Essential Research: 53-47 to Labor

Essential Research supports Newspoll’s finding that concern is growing about immigration, but not its finding that the Coalition’s electoral position has improved.

As reported by The Guardian, the latest fortnightly Essential Research poll brings no change on two-party preferred, with Labor maintaining its 53-47 lead. As always, primary votes will be with us later today. The poll also contains a suite of findings on immigration, which concur with Newspoll in finding the existing level is perceived as too high. Sixty-four per cent rated there had been too much immigration over the past decade, compared with 50% when the question was last asked in October 2016, and 54% considered the rate of population growth too fast, up from 45% in 2013. Forty-seven per cent wanted fewer short-term working visas, which 63% believed undermined the capacity of Australians to find work, and 62% agreed with the proposition that immigration should be wound back until the necessary infrastructure is in place. Nonetheless, 55% supported the proposition that “multiculturalism and cultural diversity has enriched the social and economic lives of all Australians”, and 61% felt immigration had made a positive contribution overall.

UPDATE: Full report here. Coalition down one to 37%, Labor down one to 36%, Greens up one to 11%, One Nation up one to 8%.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,165 comments on “Essential Research: 53-47 to Labor”

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  1. With the exception of my super brilliant English/History teachers in my last three years at school I am not entirely sure i was ever taught anything by teachers at all. OK not quite true, Good history teachers at two schools, and languages a little.

    Maths I was essentially self taught from text books and rarely listened in class, partly because I was usually ahead. Science also – perhaps I did take copious notes in early years but in my last three years the teaching was pretty awful.

    Had one year in school where the class knew more than the teacher. She was very young an new and was in charge of an impossibly arrogant year 10 class who knew more than she did and KNEW they knew more and sadly were not afraid to tell her so.

  2. zoomster @ #1150 Thursday, April 26th, 2018 – 11:09 pm


    Yes, cheating was rife when I was at University, too, back in the late 70s.

    The Engineering faculty got a fictional student through from first year to graduation, by having students from the year before sit ‘his’ exams.

    Famously, a librarian went to pull a girl out of an exam because she had overdue library books – to find a male student in her allocated seat, who promptly got to his feet and scarpered. When they looked over all her past exams, not one was in her handwriting. (She was very good looking).

    She and at least three male accomplices were sent down.

    I had a guy who hired me to tutor him, but he basically wanted me to write his papers for him. When I refused, he got someone else to do it. It must have been obvious that the work wasn’t his (for starters, it was already six months overdue and his second or third attempt at the same paper) but he seemed to get away with it.

    Coincidentally, I heard someone on ABC radio a couple of days ago, recounting how his entire class cheated on a Physics exam. They organised a series of minor distractions, and used these to cover students exchanging notes.

    A properly run VCE, however, is really hard to cheat on. The series of writing redrafts Mr Newbie bemoans, for example, shows the development of a piece of writing over time. Even if you started with something someone else had written, by the time you’ve rewritten it three times according to the teacher’s suggestions, it’s a very different piece from the one you started with.

    I have a very nice, one owner, bridge I can sell to you real cheap.
    Please forward your bank details.

  3. The HillVerified account@thehill
    23m23 minutes ago

    JUST IN: Trump admits Cohen represented him in Stormy Daniels deal after claiming he had no knowledge of it

    Why I SO want Trump to cooperate with Mueller. He’s like that arrogant crazy general in A Few Good Men. Get him in the dock and let him rip!

  4. zoomster @ #1150 Thursday, April 26th, 2018 – 11:09 pm


    Yes, cheating was rife when I was at University, too, back in the late 70s.

    The Engineering faculty got a fictional student through from first year to graduation, by having students from the year before sit ‘his’ exams.

    Famously, a librarian went to pull a girl out of an exam because she had overdue library books – to find a male student in her allocated seat, who promptly got to his feet and scarpered. When they looked over all her past exams, not one was in her handwriting. (She was very good looking).

    She and at least three male accomplices were sent down.

    I had a guy who hired me to tutor him, but he basically wanted me to write his papers for him. When I refused, he got someone else to do it. It must have been obvious that the work wasn’t his (for starters, it was already six months overdue and his second or third attempt at the same paper) but he seemed to get away with it.

    Coincidentally, I heard someone on ABC radio a couple of days ago, recounting how his entire class cheated on a Physics exam. They organised a series of minor distractions, and used these to cover students exchanging notes.

    A properly run VCE, however, is really hard to cheat on. The series of writing redrafts Mr Newbie bemoans, for example, shows the development of a piece of writing over time. Even if you started with something someone else had written, by the time you’ve rewritten it three times according to the teacher’s suggestions, it’s a very different piece from the one you started with.


    Unfortunately the “draft” process essentially means the teacher writs the essays or it does for many in Qld. ridiculously kind and tolerant teachers actually write the essays for the lazy (mostly international students)

    I am for exams counting 90%. You cannot cheat (especially these days with photo ID). In school exams and essays should be used as a moderator to pick up those students who had a bad day or perhaps get phased by the pressure.

  5. And he let loose on Fox n Friends for heaven’s sake. The safest place for him to unload, hence the one place he feels safe to run his mouth.

    Seriously, the Trump Imbroglio is way better than any soap opera drama commercial TV could ever conjure.

  6. John R:

    What could possibly be more realistic than what is playing out in front of our very eyes?

    I can’t look away, it’s just so incredibly absorbing.

  7. Bill Shorten has a nice smile (as in the ANZAC photo)

    It will win him the election

    I am a very big believer in the importance of body language in elections – especially in Australia with compulsory voting.

    It is very difficult to actually define what it is exactly but Bill Has it. Malcolm does not have it. I think maybe it is smiling with the eyes as well as the mouth.

  8. One my favourite exams was a 3rd year Meteorology exam.

    It was open book and the lecturer would repeat questions from previous exams.

    I was finished and scratching my arse before you were allowed to leave.

    It may sound ridiculous but I don’t think I had studied or prepared harder for an exam than that one.

    The questions were not easy and there would have been little chance of completing them in a normal exam situation.

    And what was achieved?

    You were left with a large trove of solutions to problems that would crop up again and again in future courses and you understood those solutions because you had solved them yourself.

    A very effective way to get students to do a shitload of work! 🙂

  9. Ivanka TrumpVerified account@IvankaTrump
    1h1 hour ago

    Admiral Ronny Jackson is a man of exceptional integrity, character and intellect. We are grateful for his long and distinguished service to our Nation and look forward to continuing to see his warm smile each day at the White House!

    Welp the daughter has spoken so expect the WH to keep Jackson on despite the allegations and his withdrawal from the nomination.

  10. Confessions @ #1153 Thursday, April 26th, 2018 – 11:22 pm

    He’s like that arrogant crazy general in A Few Good Men. Get him in the dock and let him rip!

    “You want the truth? Well too damn bad because I cant even remember what it is anymore I’m so wrapped up in my ball of lies upon lies!!!”

    Doesn’t have quite the same cinematic zing to it.

  11. We were talking about the 3D printing thing earlier in the week. My son has a printer and my son in law was asking as his nephew has a half-hand from birth. They were talking about my son making him a prosthetic.

    Not sur ehow far they got though.

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