I’d have thought Newspoll might have had the week off, but The Australian reports that the latest instalment has Labor maintaining its 51-49 lead, with the Coalition up a point on the primary vote to 39%, Labor steady on 36%, the Greens steady on 10% and One Nation steady on 7%. On personal ratings, Malcolm Turnbull is up one on approval to 42% and down one on disapproval to 48%, Bill Shoten is steady on 32% and up one to 57%, and Turnbull’s lead as preferred prime minister is unchanged at 48-29. The poll was conducted Thursday to Sunday from a sample of 1704.
Newspoll: 51-49 to Labor
Newspoll caps a weekend of status quo by-election results with a status quo poll result.
Kevin Bonham @ #1002 Tuesday, July 31st, 2018 – 7:31 pm
Downer is probably lucky the by-elections weren’t a couple of weeks earlier.
His outburst on Saturday was a clear reminder of why he was so crap. 🙂
Regardless of the age, you have to hand it to the Downers for their learnin. Georgina Downer managed to win a Chevening scholarship with a Bachelor degree no less, in Commerce and Law. Impressive. We only graduate around 10,000 of those per year. Reminds me of that bright young Tony Abbott, who demonstrated his leadership and Rhodes scholarship potential while boxing.
I see our courageous Health Minister is cutting and runnng on the Health record system, My Spy.
It’s nice for Mark to finally win something.
Socrates, very funny!
I have to say I am almost astounded and the u-turn from the media over Turnbull.
The usual r-w doofuses are operating at hysteria levels … that is a given after Saturday, but the rest of them have suddenly brought out their paring knives and are going for it.
It’s like someone removed their rose coloured goggles and set them all free.
Wonderful to watch (though I am rather suspicious).
Socrates @ 10.37 pm
In fairness to Ms Downer, she got third class honours in her undergraduate degree, and that’s not so common. 🙂
Victoria @10:03PM. Interesting link. I have bookmarked it for future reference.
The next Labor Government will need to purge Turnbull, Abbott and most Howard DNA from the system. An investigation into the dodgy donation to a dodgy foundation to “save” the barrier reef, plus another one into what us really going on with Adani, which can hopefully delve into the relationship between the Coalition and Big Coal.
The telling thing we need to look for vis a vis media changing their tune will be the ‘adjectives’ they use when describing each leader’s policies/actions.
Up until now they have persisted in using negative descriptors when referring to Shorten & co, and neutral, or sometimes positive ones for the govt.
I am going to pay particular attention to how they couch their reports in the coming weeks.
“In fairness to Ms Downer, she got third class honours in her undergraduate degree, and that’s not so common. “
Third class honours is basically a D grade in an optional additional year for a degree. Whatever scholarship Ms Downer was awarded must be like the one that Abbott’s daughter got (the latter maybe another subject for Labor to investigate? If the Coalition can spend millions to investigate a $10k union donation vaguely linked to Bill Shorten made 10 years ago to Getup…).
Along with the above descriptors … if they continue to be more positive for Shorten, will be the PPMs & favourability numbers of each leader.
While PPM is unimportant in the overall scheme of voting (and I note someone today on my TV – cannot remember who made a point in laying that out in no uncertain terms) but it will show us if those readings are media-driven …. which is something I have suspected for a while but have no proof.
Steve777 a good way for an institution or benevolent group can buy influence is to pander to the needs of target’s offspring. People will do more for their children than just about anyone
Good point! I doubt if any posters here were able to achieve third class honours 🙂
Never mind Abbott’s daughter, what about Abbott? I still defy anyone to name an Australian Rhodes Scholar winner in the past forty years (other than Tony Abbott) with a pass degree and no academic merit awards whatsoever – not honours, deans list, prizes; zip.
I don’t think the media put-downs of Turnbull will last too long. It’s the Australian oligarchy’s way of reminding Malcolm who’s boss. He will fall back into line and it’ll be back to Kill Bill.
Nothing could upset the NrA more than 3d printed guns.
They are the mouthpiece for the gun industry.
How are the angry white gun nuts going react when any black/brown person can print any weapon they like for 25c worth of plastic?
Thanks for the link to the corruption article, which is excellent. It is sadly consistent with my own experience o& the decline in transparency and probity of federal government funding decisions (at leadt for transport infrastructure) in the past decade.
I would love to see Labor policy be to introduce not only a federal ICAC, but a whole new code for behaviour of Federal politicians and public servants, along the lines of the sweeping changes introduced by the Goss Labor government in Qld after the Fitzgerald inquiry. There is always a risk that some in Labor could be caught by it (eg the former Ipswich mayor currently under investigation) but overall Labor and the nation stands to gain far more from this than might be lost. Currently it seems as though rivers of corporate lobbyists money are flowing into right wing political coffers in exchange for favours. We recently found out about Gina funding the IPA (where dear Georgina learnt her skills). What else haven’t we found out about?
Will we see the nRa suddenly advocating for strict gun controls?
Player One @ #838 Tuesday, July 31st, 2018 – 3:04 pm
and on a trivia point Abe is 1.75, Mal 1.78. Trump claims to be 1.9. Funny how he always ends up standing in a dip in the stage
Dalexander Owner says Tuesday, July 31, 2018 at 9:53 pm
Collusion is not a crime. But it doesn’t matter because there was NO COLLUSION. Except by Crooked Hillary and the Democrats. And you’d better believe that when they do it, it’s a crime!
New thread.
AM. Hunt states that it would need a ‘court order’ and not a ‘warrant’. They are not the same. Then the reporter in an interview with AMA President calls it a court warrant.
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1m1 minute ago
BREAKING: The Trump administration will propose raising to 25% its planned 10% tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese imports, sources say https://bloom.bg/2Oyq6IN