BludgerTrack: 53.3-46.7 to Labor

The BludgerTrack poll aggregate maintains its steady course overall, but with signs of the Greens losing ground.

Another fairly uneventful week in the world of BludgerTrack, which has only nudged 0.1% in favour of Labor on two-party preferred and one on the seat projection (the gain being in New South Wales), despite their one-point improvements in the week’s Newspoll and Essential Research polls. If there’s anything worth noting, it’s that the Greens have fallen below 9%, and One Nation are back up after a recent dip. Both pollsters also produced new numbers for the leadership trends, the only observable movement on which is that Scott Morrison’s net approval is slightly improving, for no immediately obvious reason. Full results through the link below.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

2,561 comments on “BludgerTrack: 53.3-46.7 to Labor”

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  1. P1

    I am talking about how the change in government will impact on the Federal Campaign.

    You can be sure the desperate LNP will trot out the Greens are evil and Labor working with them is anathema memes.

    The only failure is if Labor pays any attention. Victoria proved how effective that scare campaign is.

  2. Simon² Katich®

    I’m sure he was politely received (along with his smug resting face), but that doesn’t mean they welcomed his presence. The poster is a community lawyer.

  3. Rupert orcs talking up a possible Labor+Green government = Labor vote suppression . Item 57a on Mordor Media’s election manual. The question though is whether the manual is out of date. They are finding some of that old black magic not working as well as it used to .

  4. I have watched that AOC questioning thrice now (OK OK, partly because she is nice to listen to and look at), but it strikes me that at her age and experience she is doing remarkably well. She is not up to the Faulkner or Wong standards… yet.

  5. Barney in Cà Mau @ #1994 Sunday, March 17th, 2019 – 1:19 pm

    Sceptic says:
    Sunday, March 17, 2019 at 1:13 pm

    Smith & Warner visit Australian team in the UAE …

    Did they bring a fresh supply of sandpaper ?

    Almost certain they would have.

    Pretty standard equipment in a batsman’s kit.

    I reckon they’ve got enough sand in the UAE.

  6. Simon² Katich® says:
    Sunday, March 17, 2019 at 1:21 pm

    TRIGGERED. Please note that many parts of the (Muslim) community are very angry that ScoMo turned up. We didn’t want him. We don’t trust him. We hold him accountable.

    You dont have to like him (I mean, who does), but as the PM his job is to rub shoulders with the Muslim community – especially at a time like this. He should do it respectfully and with their welcome – if he does it respectfully they should welcome him.

    If he’s sincere he should work at getting the trust of the leaders and move on to the wider community.

  7. I would not want Morrison turning up for a photo op either. His insincerity radiated from his, and I like this term, resting-smug-face.

  8. Zoid

    You can claim it all you like. The evidence says otherwise.

    Exhibit A. The ACT government. Its been working for years delivering good government.

    In NSW being in the same camp as the Greens and Clover Moore is not the bogeyman Newscorp thinks it is. See Wentworth on the big ones Newscorp attacks on. Those were the very issues a heartland Liberal seat went to an independent.

  9. Why should the Muslim community ignor his past deeds?

    Hmmmm. Maybe I am alone in thinking he has handled this reasonably well so far. That comment should be read in the context of me having very low expectations and not seeing any footage of him – only audio.

  10. Confessions

    Isn’t there a NSW state election thread?

    Yes , anything to do with NSW politics is in here somewhere………

  11. “I don’t think ChCh will have any noticeable effect on the Shooters. They are campaigning on much more than guns. The anti-Nat, pro farmer campaign is what’s biting in the bush.”

    Correct weight ratsak.

  12. “I reckon they’ve got enough sand in the UAE”
    Perhaps Smith and his little mate Warner could trek across the Empty Quarter to check out the sand.

  13. Immediately prior to the Christchurch massacre the general situation was that Australia’s muslim leaders were refusing to meet with Morrison.

    Australia’s muslim and non-muslim communities alike are entitled to call our Morrison’s grubby opportunism, political grandstanding and total hypocrisy in relation to the Christchurch Massacre.


  14. guytaur @ #2002 Sunday, March 17th, 2019 – 1:24 pm

    I am talking about how the change in government will impact on the Federal Campaign.

    This is another good reason why Labor would be foolish to play footsies with the Greens in NSW. News Corpse would immediately claim that the same would be repeated at a federal level.

    Let’s face it, government in NSW is just a “nice to have” for Labor. The main game is the federal election. The country can’t afford Green contamination at that level. There are too many existential issues afoot.

  15. SK

    I agree regarding Morrison since the terror attack. However the policies that inspire the hate are still there. Boat turn backs are still a thing. The whole a horde of people are going to flood us. Etc etc policy is still there.

    Thats the stark reality that creates the dissonance between what Morrison is saying now and how its received in the community.

  16. guytaur

    ‘… like the first term of the Andrews government ‘

    There are few Labor politicians who have shown more disdain for the Greens than Andrews. In the election which brought him to government, the attitude was that the Greens should not get Labor’s second preferences almost regardless.

    He treats the Greens in much the same way he treated certain radio stations.

    I think you confuse ‘working with a range of crossbenchers to get legislation through’ with a formal agreement.

  17. Alex McKinnon
    Morning Editor of the SatPaper.

    We are not journalists first. We are citizens. When the industry in which we work normalises hatred, journalistic detachment is not an acceptable response. If we want to reclaim the trust we believe we deserve, we need to prove we’re worthy of it. We need to clean our own house.

  18. rhwombat, the most recent stats that was able to find state that in 2002 7,820 Australians died due to medical misadventure compared to deaths from firearms in 2018 of 238. I think that it is you that need to hand your toys in.

  19. Simon² Katich® @ #1991 Sunday, March 17th, 2019 – 1:13 pm

    Anyone else watch AOC in the House Oversight Committee (i think) give wobbly Wilbur Ross the nice and easy jabs followed by the knockout roundhouse kick?
    Nice how Cummings backed her up then followed with his own elbow to the throat.

    Have you got a link for that SK ?

    Thanks SK.

    If they didn’t know by know that AOC isn’t a pushover they do now. 😆

  20. Oh, oh.

    The Greens have moved from exhorting, through to announcing, to proprosing and now to the dizzy heights of demanding.

    Thirty years of demanding got them nowhere.
    They are demanding now to no avail.
    The Greens Plan is to keep demanding for the next thirty years.

    The Greens Party vision statement ‘Talking about Labor doing.’

    The Labor Party: ‘Doing.’

  21. Not that my complaint to the ABC will do any good.
    ABC Complaint Form.

    What were you thinking in giving Gerard Henderson a platform on our premier political program a few days after the Christchurch White Supremacist Terrorism massacre?

    This man has consistently supported Far Right Wing attitudes. He is an apologist for racists and regularly gives soft comfort to divisive race commentators.

    He is also rude and dismissive of female commentators, ignoring them by not responding to their points, interrupting then constantly and dominating the available time at the expense of the women. It is so obvious and so boring.

    He is boring, predictable and ruins any Insiders program he is on. He has nothing hew to offer and just defends a political position week after week.

    There are many people you could have had on Insiders today, why did it have to be this boring, pedantic, one-pony-act, intolerant man.

    Gerard Henderson never expressed sorrow this morning and tried to paint the perpetrator as a New Zealander and not Australia’s problem. This was extremely offensive. He is aiding rightwing extremists in my opinion. As an Australian born Christian background Ango Saxon heritage woman in the constituency the shooter did his acts in the name of, I want people on this week who will reflect and discuss my collective responsibility with other Australians for the society that spawned this murderer.

    I want real questions discussed, not an apologist trying to deflect public introspection and stop a process that just may lead to an increase in love and peace. This dreadful tragedy can go from here onto divide and fear, or shared grief, love and acceptance

    It was a terrible response by the ABC today, You are assisting the former instead of encouraging the latter.

    You have a responsibility to our community, You are our ABC. Act like it.

    Shame on you for putting Gerard Henderson on today,

    Give him airtime, as the right of political comment.

    But not today,

    My complaint to the ABC, reproduced her with the caveat, all is in my honest opinion.

  22. Not even 4 weeks ago Scott Morrison, along with Peter Dutton and Christian Porter were wringing their hands and shouting from the rooftops that the Medevac legislation would result in rapists and murderers coming to our shores.

    If Morrison had shown even a little remorse at his behaviour then I’d give him some credit for how he’s handled the terror attack here. But it just looks like he’s meeting with muslim community members because he has to, not because he wants to.

  23. Simon K

    You will have to forgive us for viewing all ScoMo’s actions with cynicism. After all, that’s how he treats voters. 🙂

  24. P1

    So despite the evidence of elections you still quiver in fear of Newscorp.

    Thats how Labor gets wedged. Stop it. Take heart from Mr Shorten not going to kowtow to Murdoch.

    We know the Newscorp 2GB failures started showing up first with Western Sydney. The same areas where the Marriage Equality survey no votes were strongest. Yet the whole country rejected that narrative of the right in general elections. The polls are showing they are doing so again.

    I don’t see any talk about Labor being in danger in Western Sydney. Yes I know Bowen etc are not taking things for granted but be in no doubt. If the massacre does anything it will lift reinforce the muslim vote for Labor as they will want to be rid of the islamaphobia in our political discourse.

  25. Journalists seem to see every election nowadays as possibly resulting in a hung parliament, no matter what the polls tell them. Hung parliaments are more interesting (well, to them) to write and speculate about than to actually work out who is likely to win and what that means.

    Labor has looked like winning the next federal election with at least a thumping majority for at least two and a half years. It hasn’t stopped reams of articles based on the presumption that there will be a minority government. I expect there’ll be even more of this being churned out before election day.

  26. “When Newscorp talks about a Labor Green government you know its on the cards.“

    Come. In. Spinner.

    Guytaur, your ability to imagine up a universe to suit your own beliefs is boundless.

    Of course, newscorpse is conjuring up a “Labor-Green” Government- they do it in every election campaign to scare voters who may be attracted to labor to stick with the coalition.

    The reason why this obvious gambit won’t work, is because voters realise that Labor isn’t as stupid as you would like them to be. Frack the Greens. NSW Labor won’t negotiate with terrorists. Rather, Labor will simply dare the liblings to support Gladys as soon as Shoebridge etc start “demanding” things.

  27. Puffy:

    Henderson is a low to no value commentator, chosen for the Insiders panel for the sole reason that he is of a particular political persuasion, not because he offers insightful commentary.

    If I were Henderson I’d feel somewhat offended that I was only selected because of my political views.

  28. zoomster
    Sunday, March 17, 2019 at 1:34 pm
    ‘… like the first term of the Andrews government ‘
    There are few Labor politicians who have shown more disdain for the Greens than Andrews. In the election which brought him to government, the attitude was that the Greens should not get Labor’s second preferences almost regardless.
    I agree. The upper house worked out Brilliant for Andrews. Multiple routes for passing legislation without having many right wing members. It is a pretty broad centre-left crossbench that should have plenty of sympathy with Andrews’ agenda. Should he actually prosecute it. The loss of Brunswick was the only sour note for the ALP but these seats will go that way eventually. Of course a lot of credit goes to the ‘preference whisperer’ so I won’t call it a masterstroke from Andrews, but he still did well.

  29. Andrew Earlwood

    The Gillard government was a formal coalition of Greens and Independents.

    Yet it was called a Labor Green government. Thats not my inaccuracy. Thats the media inaccuracy.
    Be in no doubt that inaccuracy will continue.

  30. On Twitter

    Actually, in the Westminster system, there’s a centuries old tradition of egging politicians, and rarely has it been so richly deserved as on this occasion.

  31. As I said.

    Its very very interesting how the Labor right is scared of the Greens. Too much listening to Newscorp in my opinion.

    This despite election results showing just how much Windsor was right about the toilet paper aspect. That was before the Massacre exposed the fear campaign from Howard and Newscorp allies era on.

  32. There is an obvious first steps to managing the armed murderous men (and women) problem.

    1. Lifetime gun ban on anyone who is convicted of an act involving violence or a threat of violence.
    2. Lifetime gun ban on anyone who has uttered a threat of violence: on a sports ground, on a road, in the home, or at any public gathering.
    3. Lifetime gun ban on anyone belonging to a group that promotes violence.
    4. Lifetime gun ban on anyone using any means of communication to utter a threat of violence.
    5. Lifetime gun ban on anyone who utters any sort of threat in the context of domestic violence, separation or divorce.
    6. Lifetime gun ban on anyone who breaks any gun legislation in any way whatsoever.
    7. Lifetime gun ban on anyone who breaks any criminal law.
    8. Lifetime gun ban on anyone who is under an apprehended violence order.

    All these lifetime bans should be automatic with no review period, no probation period, and no appeal.

    Life’s too precious to leave deadly weapons in the hands of people who believe that violence and/or the threat of violence is acceptable and/or who cannot control their violent and/or illegal urges.

    Gun ownership is a privilege that society extends to individuals.
    Gun ownership is not human right.

  33. lizzie says:

    Simon K

    You will have to forgive us for viewing all ScoMo’s actions with cynicism.

    In the aftermath of Scrott’s early departure from NZ there was a parliamentary enquiry*. One word an MP used to describe Morrison was “Rasputin’ 🙂
    It was about the minister and his dept.

  34. “The Gillard government was a formal coalition of Greens and Independents.

    Yet it was called a Labor Green government. Thats not my inaccuracy. Thats the media inaccuracy.
    Be in no doubt that inaccuracy will continue.”

    We. Will. Not. Repeat. A. Political. Disaster.

    Dream on Pollyanna.

  35. Andrew Earlwood

    I thought Labor had fixed Labor rules to fix that.

    Dream on that it was the Greens that was the Labor disaster.

  36. While I think a total of zero people have agreed with me, for sometime I have thought that if you were ‘a really fine journ’ you’d have left the fox / sky /news sewer of hate, but surely we can all agree if you still work in the fox / sky /news sewer of hate on Monday, you cannot be considered a ‘fine’ anything.

  37. “Its very very interesting how the Labor right is scared of the Greens. Too much listening to Newscorp in my opinion.”

    You are the one quoting and taking note of newscorpse.

    Labor right isn’t scared of the greens. Some in labor left might be, but the right have worked them out: as soon as they start “demanding” stuff – ignore them. It’s as simple as that. We no more fear the greens than dog shit, we just take care not to step on it.

  38. “Dream on that it was the Greens that was the Labor disaster.”

    I agree. It was a labor political mistake to enter into a formal agreement with the greens and spring the green’s carbon pricing scheme onto the public (even though I thought the scheme – as a policy – was good).

  39. pica @ #1963 Sunday, March 17th, 2019 – 12:04 pm

    A cursory glance of social media tells me that my no egging position is going to be routinely ignored in the case of Anning. Oh well, at least we probably shouldn’t punch people….

    allow me a little episode of hypocrisy here.

    No egging of politicians, except for F.A.

    I won’t use his name. You all know which racist shyte-stain I am referring too.

  40. When I see a PM I see two independent things. The politician and the office.

    So in my view, Morrison being stately about the tragedy compared to past (recent and more distant) political behavior (despicable as it was), is not as great a contradiction as it may appear.

    That raises the question about the office of PM vs GG. These sorts of stately things should be reserved for a non-political, unifying head of state with the PM following up with supportive legislative and or executive efforts through the various agencies etc. It is partly this relationship that made (and will make) the changing of Australia into a Republic and vexed issue.

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