andrew Constance now in the rear mirror, the Liberals are going through a preselection process that has brought them to the closure of nominations, with the candidates not yet formally announced. David Crowe of the Sydney Morning Herald reported three likely starters: the presumed front-runner, Fiona Kotvojs, who ran in 2019 and remains popular in local branches; Jerry Nockles, an international relations expert and former Navy seaman; and Pru Gordon, a manager at the National Farmers Federation. Canberra news magazine CityNews reported that names being tested in Liberal polling included Nichole Overall, a Queanbeyan freelance journalist. Please note that there’s a dedicated Eden-Monaro by-election thread below this one.

• The Victorian Greens have attracted nine nominees to fill Richard Di Natale’s Senate vacancy, and helpfully laid them out on their website. The highest profile is human rights lawyer Julian Burnside, who ran unsuccessfully for the party in the seat of Cooper at last year’s federal election. However, Noel Towell of The Age reported in March that Lidia Thorpe, who won Northcote in a by-election in November 2017 but failed to retain it at the general election a year later, is also rated highly. The report said the same of Huong Truong, who held an upper house seat in Western Metropolitan region in the nine months before the election, but she is not among the nominees.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,274 comments on “Preselection news x 2”

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  1. Confessions @ #146 Sunday, May 10th, 2020 – 10:57 am


    I suspect it’s more the number of people in close confines, touching of frequently-touched surfaces and the amount of time they are all locked in the space that would be the bigger risk of infection spreading.

    Ah yes. Getting up to go to the toilet. Going to the toilet…Then the next person comes along. Rinse and repeat. I wonder if the Flight Attendants are having to clean the toilets down after each visit? 😳

    I did notice a couple of people had rubber gloves on. Not enough to make a difference though.

  2. Interesting exchange

    Prof. Peter Doherty
    Thanks Sally. My language was intemperate, but many of us have been saying the same thing for years. Keep up the good work. I’m too old for politics, but you certainly aren’t. First thing that has to go is the flat tax, along with the toxic IPA everything for the rich agenda.
    Quote Tweet

    Sally McManus
    · 15h
    I enjoyed reading your AFR profile @ProfPCDoherty, esp “I think we need to rethink how we organise our society because, basically, I think a lot of it has just been total crap. It has made a lot of rich people richer, and a lot of shitheads have become really powerful”.

  3. C@tmomma @ #153 Sunday, May 10th, 2020 – 9:22 am

    Confessions @ #146 Sunday, May 10th, 2020 – 10:57 am


    I suspect it’s more the number of people in close confines, touching of frequently-touched surfaces and the amount of time they are all locked in the space that would be the bigger risk of infection spreading.

    Ah yes. Getting up to go to the toilet. Going to the toilet…Then the next person comes along. Rinse and repeat. I wonder if the Flight Attendants are having to clean the toilets down after each visit? 😳

    I did notice a couple of people had rubber gloves on. Not enough to make a difference though.

    I don’t understand this fascination with rubber gloves.

    Surely they are only useful until you touch something, then you need to replace them to be safe.

    This is the same as bare hands except you can wash your hands.

  4. lizzie @ #133 Sunday, May 10th, 2020 – 10:42 am

    Some advice please.

    I was advised to buy one of those wheat-filled bags as a possible aid to sciatic pain.

    It’s quite a long one that only just fits into my microwave. The instructions are very clear that it will get very hot, not to heat it for more than 2 mins, watch for burns, etc. But I don’t think it’s getting very hot at all.

    I think because it’s bigger than the normal small ones, I can heat it for longer. If I do, will it explode? catch on fire? anyone had experience?

    Heat it for 2 minutes. Take it out and shake it all around. If it doesn’t feel warm enough then put it back for another minute. They tend to give off a nice grainy aroma when hot.

  5. I did notice a couple of people had rubber gloves on. Not enough to make a difference though.

    One guy in the photo is using his phone with his gloves on. Presumably he didn’t switch out to a new pair of gloves before touching his phone, so unless he’s wiping down his phone with alcohol wipes before putting it to his face or touching it with his bare hands, what is the point of wearing gloves?

    I saw the same thing yesterday in the supermarket. An older couple wearing gloves doing their shopping. The man rubbed his nose with his gloved hand, thereby nulling and voiding the whole point of wearing gloves in the first place!

  6. PeeBee @ #141 Sunday, May 10th, 2020 – 10:50 am

    Nath has a lot of information about Labor let down shop assistants. He never mentions what the Liberals do.

    Many shop assistants work in the black economy, for cash and many are OS ‘students’. This is a direct result of Liberal policies. Not only does it effect these people, but bring down the working conditions and pay of people working in the white economy.

    Does Nath have anything to say about what the Liberals do? Not a thing.

    Nath is a Liberal Troll.

    And, as I have laboriously documented here over the time nath has been here with his Fake SDA News campaign, what he states as up to date facts are actual lies.

    He reminds me as no one so much as one of those Liberals who have ‘seen the light’. Brought up dirt poor in some Housing Commission flat with a Single Mother, then worked hard and done good and so see it as their mission to, with an almost evangelical zeal, spend every day pissing on the party that enabled them to rise up out of the gutter to be where they are today. The James Pattinson of social media. However, in ‘nath’s’ case, it’s more like the Walter Mitty of social media as he seems to have an experience that seamlessly joins him up with every topic he seeks to use as a weapon to attack Labor with.

    As you can be whoever you want to be on social media, his strenuous assertions that he’s just a Green, are belied by so many scintillas of evidence to the contrary that paint a very different Pointillist picture of the guy.

    Money has tempted some very smart people to make a deal with the devil to sell out everything that got them where they are today in order to maintain their position on the greasy pole. nath is one of these. And no amount of scorn, derision or abuse poured on me by him will change my mind about that.

  7. Confessions @ #160 Sunday, May 10th, 2020 – 11:30 am

    I did notice a couple of people had rubber gloves on. Not enough to make a difference though.

    One guy in the photo is using his phone with his gloves on. Presumably he didn’t switch out to a new pair of gloves before touching his phone, so unless he’s wiping down his phone with alcohol wipes before putting it to his face or touching it with his bare hands, what is the point of wearing gloves?

    I saw the same thing yesterday in the supermarket. An older couple wearing gloves doing their shopping. The man rubbed his nose with his gloved hand, thereby nulling and voiding the whole point of wearing gloves in the first place!

    Yeah, it’s half-baked measures like that that will sadly be some people’s undoing. Genuine intent, to be sure, however, uninformed.

    A chart I saw about the extent of American death revealed that they only have WW2 to beat before it’s the greatest loss of life in American history. I hope they don’t get there. I’m just not confident about it though. I think they will.

  8. Nicholas is going to be happy.

    A pro Jobs Guarantee article in the Australian Financial Review and Sally McManus supporting the author.

  9. It really feels like living in Opposite World!

    The White House response to comments by Obama.

    White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany did not mention Mr Obama directly in her response to his remarks.

    “President Trump’s coronavirus response has been unprecedented and saved American lives,” she said.

    “While Democrats were pursuing a sham witch hunt against President Trump, President Trump was shutting down travel from China.”

    She added: “While Democrats encouraged mass gatherings, President Trump was deploying PPE, ventilators, and testing across the country.”

  10. Air

    Huong Truong held Vietnamese citizenship, and as a result couldn’t run for federal parliament

    Yes, disappointing though it makes my ballot choice a little easier.

  11. lizzie re wheat bags

    If you don’t mind it being a wee bit moist, put a cup of water in the microwave with the bag. That’s what I do; it works a treat and ensures it wont ‘explode’.

  12. Put the wheat pack in the microwave for a minute. Shake it and repeat. Normally 2 minutes is enough. There are quite safe compared to hot water bottles unless you get drunk or sedated and fall asleep on one.

  13. ICU doctors say risk of hospitals being overrun has passed

    Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society secretary Dr Mark Nicholls said though the risk of “second wave” contagion was real, people should have confidence in the capacity of the health system to respond to any further outbreaks.
    The low number of COVID cases across the hospital system has already led to some doctors and nurses being stood down from the pandemic front line to resume regular duties.

    The nation’s social distancing regime and economic restrictions were designed to slow the spread of the virus to stop our hospital system and in particular, intensive care units, from being overrun.
    :::Throughout the pandemic,a total of 148 COVID patients have been admitted to ICUs in Australia and 41 have required mechanical ventilation.
    Dr Nicholls predicted public hospitals would soon return to providing elective surgery and other health services postponed for pandemic preparations and that the COVID experience had driven permanent changes to the health system, including greater use of telemedicine.

  14. Could Speers have listened to the complaints about his interviewing “technique”, or was it just that he couldn’t find a way of attacking Burke? We’ll see next week.

  15. C@tmomma
    Sunday, May 10, 2020 at 11:33 am

    Does Nath have anything to say about what the Liberals do? Not a thing.
    Nath is a Liberal Troll.
    And, as I have laboriously documented here over the time nath has been here with his Fake SDA News campaign, what he states as up to date facts are actual lies.
    He reminds me as no one so much as one of those Liberals who have ‘seen the light’. Brought up dirt poor in some Housing Commission flat with a Single Mother, then worked hard and done good and so see it as their mission to, with an almost evangelical zeal, spend every day pissing on the party that enabled them to rise up out of the gutter to be where they are today. The James Pattinson of social media. However, in ‘nath’s’ case, it’s more like the Walter Mitty of social media as he seems to have an experience that seamlessly joins him up with every topic he seeks to use as a weapon to attack Labor with.
    Your fantasist ravings are almost funny. As I have pointed out people like yourself are the Liberals’ best allies. Nasty, unpleasant bullying people who pretend to be lefties.

  16. Barney in Tanjung Bunga @ #167 Sunday, May 10th, 2020 – 11:56 am

    It really feels like living in Opposite World!

    The White House response to comments by Obama.

    White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany did not mention Mr Obama directly in her response to his remarks.

    “President Trump’s coronavirus response has been unprecedented and saved American lives,” she said.

    “While Democrats were pursuing a sham witch hunt against President Trump, President Trump was shutting down travel from China.”

    She added: “While Democrats encouraged mass gatherings, President Trump was deploying PPE, ventilators, and testing across the country.”

    Through the Looking Glass with Kayleigh McEnany.

  17. Far more Americans died in the civil war than any other.
    In fact the deaths of about 750,000 are greater than all other wars combined.
    The Battle of Antietam was the bloodiest day in American history with more than 22,000 casualties
    COVID has a long way to catch up.

  18. During my work in aged care I came across some research on wheat packs and the safety implications. I can’t remember the source but do remember it was well referenced.

    The policy developed from that was that a glass of water had to be in the microwave when heating, 2 minutes for a standard bag with 30 second increments for larger bags. Once the appropriate amount of heating time for the bag was established it could not be reheated for a period of 1hour per minute of heating. Each bag had its on record of heating and most residents found 2 bags ensured that 1 was always available for heating when required.

  19. lizzie @ #174 Sunday, May 10th, 2020 – 10:14 am

    Could Speers have listened to the complaints about his interviewing “technique”, or was it just that he couldn’t find a way of attacking Burke? We’ll see next week.

    Burke is pretty clear and concise when he talks.

    He would be tough to interview.

  20. nath @ #176 Sunday, May 10th, 2020 – 12:18 pm

    Sunday, May 10, 2020 at 11:33 am

    Does Nath have anything to say about what the Liberals do? Not a thing.
    Nath is a Liberal Troll.
    And, as I have laboriously documented here over the time nath has been here with his Fake SDA News campaign, what he states as up to date facts are actual lies.
    He reminds me as no one so much as one of those Liberals who have ‘seen the light’. Brought up dirt poor in some Housing Commission flat with a Single Mother, then worked hard and done good and so see it as their mission to, with an almost evangelical zeal, spend every day pissing on the party that enabled them to rise up out of the gutter to be where they are today. The James Pattinson of social media. However, in ‘nath’s’ case, it’s more like the Walter Mitty of social media as he seems to have an experience that seamlessly joins him up with every topic he seeks to use as a weapon to attack Labor with.
    Your fantasist ravings are almost funny. As I have pointed out people like yourself are the Liberals’ best allies. Nasty, unpleasant bullying people who pretend to be lefties.

    ‘Nasty, unpleasant bullying people ….’
    Projection, projection, projection as Gommer Pyle would say.

    Tell you what’s funny Natho.
    Everything you post.

  21. Barney in Tanjung Bunga @ #180 Sunday, May 10th, 2020 – 12:25 pm

    lizzie @ #174 Sunday, May 10th, 2020 – 10:14 am

    Could Speers have listened to the complaints about his interviewing “technique”, or was it just that he couldn’t find a way of attacking Burke? We’ll see next week.

    Burke is pretty clear and concise when he talks.

    He would be tough to interview.

    Burke is that good.
    I know it’s tough to get one’s head around it, him being Labor and all, but he’s got ‘it’.

  22. ‘lizzie says:
    Sunday, May 10, 2020 at 12:14 pm

    Could Speers have listened to the complaints about his interviewing “technique”, or was it just that he couldn’t find a way of attacking Burke? We’ll see next week.’

    Good question. IMO Burke answered the questions directly and succinctly so there was no need for Speers to repeat the questions.

  23. ‘Oakeshott Country says:
    Sunday, May 10, 2020 at 12:23 pm

    Far more Americans died in the civil war than any other.
    In fact the deaths of about 750,000 are greater than all other wars combined.
    The Battle of Antietam was the bloodiest day in American history with more than 22,000 casualties
    COVID has a long way to catch up.
    Oakeshott Country says:
    Sunday, May 10, 2020 at 12:23 pm

    Far more Americans died in the civil war than any other.
    In fact the deaths of about 750,000 are greater than all other wars combined.
    The Battle of Antietam was the bloodiest day in American history with more than 22,000 casualties
    COVID has a long way to catch up.’

    The sum total of all deaths in the wars of conquest against the first nations was far greater than that. The statistical issue seems to be the column headings for the deaths.

    While Vietnam is front of mind, the American-Philippines War was bad for civilians in particular.

  24. Barney in Tanjung Bunga @ #165 Sunday, May 10th, 2020 – 9:56 am

    It really feels like living in Opposite World!

    The White House response to comments by Obama.

    White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany did not mention Mr Obama directly in her response to his remarks.

    “President Trump’s coronavirus response has been unprecedented and saved American lives,” she said.

    “While Democrats were pursuing a sham witch hunt against President Trump, President Trump was shutting down travel from China.”

    She added: “While Democrats encouraged mass gatherings, President Trump was deploying PPE, ventilators, and testing across the country.”

    I listened to a podcast yesterday with Charlie Sykes and someone whose name I’ve forgotten. They both said McEnany’s only real job she’d held before going to the WH was that of professional online troll. 😆

  25. Barney in Tanjung Bunga
    Re Burke and “clear and precise”. A skill he had to have in spades to win this. Also being verbally very quick on his feet would likely be another string to his bow.
    He was also awarded the Martin Sorensen Trophy for Best Speaker at the 1994 Australasian Intervarsity Debating Championships.

  26. Q: McEnany’s only real job she’d held before going to the WH was that of professional online troll
    A; well qualified then

  27. Tony Burke went to primary school in Beverly Hills – the Sydney suburb, not Hollywood. Other well known Bevo alumni are John Hewson and me 🙂

  28. Albanese political instincts have been sound during the Virus. He did nothing to get in the way of rapid and massive government responses.

    While some urgers have condemned Albanese for this approach, there can be little real doubt that he would have been excoriated had he either tried to slow down the response or tried to reduce its scale.

    Similarly, Albanese has been very responsible in terms of the health responses.

    Further, Wong did a good job of ensuring that the Chicoms know that Labor will ensure that there is no domestic wedge to play on issues such as the Chicom threat to trash the Australian economy should an Australian prime minister dare to state in public something the Chicom comrades don’t want to hear.

    In the economic, health and foreign policy spheres Albanese’s only inputs have been to try to be helpful and to improve the responses.

    Burke’s interview this morning supported an excellent set of signals by Albanese that Labor is pivoting quite significantly.

    As the restrictions are loosened, and as the economic ‘hibernation’ comes to an end, Albanese is positioning Labor to be free to act as a trenchant opposition.

  29. boerwar @ #190 Sunday, May 10th, 2020 – 12:49 pm

    Albanese political instincts have been sound during the Virus. He did nothing to get in the way of rapid and massive government responses.

    While some urgers have condemned Albanese for this approach, there can be little real doubt that he would have been excoriated had he either tried to slow down the response or tried to reduce its scale.

    Similarly, Albanese has been very responsible in terms of the health responses.

    Further, Wong did a good job of ensuring that the Chicoms know that Labor will ensure that there is no domestic wedge to play on issues such as the Chicom threat to trash the Australian economy should an Australian prime minister dare to state in public something the Chicom comrades don’t want to hear.

    In the economic, health and foreign policy spheres Albanese’s only inputs have been to try to be helpful and to improve the responses.

    Burke’s interview this morning supported an excellent set of signals by Albanese that Labor is pivoting quite significantly.

    As the restrictions are loosened, and as the economic ‘hibernation’ comes to an end, Albanese is positioning Labor to be free to act as a trenchant opposition.

    Albo will be well rewarded by the punters in this weeks poll.
    Of this Mundo is confident.

  30. Queensland’s deputy premier, Jackie Trad, who had stood aside over an ongoing corruption inquiry into the hiring of a principal at a high school in her electorate, has now resigned her ministerial responsibilities. She has previously said she believes the inquiry will clear her of any wrongdoing.

    Palaszczuk thanks Trad and announces a reshuffle of her ministry: the state’s health minister, Steven Miles, will become deputy leader. Cameron Dick, previously the state development minister, becomes treasurer. Kate Jones, the tourism and innovation minister, takes over his job as development minister.

  31. Indoor and outdoor non-work gatherings of up to 20 people will be permitted, while restaurants and cafes will be permitted to open dine-in services for up to 20 patrons, provided they adhere to the four square metre density rule.

    The rule will apply to pubs, bars, community clubs, hotels and the casino.

    Up to 20 people will be permitted to attend weddings and funerals, with the cap lifting to 30 people if the service is held outdoors.

    WA’s temporary regional borders have been reduced from 13 to four, allowing travel between some regions that were previously closed off.

    Travel will be permitted between the Mid-West, Gascoyne and Pilbara; the Esperance-Goldfields region; and within the Kimberley.

    Our region is still closed which I’m not too fussed about.

  32. Some public amenities such as swimming pools, libraries and places of worship will also be able to reopen and cater for up to 20 people.

    Mr McGowan said the number of people who could take part in non-contact community sport would also be lifted to 20 people.

    “To be clear, this means adults and children can train and take part in sports if there’s no physical contact involved,” he said.

    Indoor and outdoor fitness classes of 20 people will also be permitted, provided there is minimal sharing of equipment.

    Takes effect from May 18.

  33. mundo
    ‘Nasty, unpleasant bullying people ….’
    Projection, projection, projection as Gommer Pyle would say.
    Tell you what’s funny Natho.
    Everything you post.
    I’m not the one that has sat on this blog and bullied and harangued every person with a different opinion for however many years she has been doing it.

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