The return of Essential Research provided the BludgerTrack mill with its first grist for the new year, but the model is at its least robust when it only has one data point to play with after a long gap. This means BludgerTrack strongly follows the lead of a poll that was less bad for the Coalition than their usual form, resulting in a substantial reduction in Labor’s still commanding lead on two-party preferred. Labor is also down six on the seat projection – one in each mainland state and two in Queensland. The Essential poll also included a new set of numbers for the leadership ratings, and these produced a weak result for Bill Shorten that has blunted his recent improving trend. Full results through the link below.
BludgerTrack: 53.7-46.3 to Labor
BludgerTrack returns from hibernation, albeit with only one new poll result to play with.
Trump announcing details to the world of Pelosi’s trip ahead of her scheduled departure is a violation of all security protocols.
Might pay to change your email passwords.
Happy Thursday! 770 MEEELLLION email addresses and passwords found in yuge data breach
Max Boot’s thoughts:
Might I also just add that it looks like Mitt Romney was not one of the Republicans in the Senate who voted to re-open government.
Friday, January 18th, 2019 – 8:01 am
Comment #30
Once could be an accident ———
BK the kudelka cartoon, I think, is about the last to fall into line.
The info from the cartoon
and add ?.jpg
And thanks for the 😍Dawn Patrol. 😍
How do we know it is a male that murdered that poor woman in Bundoora?
The knives are out for all males. I’ve received total abuse from shrill woman today on my train and tram just for getting off at the same stops as a female.
The GOP has become the drunken frat boy party.–and-it-sees-no-reason-to-sober-up/2019/01/16/9e6cc4d0-19b0-11e9-8813-cb9dec761e73_story.html?utm_term=.601994c0bc1a
And then we have the current shutdown, remarkably brought about when Republicans controlled Congress and the WH, but brought about on a figment of the xenophobic minds of Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh. The Republicans are simply unfit to govern.
Romney is likely one of those Republicans impressed with the shutdown because it is shrinking the size of the govt, albeit temporarily.
Are you taking the frickin PISS?! Cos it ain’t amusing
I know very little about hand writing analysis, but PotUS’ signature on his letter to the Speaker of the HoR is what I imagine a seriously disturbed person’s would look like.
Perhaps DTT who knows all about everything would like to comment.
I would also like his/her view of the reported alarm felt by the Pentagon on his request on options for aggressive actions against Iran.
Perhaps he/she would explain how all this fits in with his/her often expressed view that Hillary Clinton was a greater threat to world peace than DT
Of course I’m not you stupid arrogant Buffon.
Just accept what I have experienced today.
Goodness me. Dont encourage dtt. For the love of dog
And of course I’m not laughing either
This blog is toxic.
I guess it’s better than being horrifically attacked and killed
If the shoe fits
Victoria you need a new hat 🙂
Victoria you need a new hat 🙂
And another thing. What has anyone said here about the tragedy that is frickin toxic anyway. Seriously
I’m not even going to acknowledge that hateful response from Victoria.
You madam are a nasty piece of work
Madam Victoria I have a 22 yo daughter as a single father I find your responses utterly offensive.
And you are?
Yes the akubra doesn’t suit you.
‘How do we know it is a male that murdered that poor woman in Bundoora?’
Seriously? You’re into this level of denial?
I am a caring doting father mentor to my daughter Victoria you bully.
I can see why Crikey cut loose this toxic blog and its lazy moderator Bowe
How is Victoria a bully, in any sense of the word?
Responses to what?
Well zoomstet?
You arrogant @&$)
What has VicPol said?
They are keeping all options open
probably saw a black person
I recently watched the fifth season of Luther. Here’s my report thereon.
It’s rubbish. Gigantic disappointment after the first four serieseseses. I recommend fans give it a complete miss.
Ante Meridan
Ah damn. I have recorded it to watch at later date
Rick Wilson’s latest – cracks appearing in GOP ranks.
Victoria @ 9:28
Goodness me. Dont encourage dtt. For the love of dog”
Vicky (I hope you don’t mind my over-familiarity)
I take perverse pleasure in watching people defend the indefensible.
BTW I have 3 dogs, each of whom I love. I used to love a God who was actually three persons, but HE/SHE/THEY ceased to exist when I ceased to believe.
Fair enough and dogs are the BEST!
Well that looked like an interesting few minutes 😀
Praise the Lord Minerva. The doctor is fine – all is well ❗
Prolly some news about the dook as well. (He’s OK too ❗ ) 😇
Isn’t the Luther guy the next James Bond? Or is the next 007 going to be a woman?
Idris Elba (who plays Luther) was touted as a possible James Bond, but I don’t know if he got the gig.
Of all the things Akubra could have said about the murder of young girl, considering he supposedly has one that age, he goes with the comment he made. I find that disgraceful.
Yet he wants to do projection and call me a bully. What a joke. It would be so laughable if it wasn’t so damn sad
I know. Reading Rick Wilson’s latest blast at Trump and McConnell will put you in a better mood though. 🙂
I’m musing that “No Tall Men” is an appropriate hashtag for moral midgets.
I read it thanks. Rick Wilson is always so entertaining.
The govt shutdown has managed to open many peoples eyes to Trump. Which should help when the whole truth about him is exposed.
They will need to obliterate his name next to the word President. Cant wait. Fun and games
Meanwhile Brexit is also interesting. I am thinking they may get an extension on leaving so a deal can be made. Which could end up being remain. Now that would be an interesting outcome too.
Good one!
And I’m also looking forward to Rudy Guiliani get his just desserts too
The @womenforcohen twitter account that Cohen paid to have set up to tweet how sexy and awesome he is is still live. But hasn’t tweeted since 2016. Once again, the whole story just gets more and more ridiculous. How did these people manage their duplicity for so long?
zoomster @ #91 Friday, January 18th, 2019 – 6:00 am
I would have thought
Lol. I go away to read my FlyBuys magazine (yes I’m that tragic), then I come back to see WW3 has broken out between Akubra and Vic.!
Cool your jets, guys!
Can I just say that, tragic as these circumstances are wrt to that young Israeli student, these sorts of things have been happening forever! Yes, it may happen near us this time and be all over the media but shit happens! and that’s what the police are there for, to find out who these monsters among us are and to put them away for a very, very, very long time in prison.
Ignore the Human Headline, he’s got his own issues and I’m not surprised Jacqui Weaver left him, he must be hell to live with! Anyway, he’s just trying to raise his profile cynically before the election, that’s what I think.
Looks like the Police will catch the perpetrator pretty quickly anyway with the good quality evidence they found nearby.
Me too!
One thing is certain. Mueller knows everything