Newspoll: 54-46 to Labor

A bad Newspoll for the Liberals, made worse by a sharp deterioration in Scott Morrison’s personal ratings.

The latest Newspoll has Labor’s lead up again after a period of moderating results since the leadership upheaval, the two-party lead now at 54-46, compared with 53-47 in the poll a fortnight ago. Labor is up a point on the primary vote to 39%, while the Coalition is down one to 36%, the Greens are down two to 9%, and One Nation are steady on 6%. Still more worrying for the Liberals is a reversal of the tide in favour of Scott Morrison, who records his first net negative personal ratings to date, with approval down four to 41% and disapproval up six to 44%. Bill Shorten is respectively up two to 37% and down one to 50%, and his deficit as preferred prime minister has narrowed from 45-34 to 43-35. The poll was conducted Thursday to Sunday from a sample of 1646.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

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  1. Norvill has turned a creative workplace (that she loved being part of) into a dreary insurance office lookalike, full of HR flunkies, their rules and proscriptions, plus the threat of formal investigation at every turn.

    Part of Rush’s role as Lear is to pick up and embrace the lifeless body of his adored daughter Cordelia. This transforms from a brilliant performance, full of emotion and tragedy, into a grubby quasi gang rape where all the old pervert wants to do is fondle her tits to score a complicit laugh from the other tired onstage hacks around him, too jaded and cynical to know that there are both approved and unapproved methods of thespian mourning, even if the thespian in question is one of the country’s (and arguably the world’s) greatest actors.

    What would HE know about the sensibilities of a young woman, or indeed the acting game in general?

  2. For those that missed it. This poll is why we are seeing a resurgence of blue wave reporting.

    Democrats are leading Republicans by 17 points on a generic ballot, according to a new USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times poll.

    The survey, conducted Oct. 21-27, found that 57 percent of likely voters said they plan to cast their ballots for Democrats in the Nov. 6 midterm elections, compared with 40 percent who plan to vote for Republican candidates.

  3. From the BK Files.

    Look left, look right, but look left again for hate.

    An interesting exposition by Mr. Greg Sheridan – writing for The Australian.

    Dropkick Greg Sheridan blames the left for the violent schisms in the US – and here.

    Completely arse about face.

    Pay attention self.



    Another fascinating, but wrongheaded article in The Australian which will have to wait as my Internet Computer needs to restart to install latest Windows 10 update.

    Veto exposes rot in humanities

  4. I’m thinking that all love scenes in theatre/film will be banned henceforth in case someone might behave inappropriately. We’ll get back to the time when one of the pair in the bed had to have one foot on the ground.

  5. And further to my 9:09AM contribution, presenting what the Dill from the ANZ should have said, I now note this headline:-

    “ANZ flags deeper job cuts”

    Tax cuts, anyone – to drive employment and a reversal to the history of wages growth

    No doubt the Financial Markets will reward the deeper job cuts, as always

  6. “Why does Morrison thinks Australian public are idiots and fools by making up that kind of words?”

    Because they keep voting for his mob?

  7. Bushfire Bill says:
    Thursday, November 1, 2018 at 9:36 am
    even if the thespian in question is one of the country’s (and arguably the world’s) greatest actors.

    Bill Cosby was a great actor and Saville was loved by all. Cosby got his Comeuppance & we came to know about Savilles’s paedophilia only after his death because everybody around him kept silent

  8. ‘Asha Leu says:
    Thursday, November 1, 2018 at 9:35 am

    Like every other movement in history, the MeToo movement has unfortunately attracted some psychopaths and idiots and lunatics. That’s not an indictment of MeToo at all, just human nature. Among the all very real cases being brought to light by this movement, there will always be some liars and some crazies and some people who are just terrible human beings.

    I haven’t followed the Rush allegations that closely, but it does strike me as being a bit overblown. Sounds like he was being a dick, and is likely guilty of some form of sexual harrassment, but accusations of sexual assault seems a bit of a bridge too far.

    It’s wrong, and he deserves to be criticized and suffer (appropriate) consequences for his actions (as do others in the industry who let it go on.) But I’m not sure there’s a whole lot more to it than that, in this particular situation.

    I could well be wrong.’

    Your structure moves from a statement of probability ‘likely’ to a statement of certainty, ‘It’s wrong’.
    You just gave a demo of a core problem with #metoo: you verbally lynched Rush. You WERE a tad restrained about it, though. You did not hang him too high… that would have been a ‘bridge too far.’

  9. poroti says:
    Thursday, November 1, 2018 at 9:22 am

    I tend to think of NSW Lib+Lab as Rum Corp Blue Platoon+Rum Corp Red Platoon

    Spot on.

  10. bw

    Yeah these figures come from nowhere too.

    @Lisa_Wilkinon tweeted 20 hours ago

    Some police facts:

    1 woman dies from dom violence each week in Australia.
    1 in 2 victims don’t seek support after being assaulted.
    2 in 5 of all assaults are #DV related.
    1 in 5 Aussie women have been sexually assaulted

    If you don’t get it @iHoot then u are part of the problem.

    @Lisa_Wilkinson Lucky Lisa “the clown” Wilkinson didn’t live earlier in history. She would have a meltdown at everything non PC.

  11. After reading lasts nights post I’m once again in awe of the ability some have to form firm opinions on very little information. Such certainty must be very helpful especially to those around them.

  12. Labor in the Feds are going to have to clean up the Lib/Nat environmental devastation.
    We need a Fed RC into conservation and environmental protection and global warming.
    The sooner the better.

  13. g
    Uh huh.
    I have made my views on domestic violence perfectly clear.
    The notion that your typically hectoring views on domestic violence alter the facts of the Rush case is the sort of non sequitur that we can expect from an excitable and irrational closet Greens supporter.

  14. Having your breast stroked against your will is not part of a creative workplace.

    Someone putting their hand under your top and stroking your back without your consent isn’t especially creative either.

    There is no artistic license to grope people against their will.

  15. bw

    I am not treating a defamation case as a innocent or guilty outcome on sexual allegations against Rush despite your trying to pretend I am.

    I am treating it as a defamation case and that its not looking good so far for the Daily Telegraph.

    Thats it. Its you trying to make it a guilty or innocent verdict on Rush from your posts.

  16. With all the statistics being thrown around I now feel amazingly lucky.

    I have never been groped against my will.
    I briefly had a stalker but it did not lead to assault.
    I escaped two marriages without being shot in revenge.

  17. Knew a guy who was a court reporter and we used to chat a bit about trials and verdicts.

    I asked him once about a controversial verdict in a high profile case. He looked at me wisely and said “you have to be there and hear and see it all”.

    People should bear that in mind in assessing the Rush defamation matter. Media reports provide the merest snapshot of a day in court.

  18. Posted by guytaur:

    [‘good point: Collen is a journalist’]

    Savva’s rejoinder to Devine has to be up their with the best, there being nothing divine about Devine.

  19. Boy, am I sick and tired of people feeling sorry for wealthy privileged citizens having to go to all the bother of running defamation proceedings to protect the wealth and privilege they have been fortunate enough in life to be able to leverage from their “reputation”.

    The likes of Geoffrey Rush have lived a life of fabulous comfort and consequence, compared with that lived by over 99% of all humans who have walked this Earth, simply because of their great good fortune in being ensconced in a society that has richly rewarded their particular talents as an individual. Talents which, in his case, have rested upon the fickle acclaim of the public. Well, what public acclaim giveth, public condemnation taketh away. That is only fair.

    Rush has lived a full and rich 67 years of life. That is decades more than what is given to victims of domestic violence or child abuse, for instance. The recent Royal Commission into child abuse in institutions showed us how harrowing those lives were made by that abuse.

    I don’t mind procedural fairness as a goal for a justice system, but please, remember who really pays the price in our society for predatory male sexual behaviour. Hint: it is not men who may happen to have been unfairly accused of being predators.


    Interesting that the ALP, in the lead up to the election, is putting out policy for national level Environmental Protection laws and a body to oversee them. Ties in with the IPCC report, the above, GBReef (especially if bleaching goes feral again this summer), land clearing and drought, to frack or not to frack / water supply………

    Apart from it being, i think, good policy in and of its self..genuinely…politically…. something in it for everybody. 🙂 Except possibly the Coal Huggers in the Coalition. Saddness for them. 🙂

  21. ‘Nicholas says:
    Thursday, November 1, 2018 at 10:01 am

    Having your breast stroked against your will is not part of a creative workplace.

    Someone putting their hand under your top and stroking your back without your consent isn’t especially creative either.

    There is no artistic license to grope people against their will.’


  22. Aunt Mavis says:
    Thursday, November 1, 2018 at 10:14 am
    there being nothing divine about Devine.

    True. she herself admitted that she is Rugby Union Mom (like Soccer mom). 🙂

  23. For those interested Colleen Egan is a WA based journalist with a pretty good track record in investigations, including work leading to quashing of the murder conviction of Andrew Mallard who spent 10 years in jail.

  24. ‘Rossmcg says:
    Thursday, November 1, 2018 at 10:13 am

    Knew a guy who was a court reporter and we used to chat a bit about trials and verdicts.

    I asked him once about a controversial verdict in a high profile case. He looked at me wisely and said “you have to be there and hear and see it all”.

    People should bear that in mind in assessing the Rush defamation matter. Media reports provide the merest snapshot of a day in court.’

    It is worse when some people know he is guilty or innocent before the court even convenes.

  25. briefly says:
    Thursday, November 1, 2018 at 10:18 am
    I know Colleen Egan…she’s the very opposite of Miranda Devine.

    briefly, Does Colleen Egan work for Murdoch press? Baffling!!

  26. imacca
    Yep. Good policies announced on the live trade and on environmental protection – both areas in which the Abbott/Turnbull/Morrison governments have been at best negligent and, at worst, deliberately destructive with an up yours sort of attitude to go with it.

  27. Rossmcg

    I asked him once about a controversial verdict in a high profile case. He looked at me wisely and said “you have to be there and hear and see it all”.


    Exactly. And what we see and hear reported is not even necessarily what the reporter files but what the sub-editor and editor thinks will attract the punters to read!

    This discussion, which has had some worthwhile contributions, has descended into some sort of criminal trial with very few FACTS available and those that don’t suit ignored. As well as absurd comparisons with proven serial criminal predators.

    At it’s heart is the question of whether the terms of the Telegraph presentation and story wrongly defamed Rush. The rest relates purely to that question.


    Veto exposes rot in humanities

    Bella d’Abrera is the director, Foundations of Western Civilisation, at the Institute of Public Affairs.

    Birmingham simply was using his common sense and doing what his position required of him. This is not a parody — some of the projects he decided to scrap were entitled “Beauty and ugliness as persuasive tools in changing China’s gender norms”, “Post-orientalist arts in the Strait of Gibraltar” and “Writing the struggle for Sioux and US modernity”.

    These research projects are a complete and utter waste of time and money, bad scholarship and bogus education. The only error of judgment in what was an excellent decision was to keep his decision quiet rather than publicising the rot in the humanities departments.

    It turns out that Birmingham was just doing his job. He was not, as opposition innovation, industry, science and research spokesman Kim Carr put it, “pandering to knuckle-dragging right-wing philistines”.

    I can barely restrain myself from rooftop shouting – praise the Lord and Mr. S. Birmingham’ common sense – protecting us from stuff wot is offensive to our delicate sensibilities.

    The article points out a clever ❗ hoax project

    One of the most wicked examples is a paper presently waiting for revisions and that espouses the chaining of privileged students to the classroom floor. If it weren’t so profoundly disturbing, it would be laughable.

    Which sounds fine to me and could be applied to those illustrious members of the meritocracy during question time.

    Now an appropriate song for the occasion:-

    Tom T. Hall – Shackles and Chains

  29. Michael A
    It is not a matter of feeling sorry for Rush. Or his wealth.
    It is a matter of whether The Telegraph could reasonable describe Rush as a pervert and/or a sexual predator.

  30. On the subject of “sexual assertion as part of a creative process”, that is abhorrent IMO.

    What next? What “assertion” should we be expected to accept from actors preparing for a role as an abusive boss? A tyrannical teacher? A murderer?

    This suggestion is an attempt to dress up a licence to abuse in a masquerade of creative “preparation”. It is sickening and should be rejected vehemently by all civilised people.

  31. BW:

    My final paragraph probably could of used an “If the allegations are true” at the start. Blame my tendency to tap out posts on my phone while in a rush.

    Is Rush actually denying it happened, or just arguing it wasn’t the issue it’s being made out to be? Genuine question, as I thought it was the latter, but could easily have gotten my wires crossed.

  32. Boerwar:
    Thursday, November 1, 2018 at 10:26 am

    There should be a moratorium on all efforts to defend the reputation of those accused of abuse or assault until there is proper, effective protection from such abuse and assault for the vulnerable in our society. I think protection from such trauma is more important than protection from “reputational damage”. I you disagree, I respect that.

  33. Of course, the other side of the coin is that wealthy and priviledged people sue the media about false allegations, then the media is more careful about what it says about all people, not just the wealthy and priviledged.

    Having been put in the position a couple of years ago of a newspaper publishing totally false information about me, I know how helpless and despairing you feel when there’s no way of challenging them.

    The media are more powerful than private individuals. There has to be checks on that power.

  34. ‘Asha Leu says:
    Thursday, November 1, 2018 at 10:29 am


    My final paragraph probably could of used an “If the allegations are true” at the start. Blame my tendency to tap out posts on my phone while in a rush.’

    No worries. I routinely rush in where angels fear to tread.

    In relation to the facts, I believe that Rush is constesting all of Norvill’s statements of fact except for the breast brushing and except for the ones from which she herself has now resiled.

    She believes that the latter was deliberate.

    He reckons it was part of the hurly burly of live acting.

  35. Mr Bowe, is there any chance of you setting up a Paypal account for donations?, as it looks like if one is made you sign up for a monthly donation. I’m one of Mr Hokey’s leaners being a DSP recipient so some time I can afford it, sometimes I can’t.

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