So there you have it. Below is a tool for exploring the results at divisional level according to a range of electoral and demographic criteria. Take your pick from the drop down menu, and you will get divisional “yes” votes recorded on the vertical axis, and their results for the relevant indicator on the vertical axis. Most of these are self-explanatory, with the exception of “One Nation support index”. This equals the division’s 2016 Senate vote for One Nation divided by the party’s overall Senate vote in that state, multiplied by 100. So an electorate will score 100 if its One Nation vote is exactly equal to the state average; it will score 200 if it’s double; 50 if it’s half; and so forth. This is to prevent the party’s across-the-board high results in Queensland from spoiling the effect. “Finished school” is measured as a percent of the 15-plus population.
Same-sex marriage survey: 61.6 yes, 38.4 no
And the winner is …
Abortion law is a state matter.
There is quite a lot of evidence sex selective abortion is happening in some ethnic communities when you look at their male to female birth ratio.
IVF sex selection is banned.
I think that is an excellent argument, though I won’t even consider what our HC might decide if the case what sent there.
Agree that it’s a message too Turnbull.
Cory’s a slimy backroom operator. How he got up as a Liberal senator and just flipped to an independent with nothing more than a smirk shows how it’s all about himself. Now it’s time to bleed off the LNP bench + Indies to his cause, those that favour their own ambitions will follow.
Would a gender based restriction on medicare assisted abortions push women into dangerous practices. Perhaps it’s an issue of family consultation to encourage ethnic communities to move away from this?
Diogenes @ #1250 Thursday, November 16th, 2017 – 7:56 pm
Yeah but Medicare funding comes from Canberra. They can decide what procedures are covered and the States either desist or pay for it themselves.
Was that Baker street ? 🙂
RE: Rowe’s latest
Is the significance of the dog running up the road that even they’re joining in the celebrations?
BTW love the telecrap in the gutter. Appalling choice of front page for such a historic event.
Brilliant Rowe. We are so lucky to have the likes of his caliber drawing for our media.
mikehilliard @ #1256 Thursday, November 16th, 2017 – 7:24 pm
Could it be a horse that has bolted?
More like a street with NO name:
TallebudgeraLurker @ #1261 Thursday, November 16th, 2017 – 5:42 pm
That would be my guess as well.
Rowe’s scene looks exactly like a street in Paris France, especially in the region of Saint-Germain-en-Laye about 20 km to the west of the centre of Paris.
Wonder if he’s been there?
The streets are much too narrow for it to be an illustration of an Australian scene.
It must be surreptitious. No one would actually tell the doctor that was the reason for the termination but the statistics indicate it’s happening.
True but again it’s almost impossible to prove as opposed to IVF.
Even just asking is needlessly invasive. If a woman states that she doesn’t want to be pregnant any longer, that should be the end of it. No purpose is served by making her justify her decision or the motives behind it.
This lot advertise sex selection using IVF purely for personal choice. Not sure of the legals or whether Medicare contributes.
This is the article with ABS figures showing a statistically significant higher male to female birth ratio in Chinese and Indian families.
In SA the pregnant has to give a reason for the termination, usually mental health.
“Is the significance of the dog running up the road that even they’re joining in the celebrations?”
Likely to be the dog running in fear of being kicked by the fuming Abbott
No surprises there.
ABC PM had a story about Xenophon taking a part time job as adviser to the person who replaced him in the senate. X claimed it was a good deal for taxpayers because he did full time hours for half the pay!
With all of those excess males… surely there won’t be enough females for them from their own ethnic groups to marry. What might they do instead? Marry each other. Kind of an own goal for these more socially-conservative groups.
re Rowes Street. the Newscorp logo is
looks like it on one of the buildings.
Well spotted! I reckon it’s definitely the News corp logo on that building.
Remember that Warringah returned a high Yes vote in the postal survey. Perhaps voters there were simply taking their cues from their local member.
Mr Newbie
And they voted against SSM so all the extra men can’t marry each other!!
Rowe is such a details man that i always download and zoom in to his pictures. Long may his pen prosper.
Speaking of Murdoch:
China itself, as of recently, has started to address the issue of gender imbalance.
Could gender imbalance be remedied by gender fluidity?
Has anyone mentioned that ‘Bakers Despair’ is a take-off of ‘Bakers Delight’? Who also happen to be a Coalition favourite, as they are behind the Penalty Rates undermining push.
Hadn’t noticed the BAker’s Delight connection. Again, another eagle eyed PBer!
Boerwar @ #1278 Thursday, November 16th, 2017 – 6:42 pm
Perhaps he should start a GetUp campaign to save his 18th Century business model.
David Rowe’s brain. What a place of wonder !
For whatever this is worth from Sky News.
He’s a genius for sure.
C@tmomma @ #1281 Thursday, November 16th, 2017 – 6:47 pm
I don’t think that was deliberate. The emphasis would’ve been on the despair of the baker depicted.
The fact that BD were involved in underpaying their staff was just a lucky coincidence.
Nevertheless, as with all of Rowe’s works there’s enough in them that people can find different levels and meanings within.
Dan Gulberry @ #1287 Thursday, November 16th, 2017 – 6:58 pm
To clarify, I believe that Rowe would’ve used Baker’s Despair even if BDelight hadn’t been involved in pay scandals.
Someone isn’t happy that the other guy got the job:
Coalition MP Ian Macdonald called Senator Hanson-Young a “dill” in reply. He was asked to withdraw but refused the President’s ruling.
The pay thing was mentioned in passing.
Thought it might have been a sacrificial goat escaping its volcanic fate
poroti @ #1254 Thursday, November 16th, 2017 – 8:24 pm
Woah! That takes me back Poroti – summer of ’78. I did an elective term as a student at Bart’s in London, which included wandering down Baker St in search of 221B wi’ twa wee lassies fra’ Glaskey, afor repairin’ tae Islay tae taste t’ malts, an tae’ yon Black Cuillins tae get rained on.
So, is Turbull still PM? Ive been out of the news cycle since early afternoon.
PeeBee @ #1280 Thursday, November 16th, 2017 – 5:47 pm
Considering it’s LGBTI, I think all genders would be fairly equally represented.
So, no, I don’t think so! 🙂
C@tmomma @ #1290 Thursday, November 16th, 2017 – 7:05 pm
Exactly. He threw a stone at one bird but ended up killing two.
According to this article, Anning is still officially a PHON senator because neither he nor Hanson has officially notified the senate clerk or president.
Yet another clown show.
Gosh, I reposted my comment on the Queensland thread and created a double dose!
Our Government likes to run the politico-legal fiction that the refugees on Manus Island and Nauru are the responsibility of the PNG and Nauran Governments respectively.
Jacinda Ardern should call their bluff and go directly to the PNG Government and offer to take the Manus internees off their hands.