Essential Research: bushfires, climate change and asylum seekers

A new poll finds respondents clearly of the view that not enough is being done to tackle climate change, but with opinion divided as to whether it appropriate to debate the matter in the context of the bushfire emergency.

The Essential Research poll series continues to chug along on its fortnightly schedule without offering anything on voting intention, with this week’s survey mainly relating to bushfires and climate change. Support for the proposition that Australia is not doing enough to address climate change have reached a new high of 60%, up nine since March, with “doing enough” down five to 22% and “doing too much” down three to 8%.

However, perceptions of climate change itself are little changed, with 61% attributing it to human activity (down one) and 28% opting for “a normal fluctuation in the earth’s climate”. On the debate as to whether it was appropriate to raise links between climate change and bushfires, opinion was evenly divided – out of those who considered such a link likely, 43% felt raising the matter appropriate compared with 17% for inappropriate, while another 30% rated the link as unlikely.

A further question related to the issue of medical evacuations for asylum seekers, and here the situation is murkier due to the need to provide respondents with some sort of explanation of what the issue is about. As the Essential survey put it, the relevant legislation allows “doctors, not politicians, more say in determining the appropriate medical
treatment offered to people in offshore detention”. Put like that, 62% were opposed to the government’s move to repeal it, including 25% who believed the legislation didn’t go far enough. That left only 22% in favour of the pro-government proposition that “legislation will weaken our borders and result in boats arriving”.

The poll was conducted Thursday to Sunday from a sample of 1083.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,314 comments on “Essential Research: bushfires, climate change and asylum seekers”

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  1. Interestingly, some Biblical experts say that blasphemy is based on a false reading of the 10 Commandments – that it wasn’t using God’s name as a swear word which was the offence, but using God to justify your own actions.

  2. zoomster @ #451 Thursday, November 28th, 2019 – 6:42 am

    Interestingly, some Biblical experts say that blasphemy is based on a false reading of the 10 Commandments – that it wasn’t using God’s name as a swear word which was the offence, but using God to justify your own actions.

    Well, you can guarantee it won’t be that way in the Land of the God-Botherer King.

  3. @noplaceforsheep

    If Taylor had released all the related documents it wouldn’t be costing NSW police anything. Blame
    @AngusTaylorMP for wasting police resources.
    Well done Angus!

  4. ‘Not at all normal’: Internet stunned as ‘delusional’ Trump posts image of his head photoshopped onto Rocky Balboa’s body

    Trump tweets a lot of baffling things, and he continued that great tradition this Wednesday morning by sharing an image, without comment, of his head photoshopped onto the iconic image of Rocky Balboa.

    Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump

    A more realistic image

  5. This is the guy who wanted to put a Chinese agent into parliament for the Liberal Party:

    The man suspected of trying to plant a Chinese operative in the Australian Parliament is involved in business with one of the Chinese military’s main weapons and vehicles manufacturers, and wanted to expand his business into Australia.

    The special vehicle company run by sometime Australian resident Brian Chen produces bullet-proof transport trucks, public security guard cars and other special vehicles. One of his businesses is in partnership with another company that is an affiliate of Norinco, the $45 billion military outfit that produces a large proportion of China’s military products, ranging from weapons to tanks.

    Link that with this story and Houston, we have a problem, and it’s the Morrison government:

    Australia’s flagship foreign interference scheme has issued only one notice to a potential agent of influence, despite sending out more than 1500 letters, as former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull urged the Morrison government to enforce the controversial laws.

    …The Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s Fergus Hanson, who is undertaking a review into the scheme, said it was disappointing the laws had not captured any groups linked to United Front, the Chinese government agency which organises Chinese populations overseas to serve its strategic interests.

    Mr Hanson said Australian universities with Confucius Institutes should also have to register, but the legislation was “too complex” and there were too many loopholes including one allowing some charities to be exempt.

    I’m especially worried about this:

    Former trade minister Andrew Robb quietly ceased his consultancy with the leaseholder of the Darwin Port, Chinese company Landbridge, before the deadline to register.

    A tacit admission that he was an agent of influence for China. What a grub.

  6. guytaur says: Thursday, November 28, 2019 at 7:27 am


    Given the rumours maybe a high dose of Adderall?


    Looks out of it here :

    Morbidly Obese Trump Tweets Deranged Image Of Himself Fit And Ripped

    Victoria Brownworth @VABVOX

    Replying to @realDonaldTrump

    You’ve never looked like this in your life. Tweeting this out for world leaders to see is bad for the U.S. VP Pence should be in discussion with Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader McConnell about the 25th Amendment. You need serious intervention.

  7. So Jacqui Lambie’s ‘one condition’ to support Medivac repeal is for Morrision/Dutton to accept NZ’s offer for 150 refugee resettlement PER YEAR off Manus/PNG and Nauru.

    Given the offer was first made in 2013 – 6 x 150=900 – which would just about clear all remaining refugees in the Pacific Solution.

    Which would mean that Nauru could be closed, as has to a large extent Manus.

    Think of the saving to the Budget. Think of the show of compassionate leadership. Think of the ability to trumpet success of Soverign Borders.

  8. You have to give it to Dotard – he is a master of media manipulation in the internet era.

    Ukraine scandal closing in? Impeachment ramping up?

    But his ‘look over there at that unicorn’ tweet about him with a ripped body has gone viral, crowding out boring impeachment news.

  9. ‘E. G. Theodore says:
    Wednesday, November 27, 2019 at 11:52 pm

    Anshel Pfeffer @ Haaretz

    Be prepared for a complete lack of self-awareness, strange ahistorical assertions – and a jarring similarity to the selective framing of anti-Semitism championed by one Benjamin Netanyahu

    It is not anti-Semitism as experienced by its Jewish victims, but anti-Semitism as a useful tool in the hands of politicians, for tarring their specific rivals.’

    Thank you. A good read, IMO.

  10. Sprocket

    It won’t work. Impeachment will be televised live on Fox.

    I am looking forward to it because with the Chief Justice running the show its less open to manipulation by a man who detests being dragged into politics.

    The GOP will try their best but live on tv makes it very hard for a Chief Justice to be political and not be seen to be so.

  11. Oh dear! That nice Ambassador Gordon Sondland…

    ‘NEW: Three women recall Sondland made unwanted sexual contact in business settings. One says he exposed himself. All recall professional retaliation after they rejected him. Sondland denies the allegations.’

  12. Surely with this outbreak of photos and photoshops of shirtless world leaders it’s time to break out some of Tony Abbott’s greatest hits from the vault.

    Maybe some of Jacinda Arden … for balance.

  13. C@T

    A tacit admission that he was an agent of influence for China. What a grub.

    One of the grubbiest of grubs, who was also instrumental in giving us Abbott thereby dooming climate change action and a real NBN. How good is that ! Perhaps his depression is just misdiagnosed ‘Guilty Conscience” .

  14. Good morning Dawn Patrollers

    David Crowe looks at Morrison’s phone call to the NSW chief of police.
    He says that Morrison’s judgment has failed him and now he’s totally exposed.
    Christopher Knaus writes that former ICAC commissioner David Ipp has said ‘No premier, certainly in my experience in NSW, would ever dared to have called up’
    And Sam Maiden says that Morrison has been accused of bringing political interference to bear on a police investigation as he launched a bungled defence of his refusal to stand down Angus Taylor.
    If Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction Angus Taylor were a Labor government minister, would we even be having a conversation about whether – given he is the subject of a criminal investigation – it is right for him to stand down?,13358
    Peter Hannam reports on the latest dire outlook on climate change.
    The editorial in the Canberra Times says that this government is heading for hubris.
    Greg Jericho writes that construction figures yet more evidence that the economy needs the government to step in.
    Anthony Albanese has rubbished the coalition refrain that the best form of welfare is a job, saying that’s not always true. He has told a welfare sector conference that while Australia is a great nation, it can’t be perfect when so many people are living in poverty.
    The federal government has admitted a key element of the controversial “robodebt” system is unlawful, in a landmark court case that lawyers believe could open the door for hundreds of thousands of welfare recipients to be repaid. Anyone with half a brain should have realised this!
    Paul Karp also writes about this decision.
    Dana McCauley says that with One Nation’s support the government’s union busting legislation will get through the senate.
    Jess Irvine tells us about the parlous state of private health cover.
    Pru Goward has a suggestion to make these insurers more viable.
    Meanwhile Melbourne’s leading trauma hospital needs more than $2 billion to overhaul leaky roofs, cracking walls and flooded wards, with senior doctors pleading for an urgent upgrade.
    Abul Rizvi writes that the new migration visas are unfair and exploitative.,13356
    Two proxy advice firms are recommending shareholders vote against the re-election of longstanding board member Peter Marriott.
    Investment specialist Gofran Chowdhury writes that news headlines scream with delight when interest rates fall as the focus turns to how much extra cash struggling families with mortgages will save each month. Much less in the headlights is the retiree, who has just been dealt another hammer blow as they try to make their life savings last.
    A researcher who’s worked for decades to improve the health of the Murray Darling Basin fears the coming months will be among the worst in history.
    Georgina Robinson tears apart the idiot Folau’s ridiculous claims if financial losses arising from his sacking by Rugby Australia.
    What is the Pharmacy Guild of Australia and why does it wield so much power? Professor Lesley Russell answers the question.
    Now Subaru Australia has cancelled plans for a major advertising campaign with Alan Jones’ radio network. Poor Alan!
    The Washington Post awards Business Turkey of the Year to Boeing.
    Gerry Harvey gets my nomination for “Arsehole of the Week” for being, well, Gerry Harvey.
    Michael West reports on the appalling insults by Gerry marring the Harvey Norman meeting amid activist revolt.

    Cartoon Corner

    Great work from David Rowe.

    Cathy Wilcox glimpses a certain conversation.

    As does John Shakespeare.

    From Matt Golding

    Mark David is back with a couple of new ones.

    Andrew Dyson with some corporate advice.

    David Pope with a focus on integrity.

    Zanetti with a new direction for Hartzer.

    From the US

  15. Andrew_Earlwood

    Surely with this outbreak of photos and photoshops of shirtless world leaders

    Merely shirtless ? Let’s go the full budgie.


  16. Morning all, thanks BK. Love Turnbull sniping from the sidelines about Scotty’s judgement! Clearly no love lost there whatsoever. 😆

  17. I think there is a photo of a shirtless Gough in deep conversation with Budgie Bob in Terrigal floating around somewhere poroti.

  18. “ Clearly no love lost there whatsoever.“

    It’s like Lucien has finally realised something about ScoMo that has been nagging at the back of his consciousness for years …

  19. BK
    Thank you for the daily Dawn Assault on Sanity, I think.
    I must say that I am enjoying the political cartoons. IMO there is a bit of a renaissance of political cartooning ATM. So much to mine and so little time in which to mine it.
    The association between US public life and turkeys is a no brainer.

  20. Oh gawd.

    Labor leader Jodi McKay has lobbied the NSW government to consider a request made by one of her constituents that daylight saving be shortened to help combat climate change.

    In the letter sent by the Strathfield MP to Energy Minister Matt Kean, Ms McKay writes that her constituent “advises that daylight saving time in NSW had made last summer too hot for walking in Hammond Park, her local park, at 8pm as the temperature at that time remained at the 40°C mark”.

    “[The constituent] has requested the duration of the daylight saving period in NSW be shortened as it has a significant impact on climate change,” Ms McKay wrote on October 11. “I await your consideration and response on this matter.”

  21. @EddyJokovich

    Malcolm Turnbull says “it’s not a call I would have made”. If Turnbull was still PM, he definitely would have made the call to Mick Fuller; he just wouldn’t have been stupid enough to brag about it in public, like Scott Morrison did. What a fool! #auspol

  22. Morning all. Thanks BK. On Morrison calling the NSW commissioner, is any attempt to interfere in a police investigation an offence? Who decides? Should the commissioner stand aside until the investigation is completed on grounds of his conversation with Morrison? Also, why has it taken so long, when Labor wrote to complain months ago?

    I suppose Morrison believes the Liberals will not vote to impeach him, and so he is free to do anything he chooses. With no ICAC, Dutton controlling the AFP, and all traditional restraints gone, there seems to be no limits on Australian government conduct at present.

  23. So Giuliani was financially milking one client for political info that would benefit another.

    President Trump’s personal attorney, Rudolph W. Giuliani, negotiated this year to represent Ukraine’s top prosecutor for at least $200,000 during the same months that Giuliani was working with the prosecutor to dig up dirt on former vice president Joe Biden, according to people familiar with the discussions.

    The people said that Giuliani began negotiations with Ukraine’s top prosecutor, Yuri Lutsenko, about a possible agreement in February. In the agreement, Giuliani’s company would receive payment to represent Lutsenko as the Ukrainian sought to recover assets he believed had been stolen from the government in Kyiv, those familiar with the discussions said.

    The talks occurred as Giuliani met with Lutsenko in New York in January and then in Warsaw in February while he was also gathering information from Lutsenko on two topics Giuliani believed could prove useful to Trump: the involvement of Biden and his son Hunter in Ukraine, and allegations that Ukraine, not Russia, had interfered in the 2016 election.

  24. lizzie
    Thursday, November 28th, 2019 – 8:44 am
    Comment #455

    Oh gawd.

    From the article in question which appears to be in the vein of “much ado about nothing” much.

    A spokesman for Ms McKay said it was not her view that daylight saving should be changed.

    “Strathfield has a diverse community with a wide variety of views,” he said. “It is the job of the local member to represent those views to government without judgment … she will never apologise for making sure that members of her community have their concerns heard.”

    Later in the article is info for against and status quo regarding energy saving. The article is probably best read while reading your cross eye glasses while patting yourself on the head and rubbing your tummy.

  25. poroti

    The MP says “I must put forward suggestions by my constituents.” Prhaps it’s just a unicorn to take the pressure off Gladys.

    Yes, curtains got a mention by the journo, who nevertheless went for ‘balance’. 😉

    Over the years, critics have attributed the change of time to a fall in robberies, increased petrol sales, a jump in heart attacks, less milk being produced by cows and faster fading curtains.

    There are also various studies that show the change in time leads to higher or lower energy use.

    A spokesman for Ms McKay said it was not her view that daylight saving should be changed.

    “Strathfield has a diverse community with a wide variety of views,” he said. “It is the job of the local member to represent those views to government without judgment … she will never apologise for making sure that members of her community have their concerns heard.”

  26. Giuliani was milking Trump and Lutsenko at the same time?

    Oh dearie me.

    Quiggin will be raving about Giuliani’s behaviour being yet another example of sordid centrism.

  27. Jeff ZelenyVerified account@jeffzeleny
    4h4 hours ago
    .@MikeBloomberg ad spending climbs to $42.5 million. To put this into context, he’s spending more on TV ads this week ($30 million) than the rest of the Democratic field has spent on TV ads to date: $25.6 million, @DavidWright_CNN reports.

  28. lizzie @ #454 Thursday, November 28th, 2019 – 8:38 am

    Hmmm. Having managed to achieve my three score years and ten (and a bit), it seems that I am now supposed to feel guilty about it.

    Thanks for your post. I think the best we can do is keep calm and carry on. Our grandparents life expectancy was about 50.

    Checking biblical references I found this 👇👇

    Psalm 90:10 King James Version (KJV)

    10 The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

    From which I now know what the old, oft performed, song “I’ll Fly Away” is about.

    ♫Some glad mornin’ ♫ when this life is ♪over
    ♫I’ll fly ♪ away
    ♫To a home on ♪ God’s celestial ♪ shore
    ♫ I’ll fly ♪ away

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