Essential Research moves a point in favour of the Coalition this week as a particularly strong result for Labor a fortnight ago washes out of the two-week rolling average, leaving Labor’s lead at 53-47. Primary votes are only provided for the minor parties, so we’ll have to wait on that for the release of the full report later today (UPDATE: here it is: Coalition steady on 37%, Labor down two to 37%, Greens steady on 9%, One Nation steady on 8%). The poll also finds 33% in favour of committing military support to the United States in the event of conflict with North Korea, with 38% opposed and 26% uncommitted. Sixty-one per cent believed parliament should have a say on the matter, with only 22% favouring the prime ministerial prerogative. On the question of the biggest threats to global security, The Guardian relates the results the most favoured responses were, in descending order, terrorism, North Korean aggression, climate change, US aggression, Chinese aggression and Russian aggression.
Essential also provides one of two sets of new numbers on the same-sex marriage plebiscite/survey, the other being a second tranche of results from the weekend’s Newspoll. Both record similarly strong majorities saying they will participate: 63% for definite and 18% for probably from Essential, compared with 67% and 15% from Newspoll. They also both find supporters more likely to vote than opponents, although in both cases this is based on very small samples of prospective non-voters. The two pollsters get different outcomes on the question of whether the postal plebiscite should be held: Newspoll records 49% “in favour” and 43% “opposed”, while Essential has 39% approval and 49% disapproval. Newspoll also finds 62% in favour of “guarantees in law for freedom of conscience, belief and religion if (parliament) legislates for same-sex marriage”.
Well there’s your problem.
“Stealth Maritime Corporation, the Greece-based owner of the tanker, said it was moving to safe anchorage for assessment. Reuters later saw the Alnic MC anchored off Singapore.”
Or Bill Shorten and the Opposition?
Paul_Karp: Turnbull: [drug testing welfare recipients] “is all abt love – if you have loved one on drugs you want them desperately to get off” #auspol
senthorun: How gracious of you, @TurnbullMalcolm. Except, you know, for the bit where you’re making people vote on whether LGBTI folk deserve equality.…
Ah, I see. Christian Porter is acting entirely out of love for those on welfare.
Yeah. No demonisation its all about love. As convincing as love the sinner not the sin for gay people
BevanShields: Malcolm Turnbull’s advice to young LGBTI Australians feeling unhappy or uncertain about the postal vote debate: ‘Believe in yourself’
How will that help?
Good Morning Bludgers : )
In the same vein as Shaun Carney this morning, speculating that a government in panic mode is making some really dumb tactical decisions, like The Great Kiwi-Shorten Conspiracy line, we have Paul Bongiorno echoing that thought with more evidence and relating the government corridors scuttlebut that Turnbull is considering an election by Christmas!
Sending the country to an election to tidy up a mess you have created is not the same as sending the butler out to get a new pair of underpants for you!
Turnbull is revealing in this interview his lack of respect for gay people.
Paul_Karp: Turnbull says the proportion of Australians who are respectful is “99.999%”. Wow, try holding your same-sex partner’s hand in public #auspol
Did Malcolm Turnbull drop some MDMA before he came to work this morning!?! He certainly sounds like his brain has been flooded with Serotonin.
for those in Melbourne I think this train wreck interview is on 3AW
silentmajority @ #4 Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017 – 3:19 am
IIRC the YouTube video of Q&A last night was not geoblocked –
I wonder what this is about.
Vanity perhaps.
They looked as if they were all practising the cat’s bum mouth.
Given that they are often making life & death decisions; i believe that all politicians should be drug tested each day as they enter parliament.
Lol the irony, opinion polls about an opinion poll…
guytaur @ #60 Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017 – 8:04 am
Well, the other .001% are intolerant bigots with lots of money to pay for disgusting posters!
billie @ #6 Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017 – 3:41 am
All of the practices in my suburb bulk bill. Unfortunately, they operate on the corporate model where the doctors are contractors and the practice itself is a shared services type model. The doctors there push you through as fast as is possible and the level of service from them is generally not very good.
The business model that the practices operate under prevent the doctors from being able to achieve their potential as good doctors. If I have a serious problem I make the effort to go to my childhood doctor who is a 45-minute drive away and a $85 fee.
Shorten was 100% right when he said that the Medicare freeze only resulted in patients paying greater out of pocket costs.
lizzie @ #65 Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017 – 8:06 am
Or maybe the Donald Trump mouth.
Hullo from Londongrad Bludgers.
I see that QandA is the talk of the towns back home.
Shame Iview geoblocks it for Aussies overseas.
Go Bill!
Up yours Aunty!]
I subscribe through the iTunes store with no problems.
guytaur @ #14 Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017 – 4:54 am
Pressure like that is only ever applied to Labor people.
khalllaw: REMINDER: every time you buy Gloria Jeans coffee, you contribute to Hillsong and this campaign.…
newmatilda: Hillsong On Marriage Equality: How To Dog Whistle Hate Without Even Really Trying –
On bulk billing, I was under the impression that it was higher in wealthy North Shore/Eastern Suburbs (ie big lib voting areas) compared to Western Sydney. In particulat the seat of North Sydney.
I thought Hillsong sold Gloria Jeans.
I have never frequented a Gloria Jeans establishment since I learned of its ownership.
Dealing with silliness on the internet, I found this —
– on outcomes for children raised by same sex parents.
I will check then but I have not seen contradiction of that on twitter as yet.
I too avoid GJ coffee shops – i thought it was one of the major owners of Hillsong that had ownership of GJ.
Maybe it is Hillsong itself; either way i am not supporting them.
Either way I dont get coffee from them.
Wikipedia says Gloria Jeans is owned by Retail Food Group. A ASX listed company. Also owns Michel’s Patisserie, Brumbys, Crust Pizza
I just checked and you are correct. Thanks for that. Gloria Jeans does deny its owned by Hillsong.
sprocket_ @ #38 Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017 – 5:28 am
On Andriod you have the option to hold your finger on a link, then some options, including “open in a new tab” appear.
Baker’s Delight is also on our list of franchises to avoid, due to their activism around penalty rates.
I avoid coffee chain shops as much as possible. Much prefer the individual coffee shop.
Those lucky enough to listen to ABC radio this morning would have the opportunity to listen to the wonderful Christian Porter, not once but three times, culminating in a foot rub with Sabra Lane.
They obviously think that they’re on a winner with drug testing for welfare recipients, but even for a craven ABC this is surely overkill.
Aww, cute – government MPs think that the citizenship furore is distracting people from all the wonderful things the government is doing, and once it’s all resolved, we’ll once again realise how terrific they are and it will all be rainbows and sunshine…just like it was eighteen Newspolls ago…
The Labor partisan part of me wants them to keep believing this.
The concerned Australian bit wants them to realise that it’s their policies people object to, and have them at least attempt to fix them.
You hipster.
Be fair. The ABC could be letting Porter hang himself legally. A trial before legislation happens means its illegal?
In a sea of negativity here is a positive image. Good to see minorities supporting each other not attacking each other.
And you can bet that there’s a big Liberal donor in there supplying the drug testing material and doing the analysis. For a tidy profit and ability to pocket taxpayers’ dollars.
Did they spell ‘Blackfellas’ incorrectly?
Guytaur the trial won’t start if the legislation isn’t passed. Which makes the overkill publicity on the ABC even more ridiculous.
Any distraction that you can get I guess.
An election before Christmas! Bring it on suckers. Voluntary Assisted Dying I’d call it.
Thats the story.
beneltham: Sydney welfare recipients could face random drug tests as early as January… via @ABCNews
Do you only listen to vinyl? Do you bring your typewriter to cafes?
My wife and I watched Shorten on Q&A last night and thought his performance was excellent. The benefit of Shorten having done 100+ town halls really came through in how well he handled the unscripted nature of the format, and in his ability to engage with the audience.
His on the spot decision to do a straw poll around internet access was a masterstroke and highlights a real area of danger for the L/NP – dissatisfaction with the NBN is getting mainstream tracction and is going to hurt them very badly.
Nope. Never claimed to be a hipster. In point of fact I don’t own any vinyl anymore. My collection got dumped by well meaning parents when I left at their place between moves.
C@t, I think it’s putting the u back in blackfella. That’s inclusion. 😉