The Essential Research poll series continues to chug along on its fortnightly schedule without offering anything on voting intention, with this week’s survey mainly relating to bushfires and climate change. Support for the proposition that Australia is not doing enough to address climate change have reached a new high of 60%, up nine since March, with “doing enough” down five to 22% and “doing too much” down three to 8%.
However, perceptions of climate change itself are little changed, with 61% attributing it to human activity (down one) and 28% opting for “a normal fluctuation in the earth’s climate”. On the debate as to whether it was appropriate to raise links between climate change and bushfires, opinion was evenly divided – out of those who considered such a link likely, 43% felt raising the matter appropriate compared with 17% for inappropriate, while another 30% rated the link as unlikely.
A further question related to the issue of medical evacuations for asylum seekers, and here the situation is murkier due to the need to provide respondents with some sort of explanation of what the issue is about. As the Essential survey put it, the relevant legislation allows “doctors, not politicians, more say in determining the appropriate medical
treatment offered to people in offshore detention”. Put like that, 62% were opposed to the government’s move to repeal it, including 25% who believed the legislation didn’t go far enough. That left only 22% in favour of the pro-government proposition that “legislation will weaken our borders and result in boats arriving”.
The poll was conducted Thursday to Sunday from a sample of 1083.
Cat, those like BB have a problem with women, not used to them having an opinion. When BB posts thereof he’s being deliberately provocative, hard not to respond but in truth much better not to.
Just as there’s no excuse for bad medicine, there’s no excuse for bad composition.
‘Diogenes says:
Friday, November 29, 2019 at 10:59 pm
I think “virtue signalling” is a good term when used in an evolutionary biological sense. Signalling theory is a popular reason why humans and other animals perform behaviours which don’t fit with a narrow Darwinian mindset (things like altruism). In game theory, a big problem is the free loader who hangs back sharing all the rewards when others have taken the risks. Humans have developed sophisticated ways to punish free loaders (Like gossip), otherwise we’d have gone extinct.
Signalling is a way of avoiding being labelled a free loader and virtue signalling is one type of signalling which typically costs very little to the signaller for maximum benefit and generally is a groupthink fad rather than a consistent long term philosophy as they weren’t actually a target of the behaviour they didn’t like. People who go on Facebook to demand a boycott on some 19th general who surprisingly might not have been as woke as them are classics. Facebook, Zuck and Sandberg are waaaay more evil than their target but they are still happy to use Facebook, Google etc which are currently causing harm due to a sociopathic business model.’
Is this the same as people excoriating eagle killers when they themselves live in inner urbs that have totally extirpated eagles?
Shall do. 🙂
The news you need to know.
BW, surely you didn’t make such a stupid comment about eagle killers as some sort of snide aspertions on Greens.
Good morning Dawn Patrollers.
David Crowe writes about this shocking week of unforced errors from Morrison and his government. He concludes this good article with, “Morrison’s personal standing is not strong as he thinks. His political skills are not as polished as his acolytes claim. His judgment is not as sound as he pretends. That makes this week something of a wake-up call.”
And the SMH editorial says that the PM and his team need to regain self-control after a bad week.
Laura Tingle declares that the Coalition’s embrace of machismo gives little in return.
Ooh! Morrison’s religious discrimination bill is collapsing as certain church groups threaten to withdraw their support. Judith Ireland reports.
And according to Katharine Murphy Chris Bowen has signalled Labor could vote against the Morrison government’s religious discrimination legislation, characterising the bill as “friendless” – setting up a potential showdown in the final parliamentary sitting week for 2019, if the Morrison government brings the proposal on.
Lawyer Duncan Fine tells us why Scott Morrison’s phone call to a police chief matters.
And Tony Wright says Scott Morrison’s call to a state police commissioner in quest of an escape hatch from political frenzy was rather more than unorthodox. It was closer to Trumpian.
Paul Bongiorno states that Morrison’s handling of the police investigation into Energy Minister Angus Taylor this week brazenly flouted conventions of propriety and integrity.
Scott Morrison’s reputation as a miracle worker took a big hit this week, as the national parliament resumed for its last few sitting days of the year says Paula Matthewson.
Scott Morrison has made much of his claim to be focused on life outside the Canberra bubble. However, Martin Hirst argues, Morrison IS the Canberra bubble.,13361
The Age reports that Nick Zhao, who reported the Chinese spy inducement to ASIO and was later found dead, attended a local Liberal meeting at Gladys Liu’s house.
This government must be held to account on press freedom. It’s not to be taken lightly writes Kerry O’Brien.
Meanwhile the Australian federal police will make a second submission to federal parliament’s press freedom inquiry as part of efforts to draw a line over controversy triggered by raids on the ABC and the News Corp journalist Annika Smethurst.
Paul Karp outlines how the Liberal Party post-election review found that Scott Morrison navigated the government through a “narrow” path to victory but was aided by Labor’s “many missteps” and a strong contrast with Bill Shorten and Labor’s policies.
At a recent ALP function, former Deputy PM Wayne Swan gave a speech about overcoming our nation’s conservative political agenda. Noely Neate was in attendance.,13364
How everyday Londoners took down a suspected terrorist overnight.
Clancy Yeates writes that public outrage was a factor in Westpac’s purge – but it was a powerful group of investors who ultimately forced the bank’s hand.
The Prime Minister and Peter Dutton have spent the week beating up Westpac, ignoring their own failings on money laundering, where Australia’s lax rules rank the country alongside Haiti.
Katharine Murphy writes that the robodebt horror was all about boosting the budget and she wonders who in the Morrison government will own the consequences of this wretched, possibly unlawful, scheme.
After many months of inflicting suffering on welfare recipients, Centrelink is now having to answer for its Robodebt scheme, writes Gavin Silbert QC. Well worth a read, this one.,13360
Ross Gittins says that the RBA has offered no let out for Morrison’s surplus-fixated government.
Peter Hartcher writes about how Australians’ attitude towards China and its influence have been changing fairly quickly.
The Age reveals that the Critical Incident Response Team that rejected requests to arrest James Gargasoulas hours before the Bourke Street murders was following orders to not become involved in vehicle pursuits.
The New Daily explains how the Reserve Bank is preparing Australians for a world without ATM and credit cards.
Despite the furore over new allegations of Chinese espionage and interference, experts are urging a cautious response, saying there are many questions yet to be answered writes Karen Middleton.
Mike Foley explains how pressure is mounting to reform the complicated water rights system that seems to favour big corporations.
Labor and the ACTU have credited ordinary workers with defeating the government’s union-busting legislation but Attorney-General Christian Porter warns the battle is not over.
The AFR says that the Ensuring Integrity Bill would have been a new weapon against unlawful industrial action, but its broad powers ultimately led to its defeat.
And Paul Karp explains how a thaw between unions and One Nation doomed the ‘integrity’ bill.
The alcohol lobby has launched a fresh offensive against the regulator’s mandatory pregnancy warning labels, claiming it will cost manufacturers $600 million to redesign their products. Sounds like BS to me.
The Saturday Paper’s Rick Morton writes that as Andrew Bolt attempts to start a culture war over Bruce Pascoe’s Dark Emu, a search of primary documents affirms the book’s accuracy.
Shane Wright tells us that some businesses are more interested in using “weapons of mass influence” to drive customers to poor products and services than delivering quality outcomes. ASIC has called for companies to lift their game.
Adele Ferguson explains how Alan Fels and others are saying there needs to be a clean up of the auditing industry in Australia. Too right there does!
Elizabeth Knight talks about the difficulty Westpac faces in fining an untainted banker to fill the CEO position.
Michael West writes, “For 13 years, Australia has slow walked. A first tranche of anti-money laundering and counterterrorism financing laws was introduced in 2006. Yet it only applied to banks, casinos and bullion dealers. There was to be a second tranche enacted in 2008 – covering accountants, lawyers and real estate agents – but successive governments have failed to legislate it.”
Westpac has been running an invisible banking system, invisible to regulators, where multinational company clients even had their own log-ons and could act like banks themselves. Michael West unpicks the Austrac action and the biggest money-laundering scandal in Australian history.
Peter Lewis writes that according to the man credited with being the inventor of the internet rather than an entreaty to all play nice, a contract with the web should demand that new applications comply with existing law and ensure they are safe before they go to market. If it is good enough for pharmaceuticals, surely its good enough for a transformative technology.
Elizabeth Farrelly is unimpressed with the “dull, wasteful and overblown” expansion of the War Memorial in Canberra.
Mike Seccombe writes that although touted as a clean energy project, the government’s investment in hydrogen production is in fact protecting the fossil fuel industry – a paradox that may limit the value of the new technology.
The Saturday Paper explains the importance of medevac and provides some interesting figures.
Spurred by the disaster engulfing Prince Andrew, his brother and heir to the throne Prince Charles is planning to become the “Shadow King” and take over leadership of the royal family, according to reports.
Big retailers and shopping centre landlords are heading for a big stoush. It’s been building for years with the cost accounting death spiral hovering.
And speaking of death spirals . . .
The announcement that London’s transit regulator would not renew Uber’s licence this week has sparked concerns that unauthorised drivers are swapping accounts here in Australia.
Jonathan Freedland says that voters might not trust Boris Johnson in general, but on Brexit many seem to believe him.
This French cardinal has earned a nomination for “Arsehole of the Week”.
Cartoon Corner
Classic stuff from Alan Moir.

More from Moir.
David Rowe and the government’s bad week.
Andrew Dyson and the good ship Integrity.
Matt Golding and a new warning system.
Mark David.
John Shakespeare and the Chinese threat.
A rearguard action from Zanetti.
Simon Letch’s view on the War Memorial.
Jon Kudelka and bankers’ woes.
Johannes Leak and the last day of parliament.
From the US
lizzie @ #1306 Saturday, November 30th, 2019 – 6:50 am
I think she means ‘airways’. Damn autocorrect. 🙂
You are making a false equivalency between engaging in the act of killing birds and habit loss that resulted from settlement.
The claim that eagles have been “totally extirpated” in the inner urbs is also false.
The most recent eBird listing in the inner urbs was a Wedge Tail Eagle seen over the Melbourne CBD on 13 September 2019.
New thread (sorry for the inconvenience).
She’s already stressed by being in and out of Emergency Warnings for days, and is getting depressed, facing a burnt landscape. I read that even the Arctic is on fire.
JCB HMEE (High Mobility Engineer Excavators):

Husky Mk 3:

I caught the end of an ABC news bulletin last night. The item that caught my attention was about the RAAF Growler that caught on fire in the US a couple of years ago. Apparently it wasn’t covered by warranty and the US will not be paying compensation.
Cut to liberal non-entity who proceeded to blame, who else, but labor for Not having the appropriate clause in the contract.
Did a search and found this article
Interesting to note this line:
“In December 2006, Liberal Party Defence Minister Brendan Nelson was discussing an A$ 3 billion (about $2.36 billion) purchase of 24 F/A-18F Block II Super Hornet external link aircraft to fill the fighter gap. The move was described as “a surprise to senior defence officials on Russell Hill,” but hurried requests and contracts quickly made it an official purchase. Australia’s subsequent Labor government decided to keep them rather than pay cancellation fees, but added an interesting option to convert 12 into EA-18G electronic warfare planes. Now more of the fighters and electronic warfare aircraft may be on the way.”
If Labor varied the order, does this not suggest that in his haste, Nelson was in fact the one to not include the clause?