The one brand new poll for the week, from Essential Research, made so little change to the BludgerTrack voting intention numbers that I had to double check the result. There was also an infusion of new state breakdown data courtesy of Newspoll’s quarterly state-level results, but the only difference this has made is to add one to the Coalition tally in New South Wales and subtract one in Queensland. There’s big movement in Malcolm Turnbull’s favour on the leadership trend rating following new numbers from Essential Research, but this measure is over-sensitive to the vagaries of particular pollsters, which I’ve long been meaning to correct for. Full results at the bottom of the post.
Essential Research has also released its quarterly state voting intention results this week, which are accumulated from all of its polling over the past three months. In New South Wales, the Coalition has a steady lead of 51-49; in Victoria, Labor’s lead narrows from 53-47 to 52-48; in Queensland, Labor holds a steady lead of 54-46, which is better than they have been doing from other pollsters lately, with One Nation’s primary vote at a relatively modest 13%; in Western Australia, Labor’s lead is down from 55-45 to 54-46; and in South Australia, Labor has a steady lead of 52-48, with the Nick Xenophon Team’s primary vote at 18%. Read all about it here.
Steady as she goes, but that trend looks good.
New cartoon by David Pope sums up the Centrelink outsourcing to Serco very well!

It Is No Longer Safe For Mentally Gone Trump To Go On Fox As He Humiliates Himself On Debt
Not even Sean Hannity could hide the signs that Trump is mentally not all there as the President didn’t know what the national debt is, and thinks the stock market is an asset to pay off the debt.
He told Sean Hannity, “Now, if you look at the stock market, that’s one element, but then we have many other elements. The country — we took it over, it owed $20 trillion, as you know, the last eight years they borrowed more than it did in the whole history of our country, so they borrowed more than $10 trillion — and yet, we picked up $5.2 trillion in the stock market, possibly picked up the whole things in terms of the first nine months in terms of value. So, you could say in one sense we are really increasing values, and maybe in a sense we are reducing debt.”
The debt is money that the federal government has already spent. The stock market is private investment.
The White House has already been limiting Trump’s interviews to friendly outlets like Sean Hannity and Fox News. It might be time to rethink that policy, as Trump can’t even be trusted to face Hannity softballs without displaying both his ignorance and his inability to think.
There is something wrong with Donald Trump, and not even Fox News can hide it any longer.
Trump Runs Away When Asked By Reporters About Abandoning Puerto Rico
Trump ran away from reporters and ignored their questions when they asked him about his comments suggesting that he was going to give up on aid to Puerto Rico.
The President’s response was to ignore the question.
A second reporter asked, “Mr. President, are you committed to Puerto Rico for the long-term?”
Trump responded by ignoring the question and walking out the door.
In the past, this President has been willing to answer questions at these White House events, but on Puerto Rico, just like on Russia, the answer was silence. A real president doesn’t run away from media questions while US citizens are dying due to a failed presidential response.
Instead of dealing with the real crisis in Puerto Rico, Trump is manufacturing one on healthcare.
The White House tried to change the subject with this executive order signing, but the first question that Trump faced was about his tweets and Puerto Rico.
As more people die by the hour in Puerto Rico, Donald Trump is running away and hiding.
‘Stop the genocide’: San Juan mayor begs UN and UNICEF for help Trump won’t give Puerto Rico
After her lambasting of President Donald Trump on Twitter, San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz issued an incendiary press statement in which she called for international agencies to intervene in Puerto Rico, where the federal response to Hurricane Maria is escalating into a humanitarian emergency.
NBC News published the one-page statement, in which Yulín called on the United Nations and UNICEF to “stop the genocide” and bring “drinkable water, food and medicine” to the U.S. territory, which has suffered mightily in the wake of Hurricanes Irma and Maria.
As FEMA has failed to deliver water to the furthest reaches of the devastated island, desperate residents have resorted to drinking the toxic water from contaminated “Superfund” sites. As Rachel Maddow noted on Wednesday night, the first deaths from treatable water-borne diseases have begun.
Pence stops Trump from leaving executive order signing ceremony without signing the order — again
For the second time this year, President Donald Trump tried to leave an executive order signing ceremony before he actually signed the order.
On Thursday, the president finished his remarks about an executive order he was about to sign that would weaken key insurance regulations of the Affordable Care Act. He then started shaking hands with people in the room and started walking definitively toward the exit.
At that point, Vice President Mike Pence had to walk over to him, tap him on the arm, and remind him that he still needed to sign the executive order.
The Kushner family’s money-pit Manhattan tower is on track to lose $24 million this year alone
Jared Kushner’s family is set to take a massive loss related to its stake in the office tower located at 666 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.
Bloomberg reports that the office tower, which is jointly owned by Kushner Cos. and Vornado Realty Trust, is on track to lose $24 million this year alone, which would mark the worst loss on the tower ever since it was last refinanced in 2011.
The 666 Fifth Ave. office tower has been a major money loser for the Kushners for years now, and they have been going around the world looking for investors to help bail them out.
Members of the family earlier this year were caught on camera using their connections to Jared Kushner to entice Chinese investors to put money into Kushner properties, and the family even dangled the possibility of obtaining EB-5 visas in exchange for their investments.
Libertarian Unionist
Or simply China has a shed load of debt-fuelled inflation to export to the rest of the world, and needs a conduit for it that won’t bounce back and exacerbate the problem.
As China has been running export surpluses forever (one – in feb 2017), China’s problem is what assets to put their credits into. Clearly the US dollar as the reserve currency will not last. What is next? There is a limit to Australian assets that can be purchased.
Good Morning
The LNP weathervane Julie Bishop has pointed again.
Asking Abbot to explain himself. Looks like even the LNP is realising Abbott is toxic.
After browsing the news and my twitter feed I only have one question.
Who the fuck is Harvey Weinstien?
Weinstein. The symbolic man. The world fighting back against the election of Trump.
Its the patriarchy vs the rest of us.
In Australia at the moment its ME. However the power structure is the same. The embedded privilege of the patriarchy to treat other human being as lesser than.
From the journalist who broke the story
Greg Hunt summarised: “Climate Change is real but we don’t have to do anything about it”
Newsweek: JUST IN: Steven Seagal the latest star to be accused of sexual harassment after the Harvey Weinstein controversy
The US withdraws from UNESCO.
Is this all part of Jarred grand plan for peace?
Will Danby be calling for Australia to do likewise?
Mr Netanyahu told world leaders at the UN General Assembly last month that UNESCO was promoting “fake history” after it designated Hebron and the two adjoined shrines at its heart — the Jewish Tomb of the Patriarchs and the Muslim Ibrahimi Mosque — as a “Palestinian World Heritage Site in Danger”.
Surely if there was any question of bias they would preserve the mosque and let the tomb crumble.
The fact that are both located in Palestine makes them Palestinian,
One despairs! 🙁
workmanalice: is it on
Good morning Dawn Patrollers.
Waleed Aly writes about the cynical use of terrorism fear to distract from the government’s failings on climate change.
Laura Tingle has a hard look at the energy situation and concludes that Turnbull is right back at square one on energy and climate. A good article. Google.
Simon Holmes a Court writes that a shift to clean energy will come but it will have to wait until after the next election. The politics will remain vile until then, he says.
David Wroe looks into the big data breach in the defence industry. Shorten has accused the government of making excuses rather than demanding answers.
Pyne says the government can’t be blamed for the sloppy cyber security of its sub-contractor that led to hackers stealing 30 gigabytes of commercially-sensitive data.
Following news the Defence Department has had reams of sensitive information stolen by a hacker, Murray Hunter looks at Australia’s weak link — the public service.,10813
Adam Gartrell reports on yesterday’s proceedings in the High Court and the treatment Roberts’ lawyer got from the bench.
David Crowe tells us that the sheer complexity of the legal argument in the High Court spells grave danger for Barnaby Joyce. Google.
The citizenship case in the High Court this week provides a fascinating insight into the overlap of media, politics, law and justice, says Ingrid Matthews.,10811
James Massola tells us that Turnbull’s long-awaited energy package that will dump the Chief Scientist’s proposed CET will be released as soon as next week after the energy committee of cabinet approved the package on Wednesday, clearing a major hurdle to the policy’s release.
Section 2 . . .
Michelle Grattan wonders if Turnbull will be able to sell it.
Morrison has moved to reassure US investors – and Australian mums and dads – that Australia is not headed towards a housing market crash, arguing house prices are high but their value is still “real”. Sure, Scott!
Julia Gillard believes we are living in an “age of anxiety” that affects not just individuals but entire communities and nations, and is partly fuelled by “political convulsions” such as Brexit, the election of Donald Trump and “fake news”. Troy Bramston reports on Gillard’s Annual Hawke Lecture. Google.
Private health insurers will be able to charge higher excesses and offer discounts to under-30s under sweeping Turnbull government changes that will also cut more than a billion dollars from the medical devices sector and scrap coverage for natural therapies such as yoga. I hope they go all the way when it comes to all the fringe stuff.
Meanwhile in the US Trump has been accused of sabotaging the Affordable Care Act on Thursday when he used an executive order to unilaterally weaken Obamacare following months of failed attempts by Republicans to repeal it.
Julie Bishop has launched a stinging attack on Abbott, saying he should explain his sudden change of heart on climate change.
The leader of the Australian Liberal Students’ Federation has been accused of assaulting a fellow club member and intimidating a woman during an ugly stoush at one of the country’s most prestigious universities. This sort of behaviour seems to be de rigeur for young Libs.
Peter Costello has called for what would amount to the nationalisation of compulsory default superannuation, saying if it was run by the government there would be no war between industry and private funds over who should run it. The conservatives can’t come to grips with the fact that industry super funds continually outstrip retail funds’ returns.
Jacqui Maley wonders what is the end game for the Wrecker-in-Chief Abbott. Quite a good read.
Section 4 . . .
Bank bonuses for complacent CEOs may be further reined in APRA warns.
This Australian academic working in a US university unloads on the American practice of inflating grades.
An underground coal fire beneath a Wollongong school that has been dormant for a decade has reignited, sparking a multi-agency government investigation.
A bigger share of Australians than respondents in most other countries think religion does more harm than good in the world, new polling has revealed. But we are also more comfortable with religious diversity than the international average. The apparent contradiction between these two metrics is interesting.
Gina Rinehart faces a multimillion-dollar legal bill to a rival company linked to the descendants of a man her father pioneered Western Australia’s iron ore industry with. Tough titties!
Section 5 . . . Cartoon Corner
David Rowe – you legend!

David Pope goes to town on DHS outsourcing its call centre to Serco.
Matt Golding takes us to the beach with Abbott.
And he drops into the High Court.
Andrew Dyson on the aftermath of the Domino’s decision at FWA.
Cathy Wilcox gives politicians a shout about renewable energy.
And Cathy hits out at defenders of the odious pig Harvey Weinstein.
John Shakespeare on the proposal to use robotic marking on NAPLAN tests.
Simon Letch with a cracker.
Peter Broelman goes skywriting.
Paul Zanetti and all the preaching going on about energy consumption.
Matt Golding and the Ministry of Funny Talks.
Two more shots at the deranged Abbott from Matt Golding.
Sean Leahy and the trouble with an energy free market.
Alan Moir on the NRA’s influence in the US.
Jon Kudelka has the High Court judges calling for room service.
I’m having trouble getting section 3 through so I’ll cut it up a bit.
Section 3 . . .
Trump warned on Thursday that the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the US military can’t provide aid to Puerto Rico “forever,”
Political donors are being promised special access to members of state cabinet if they purchase “premium” $950 tickets to a gala Liberal Party fundraising lunch next month featuring Gladys Berejiklian. Just below the $1000 mandatory political donation reporting threshold!
Our ABC is doing it tough. Michelle Guthrie unloads but stops short of defending it over allegations that it is not “fair and balanced”.
Section 3a . . .
Sean Nicholls calls for a Gladys 2.0 makeover.
Why hasn’t ASIC given Bellamy’s a “speeding ticket”?
A Nationals MP has lashed out at his colleague, former Turnbull government minister Matt Canavan, over his call for gay and lesbian Australians to “grow a spine” in the face of homophobia.
The Trump administration has just announced that it would withdraw from UNESCO, the UN cultural organisation, after years of the US distancing itself because of what it called the group’s “anti-Israel bias.” What IS it about Israel that lets it get away with so much?
Ahmed Fahour in his tie at Australia Post championed opportunity and pay equality for women.
The Australian Taxation Office’s systems to detect and prevent fraud are working, says Second Commissioner Andrew Mills, but there’s always room for improvement.
A firsthand account of the predatory behaviour of the pig Harvey Weinstein.
Lots of calls for sympathy for Harvey Weinstein now that he is suicidal; what about all those women who suffered for years after his appaling treatment of them?.
The Baton in the knapsack strategy of Dead Eyes Dutton amounts to:
You are loyal to the leader…until you aren’t. Then you take your baton out of the knapsack and club your leader over the head with it and step into his shoes.
Thanks guytaur.
“You don’t sign up for the Wallabies or the Socceroos or for the Australian cabinet to not be the leader or have the opportunity to become leader one day,” Mr Dutton said.
So according to the Potato if you have no aspiration to lead you should never join a team.
I suppose that’s to be expected with the Liberal’s born to rule mentality.
One problem if you don’t have workers nothing gets done.
We can do both. No escaping consequences for actions. Do provide support to prevent suicide.
Of course if action has happened sooner by people that saw and said nothing there would be both less victims and Weinstein would not be suicidal
Thanks for your Bumper Dawn Patrol.
Dolly Parton on News 24 saying don’t judge love is love when asked about ME on News 24
Big D
I see Dutton as our Pence. Clear and Present danger aiming to be in charge.
Virginia Trioli does good takedown of spin here
[A bigger share of Australians than respondents in most other countries think religion does more harm than good in the world, new polling has revealed. But we are also more comfortable with religious diversity than the international average. The apparent contradiction between these two metrics is interesting.]
For me greater diversity means that there is less chance of one religion gaining a dominant position of influence within the Society.
So while they can continue to do damage to some directly associated with them, they are not in the position to damage those outside.
Almost as it should be.
Barney, I agree with your sentiments.
JayWeatherill: @MikeKellyofEM @GrogsGamut SA govt fleet procurement 30% electric or hybrid & Teslas recent announcement of 50 charging stations in SA as part of the big battery deal
MSNBC’s Ali Velshi corrects Trump’s fake math on the deficit: ‘Dude, nuh-uh. That’s not how it works’
MSNBC’s Ali Velshi took President Donald Trump to the woodshed for comments the president made in a Fox News interview with Sean Hannity.
Trump claimed that gains in the stock market during his first nine months in office have erased the federal deficit left behind by the Obama administration.
“Dude,” said Velshi. “Nuh-uh. That’s not how it works.”
“That is an erroneous claim by the president of the United States,” he continued. “For fact’s sake, increases in the stock market have absolutely no connection to the debt.”
Velshi — a veteran financial and consumer affairs reporter — explained that the only way to reduce debt is to raise taxes, to have strong economic growth or to reduce spending.
“That’s it,” he said. “Those are the only ways. It’s got nothing to do with the stock market.”
The president’s boasts to Hannity, Velshi said, were “just dishonest.”
According to the AFR, the lib response to Finkel will be to expand direct action (that is, more pork for farmers!)
CNN’s Jake Tapper calls out Trump for trying to ‘make as much money as possible off the government’
CNN Money uncovered that the U.S. Secret Service has been forced to pay over $63,000 to stay at Mar-a-Lago while protecting President Donald Trump for just a few months.
This is the “rack rate,” according to reporter Cristina Alesci, who spoke to Tapper Thursday. The agents weren’t given a government rate or any kind of “deal” since they were forced to be there to do their job. As a result, Trump is directly profiting off of his position and those tax dollars are flowing directly into his pocket.
Tapper noted to his political panel that it “boggles the mind,” how it’s been able to happen.
According to Trump’s financial disclosure forms, Mar-a-Lago made $37 million in revenue between January 2016 and April 2017, CNN Money reported. After Trump was inaugurated, his club raised the membership fee to $200,000, up from $100,000 the previous year. Government ethics experts warn international leaders and lobbyists can now buy access to the president through his properties.
Thus far, Trump has spent 42 days at his club.
Wanted ❗
Experienced sales people to work in a policy advisory capacity.
Having worked for a bank or other financial institute selling dodgy packages to gullible poorly educated folk would be an advantage.
Training in the application of simple IT procedures would be an advantage but not absolutely necessary.
Please forward CV in plain brown paper bags to Dickheads R Us 😜 c/- of the “help Weinstein” support fund at KayJay and Dodgy Bros Enterprises.
I seem to have lost my way a little and probably need fresh coffee plus toasted Vegemite rolls to sort myself out. I think I started out figuring how to get in on the gravy train advising the LNP on how to make stupid decisions.
michaelkoziol: Radio host asks Turnbull how his morning is going: “I’ve been out kayaking on Sydney Harbour, where I live.” #auspol
I have never understood how these priests could rape children, their organisation pay the children after the rapes to keep quite and no charges were laid. Surely this is forcible child prostitution, concealment of a crime.
And of course the main culprits are in Melbourne with the hero and financial wiz of the church Kevin O’Donnell getting mentions.
[A man who was raped and beaten by priests and brothers as a 12-year-old says he felt like a beggar when he asked the Catholic Church for money to pay for medical bills for treatment of the mental and physical illness he suffered as a result of his abuse.
Russell Clark is just one of many survivors of abuse who signed deeds of release, which prevent them from taking further legal action or requesting more compensation.]
Barney, I agree with your sentiments.
Yar, I saw it like that too, tolerant of others views and beliefs but a desire to see them more accountable like all others.
Amazing what happens when your aim is to benefit your members rather than your own bonuses and are not owned by corporations wanting to squeeze every possible cent out of you.
antonbruckner11 (Block)
It’s ironic that the party of supposed business ‘intelligence’ is fixed on direct funding and not market forces.
Ironic? Yes, and bloody tragic.
guytaur @ #31 Friday, October 13th, 2017 – 8:02 am
That guy is just a flim flam man. So much mealy-mouthed platitudes and evasion of the questions Trioli was asking!
Wanted ❗
Training in the application of simple IT procedures would be an advantage but not absolutely necessary.]
I would have thought any IT experience above internet browsing would be a severe disadvantage.
Newsflash: Federal Government allows Private Health Insurers to offer more dud policies to the mugs. Who the hell wants to pay for public hospital insurance so that you get a choice of your own doctor. Don’t make me laugh
Newsflash: Federal Government allows Private Health Insurers to offer more dud policies to the mugs. Who the hell wants to pay for public hospital insurance so that you get a choice of your own doctor. Don’t make me laugh]
Isn’t that a first step into turning public hospitals into private ones?
Barney in Go Dau @ #45 Friday, October 13th, 2017 – 8:33 am
I was thinking of how my imagined conscripts could (wink, wink) use default passwords which would enable clever planners to plunder the organisation and make off with beaucoup riches which would then be blamed on Bill Shorten ❗ (said with reverberant voice). 😎
I was thinking of how my imagined conscripts could (wink, wink) use default passwords which would enable clever planners to plunder the organisation and make off with beaucoup riches which would then be blamed on Bill Shorten ❗ (said with reverberant voice).]
Don’t be silly!
You just outsource that to freelance hackers that have no obvious connection to your business.